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Polymorph any object. Whatever I want, I create. Any food. Any item. No need to make money or gold or whatever, since I can just make the finished product I was going to buy with that money anyway. Plus the ability to change myself. Taller. Thinner. Better hair. Younger? Who knows, let's give it a shot! Today, I'm gonna have gills and fins and go scuba diving without the scuba gear!
But yeah, if low level, prestidigitation sounds fun. Magic special effects all day long!

Zapp |
Cure Disease. If you aren't well, nothing else matters.
No wait, Charm Person*. Just ask people to give stuff to you, and your income is secured. Plus, you'll never be alone.
*) in PF2 this effect is represented by inveigle the ritual. I obviously am not talking about an effect that lasts only seconds.

UnArcaneElection |

Wish -- duplicate any lower level spell and fix some other problems . . . except that can't be the spell you learn first, because you have to level up a long way to get there; plus it is really expensive to use. So, since I have to start low, I guess Prestidigitation, the 0-level cousin of Wish, is the way to go. But I doubt that would suffice to clean my apartment -- I think I would need a 4th level spell for that . . . .

magnuskn |

Greater Teleport, PF1E version, since I have relatives and friends in South America and I live in Europe. Alternatively, get a Ring of Sustenance crafted. Prestidigitation would of course be dope as well. Of course also PF1E for the ring and the cantrip. And, yeah, Mass Heal from PF1E, since curing all diseases and mental illnesses from multiple people would be of course be great.

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If we can just have whatever spell we want right away, then wish is the clear and obvious choice. If we have to follow the Vancian magic rules, then read magic has to be first (if it exists), followed by prestidigitation because its probably the most utility of the cantrips. I know, very boring approach. What can I say, I'm a pragmatist.

JasonOrlandoHawk |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, as a real-life Cleric (read: Member of the Clergy), I am forced to assume that I'd be pulling from the Divine Spell List in this situation. I'm definitely of a more scholarly bent than many of the clergy in my area, so that means we'd be talking Cloistered Cleric.
Yes, I went Cloistered Cleric because of my scholarly aptitude, and not the overwhelming social anxiety I experience as a result of my crippling introversion... Yes, that's the reason!
That means I'm getting a Domain Initiate Feat at 1st Level. If we're being super honest, I'm probably taking the Vigil Domain from Gods & Magic, but Family, Knowledge, or Protection could all fit my hypothetical build as well.
Now, for some spell choice breakdowns:
**Cantrips (5)**
Guidance, Know Direction, Disrupt Undead, Read Aura, Detect Magic
Guidance seems like an ideal counseling spell & I have a really strong sense of direction, so Know Direction seems appropriate. I'm including Disrupt Undead because several of my friends think its funny to drag me along on ghost hunts, only to complain that nothing ever happens when I'm around.
Read Aura & Detect Magic seem like must haves in a world where magic is suddenly happening everywhere!
**1st Level (3)**
Detect Alignment, Sanctuary, Command
I can cold read people pretty well, so Detect Alignment seems like an appropriate choice. And while philosophically, I'm not a "true pacifist," the functional line for me means that for all intents & purposes, I might as well be classified as one - so Sanctuary is probably a must have in my situation.
Command actually isn't one of my Cleric spells. I picked that one up when I was training to be a public school teacher instead!
**2nd Level (3)**
Status, Calm Emotions, Augury (Maybe Dispel Magic)
Classic clergy spells here! Calm Emotions would be useful in a lot of the meetings I attend - and a lot of counseling situations as well. Status is important for keeping track of ill congregants.
I feel like I have Augury already & the results keep coming up "Woe," but it doesn't change what I have to do...
Ah, adulting.
Dispel Magic is imminently useful in a world with magic, but that's the kind of spell you want to consider up-casting so it can deal with more powerful magic. So, really, it drops in this list at the max level spell I can actually cast.
**3rd Level (3)**
Crisis of Faith, Locate, Remove Disease
As for Remove Disease, it's 2020. I'm pretty sure everyone knows why I picked that one.
Crisis of Faith is for those intense theological debates.
Locate is mostly due to the fact that my wife loses stuff frequently & calls on me to help search the house. It's a practical choice.
**4th Level (3)**
Discern Lies, Remove Curse, Spell Immunity
If only we lived in a world where Discern Lies wasn't a necessary 1st pick for this spell level...
Spell Immunity & Remove Curse are probably important picks in defending myself against other Divine Casters out there.
**5th Level (3)**
Summon Celestial, Tongues, Flame Strike
Flame Strike is mostly a tribute to the fact that my friends always want me running the show on 4th of July. I have outdone professionals in my area before... LOL!
I work with a lot of different communities, so Tongues is a very practical choice.
Summon Celestial = Guardian Angel. Enough Said.
**6th Level (3)**
True Seeing, Righteous Might, Repulsion
Righteous Might mostly because I enjoy the Old Testament stories of Sampson - and I think that'd be a lot of fun! Practical in my line of work, not really - but fun!
I'm not sure I actually need to pick True Seeing, but I am a gamer, and I will never not pick True Seeing if it's an option...
As for Repulsion... something, something, crippling introversion, something, something.
**7th Level (3)**
Regenerate, Divine Decree, Plane Shift
Regenerate for some good old fashioned miracle work.
Divine Decree for "Hear now the Word of the Lord!"
Plane Shift because I need a vacation...
**8th Level (3)**
Moment of Renewal, Divine Aura, & Anti-magic Field
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm functionally a pacifist, so I've got to focus on defensive magic. Divine Aura & Anti-Magic Field seem like good candidates.
Moment of Renewal because I don't get enough sleep (especially since the newborn came along).
**9th Level (3)**
Weapon of Judgement ("Peace"), Foresight, Telepathic Demand
Weapon of Judgement (naming "Peace") - because I told you all to sit down & stop all of that arguing already!
Foresight, because trust me, you need to know when your congregants are in danger as a cleric. This comes up a LOT!
Telepathic Demand is another spell I picked up from my training as a educator.
**10th Level (1)**
Miracle or Avatar
I mean, Miracle is the obvious choice here - but if I don't want to be boring, Avatar is probably one of my Top 10 spells in Pathfinder 2e, so... yeah, I'm probably going with that one.

Kir'Eshe |

Calm emotions would be fun. It wouldn't be noticeably supernatural too. It would be of great use nowadays. Cast while waiting in a socially distanced line. Cast at Thanksgiving dinner. Cast at the office. Cast in a traffic jam. Cast on the dog. Cast on the girlfriend. Just concentrate and creatures around you chill!

lemeres |

Prestidigitation. Because it is useful for the... small details.
Changing the color of clothes on the fly. Cleaning blood. Planting blood ('soil'). Changing the taste to hide certain... additions to food and drink. Changing the temperature of a....'souvenir from a friend' ('nonliving')... in order to make people think it is still warm and 'fresh'.
So many, many uses. It is all about the small details.

Gortle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well given that wish and miracle are off the table. You want to be able to do something which you can't do any other way.
The things most fantasy gets wrong is that destroying things is easy, staying alive is hard. A fire blast is probably not really any more effective than a gun, but a power that can keep you alive that is priceless.
So simple healing. Probably Regeneration and Remove Disease. The difficult stuff they even modern medicine struggles with. If you can't gain friends, money and influence with these then you aren't trying very hard.
If I had some sort of stupid desire to do anything dangerous I'd want defenses like level 4 Invisibility, or Stoneskin, or Foresight
Powerful utilites which are sort of the complete package Firey Body, Nature Incarnate, Dragon Form.
If I really needed something more offensive I'd go with Time Beacon,
Suggestion, or Calm Emotions.

Corwin Icewolf |
I'd be a wizard and learn Create food, then create water, then prestidigitation for flavoring the lousy food created by that and making the water taste like soda but with no calories.
Then, I dunno, probably something I could use to power a generator or something so I can get off the grid. Maybe control water?
Healing would be nice, but I still don't like the idea of depending on a deity or nature for it. I'd have to go with first edition arcane physician...
An immortality/eternal youth ritual that doesn't exist yet, and magnificent mansion would be all I needed from there.

Kalaam |

Be a wizard and learn it all anyway !
But first: Prestidigitation. Saves tons of time on cooking, cleaning etc.
Hero's Feast or Create Food are also solid options.
Remove Blindness/Diseases would be a great way to help others while earning enough to make a living, no need to make it super expensive either (or adapt the price to the client).
Create Demi-plane and stuff is cool end goal, no need to own a house and stuff.
Dragon Form because **DUH** who wouldn't like turning into a dragon for overland travel ?

Amaya/Polaris |

Based on my limited experiences, I'm pretty sure I'd be some flavor of fencer and/or mysticism/art-aligned caster as a fantasy adventurer.
Based on the supportive and utilitarian things I'm attracted to, I'm pretty sure I'd go for things like Guidance, Stabilize, Message, Soothing Words, Mending, Soothe, Purify Food and Drink, Comprehend Language, Calm Emotions, Restoration, Locate, and especially Remove Disease.