If you could make an AP or a Module.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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It's as the title says. If you had the ability to decide what kind of AP or Module Paizo would put out, what would you choose?

For me personally, I'd choose an AP based around dragons. Perhaps an great wyrm red dragon trying to create an unstoppable army of dragonoid creatures with vile experiments. Ala Nelfarion and Blackwing Lair from World of Warcraft. (I'm not very original.)

Grand Lodge

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I'd love to have a campaign to find out the ultimate fate of Nex. Or a campaign to defeat Geb and free Arazni.

The Nex/Geb war has always been of great interest to me.

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I've mildly contemplated writing an AP based on an Orc Horde invasion that is ultimately lead by an Orc Vampire Lord.

There is a lot of Orc and Vampire material in Pathfinder, but I can't think of an AP that is devoted to either. And something about the notion that at level 18 you'll still be fighting Orcs is rather satisfying.

Brolof wrote:

It's as the title says. If you had the ability to decide what kind of AP or Module Paizo would put out, what would you choose?

For me personally, I'd choose an AP based around dragons. Perhaps an great wyrm red dragon trying to create an unstoppable army of dragonoid creatures with vile experiments. Ala Nelfarion and Blackwing Lair from World of Warcraft. (I'm not very original.)

Just looking at the title, before even clicking on the thread, my first thought was “Dragonslayer”. Good to see great minds thinking alike.

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I would design a module for horse riders. Some classes have a mount, usually a horse. Horses are difficult to use in typical dungeons, so often the PCs trade away their mount for another feature. On the other side of the coin, the typical module assumes the party is on foot, so keeps the distances in walking range rather than riding range.

The solution to the neglect of mounted characters would be a module where the players can play mounted characters and take full advantage of riding the mount. Paladins, cavaliers, samurai, druids and nature oracles with horse animal companions, rangers who trained a warhorse, and gunslingers built as mounted cowboys would be free to ride into battle.

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Mathmuse wrote:

I would design a module for horse riders. Some classes have a mount, usually a horse. Horses are difficult to use in typical dungeons, so often the PCs trade away their mount for another feature. On the other side of the coin, the typical module assumes the party is on foot, so keeps the distances in walking range rather than riding range.

The solution to the neglect of mounted characters would be a module where the players can play mounted characters and take full advantage of riding the mount. Paladins, cavaliers, samurai, druids and nature oracles with horse animal companions, rangers who trained a warhorse, and gunslingers built as mounted cowboys would be free to ride into battle.

Kingmaker is actually really good for such classes.

Ouachitonian wrote:
Brolof wrote:

It's as the title says. If you had the ability to decide what kind of AP or Module Paizo would put out, what would you choose?

For me personally, I'd choose an AP based around dragons. Perhaps an great wyrm red dragon trying to create an unstoppable army of dragonoid creatures with vile experiments. Ala Nelfarion and Blackwing Lair from World of Warcraft. (I'm not very original.)

Just looking at the title, before even clicking on the thread, my first thought was “Dragonslayer”. Good to see great minds thinking alike.

I've even thought of trying to run such a campaign. Main issue is that while I can think of a beginning, and I can think of an end, I'm terrible at connecting the two. Build up is not really my strong suit.

Meirril wrote:

I've mildly contemplated writing an AP based on an Orc Horde invasion that is ultimately lead by an Orc Vampire Lord.

There is a lot of Orc and Vampire material in Pathfinder, but I can't think of an AP that is devoted to either. And something about the notion that at level 18 you'll still be fighting Orcs is rather satisfying.

I've always liked Orcs, and I've always liked Vampires. I've found most GMs for some reason tend to avoid orcs, whether it be because they are very dangerous at low levels, or they wanna avoid being cliche. But the idea of mixing Vampires and Orcs sounds awesome. Bonus points if the art/minature of a Strigoi Ghoul King is used for the Orc Vampire Lord.

There is a certain magma dragon with a certain lost dwarven artifact that I’ve been thinking of writing an adventure around. Would be a mega dungeon kinda campaign. Already running/developing a home brew campaign, and free time is short, but I may work on it someday. I really love the deep delve dungeon crawl kinda adventure.

djdust wrote:
There is a certain magma dragon with a certain lost dwarven artifact that I’ve been thinking of writing an adventure around. Would be a mega dungeon kinda campaign. Already running/developing a home brew campaign, and free time is short, but I may work on it someday. I really love the deep delve dungeon crawl kinda adventure.

Can I ask what Magma Dragon, because I'm genuinely curious. Dwarves are my favorite race in just about everything.

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"If you could"? Just do it!

I agree that a dragon focused AP is an unfilled niche at the moment. Plenty of APs have a dragon or two in them, but nothing really puts dragons on the stage for the majority of the AP.

Brolof wrote:
djdust wrote:
There is a certain magma dragon with a certain lost dwarven artifact that I’ve been thinking of writing an adventure around. Would be a mega dungeon kinda campaign. Already running/developing a home brew campaign, and free time is short, but I may work on it someday. I really love the deep delve dungeon crawl kinda adventure.
Can I ask what Magma Dragon, because I'm genuinely curious. Dwarves are my favorite race in just about everything.


Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.

djdust wrote:
Brolof wrote:
djdust wrote:
There is a certain magma dragon with a certain lost dwarven artifact that I’ve been thinking of writing an adventure around. Would be a mega dungeon kinda campaign. Already running/developing a home brew campaign, and free time is short, but I may work on it someday. I really love the deep delve dungeon crawl kinda adventure.
Can I ask what Magma Dragon, because I'm genuinely curious. Dwarves are my favorite race in just about everything.


Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.

It sounds like it. If you ever decide to run it here as a PBP, I'd love to play.

A rip off of the Dark Tower series of books.

A rip off Skyrim following the Dragonbourne theme.

A mostly underground crusade against the drow. With a reverse play approach of being drow on a crusade against surface dwellers.

Or, just finish my homebrew 5e campaign that prematurely had to end. A titan with a Tarrasque on a chain, genetically engineered weapon-x vampire/drow/fiend army awaiting the upcoming eclipse to strike, a Paladin on a quest to assemble a holy relic sword before the eclipse occurs, an epic battle holding the bridge of a monastery fighting waves of ever increasing difficult enemies, a march across a desert fighting the wasteland and the hostile insectoid tribes that inhabit it, killing the titan and his Tarrasque, venturing north into the frozen unknown to discover the source of a mysterious magic that seems to be unraveling the boundaries between the planes, finding the lich responsible for the disturbance, killing the lich responsible just to find out he was a puppet of his own sentient weapon which had bested its owner in a test of ego and influenced its owner to place his soul in the sentient weapon as a phylactery thus becoming a lich and giving the sentient weapon a soul, and carrying the black blade to the forge of the Paladin's holy relic sword to be properly destroyed whilst fending off leagues of Sith-like cultists obsessed with the power of the Lich's weapon, as well as rekilling the lich every time it reappears on their journey to destroy the weapon/phylactery.

In a world in which dragons have been dying out for ages, only a great wyrm golden remains. He takes off in search for the heart of the universe and ultimate Truth. Meanwhile, on the Shadow Plane, his dark counterpart, a great wyrm umbral, goes off in search for the heart of the negative energy plane. He returns as a great wyrm umbral ravener and is gathering an army to invade the Material world to eradicate light and life forever.

A band of heroes must solve the mystery of the lost last dragon and stop a dark force before the end of existence as we know it!

this is one story arc in the webcomic I started and will never finish, but would make a great campaign!

There's a lot of lore on Iomedae's Crusaders and Aroden's death. I think there is an AP or Module about it because there's related magic magic items but I've never seen or played them. If there is none then that's what I'd want to see put out.

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Something that's actually set in the not-asia

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I would love to see a festival focused adventure, lots of lore about Deity festivals but no actual events. And with so many races and so many Deities there is plenty of options for connected one shots. Plus it would allow profession/Perform to become suddenly mechanically and RP valued skills.
Save the (Farming Deity) harvest festival from the blight, Save the beautiful artwork from the greedy baron for (Artwork Deity) day, Meditation day is interrupted for the Monks of (Martial prowess Deity) by noisy Harpies/Strix/etc on the mountain top, Escort the best brandy from the Halfling farming community to the big city for (Drinking Deity) festival (So they can win best brew and gain prestige and tourism for the struggling town) but watch for rivals and their tricks. So many possibilities... I might have to write a few myself.

djdust wrote:
Brolof wrote:
djdust wrote:
There is a certain magma dragon with a certain lost dwarven artifact that I’ve been thinking of writing an adventure around. Would be a mega dungeon kinda campaign. Already running/developing a home brew campaign, and free time is short, but I may work on it someday. I really love the deep delve dungeon crawl kinda adventure.
Can I ask what Magma Dragon, because I'm genuinely curious. Dwarves are my favorite race in just about everything.


Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.

That's... actually really cool. I never knew about Moschabbatt, but it sounds like a great campaign plot hook, and just generally great for a campaign!

I'd love to write an adventure set in the Lake Encarthan region that's all about hunting down cultists of Norgorber as they try to sow distrust and fear. After uncovering evidence that the Norgorberites are operating in the area, they PC's will get to choose the order they go after the cultists in.

The four cults are:

-Graymaster: the thief-cultists are trying to frame a banker-priest of Abadar for fraud in Nirmathas. The locals are just starting to *maybe* trust the Abadaran, so a scandal like fraud could shatter the Nirmathi bank...meaning people would store their gold in their insecure homes as opposed to a sealed vault. They supply the other cults with coin and supplies.

-Blackfingers: get everyone addicted to a powerful narcotic at a popular festival. The tricky part is that the narcotic is introduced in small doses via sweets, but the addiction is cranked up to 11 by a special oil applied to the torches and bonfires. When the locals eat the candy and then inhale the smoke they'll go into severe withdrawal within 10 minutes if they don't get the drug. Once this happens, the Blackfingers will have everyone in the palm of their hands. They supply the other cults with potions and alchemical goodies.

-Reaper of Reputation: keeping all the other cults coordinated, but also using a massive blackmailing network to keep everyone on their toes. None of the victims will know who's blackmailing them but will do anything to keep their secrets protected. The innocent will have scandals and crimes fabricated to keep them in line. The cult's secret to success is psychic spies and invisible spies.

-Father Skinsaw: the murderers will be using a kind of divination where they read the cuts and blows that killed their victim as a way to tell the future. They help their fellow cultists by killing people who have more and more in common with the PC's until they can go after the PC's directly (which will coincidentally line up with when the PC's go after the Skinsaws).

deuxhero wrote:
Something that's actually set in the not-asia

You mean Tian Xia? The Asia-inspired continent?

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

An AP Against the Cult of Razmir.

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For Golarion, I'd write an Absalom based AP with the penultimate chapter dealing with the Test of the Starstone. The grand finale would involve a four way showdown between the gods of the Starstone and the newly empowered PCs.

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One set in a megadungeon.

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I've always liked Galt as a place that felt way underused. Not sure what to do with it, but an urban campaign à la Crimson Throne seems obvious.

Yeah, Dragons, lots of dragons, of all ages, sizes and types... plus an evil cult making undead dragons that is to be defeated, and the Red Wyrm that wants to be turned into a dracolich to destry, preferably prior to transformation... needless to say,; I'd use both Mongoose's Van Graaf's Journal of Dragons and the old 3.5 Draconomicon...

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An AP set in Nidal or Jalmeray, or one that sees the PCs fending off an invasion by the Dominion of the Black.

Lord of the Rings trilogy as an E6 adventure path going from level 1 to 6. Mostly because it would be really cool to have the trilogy as a campaign. But also so that people understand that Lord of the Rings is a low level story and stop treating Aragorn like he looks anything like a high level character.

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except Gandalf is a fracking godling, even if, as Gandalf the Grey, he was careful NOT to use his magic powers... and Aragorn is indeed likely to be high level, you don't get to be 80 after a lifetime of fighting orcs and other allie/minionss of the Dark Tower by not levelling up... and Bard the Bowman managed to one shot a great wyurm, if that's not high level, I don't know what it.

I would have an AP revolving around Nocticula's ascension to becoming a Chaotic Neutral god.

Dark Archive

I would love a game where the party are spawned by a Drakainia but they don't know it at the start. It starts off as an odd campaign with a "doors wide open" approach to available races and a ton of mutation focused campaign traits. The big reveal of their mayron could lead to them joining her or opposing her. Eventually goes mythic?

It would also introduce mutation/fertility focused bloodlines for sorcerer and barbarian.

djdust wrote:
Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.

This. This this this. You could scale the civilization down to a normal perspective where the PCs are essentially building a dungeon home square by square. Heavy use of the Profession and Craft skills. Add a system to ease the strain of repeated character death because Losing Is Fun. Readily available replacements?

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I'd love an AP Law and Order, where the players start as rookie cops, solve crimes, and end up trying to take down an international criminal syndicate.

Ironically, a heist-themed AP would be neat, although I'm not sure how a narrative would work with that. Maybe a "start your own international criminal syndicate" AP? Kingmaker for Rogues?

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Nothing like a recently released movie of dubious quality, based upon a story read back in childhood, to provide new Adventure Path inspiration:

In Book 5 of Reign of Winter, the PC party had to:

Spoilers for Reign of Winter:
Use the Hut of Baba Yaga to go to Earth in the winter of 1918/1919, in Russia, at the dawn of the Soviet Union, to defeat Baba Yaga's wayward son Grigory Rasputin and stop the device creating worldwide eternal winter on Golarion.

Eventually, the PCs liberate Baba Yaga and defeat her wayward daughter who is ruling Irrisen and in on the creation of worldwide eternal winter, but in exchange extract a promise from her to never trouble Golarion again.

Unfortunately, several years later:

Spoiler for Reign of Winter, and new Adventure Path:
Baba Yaga reneges on the spirit if not the letter of the deal with the earlier PCs -- not going back to Golarion herself, instead:

Baba Yaga makes a deal with the nascent and stumbling Soviet government on Earth to give them a leg up on the other nations by rebuilding and restarting the machine that transfers heat from Golarion to Earth, thus jumpstarting the Soviet economy but once again threatening to plunge Golarion into worldwide eternal winter.

Now, a new set of PCs must find a way to get to Earth, this time without the benefit of the (now repossessed) Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. How will they span distances far beyond those previously thought possible to transverse? When all seems lost, they stumble upon a new possibility: When they rescue three trapped mysterious ancient Occult spirits in the guise of strange Human women, they learn of the possibility of travel by way of a Tesseract connection that they produce by means of a ritual using only their minds. Unfortunately, this is missing one critical support function enjoyed by the earlier PCs: The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga had bathroom facilities, whereas the new PCs are going to be on their own, in Russia, in the dead of winter, during which -- even with the renewed eldritch engine starting to bring extra heat to the world -- is so cold that when you do your business outside (as you must, with the Soviet Union having yet to build widespread bathroom facilities), the vapors from that which you unload freeze onto any nearby objects, including your own outerwear. For this, such a journey shall be known for:

* * * * * * * * A TINKLE IN RIME * * * * * * * *

Rosc wrote:

djdust wrote:
Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.
This. This this this. You could scale the civilization down to a normal perspective where the PCs are essentially building a dungeon home square by square. Heavy use of the Profession and Craft skills. Add a system to ease the strain of repeated character death because Losing Is Fun. Readily available replacements?

Automatic leadership feat? Main PC dies, replace them with their cohort?

I'm not even sure if a direct translation of one game system onto another is possible or even desirable. What is desirable is recreating the feel of a DF game in PF. 1st game year should feel dreadful, where a badger tornado can easily wipe out a fledgling fortress. That 1st caravan should feel like a godsend, but that 1st goblin ambush a visit from hell. Once you're defenses are secured, it's time to dig deeper, build higher, or pull off a stupid dwarven trick.

Can it be done? Probably.

Should it be done? I'm actually kinda tempted now to try.

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Shem wrote:
An AP Against the Cult of Razmir.

I don't know... Usually it's considered bad form for a campaign to have a guaranteed TPK.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Nothing like a recently released movie of dubious quality, based upon a story read back in childhood, to provide new Adventure Path inspiration:

In Book 5 of Reign of Winter, the PC party had to:
** spoiler omitted **

Unfortunately, several years later:
** spoiler omitted **

Baba Yaga makes a deal with the nascent and stumbling Soviet government on Earth to give them a leg up on the other nations by rebuilding and restarting the machine that transfers heat from Golarion to Earth, thus jumpstarting the Soviet economy but once again threatening to plunge Golarion into worldwide eternal winter.

Now, a new set of PCs must find a way to get to Earth, this time without the benefit of the (now repossessed) Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. How will they span distances far beyond those previously thought possible to transverse? When all seems lost, they stumble upon a new possibility: When they rescue three trapped mysterious ancient Occult spirits in the guise of strange Human women, they learn of the possibility of travel by way of a Tesseract connection that they produce by means of a ritual using only their minds. Unfortunately, this is missing one critical support function enjoyed by the earlier PCs: The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga had bathroom facilities, whereas the new PCs are going to be on their own, in Russia, in the dead of winter, during which...

The PCs must join forces with the only country willing to fight the Soviets. With Nazi Technology and Support, the PCs end winter on Golarion but their Nazi allies are doomed to lose a war against Russia since they wasted resources saving the world!

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roguerouge wrote:

I'd love an AP Law and Order, where the players start as rookie cops, solve crimes, and end up trying to take down an international criminal syndicate.

Ironically, a heist-themed AP would be neat, although I'm not sure how a narrative would work with that. Maybe a "start your own international criminal syndicate" AP? Kingmaker for Rogues?

The whole heist-themed AP wouldn't be that hard to arrange. Start off like most criminal enterprises do, you get into it because the organization has dirt on you. Make a list of debts a player can start with. Everyone MUST choose one for their character. Someone has a family member that was sold to the crime boss but he's agreed to hang on to them if the PC pulls off this heist. Another one has a gambling father who owes a ton of debt and this heist will wipe out 1/3rd of it. Another person is someone who joined the organization and screwed up, this heist is a demonstration of their determination to get back in the group's good graces. Someone else went wild at a Brothel and busted the place up before the bouncers got him under control. Now he's working off the damages. Another player was an orphan...but the orphanage is owned by the mob and the player is hoping for a big score to feed the other kids because that is a tradition, the older kids feeding the young ones.

And once they pull off the heist, subtle reminders that the organization can turn the Players in for their crimes. sure, they worked the debt off but now its carrot and stick time. The organization offers all of the black market pleasures they can, and easy fences to buy and sell all kinds of goods. Nice carrot. Throw in a free apartment so you can watch the players. Mob family is real protective and supportive. Stick is threatening their family, or to cut them off from perks, or to turning them over to the guard and providing evidence of all their crimes.

That can't last forever. Eventually they get strong enough to take over the organization. Have their boss start that by him making a bid to take over the organization using the Players. It should be obvious that the only thing he has going for him is the player's support and they can use his plan...and push him out to take over themselves.

And the big finally is the internal strife and previous heists have drawn the attention of the royalty. Now the players get to have a series of battles with the kingdom's guardians. Good Luck.

Thunderlord wrote:
The PCs must join forces with the only country willing to fight the Soviets. With Nazi Technology and Support, the PCs end winter on Golarion but their Nazi allies are doomed to lose a war against Russia since they wasted resources saving the world!

Not sure I'm down for an AP that involves the PC's allying (even temporarily) with one of the most heinous, genocidal regimes in history... even in an evil campaign. o.O

Not that it would ever happen, but I'd definitely be up for an AP where you fight Nazi's.

...Wasn't this to get this much attention, to be honest. Crap ton of good ideas in here.

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Artofregicide wrote:
Thunderlord wrote:
The PCs must join forces with the only country willing to fight the Soviets. With Nazi Technology and Support, the PCs end winter on Golarion but their Nazi allies are doomed to lose a war against Russia since they wasted resources saving the world!

Not sure I'm down for an AP that involves the PC's allying (even temporarily) with one of the most heinous, genocidal regimes in history... even in an evil campaign. o.O

Not that it would ever happen, but I'd definitely be up for an AP where you fight Nazi's.

YOu know that Stalin racked up a death count a lot higher than the Nazis, right?

Klorox wrote:
YOu know that Stalin racked up a death count a lot higher than the Nazis, right?

Over a longer period of time, yeah. And Mao beats Stalin. But it's not a contest where whoever murders the most innocent people wins. It goes without saying Mao, Stalin, Hitler and countless others throughtout history did terrible things. I wouldn't want to play a game where a genocidal regime was treated as sympathetic or even allies of opportunity, no matter where they ranked in death count.

Not sure if you're trolling here, but this is veering off topic and into thorny IRL politics which is against forum rules.

The Exchange

Your colony ship is betrayed. the ship is destroyed or crippled obtain. You have to survive through exploration and then kingdom building. This leads you to discover lost secrets, including the purpose of a mysterious artifact and perhaps more. Eventually there is a showdown between the groups with one side having found the artifact.

Book 1) surviving the betrayal, salvaging resources, and founding a new settlement.
Book 2) exploring the unusual ruins and discovering hints of what is here.
Book 3) thriving and rebuilding ties to civilization.
Book 4) delving into the purpose of the artifact gathering clues.
Book 5) Gathering allies and preparing for the worst / finding the artifact (first?)
Book 6) the show down, consequences, do you fullfill the artifact's purpose?

Im not sure on the other groups's motivation and goals/alignment.

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djdust wrote:
Rosc wrote:

djdust wrote:
Doing a Kingmaker style Dwarf Fortress campaign would be hella fun.
This. This this this. You could scale the civilization down to a normal perspective where the PCs are essentially building a dungeon home square by square. Heavy use of the Profession and Craft skills. Add a system to ease the strain of repeated character death because Losing Is Fun. Readily available replacements?

Automatic leadership feat? Main PC dies, replace them with their cohort?

I'm not even sure if a direct translation of one game system onto another is possible or even desirable. What is desirable is recreating the feel of a DF game in PF. 1st game year should feel dreadful, where a badger tornado can easily wipe out a fledgling fortress. That 1st caravan should feel like a godsend, but that 1st goblin ambush a visit from hell. Once you're defenses are secured, it's time to dig deeper, build higher, or pull off a stupid dwarven trick.

Can it be done? Probably.

Should it be done? I'm actually kinda tempted now to try.

Just so y'all know.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have a few...

1. Arcadian nations send some explorers to see what the Avistani primitives are up to, and to better understand their lands.

2. Morally grey war story- I would have had it set on the Nirmathi/Molthune border, but Taldor/Qadira could also work, or have two ostensibly "good" nations which share a border go to war over legitimate causes.

3. Razmiran- In desperation as mortality approaches, Razmir starts making ever-darker deals with ever-nastier things... only to find that some favors come at too high a price- and that he must turn to outside help to deal with the mess created by his bargains, because to admit his errors to his devout followers is a risk he cannot run.

4. Fix Galt... by having an outside force invade that blood-soaked basket case, and having the PCs as Galtan heroes who rise up and unite the country to repel the threat.

roguerouge wrote:

I'd love an AP Law and Order, where the players start as rookie cops, solve crimes, and end up trying to take down an international criminal syndicate.

Ironically, a heist-themed AP would be neat, although I'm not sure how a narrative would work with that. Maybe a "start your own international criminal syndicate" AP? Kingmaker for Rogues?

I've had an idea that I could never properly bring into fruition for a long time where the players are a group of level 20 master thieves who've been contracted to steal from the Vault of Abadar. This'd be a great capstone to a heister AP, I think.

I'd like to support the demand for a Galt adventure, as well.

For module I'd make one where Thais gets captured again by the devils and you have to free her. Also is there any existing module where you go to Aucturn? That's always been the most interesting planet to me.

Also is there an Old West themed AP yet? If no I'd pick that (not sure what would be the best place to set it though)

Alkenstar is where you'd go for an Old West theme (it's where the iconic Gunslinger and firearms in general are from), though it'd be difficult to work in as an AP because magic doesn't work there. It'd be the first adventure path with banned classes.

^Does magic totally not work there? I thought it was just really unreliable and dangerous.

(Also, a sufficiently high level Blackfire Adept can get through a total magic-dead area, but that doesn’t help most people.)

Some areas of the Mana Wastes are null zones, others are areas of primal magic where your spellbook is more likely to spontaneously combust than allow you to cast a spell. Either way allowing someone to bring a Wizard to that adventure would just be really poor form on the part of the writers.

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Ok... personally I'd LOVE a Jalmeray themed AP.


If I had to run one? Without question it would be the Steaming Seas and Hermea.

The AP would be something like
1. The group is supposed to be representation for a Jarl in the linnworm kingdoms (talking to foreigners is not his thing and you drew short straw)... but the delegation doesn't show. Bandits have taken them, and tracking them and routing them is needed to save face.

2. One of the delegation has a special letter. An invitation to Hermea. But it goes to whomever the Jarl favors. Unfortunately there's other parties in the running, and the group's new found fame only allows them some sway. Can they curry enough favour, gain enough fame? Even to beat the Jarls own nephew? A raid to the land if Irrisen for a border skirmish could be just the thing.

3. Finally the group wins the favour to go to Hermea. But getting there proves difficult, as pirates run thick in these waters. To make matters worse, strange fogs run quickly every night to throw them off course, and dark things churn in the water. They find themselves near The Mordant Spire. The party must face off with something ancient and old, and also convince the Elves protecting the Spire they have a common goal. They fight to stop seals of power from being broken.

4. the group is escorted to Hermea to meet the Great Gold Dragon Mengkare. They are free to explore the city of Promise, making new allies. But soon they see cracks in paradise. Can they uncover the root of something dark and sinister?

5. The group has uncovered the council of 13 has actually been corrupted. Unfortunately throngs of people waiting to get into Promise have turned to Riots. Can they save this paradise before it is torn apart from the inside by those who would be it's leaders, or from the outside by those who would be part of the Grand Experiment.

6. Finally the plan of the council has shown it's true form. The group must stop an overwhelming force of Evil from destroying and sinking Hermea. The Gold Dragon has been driven mad, and all seems lost.

Can the group call upon old allies of Linnorm Kings, mordant spire elves, residents of Hermea and the cure the madness of Mengkare in order to fight an army of the deep? Or will all be lost as the city itself sinks slowly into the seas?

It's.. . Uh... It's Bioshock. With a friggan Dragon.

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