Magus Deck Character Sheets?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Is there an ETA on when the Class Deck Character Sheets download will be updated to include the Magus Deck Characters?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the rule of thumb is that the character sheets will never be downloadable before the street date of the product. For the Magus CD, that's 5.9.17 according to Amazon, so I wouldn't expect the sheets earlier than that.
(That's actually an advantage of living in europe, since the CD will arrive around the street date with standard shipping anyway.)

That being said, I'd like to know as well - same for Reepazo.

Shadow Lodge

Why go by Amazon when paizo has it available now...

Dark Archive

I got two copies at Gencon!

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Why go by Amazon when paizo has it available now...

Checking amazon is faster than searching for the street day on the paizo forums. I'm not telling you to buy it at amazon, I wanted the street date to estimate the arrival of the character sheets.

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Why go by Amazon when paizo has it available now...

Our FLGS had multiple copies in stock last Wednesday. I cancelled my Amazon order and bought it there.


Going back to the actual topic, the answer is "They haven't given us one." I'd add that updates in general have been a bit slow lately and will definitely be slow while recovering from Gen Con.

Aside: The Magus deck's release date (according to the discussion thread from the Magus Deck page) was the 17th, at the start of Gen Con.

I pre-ordered the Magus Class deck directly from Paizo and received it in the mail on Aug.22nd (the release date). I immediately inquired about the downloadable character sheet update, with Magus. I have not had a reply.

While we're on the subject of updating, the Class Deck icons and the Class Deck character CUP images haven't been updated since May 2016 and August 2016 respectively either.

I wanted to draw attention to this thread again hopefully. I still see no characters sheets for this calss deck unless I am missing something. If so though can we get an ETA on when the class deck sheets for the magus will be available? I mean it has been two months now (roughly) since its launch.

From this thread:

Vic Wertz wrote:
The process for handling these was pretty haphazard. We're in the process of fixing it, and will have a bunch of things ready in the next couple weeks.

Thanks Doppelschwert!

MorningstarZero wrote:
Is there an ETA on when the Class Deck Character Sheets download will be updated to include the Magus Deck Characters?

Did this happen yet?

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No. My guess is that it won't happen until they can keep the website running for most of a day. :(

Still waiting. Also we need the Hells Vengeance ones.

Any update of when we can expect to get the character sheets for the latest class decks?

I got an email saying they were ready, but they aren't :(

I got an email that the card game character package had been updated. That is the package with the artwork of the characters. It isn't the same as the character sheets. By chance you mix up the two products, which have similar names? Where did the link in the email take you?

Yep there vere new character pictures and some new icons. Not character sheets.

It's a positive step, though!

Sidenote: Mother Myrtle's PNG is still misspelled.

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Thought to bring this thread out of hiding once more. Been another month. Any new updates to some updated character sheets? Maybe at least up to hells vengeance?

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Vic answered a similar question here about a week ago.

Awesome, thanks for that Mork, sometimes I miss the other posts!


We now have loads of new characters and no new character sheets. Obviously the end of February update was missed - when can we expect the sheets download to be updated?

check out this thread *link* for more info. We're getting close, though not quite there yet.

Can we get some kind of update on the timeline as to when character sheets will be available?

gavin kerr wrote:
Can we get some kind of update on the timeline as to when character sheets will be available?

I would like this as well please.

Yes, it be nice for Organized Play.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

My wife and I have put our playthrough of Season of Faction's Favor on pause until these come out. She's playing a magus, and we've been using a printout of the base character card from the deck preview, but now we need role cards to proceed. We don't like to write on the actual physical card from the box.

I love the pdf printouts and hope to see them come back soon. In the meantime, I've seen two ways to proceed. Taking a scan of the various cards and building a sheet, not nearly as pretty but it works. Throw the cards in some sleeves and just sharpie-ing the sleeve.

Since I am lazy, I've just been going with the sharpie and a penny sleeve. By the time we get to role selection, I'll probably resort to building a sheet as I don't like juggling multiple cards.

Grand Lodge

When the Monk's deck first came out, there was a delay in character sheet production. I actually scanned the card, and both sides of the role card, and used MS Paint to copy-paste them into a single image, which I then printed. This was fine 'til the official ones came out.

It wasn't a 14 month delay though, was it?

Dark Archive

Eight months. The Magus Class Deck released in August 2017. And poor Reepazo has been waiting since last Free RPG Day in June 2017.

Fair enough, but that's still 10 months for Reepazo, not to count any faqs that could've been incorporated in the meantime.
You also have to consider that the characters are finalized before they are released, and the sheets could be prepared in advance. So while 14 months may be hyperbole (it's the last time the sheets were updated), I think it's fair to be annoyed by the delay.

Dark Archive

I agree. It's been a long wait and I'm eager for an update, too.

While we’re waiting for the offficial version we can always use this.

Deane Beman wrote:
While we’re waiting for the offficial version we can always use this.

"Invalid or expired link"

Dark Archive

That appears to be a link to a download from BoardGameGeek, which requires users to be logged in to download files.

Sam P 332 wrote:
That appears to be a link to a download from BoardGameGeek, which requires users to be logged in to download files.

Nope. Being logged in to BGG doesn't help.

Nephew was thinking of getting the Magic class deck, but we won't get anything until there are printable sheets! This is costing you money Paizo!! An actual buck oh five.

Marnok wrote:
Nephew was thinking of getting the Magic class deck, but we won't get anything until there are printable sheets! This is costing you money Paizo!! An actual buck oh five.

And if you don't throw in your buck oh five, who will?

Johnny Chronicle wrote:
Marnok wrote:
Nephew was thinking of getting the Magic class deck, but we won't get anything until there are printable sheets! This is costing you money Paizo!! An actual buck oh five.
And if you don't throw in your buck oh five, who will?

So is the only explanation we've gotten so far that somebody broke their leg at Paizo back in January of 2018 and, prior to that, the process for creating this was "haphazard"? Could uploading the new cards in PDF format be more than, say, a day's work? Two? Three?

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This is getting a real issue as there have been so many decks issued without sheets. At least provide an update on where this is - radio silence suggests either you don't know or you don't care.

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Most likely more pressing issues somewhere else, so these secundary taks get delayed. There is no reason to delay without reasons, and From experience I can say that They care!
So some other issues Are putting these character sheets to side track for unknown time period. They will be released when the team has time. The problematic thing seems to be that the team does not seems to know when They have time to do this...
Hopefully Sooner than later.

There sure is a lot of whining about character sheets.

1. They are not needed to play the game.

2. They are offered as a FREE EXTRA bit by Paizo.

3. If one absolutely can't play the game without one, maybe the game isn't for you.

4. Paizo is not required to make these available. They are just a FREE EXTRA piece of paper.

5. Make your own. What a concept! I have. Can you type? Took me about 1 hour to make all the Magus sheets. Guess what? They work great.

6. Paizo should focus their resources on the things that make them money so they can make more PACG games.

7. To repeat the obvious, they are not needed to play the game.

Move on.

Let the angry replies begin.

[edit 1: typo, remove last sentence, not necessary.]

Dark Archive

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Let's try to remain civil, folks. The aggravation at the wait is valid, and I'm eager for an update, too. The reasons for the delay are certainly not malice or laziness on Paizo's part, so let's keep the issues with our favorite magical-elf-let's-pretend game in perspective. And let's not openly invite an immature response or project one onto other forumites, please.

I assume nothing's happening because it's no-one in particular's job to do it.

I'm kind of surprised no-one in the community has stepped up and scanned in the cards or some such themselves. The ratio of discontentment to effort-required-to-do-something-ourselves is unusually high. There used to be (maybe still are?) very similar sheets (ever so slightly better even, in my opinion) on BGG, for older sets at least. Have they been taken down or has whoever did the last ones just not motivated enough to do the character decks? Someone had a link earlier that's since expired.

If they're actively taking down the community's efforts while failing to provide their own then that does seem worth complaining about, but I have no good reason to think that's the case just yet.

Jim Wright wrote:
(general whining about other people whining)

Wow, someone give this fellow a hug, seems like he needs one.

Bluntness aside, Jim Wright makes valid points.

While it's safe to say that the free downloadable sheets are a great asset (I love them as much as the rest of you), there are plenty of alternatives that players can resort to until Paizo makes official versions available:

  • Sleeving your cards and using suitable pens (I use permanent pens that wash off with rubbing alcohol, but I hear that other options also work)
  • Scan/photocopy/take pictures of your cards and then arrange the images on a document
  • Use your cards as a source to create your own versions of the sheets or character tents or whatever (these don't have to look exactly like the official ones if you don't want them to, and it's probably a lot easier that way - but if anyone wants a Word doc template that looks close, but uses green instead of blue, send me a PM)
As you can see, there are ways around not having the official sheets. All require some small investment in resources (time and/or money), but making that investment might help us to appreciate the free ones that Paizo provides, and what it takes to make them, a bit more. The only players that can't make use of any of these options are those that don't have the decks in the first place.

Ultimately, Paizo is providing these extra freebies, but they don't have to. We should be grateful when they provide them, but shouldn't be so demanding (dare I say "entitled?") when some aren't available right away.

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Irgy wrote:
I'm kind of surprised no-one in the community has stepped up and scanned in the cards or some such themselves.

Anyone can (if they have the time and technical skill) create sheets or similar for their own use. However, until the various parts appear in the Community Use Packages (card text in the Character Sheets, character pictures in the Character image pack, logos in their respective packages) or in the Blog, we cannot use them under the Community Use Policy and share those creations without violating Paizo's IP.

It'd be nice if these files were updated closer to when new items were released, but we have no control over it. All we can do is occasionally politely remind the Paizo folks that we'd appreciate it if it were part of the schedule.

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Parody wrote:
Irgy wrote:
I'm kind of surprised no-one in the community has stepped up and scanned in the cards or some such themselves.

Anyone can (if they have the time and technical skill) create sheets or similar for their own use. However, until the various parts appear in the Community Use Packages (card text in the Character Sheets, character pictures in the Character image pack, logos in their respective packages) or in the Blog, we cannot use them under the Community Use Policy and share those creations without violating Paizo's IP.

It'd be nice if these files were updated closer to when new items were released, but we have no control over it. All we can do is occasionally politely remind the Paizo folks that we'd appreciate it if it were part of the schedule.

Indeed, I have known several people who have made their own character sheets. Some sheets of which there are existing official sheets, and other sheets which lack the official ones. My SO uses a homemade sheet and frankly we like it better than the official one because it was built with just her specific role card in mind so it has only pertinent info on it.

As Parody points out, these can't always be freely distributed due to the lack of updates to the Paizo community use package for newer content.

I agree that it is reasonable to be upset, but I also agree that there must be perfectly valid reasons for delaying this. At the end of the day, I have settled with sleeving my character token card and using permanent markers. It works well for me. My SO likes the homemade character sheet that she uses and that works for her.

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