Its May Gus

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

IDC who says otherwise its may gus. It will always be may gus in my heart. Mag gus sounds dumb there I said it fight me

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's not even a made up fantasy word. It's just a word not commonly used in English and people keep mispronouncing.

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Well, I pronounce it mah-jus, so therefore I am the most incorrect and I win.

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I've always said may-jus because of the word mage

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mey-guhs, mā-gəs, meɪ-gəs...

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Um, I really hate to embarrass you all, but it's pronounced muh-GOOSE.

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I pronounce is as its spelled. Ma-gus or mah-gus.

Do you see a y? No, then why are you adding a y?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Temperans wrote:

I pronounce is as its spelled. Ma-gus or mah-gus.

Do you see a y? No, then why are you adding a y?

English is stupid...cases in point

bologna, boot vs. foot, Colonel, Island, Macabre, Chaos, Cupboard, Phlegm, Champagne, Lingerie, Lasagna.........

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Temperans wrote:

I pronounce is as its spelled. Ma-gus or mah-gus.

Do you see a y? No, then why are you adding a y?

That's not how words work.

Take, make, place, space, face, same, game, gave, etc. etc. all make the "ay" in their "a" syllable without a hint of a "y" in sight. Yet they all have that pronunciation, 'cause English is just that convoluted.

I've always said "may gus."

I've heard "may jus" a few times if you can smurfing believe it, but that's just silly talk.

I think "mayjus" originates from magi looking like "mayji".

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

May Fuss

(G as in Tough)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think its "My Juice"( and its apple juice)

Ezekieru wrote:
Temperans wrote:

I pronounce is as its spelled. Ma-gus or mah-gus.

Do you see a y? No, then why are you adding a y?

That's not how words work.

Take, make, place, space, face, same, game, gave, etc. etc. all make the "ay" in their "a" syllable without a hint of a "y" in sight. Yet they all have that pronunciation, 'cause English is just that convoluted.

I was being cheeky.

The actual reason is that I read that word as is in spanish. So I don't deal with the weird english.

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Me Gusta.

It's the singular form of magi. But...googling tells me it's may-jus but ma-jai. Completely different "a" sounds between the singular and plural even though they're the same word. Language: more exceptions than rules <shrug>.

Magus just won the Kentucky Derby last Saturday. They pronounced it May-jus. :)

Now if you want to talk weird English, there's the old joke about the word "ghoti." What does it mean?
You pronounce the 'gh' like you do in rough or tough.
You pronounce the 'o' like in women.
You pronounce the 'ti' like in ambitious.
Which means ghoti is an obeys-the-rules-of-English-pronounciation way to spell... :)

Ma-hara-gyrus. You guys are all forgetting the invisible letters in the word that you can only read when you cast Detect Magic.

Easl wrote:
Now if you want to talk weird English,



I am present in the present to present a present.


Separate the following words into two groups of rhyming words:

bear, dear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, sear, wear.

Which does the word 'tear' go into?

Both. But as two separate words.

bar, car, far, mar, par, war

Why does 'war' not rhyme with the others?

For the same reason that 'ear' doesn't. 'w' is a vowel in this case.

breithauptclan wrote:

I am present in the present to present a present.

I wish you'd given me this earlier. You should have pre-sent it.

Based on this exchange that I had with James Jacobs, it seems that the Pathfinder terms are the same as the English terms.

James Jacobs wrote:
Gisher wrote:
I'm making a character who was left as an infant at a Monastery/School maintained by an order of Esoteric Magi. (Magi? Maguses? What is the plural of Magus in Pathfinder anyway?) ...
The plural of magus is magi, same as in the real world.


And according to Merriam-Webster, the English words 'magus' and 'magi' are pronounced mā-gəs and mā-jī respectively.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
breithauptclan wrote:

I am present in the present to present a present.
I wish you'd given me this earlier. You should have pre-sent it.

Sorry. I would have to be prescient in order to do that.

I appreciated the thought, but you can't leave an animated bonsai tree in a wrapped-up box all month. They're very delicate and need a lot of attention.

You can't treat a prissy ent that way.

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Am I the only one finding it hilarious that the OP is ready to fight over pronunciation but struggles with spelling?

Dark Archive

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Um, I really hate to embarrass you all, but it's pronounced muh-GOOSE.

GM: You can't see who cast the fireball at you, but you just took 36 points of fire damage.

PC: Who cooked muh-GOOSE?

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Cleric: "And why, exactly, can't our mage-warrior help us battle the lich today?"
Paladin, emerging from a smoky room: "Magus is cooked."
Rogue: "The word is 'baked', Paladin."

Silver Crusade

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Next month it’ll be June Gus

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Am I the only one finding it hilarious that the OP is ready to fight over pronunciation but struggles with spelling?

You mean the way I phonetically type it the way I want it pronounced? that's how that's supposed to work

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MiraculousWaterBottle wrote:
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Am I the only one finding it hilarious that the OP is ready to fight over pronunciation but struggles with spelling?
You mean the way I phonetically type it the way I want it pronounced? that's how that's supposed to work

No, the way you use "its" instead of "it's" and don't end your sentences with a full stop.

Proper punctuation saves lives... but I don't think it counts as a part of 'spelling'? Ah well, if ever there was a thread for arrant pedantry, this would be the place.

PS wanna throw my lot in with the /ˈmeɪɡəs/ crowd. Much better than Marchgus.

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:

Proper punctuation saves lives... but I don't think it counts as a part of 'spelling'? Ah well, if ever there was a thread for arrant pedantry, this would be the place.

PS wanna throw my lot in with the /ˈmeɪɡəs/ crowd. Much better than Marchgus.

The funny thing about the word "magus" is that if you pronounce it really slowly and with a bit of a Louisiana accent, it sounds kinda like "oranges".

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In my country, it's said mag gus. What's great with English is that sometimes words have a single pronunciation, and often two.

BORK BORK *"It's Mag - Us and I will die on this hill"* BORK BORK

SuperBidi wrote:
In my country, it's said mag gus. What's great with English is that sometimes words have a single pronunciation, and often two.

Let me think on that for a minute. I'm now looking for one that has at least three.

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Invictus Fatum wrote:
Temperans wrote:

I pronounce is as its spelled. Ma-gus or mah-gus.

Do you see a y? No, then why are you adding a y?

English is stupid...cases in point

bologna, boot vs. foot, Colonel, Island, Macabre, Chaos, Cupboard, Phlegm, Champagne, Lingerie, Lasagna.........

Totally OT...this reminds me of the one time in (A)D&D2 days, one of my players misspelled "ring of flame" on their character sheet. They had written "ring of phlem" instead. Hijinks ensued...

Wayfinders Contributor

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It warms my heart to see us debate the important issues.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It is obviously pronounced ‘My Gish’. I don’t know where the rest of you are coming up with all these other pronunciations. :)

Wayfinders Contributor

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Rysky wrote:
Next month it’ll be June Gus

Fun fact: the name October Gus is the reason Halloween promoters backed off from this class and chose witches instead.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
MiraculousWaterBottle wrote:
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Am I the only one finding it hilarious that the OP is ready to fight over pronunciation but struggles with spelling?
You mean the way I phonetically type it the way I want it pronounced? that's how that's supposed to work

No, the way you use "its" instead of "it's" and don't end your sentences with a full stop.

lmao such a small error to try and call someone dumb over because no one else ever makes that mistake for a s#@~post

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Next month it’ll be June Gus
Fun fact: the name October Gus is the reason Halloween promoters backed off from this class and chose witches instead.

Too close to Oktoberfest? :>

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
breithauptclan wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
In my country, it's said mag gus. What's great with English is that sometimes words have a single pronunciation, and often two.
Let me think on that for a minute. I'm now looking for one that has at least three.

Well, there's caramel. (Care-uh-mel / Cahr-uh-mel / Car-mel)

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breithauptclan wrote:
I am present in the present to present a present.

Can you present your present at a time other than the present? I'm concerned with something else at present. Police police Police police police police Police police while Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo, and I think Police police should police the Buffalo buffalo who buffalo Buffalo buffalo; a much more worthwhile use of all our time to discuss, I think you'll agree.

We need to discus the discus.

Cintra Bristol wrote:
breithauptclan wrote:
SuperBidi wrote:
In my country, it's said mag gus. What's great with English is that sometimes words have a single pronunciation, and often two.
Let me think on that for a minute. I'm now looking for one that has at least three.
Well, there's caramel. (Care-uh-mel / Cahr-uh-mel / Car-mel)

Yeah, there are plenty of words that have variations on pronounciation.

I am looking for separate words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently. Like tear water coming from your eyes and tear ripping a piece of paper and present a gift and present the act of giving a presentation.

Haven't found one that has three yet, but I still have hope.

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The closest I am finding from scouring the internet and the ramblings of other bored linguists is 'refuse'.

refuse: trash. I threw the refuse into the bins outside.

refuse: to forbid or deny. I refuse to enter that room.

refuse: to fuse a second time I have also seen this spelled re-fuse. The Metamoran fusion dance ended and now Trunks and Goten need to refuse.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A quick Google of Homophones three words turns up this site that lists several.

It also includes Septuplets:

raise, rays, rase, raze, rehs, réis, res

That's not what breithaupt means. They're looking for words that share spellings but differ in meanings and in pronunciations.

Like wind

Not that homophones aren't cool too. But yeah, I am looking for heteronym triples.

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The point of language is to be understood, not to be correct.

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