What "Themes" do you want to see tackled in an AP?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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logic_poet wrote:
Grankless wrote:

I vaguely recall a post by a Paizo employee saying that nobody at the company really cares enough about Brevoy to make an entire AP there. Doesn't help that it's essentially just Westeros, afaik. The most exciting thing to be written about that place is the Choral section in Legends.

Maybe an adventure, but that could probably be set anywhere cooler.

Far upthread, I pitched a return to Brevoy as The One About the Divorce. It might work as a three part high-level AP, though the trend seems to be to make two low-level three-parters, since the low level stuff tends to sell better.

If we're going to have a Brevoy civil war AP, I think this deserves a full 6-parter. Like I posted way above, it doesn't have to be a repeat of War for the Crown, especially if it quickly turns into a hot war.

Another cool thing to add to this would be to have a connection to the PCs of Kingmaker (since they supposedly succeeded in forming a nation just to the south), the way Return of the Runelords has a connection to the PCs of Rise of the Runelords.

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In light of the latest theme that has come up in the "Paizo Leadership Team Update" thread, I will say that a properly done AP in which you finally smash the slavers in Okeno would be a fine addition to the repertoire.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

In light of the latest theme that has come up in the "Paizo Leadership Team Update" thread, I will say that a properly done AP in which you finally smash the slavers in Okeno would be a fine addition to the repertoire.

Especially with the abolitionist gnoll NPC from LO: Legends!

Well crap. Over a 100 new posts since the last time I checked in.

I love when a random thought turn out to be a good idea that resonates with others!

logic_poet wrote:
An AP with an adventure that's The One About the Chess Set: The cover illustration harkens back to the Edgar Rice Burroughs Chessmen of Mars and many AD&D 1e adventures, plus maybe the James Bond movie with the live-action chess game. The cover illustration has Amiri (N), Lem (K), Kyra (B), and Merisiel (disguised as a pawn about to promote). Might work better as a module set in Druma.

I'm confused. What's the adventure here?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Andostre wrote:
logic_poet wrote:
An AP with an adventure that's The One About the Chess Set: The cover illustration harkens back to the Edgar Rice Burroughs Chessmen of Mars and many AD&D 1e adventures, plus maybe the James Bond movie with the live-action chess game. The cover illustration has Amiri (N), Lem (K), Kyra (B), and Merisiel (disguised as a pawn about to promote). Might work better as a module set in Druma.
I'm confused. What's the adventure here?

I didn't have a specific adventure in mind for this one, just the illustration. That said, Kakistocrats wear white, and black is a slight underdog.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
keftiu wrote:
If we keep getting Lost Omens books for each Meta-Region, then the High Seas one is only a matter of time!

I really wonder if they're going to do this, since some of them seem to be slightly redundant with other line books e.g. "The Eye of Dread" and the forthcoming Undead book, or are just harder sells (like "The Shining Kingdom" is Galt + Standard High Fantasy Region).

I'm absolutely jazzed for a High Seas book and an Impossible Lands book though.

One thing I hope as these meta region books come out is that they stick short adventures in there. Even if they are only bounty in length to give a taste of a plot hook developing specific to that region.

I'm not eager for the adventures in Book of the Dead or Dark Archive, but would have been thrilled to see a few in Mwagni Expanse and Absolom. Even when they come out coinciding with an AP; that just means you can explore a scattering of other plot hooks instead.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

In light of the latest theme that has come up in the "Paizo Leadership Team Update" thread, I will say that a properly done AP in which you finally smash the slavers in Okeno would be a fine addition to the repertoire.

So basically "some people complained that we portray bad things in our setting so we're going to pretend that was never the case and just not touch on the subject"?

that's hilariously tone-deaf and leaves a lot of untapped potential on the table. Especially since the coolest characters in the setting are Andoran's anti-slavery privateers and that kickass gnoll abolitionist from Lost Omens Legends.

I agree, a "free the slaves and do all kinds of violence to slavers" AP would be a total blast. Imagine starting off as Bellflower agents, hooking up with the Firebrands, and burning Okeno to the ground before helping Andoran hammer together a coalition ("Hey Molthune, we'll give you a chunk if you help us...Ravounel, we have mutual interests here...River Kingdoms folks, we are offering good pay and lucrative looting terms for mercenaries...Iomedan crusaders, are you still smarting about the Glorious Reclamation?") and liberating Cheliax. I would do it with a party consisting of someone who freed themselves by hijacking a boat, a depressed drunk who worked alongside a slave he was given for six months before freeing them because he couldn't stand owning another person, a woman who runs the underground railroad, and a tall axe-wielding lawyer/boxer with a beard and a stovepipe hat.

You know, for the historical references.

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Okeno blew up. A wizard did it.

I imagine if someone wants to do a adventure with the fall of Okeno, a slave revolt uprising in Katapesh, and a chain reaction across Garund where political leaders decide to free their slaves or else encounter a large army (ala Game of Thrones's Daenerys Targaryen conquering each slaver city) coming to their cities, it probably be best as a home game, something that a talented writer could do for Pathfinder Infinite, or something that happened offscreen in your campaign game.

Of course, you would want to give a cautionary warning to readers that this is a empowerment story.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Earlier, I wrote:

In light of the latest theme that has come up in the "Paizo Leadership Team Update" thread, I will say that a properly done AP in which you finally smash the slavers in Okeno would be a fine addition to the repertoire.

Just in case anybody didn't know yet, this issue now has its own thread.

With most of a year having passed, and now knowing 2023's AP offerings out through the first six months, I wanted to gently necro this thread to ask - where are you still hurting for? What stories and places do you want to see next? What hasn't been done yet in 2e, genre-wise?

I still want that "We deliver the mail" AP.

^I'll bring back up my idea for an Iron Horses AP . . . .

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still want that city/settlement building ap ;D

Liberty's Edge

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I want to see an Iblydos Ancient Greece/Jason and the Argonauts kinda AP. Could be used for introducing 2E's Mythic rules.

Shadow Lodge

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Talkin' Union AP when?

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I think a good idea would be a teamup with groups of the Four Horsemen to wreck havoc on an area of Golarion. The location doesn't really matter.

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I'm still on for a pure exploration AP, with no overarching big bad. Or one where the central conflict is between different equally sympathetic groups and "crushing the Evil ones" is not a workable solution, such as followers of Abadar vs. followers of Erastil over the path of growth and development of a small town - complex diplomacy FTW. Or an all-planar odyssey. Or something that gives us answers about the large-scale scope and make-up of the Dominion of the Black, though I have no preference for whether that happens in Pathfiner or Starfinder and I can see ways it migh be easier in Starfinder.

Though while I am coming up with a list of requests, I feel I should also note that I am still very pleased indeed that between Quest for Frozen Flame and some of the side elements of Extinction Curse the things I had wanted from a dinosaurs-and-megafauna Realm of the Mammoth Lords/Deep Tolguth AP, that I had been jonesing for for years and think I have mentioned in threads like this before, were provided in a very satisfying way.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'd like to take this opportunity for thread necromancy to thank Paizo for the various APs I'd say were good matches fro my requests far up thread. In particular, I'd say Quest for the Frozen Flame, Gatewalkers, Stolen Fate, Season of Ghosts, Wardens of Wildwood, Curtain Call, and Spore War all had elements responsive to my some of my theme requests, and I appreciate it.

logic_poet wrote:
I'd like to take this opportunity for thread necromancy to thank Paizo for the various APs I'd say were good matches fro my requests far up thread. In particular, I'd say Quest for the Frozen Flame, Gatewalkers, Stolen Fate, Season of Ghosts, Wardens of Wildwood, Curtain Call, and Spore War all had elements responsive to my some of my theme requests, and I appreciate it.

Anyone have any new/same themes they desire for future AP's? Might as well make use of the necromancy hahaha!

I get the feeling that Paizo is trying to create archtypal AP's matched to specific kinds of parties, heritages, themes, and tropes. The downside however is that they can be difficult to enter or jump from for characters marching between Adventures/adventure paths (to be fair, they are aware of and working on this problem).

We have a Dwarf AP, soon an elf-AP, an AP for primal beings and classes, An AP for Conan meets Lost World/stone age fantasy, Undead/necromancer AP, and more. What other kinds of AP's do ya'll want and how would you bridge or create sequels for/between them?

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I'm hurting for more of the Golden Road. The easy pitch is a trade caravan running across all/most of it, which could honestly feel very 'classic,' but I also wouldn't mind something that focuses on Rahadoum.

The Dominion of the Black is overdue for a spot in the villain spotlight... and I do think that story should also be a Numerian one.

Reclaiming Sarkoris is too cool to not cover in play. You could really do something with healing the land and (re)building a major settlement as the spine of an AP. Bonus points if we see Jormurdun, the time-lost-but-restored Sky Citadel in the region.

Anything and everything Arcadian: a traditional fantasy romp against the undead Army of Fire, some mummy-punching in lost Razatlani ruins, a boundball sports drama, I'll take pretty much whatever.

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I just had an idea for a great sports-themed AP that easily turns into a political thriller.

If Taldor is an obvious analog of the Byzantine Empire, then it's easy to remember the most important sport in Byzantium. Chariot racing, which provoked urban riots of thousands in Constantinople.

So the AP on this topic starts with a relatively low-level story about the rivalry between sports teams and the dirty tricks of the opponents. But then things get much more interesting as details are revealed about the backers of our opponents and their plans to cause urban riots in Oppara and overthrow the ruler of the country.

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I like the Sarkoris idea a lot so long as it’s higher level. A problem with Quest for the Frozen Flame rn is that it doesn’t lead nicely into any higher level AP currently. A high level Sarkoris AP would help with that.

For a sports themed AP, I was actually thinking Iblydos as the perfect setting, with the opening festival of that AP being the equivalent of the Olympic Games.

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I’d like a Dominion of the Black AP but I’m not much of a fan of Numeria. That said, a high level Numeria campaign could also tie in with Mammoth Lords characters, as the Kellids there are also all descendants of the same peoples.

More than the Dominion tho, I want another attempt at Cosmic Horror. Bring back the other Lovecraftian mythos gods. I’ve fallen in love with Hastur as a returning menace of Golarian but I’m cool with any of the Elder Gods or Great Old Ones being involved instead- so long as we get to fight cults and tentacled monsters.

I’d also like more ‘traditional’ euro-medieval fantasy AP’s with which to familiarize my Christian inclined friends and family into pathfinder. I think they’d be fine with the other genre’s and themes once they learn their particular sensibilities and real world human goodness , but it’s a slow process. I certainly didn’t start with Cosmic Horror when I first began branching out.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mammoth Daddy wrote:


I’d also like more ‘traditional’ euro-medieval fantasy AP’s with which to familiarize my Christian inclined friends and family into pathfinder. I think they’d be fine with the other genre’s and themes once they learn their particular sensibilities and real world human goodness , but it’s a slow process. I certainly didn’t start with Cosmic Horror when I first began branching out.

I think this is an important point. Some APs are a bit harder to pitch to newer players of RPGs, who are largely looking for a more old school fantasy. I think an important part of any AP is the elevator pitch...often times, only a couple of people are interested in any given AP, and they have the job of convincing their friends that it's worth spending a six months to a year on. I also think something that helps is if the theme is generic enough that the GM can snag it and drop it into their homebrew campaign.

I've always said that this was why Kingmaker worked so well. It's a simple pitch...tame the wilderness and found your Kingdom. It's also easy to apply to another homebrew world...just add an untamed wilderness section to your homebrew world and drop it in.

With that being said, I'd love to see an AP about joining a knightly order. Maybe a new knightly order in Taldor, plenty of courtly intrigue in the aftermath of the recent regime change, dangerous quests across the realm, and relatively easy to drag and drop into any homebrew setting.

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I like the classics. Revolution. War. Serial Killers.

I want more like Rise of the Runelords (especially chapter 2), Hells Rebels/Vengeance, War for the Crown.

I just want the newer versions of these. Geb vs. Nex total war, dragging regional actors into play. Cheliax vs. Andoran.

Revolution in Galt to install a player-led kingdom.

Avistan and Impossible Lands have a lot of stories to mine, and I want to adventure in these regions before moving on to other continents. I like to see how everything is connected in a familiar place.

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CastleDour wrote:

I like the classics. Revolution. War. Serial Killers.

I want more like Rise of the Runelords (especially chapter 2), Hells Rebels/Vengeance, War for the Crown.

I just want the newer versions of these. Geb vs. Nex total war, dragging regional actors into play. Cheliax vs. Andoran.

Revolution in Galt to install a player-led kingdom.

Avistan and Impossible Lands have a lot of stories to mine, and I want to adventure in these regions before moving on to other continents. I like to see how everything is connected in a familiar place.

I would -love- to see a Cheliax vs. Andoran AP, particularly if we're able to get into some of the weeds of governance in Andoran and the intrigue that is inherent there. Heck, could combine this with what I was talking about in my post, joining a knightly order, and have the player characters as members of the Eagle Knights.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Andoran vs. Cheliax.

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Elemental planes. I know they don't do six book APs anymore, but I had this dump idea of having a six-book AP where each book focuses on one of the elemental planes. But even within a shorter 3-book AP I'd like some elemental plane shenanigans.

I'd also like an aquatic adventure of some kind. Be it high seas (something like Treasure Island perhaps?), or a underwater merfolk adventure, or maybe something with the Elemental Plane of water. I don't really care which setting it is in, but an excuse to pull out all the cool water monsters is something I crave.

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I'd very much enjoy a Mythic Arcadian adventure.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

keftiu wrote:
I'd very much enjoy a Mythic Arcadian adventure.

I'd rather have a 10-20 Arcadian three part AP.

Shadow Lodge

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Lord Fyre wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I'd very much enjoy a Mythic Arcadian adventure.
I'd rather have a 10-20 Arcadian three part AP.

Surely there remains at least one 1-20 six-parter to be told on the whole continent.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I'd very much enjoy a Mythic Arcadian adventure.
I'd rather have a 10-20 Arcadian three part AP.
Surely there remains at least one 1-20 six-parter to be told on the whole continent.

There's an infinite number of 1–20 six parters that could be told on any continent on Golrarion. The number of potential adventures that would work was never part of the calculation for us shifting to 3 part adventures.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Am reading Roger Zelazny's LORD OF LIGHT and did my first yoga class in almost 5 years yesterday, and boy oh boy, would a Vudran adventure w/ rakshasas would be a lot of fun.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.

Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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NerdOver9000 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.
Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.

Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:


Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.

Very true, but I'm sure the monks would not appreciate that distinction. One of those instances where there are certainly different definitions of honor.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.
Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.
Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.

Save us oh Lord, from the wrath of the North men.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Yakman wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.
Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.
Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.
Save us oh Lord, from the wrath of the North men.

I wouldn't want Viking sea raiding AP. Vikings raiding seems like it would be too easy for a GM to just home brew, without any specific tie-in to the Golarion setting. Now that I think about it, I remember that Frog God Games put out The Northlands Saga Complete for PF 1st edition.

I'd much rather have The One About The Coast Guard, where the PCs are on a boat and do good works of some kind, for some reason. Although Spore War is likely to decrease the appetite for an elf-heavy AP for a while, one angle I'd suggested for this would be an AP where the PCs are on an elven naval vessel based at The Mordant Spire or Arsmeril and oppose Belimarius's claims to the Mierani Forest. I'd also like an AP where the PCs are soft-exiled from Holomog and they take their boat off the south edge of the map.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Yakman wrote:
Am reading Roger Zelazny's LORD OF LIGHT and did my first yoga class in almost 5 years yesterday, and boy oh boy, would a Vudran adventure w/ rakshasas would be a lot of fun.

A travel AP about starting around Qadira and heading eastbound would be cool. Your suggestion would also work well with a Sinbad-style voyage.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:


Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.

Very true, but I'm sure the monks would not appreciate that distinction. One of those instances where there are certainly different definitions of honor.

Go raid one of the Chelaxian monasteries with the Sisterhood of the Golden Erinyes - vikings vs monks with spiked chains with the option to keep the plunder or give it back to the colonised afterwards.

Raid New Thassilon after Belimarius is rebuffed from invading the Linnrom Kings, or rob a ship carrying relics the Aspis Consotrium stole.

There's plenty of options for casual and moral military action along Avistan's western coast.

logic_poet wrote:
Yakman wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.
Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.
Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.
Save us oh Lord, from the wrath of the North men.

{. . .}

I'd much rather have The One About The Coast Guard, where the PCs are on a boat and do good works of some kind, for some reason. Although Spore War is likely to decrease the appetite for an elf-heavy AP for a while, one angle I'd suggested for this would be an AP where the PCs are on an elven naval vessel based at The Mordant Spire or Arsmeril and oppose Belimarius's claims to the Mierani Forest. I'd also like an AP where the PCs are soft-exiled from Holomog and they take their boat off the south edge of the map.

Or Andoren privateers raiding slave ships to free the slaves.

DM Barcas did this awesome adaptation of Skull and Shackles for similar purpose. I followed this until it went inactive, which is too bad, because it was really awesome, including a very original alternative idea of how to start the campaign.

Shadow Lodge

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
logic_poet wrote:
Yakman wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Yakman wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:

^The Runelords Strike Again!? The Infernal Empire Strikes Back? Heist of the Crown?

Here's a Runelord idea: A new generation of Runelords has arisen, but rather than staying secreted away in demiplanes or castles, these brazenly move among the public, actively moving the levers of political power and swaying the masses with crude yet glitzy demagoguery, as they seek World Domination through Political Action.

A Runelord striking north into the Linnorm Kings would be a fun Viking-based AP.
Oh I like that. A Viking AP would be a fun redux to Skulls and Shackles... instead of being a morally gray pirate AP run a morally gray Viking AP, striking south at Varisia or even further south into Ravounel or Cheliax. Scratches a very similar itch in my mind.
Actually, not even "morally gray." Within Norse culture of the time, Vikings were upstanding heroes.
Save us oh Lord, from the wrath of the North men.

{. . .}

I'd much rather have The One About The Coast Guard, where the PCs are on a boat and do good works of some kind, for some reason. Although Spore War is likely to decrease the appetite for an elf-heavy AP for a while, one angle I'd suggested for this would be an AP where the PCs are on an elven naval vessel based at The Mordant Spire or Arsmeril and oppose Belimarius's claims to the Mierani Forest. I'd also like an AP where the PCs are soft-exiled from Holomog and they take their boat off the south edge of the map.

Or Andoren privateers raiding slave ships to free the slaves.

DM Barcas did this awesome adaptation of Skull and Shackles for similar purpose. I followed this until it went inactive, which is too bad, because it was really awesome, including a very original alternative idea of...

Too late, this programme has already been entirely successful offscreen. If you want to do emancipation of labor nowadays, get elected to the People's Council on the Social Democratic Workers' Party ticket.

Liberty's Edge

Can we use Multilingual to become fluent in Chelaxian / Hellish Legalese ?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Yakman wrote:
Am reading Roger Zelazny's LORD OF LIGHT and did my first yoga class in almost 5 years yesterday, and boy oh boy, would a Vudran adventure w/ rakshasas would be a lot of fun.

Considering the new Monster Core rakshasa lore has them assigned to embodying evil, to the point that *failing* to act in a heinously evil manner is a sin to them, a rakshasa-heavy AP exploring ideas of performance, identity and assigned roles could be pretty fun - and it would give a perfect excuse to throw in a reference to real-world folklore about heroic rakshasa.

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Gladiator AP! Unashamedly rip-off the first movie.

Book 1: Players are soldiers or great empire, fighting barbarians or whatever. Somehow end up on bad side of the wicked ruler.

Book 2: Players made to fight in colliseum, ally with other gladiators, perhaps garner attention of a noble patron.

Book 3: Break out of colliseum, lead revolution to depose wicked ruler.


3 part Goblin AP that really leans into how utterly ridiculous a Goblin AP should be.

Liberty's Edge

Theme : Culture shock.

Might be a bit easier to explore now that Alignment is gone.

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