So whats happening with all the Iconics?

Prerelease Discussion

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Dark Archive

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Just Thought I'd bring this up since no one else seems to have. I'm curious whats going to happen in regards with the current group of Iconics Since we know were getting a Goblin alchemist as well as keeping Valerous, Harsk and Seoni so wondering if all the others are gonna be replaced/alterd (Okay if I'm honest mostly Lini I'm curious about).

Also if the rest do remain the same anyone else thing it's ironic were getting a core Goblin Iconic before a core half-orc

I am curious as well.

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As long as they have "decent" builds from the get-go, it should be fine. Seriously, the early versions of PF iconics were nigh-unplayable despite being recommended for newbies.

I did love how not all of them were "the boring generic build". Valeros being TWF and Harsk maining the Crossbow were breaths of fresh air compared to the typical "pre-gen" dudes from D&D. (Looking at you, Tordek & co.)

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From what I've heard/read from Paizo it sounds like they're all remaining if their classes are* but they might have their looks changed a little.

Like Hask having two weapons, Valerous a shield.

* The recent Know Direction Erik made it sound like they want to bring every class over but some will have more focused intensive play testing (Gunslinger) however they're also not interested in just preprinting the same books updated.

ChibiNyan wrote:

I did love how not all of them were "the boring generic build". Valeros being TWF and Harsk maining the Crossbow were breaths of fresh air compared to the typical "pre-gen" dudes from D&D. (Looking at you, Tordek & co.)

?? I thought Harsk was the textbook example of a terrible iconic?

(I've never actually looked at his sheet, but it's what others have said around here)

Dark Archive

Does also seem Seonis attire has been updated somewhat

Silver Crusade

Kerrilyn wrote:

?? I thought Harsk was the textbook example of a terrible iconic?

(I've never actually looked at his sheet, but it's what others have said around here)

The main problem with Harsk as a pregen is that he took the heavy crossbow, so he can only fire every other round. I ran off some copies of the iconics for any new players, and I shifted Harsk to the light crossbow. Slightly less damage, but rapid reload now lets him use it as quick as a bow.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Pathfinder comics really have to have a duel between the old and new iconic alchemists at some point.

They are changing small aspects of their costumes. I would absolutely love if Ezren were to get a pointy-hat.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kevin Mack wrote:
Does also seem Seonis attire has been updated somewhat

How so?

Dark Archive

she has a cloak on the cover of the playtest doc

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I mean, Shardra got left off the International Women's Day promo art, so it might not be looking good for her.

Dark Archive

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Does also seem Seonis attire has been updated somewhat
How so?

Could judt be me but she seemes to be more coverd up on the front and also as someone else mentioned yeah the cloak as well.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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David knott 242 wrote:

The Pathfinder comics really have to have a duel between the old and new iconic alchemists at some point.

That's a hilarious idea.

Dark Archive

Also now that I think about it since setsiel is now the Magus dosent this mean none of the core 12 Iconics are half elfs either?

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

The Pathfinder comics really have to have a duel between the old and new iconic alchemists at some point.

That's a hilarious idea.

Good to see you here. Any chance of giving any spoilers on any of the iconics changes? Is it just bits and pieces of the gear they use or will any of them hae major changes in appearence?

Also while I openly admit to not being a fan of making a goblin a playable Iconic out the gate (I feel the things that make the Golarion Goblin The settings Iconic creature also make it pretty problematic as a Player race at least to the extent of being core) does this open up the possibility of other races becoming Iconics for new classes down the line (I'm weary of the new edition now but a catfolk Iconic would probably make me buy it in a heart beat also might help stabalise the look for catfolk as a whole having an iconic to refrence.)

Maybe in the (probably existant) "Building NPCs" chapter, instead of that elf ranger guy from 1E's CRB, they could put in Damiel as a new example for those "NPCs built using PC rules" (yeah, they were confirmed, just in case no one learned about it).


P.S. Why is the writing box stretching rightwards over the window boundary (Mac OS High Sierra, latest Firefox)? It's frustrating to have to use the tab key to reach the Submit Post button...

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I'm not a Starfinder fan, but one thing that I like about that game's Core Rulebook is that, by the end of each class' section we are given examples of character builds mixing that class with different races and themes, and with different feat selection and stuff, accompanied by a character art to match. I'd love to see that again in 2ed's playtest and/or Core Rulebook, it's great presentation for new gamers, and that way we'll be able to have Damiel in the Core Rulebook. Also put at least one pointy-hat wizard in there! There are far too few of those in modern RPG art (the Time Wizard in Legacy of the First World was amazing!).

Lucas Yew wrote:
"NPCs built using PC rules" (yeah, they were confirmed, just in case no one learned about it).

Do you have a link to that?

The Sideromancer wrote:
Do you have a link to that? iew-with-Erik#74

I think this was it.

P.S. Sorry for no hyperlinks, but my Mac OS Firefox acts strangely on and the format instructions button below won't budge...

Lucas Yew wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
Do you have a link to that? iew-with-Erik#74

I think this was it.

P.S. Sorry for no hyperlinks, but my Mac OS Firefox acts strangely on and the format instructions button below won't budge...

Indeed this is a link

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, Shardra got left off the International Women's Day promo art, so it might not be looking good for her.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, Shardra got left off the International Women's Day promo art, so it might not be looking good for her.

They apologized for the mistake and put up the corrected version.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Also now that I think about it since setsiel is now the Magus dosent this mean none of the core 12 Iconics are half elfs either?

Yes. And there are no half-orcs, either. I wish we'd done it differently back in 2007, but fixing it within the core 12 means saying goodbye to some very good friends, and we're not really interested in going there.

Erik Mona wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Also now that I think about it since setsiel is now the Magus dosent this mean none of the core 12 Iconics are half elfs either?

Yes. And there are no half-orcs, either. I wish we'd done it differently back in 2007, but fixing it within the core 12 means saying goodbye to some very good friends, and we're not really interested in going there.

But it's ok to trade the Jekyll/Hyde elf for a (presumably) pyro little menace.

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Amaranthine Witch wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Also now that I think about it since setsiel is now the Magus dosent this mean none of the core 12 Iconics are half elfs either?

Yes. And there are no half-orcs, either. I wish we'd done it differently back in 2007, but fixing it within the core 12 means saying goodbye to some very good friends, and we're not really interested in going there.

But it's ok to trade the Jekyll/Hyde elf for a (presumably) pyro little menace.

Well, Damiel was a Chaotic Neutral friend, not a Good friend.

But more seriously, if an iconic is getting switched out, I’m not surprised at it being the one with a very Hollywood portrayal of mental health.

Would anyone actually miss the iconic Cavalier;)

Silver Crusade

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The writers who can have something bad happen to him whenever he shows up? I think he's the Iconic for the class Acceptable Target.

And when they need a Denis Leary-insert.

Liberty's Edge

Dragon78 wrote:
Would anyone actually miss the iconic Cavalier;)

We all love to hate him!

the cavalier was noo friend of mine the magus was nooo friend of mine either, for I could not stand either

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Damien obviously used too much of his own product...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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Core Rulebook iconics have a more essential quality to them than the iconics for all of the other classes.



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Erik Mona wrote:

Core Rulebook iconics have a more essential quality to them than the iconics for all of the other classes.




A one-eyed idol bellowing in all caps that no one is safe...


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do kind of hope that 2e doesn't have the "Iconics can only be core race characters" rule <_< I mean, I get that all returning iconics will be, but I assume 2e might have couple of new classes eventually

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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Spent a couple hours thinking about that specifically yesterday. For down the line, of course, but yeah. Lots of opportunity down the road.

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Steelfiredragon wrote:
the cavalier was noo friend of mine the magus was nooo friend of mine either, for I could not stand either

You don't like the man whom shirts cannot touch?


Dark Archive

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Erik Mona wrote:
Spent a couple hours thinking about that specifically yesterday. For down the line, of course, but yeah. Lots of opportunity down the road.

Honestly I'm pretty weary about the whole 2e thing but make a catfolk Iconic and I will buy the product in a heartbeat

I suspect the print run would run out on pre-order and Paizo wouldn't be able to ship enough to GenCon if they did that, KMack.

...and I say this as someone who's only partial to such a concept.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

<- Would throw up in his mouth a little if we had a catfolk iconic.

But it wouldn't stop me from buying anything, so, you know, take it for what little it is worth.

NetoD20 wrote:
They are changing small aspects of their costumes. I would absolutely love if Ezren were to get a pointy-hat.

Assuming he's not too old to adventure now.

Grand Lodge

Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
NetoD20 wrote:
They are changing small aspects of their costumes. I would absolutely love if Ezren were to get a pointy-hat.
Assuming he's not too old to adventure now.

Are you kidding? Ezren may be getting older but he still keeps in shape. I mean have you seen mythic Ezren? Dude is swole! His adventuring days aren't done yet.

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Cole Deschain wrote:
<- Would throw up in his mouth a little if we had a catfolk iconic.

Yeah, hairballs will do that do you.

Madclaw wrote:
Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
NetoD20 wrote:
They are changing small aspects of their costumes. I would absolutely love if Ezren were to get a pointy-hat.
Assuming he's not too old to adventure now.
Are you kidding? Ezren may be getting older but he still keeps in shape. I mean have you seen mythic Ezren? Dude is swole! His adventuring days aren't done yet.

It's been 10 years since PF1, and he was already really old by then, he could've died of old age by now.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Dragon78 wrote:
Would anyone actually miss the iconic Cavalier;)

Alain is the best iconic. If you don't believe me, just ask him.

Dark Archive

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Well maybe this time round we can eventually get an android iconic

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Amaranthine Witch wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Also now that I think about it since setsiel is now the Magus dosent this mean none of the core 12 Iconics are half elfs either?

Yes. And there are no half-orcs, either. I wish we'd done it differently back in 2007, but fixing it within the core 12 means saying goodbye to some very good friends, and we're not really interested in going there.

But it's ok to trade the Jekyll/Hyde elf for a (presumably) pyro little menace.


What's your point?


Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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CorvusMask wrote:
I do kind of hope that 2e doesn't have the "Iconics can only be core race characters" rule <_< I mean, I get that all returning iconics will be, but I assume 2e might have couple of new classes eventually

In PF1, any new races beyond those in the Core Rulebook were always tied to a Bestiary entry, usually as a sidebar or subheader describing how characters of that race are built. PF2 uses ancestries, which will honestly make it easier for us to introduce PC-friendly versions of fan-favorite races in products that don't include monster stats. For example, if Planar Adventures were coming out in a year and was designed for PF2, we might include a chapter on new ancestries and put the aasimar, tiefling, fetchling, ifrit, etc. in there. If there were also a new class in there, the Planewalker (no "s" so no copyright infringement, MtG!), then we'd have the rules for both the class and one of the ancestries in the same book, and so it'd be easy to justify making an aasimar or tiefling iconic of that class. Obviously, this is all hypothetical, but I see ancestries as enabling this sort of diverse iconic spread rather than being a hindrance.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
NetoD20 wrote:
They are changing small aspects of their costumes. I would absolutely love if Ezren were to get a pointy-hat.
Assuming he's not too old to adventure now.
Are you kidding? Ezren may be getting older but he still keeps in shape. I mean have you seen mythic Ezren? Dude is swole! His adventuring days aren't done yet.
It's been 10 years since PF1, and he was already really old by then, he could've died of old age by now.

Ezren was canonically born in 4665 AR, making him 53 this year. That makes him "old" under PF1 aging rules, but what those categories will be in PF2 (or if they'll exist at all) is all seeeeecret until August (at least). So who knows. But he's far from at risk of dying of old age for another 40 years. He's still got venerable to go through, after all!

Silver Crusade

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Mark Moreland wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
I do kind of hope that 2e doesn't have the "Iconics can only be core race characters" rule <_< I mean, I get that all returning iconics will be, but I assume 2e might have couple of new classes eventually
In PF1, any new races beyond those in the Core Rulebook were always tied to a Bestiary entry, usually as a sidebar or subheader describing how characters of that race are built. PF2 uses ancestries, which will honestly make it easier for us to introduce PC-friendly versions of fan-favorite races in products that don't include monster stats. For example, if Planar Adventures were coming out in a year and was designed for PF2, we might include a chapter on new ancestries and put the aasimar, tiefling, fetchling, ifrit, etc. in there. If there were also a new class in there, the Planewalker (no "s" so no copyright infringement, MtG!), then we'd have the rules for both the class and one of the ancestries in the same book, and so it'd be easy to justify making an aasimar or tiefling iconic of that class. Obviously, this is all hypothetical, but I see ancestries as enabling this sort of diverse iconic spread rather than being a hindrance.

Oooo does this mean it opens up to like Blood of the Sea did and give us “monsters” as PCs, like things like Satyrs and Fauns for example?

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