Official Lost Omens clarification, errata, and FAQ thread

Rules Discussion

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Grumpus wrote:
PlantThings wrote:

Purifying Icicle has a fortitude save entry that isn't clear what it applies too.

It stumped us during a game the other day so we just played it like a regular spell attack. Are we missing something here? It reminded me of very similar spells, Searing Light and Chilling Darkness, that I looked back to for clues, but no luck.

It probably should have the ATTACK trait too.

Was this (fortitude vs. spell attack) confusion for Purifying Icicle ever answered? I added the spell to a PC in a Malevolence game and the GM decided (after wondering about the discrepancy) to use the spell as a Spell Attack.

During the rest of the week, I forgot about the trouble this spell causes and bought it w/ AcP for a different character I am playing tomorrow in a PFS game.
It would be nice to find out what the correct rules are before I start my game tomorrow evening. Any help is appreciated.
I could not find any Errata for LO:KoL (p. 94 in book).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Grease is a 1st Rank Spell… however… (errata)

Greetings fellow Pathfinder enthusiasts.
Please know that I apologize in advance if this has been covered already… I have read the 2E Players Core Errata and I have searched the forums and do not see this topic covered anywhere.

In both my Hardcover version and my PDF version (released at the same time so this is to be expected) I have found the same “mistake”

On page 304 Grease is listed (correctly) as a 1st Rank Arcane spell.
On page 305 Grease is listed (in-correctly) as a 3rd Rank Arcane spell
On page 312 Grease is listed (correctly) as a 1st Rank Primal spell.
On page 312 Grease is listed (in=correctly) as a 3rd Rank Primal spell.

Now, clearly, I have figured out that Grease is a 1st Rank spell. I guess my question, if I were to have one, is, “Was there another 3rd Rank spell intended to be in these lists or are these simply erroneous additions?”

Looking forward to any clarification you may have

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