Violet_Jade's page
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I have a clarification question about the Yaoguai's Morphic Strikes feat for the Born of Elements Yaoguai heritage from the Tian Xia Character Guide.
The feat states that the unarmed strike gains the "same elemental traits" as the cantrip chosen for that heritage. However, while Ignition, Needle Darts, Timber, Scatter Scree, Slashing Gust, and Spout all have traits corresponding to an element, Electric Arc and Frostbite do not.
Do the unarmed strikes gain no traits if the player selects Electric Arc or Frostbite? Are those two supposed to be associated with elements despite not having any elemental traits? Or, are the energy traits for those two spells meant to be gained by the unarmed strike when Morphic Strikes is selected?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I have been looking through feats, spells, and items from Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall for a character theme. There are a number of feat options which require a deity alignment (and in other cases, a player alignment).
Divine Emissary states the following:
"Prerequisites a familiar, you follow a good-aligned deity or patron"
How is this to be handled in the remaster? It's a Sorcerer/Witch feat, so I cannot imagine that the PC must be sanctified to select the feat, because Sorcerer and Witch don't have sanctification options. Is it based upon deity sanctification?
For options which required PC alignments, are those now based upon whether or not a player is sanctified? Or is there some other determining factor, or are these options simply no longer available?
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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
It would be nice if there were a "Friends From" boon for Rage of Elements, like the ones for Book of the Dead, Age of Ashes, and Howl of the Wild. I'd love to be able to take an elemental as an animal companion on a Ranger without needing to take the Druid archetype purely for access.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I would like to rebuild my Champion for Society play to utilize some of the new options. Since I'd like to keep the Redeemer cause, I believe I'll have to pick a new deity, as Pharasma doesn't allow holy sanctification, so she's no longer a valid option for a remastered Redeemer. (I am making this assumption specifically because I am considering rebuilding, rather than continuing to use the old CRB chassis for Champion utilizing remaster errata.)
However, the vast majority of deities not in the Core 20, along with the one who will be joining the Core 20 later this year, have only errata'd versions of their allowable sanctifications. If I select a deity who has not yet received official sanctification information other than through that errata, and that deity is later printed without holy sanctification even though the errata allows for that sanctification now, would I be required to then purchase a rebuild boon to select another deity?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So, does this rules change mean that Tiny Sprites with Evanescent Wings must spend two actions to Interact with any item not on their person?
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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Very interesting! How does this change affect characters who worshiped and received power from a pantheon that explicitly included Gorum or another deity that will bite it? Are affected pantheons going to be explicitly removed, changed in Divine Mysteries, or kept the same but without the deities that have perished?
(The specific pantheon in question for a player of mine is the Gravelady's Guard, a pantheon that...very explicitly is three deities, one of whom will die and two of whom will not.)
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote: Alas Violet Jade,
I cannot find the full text of these boons anywhere either. I believe that Alex is off at a convention this weekend, but he might be willing to reply to an email written to organizedplay@paizo.com. I'd write to him and ask if he can provide the full text of these boons.
Happy Gaming,
Thank you for your answer! I started looking into it early enough that it's gonna be a bit before we have a Chronicle for people to think about, so I've got time to wait until he's back to hear from him via that email.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I've been scouring the web to find the full text of the chronicle boons available to players and GMs who've gone through the Kingmaker AP and Companion Guide. But I can't find anywhere what character options actually become available when those chronicle boons are purchased. The chronicle sheets themselves just say that you get the boon, and don't list any access options related to the boon. The FAQ similarly doesn't list the full text of boons from most Adventure Paths.
Is there a place where the full boon text from Adventure Path Chronicles can be found? I would like to be sure that I and my players are aware of the types of options that will become available before everyone decides what character(s) to apply credit to. If the text contains spoilers then I'll definitely just want to give a summary of the option types to them instead of the full text. If there's some source that just shows all sanctioned Adventure Path boon text for second edition, that'd probably be even better for myself and other GMs.
Apologies if this is listed in some obvious place, but when I couldn't find the info in the chronicles, on the FAQ, or on the forums, I figured it would be best to ask in case I'm missing something!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hello all! I am trying to build a Courtly Hunter for Society play. Since the Courtly Hunter's companion has an Intelligence score progression just like a familiar, I believe that it gains the following benefits:
1 language known (from gaining intelligence of 3+)
Ability to learn additional languages (by putting skill ranks into Linguistics)
I could be wrong on that, it may be that it can only gain languages by putting ranks into Linguistics, or maybe it knows a number of languages that the Hunter speaks? But, regardless, if it has a familiar's int, I believe it should be able to learn languages.
Obviously, with a few exceptions that someone could probably argue based on real life (which I don't think is really a kind of argument I want to bring to a table), an animal companion still can't actually speak. For an example of what I mean, the rules say raven familiars speak supernaturally, so I'm not going to try to argue about something like a Giant Raven or other creature that's capable of mimicking voices in real life. I want to do fun stuff, but I don't want to grind the table to a screeching halt for stuff that probably only I would enjoy.
However, I wanted to ask about a couple of alternative communication methods I'd thought of. Is Sign Language for one or more specific dialects a legal choice for Linguistics? If so, I could potentially take a bethumbed companion such as a chimpanzee or ape and communicate with it that way. The other question was, would the Prehensile Tail feat for a betailed creature allow the creature to write? I don't want to get my hopes up about that one.
I know that if an animal companion knows a language, that they can understand anyone speaking it, but I was really hoping there could be a way for the companion to communicate back, especially when it gets more intelligent over time and has the potential to use things like Knowledge skills or have other reasons to impart information to its adventuring party.
Sorry if this is a weird question!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
If anyone is still interested, please join the following game:
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Irnk: Yes, Paizo player companion content will also be allowed, as long as you are using content such as traits, feats, etc. and not pregenerated characters from outside We Be Goblins!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
All dice rolling will be done using InvisibleCastle. (http://invisiblecastle.com/) For the purposes of this campaign we will call it "Goblin Frenzy". Otherwise posts on Ongoing Worlds are done using the character as the poster, so keeping track of turns in combat should be straightforward.
You can either use the pregenerated characters in the We Be Goblins! Adventure Path, or generate a first level Goblin character using average gold for the class in question. The stat system used for custom characters will be 15 point-buy. All official Paizo content will be allowed.
You are allowed one character trait from any official Paizo content that applies, including those that the pregenerated characters in We Be Goblins! have.
Let me know if there are parts of your questions you think I haven't answered well enough or if you have more!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hello! I am preparing to host the two We Be Goblins! modules and I am looking for newer players. I have one already, and can take up to three more. The game will be hosted on Ongoing Worlds. Is anyone interested?