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![]() I guess for me its just that I simply want to skip some scenario's because the combination of "not a fun objective" with a crappy reward, like all allies under X card or X location, really discerns me from wanting to finish it. Just a personal quam. I have had people in my group, who it was their first play through of any PACG Ad Path, kind of get bummed out that they do not get anything for killing X amount of monsters, For example Zombicide, where you get something as simple as XP ticks. I am like "no the reward is at the end of scenario...and its an item that is not basic." so all this work for an item that isn't basic or a loot that gives +1 to your X check. They start to get burned out. Now for me that feeling comes and goes as I have played every adventure path at least twice or more now. SO I guess that was the feeling I was trying to get past. I really like the recommendations for a solution, May try them. generally like I said I do not like to change much from the game except a small altercation. ![]()
![]() I agree about that distinction hawkmoon, But you hit the nail on the head with it being the most desirable and the fact that sometimes you have that plan progession you have to hit to get the results you want. I will say I like MM thing About the one at the get go but I think it shorts you one towards the last scenario. I could be wrong. But I am thinking of just doing a +1 bonus. Unsure. I appreciate the opinions and ideas. Great community :) ![]()
![]() During me and a friends play through Saturday I got to thinking that I feel sometimes power feats are not given out...oh lets say...enough? I feel that more in MM after completing it twice now. Most of the time I feel things are well balanced. But sometimes we get that quest that just has the stupidest or most pointless reward where we feel like "aww still no power up" Now with this in mind I have two things, 1. does anyone else ever feel the same way? 2. if so, or not, does anyone do any altercations or house rules about more frequent power ups? I am not generally for changing rules unless it is minor convenience tweaks or so. But I was curious if anyone has found a fair and balanced way to make you feel more EMPOWERED I guess is the best way to say it. ![]()
![]() Ahmotep
Ahmotep though is probably my favorite core set character, including add on decks, not CD's though. The fact that you could potentially add X or Minus X to a check with her role power feat was so amazing and great in almost 90% of mine and my buddies events play through. I will say I have started a solo run with the lightning girl, simoun, and the old with lady with the soldier looking ally she always has and I LOVE them, Estra. but started a new MM with a friend so I put those characters away and started the new version of the SnS Magus character form the Magus CD. SO far I am feeling ok with the guy. Some aspects are great yet I feel there is some missed potential for him. But back to the ESTRA, its great to cast spells. Let them hit the discard pile, then use her ally to bring it back. SO its like you get free cures and such. She is so versatile with her ally it makes any challenge fun to solve. ![]()
![]() Just started playing the magus deck, and the arcana adds your intel die. May be obvious, but just want to make sure that its die and not skill. I ask this because in the past their have been multiple corrections to weapons and other things that add a die when originally they were to add your skill instead. Thanks! ![]()
![]() That's very good to hear. I sleeved the entire set of RotR but now me and my groups only sleeve what we handle from whats in our decks and hand. Too much sleeving and money on cards that still stay in great shape when only dealt into locations. This weekend I may order a set or two of the organizers. Mummy's mask and WotR are the sets we play the most right now so I may start with those. Thanks for the response Brother Tyler. ![]()
![]() Hunga munga in mm still uses the die terminology even though its skill. Thats explained in the faq. But if it's not checked no one would know. So paizo is creating a reliance on a gaq for me every time a new set comes out. Magic does not do this. Only to explain how certain rules work. We also attuned to use skill as well so we got lucky. ![]()
![]() To skizzerz. My point is I bought rise of the rune lords and off release it had a generous helping of typoes and misprints. Tons. Alot of my friends who play magic who are part of my group wwre shocked as well. Like I had to write two handed on some weapons or give it.the magic trait. Mtg does not do that early when something is released. They do it when things change like when enters play got changed to enter the.battlefield. Im strictly talking MISTAKES, TYPOS, AND PRINTING ERROS. Not mechanic adjustments. Yes no game will be without them. My point is pacg has way too many as a whole. ![]()
![]() I am season magic vet of 18 years and I highly disagree about the corrections. They are ORACLE changes that are changes LONG down the road. My example is that when I buy a set then see that "x" card needs to have "strength die changef to strength skill" and that's on alot of cards, in a relative sense, thats a little ridiculous. I should not have to pay or go through materials to fix cards or pieces of a product that a company has sold. Accepting that is just being a general consumer sheep. But don't get me wrong I understand typos and a few errors but there are WAY too many. And it's a minor annoyance at that. For example I bought the rouge class deck, on wu shen, one of her roles has a power to add 2 to there checks against x (cant remember what) and it shows no check box. But in the faq it says to add it. Thats a huge deal since it affects power feat consumption. So instead of seeing it as a free buff it's actually not and my group would have never have known, or the guy playing her. I feel that's a bit unacceptable when you deliver a product. Not trying to be an ass or anything :) ![]()
![]() I honestly would love to see a better feeling of progression yet I know this would be difficult possibly. I have heard comments from my play group and others who play the game but not with myself, that one consistent issue they have is some of the rewards at the end of scenarios. I will have to agree that I hate HATE when you play a scenario and lets say its a four player game and you have an opportunity to get 5 total allies given the locations, or even more. But at the end of the scenario you get X amount of allies that are in a separate pile that got made or something. These scenarios I feel, and others as well, are HIGHLY underwhelming to complete, especially if the scenario its self has a lame "do this to win" or a not exciting theme to its overall play. Now my group does not want to get OVERPOWERED but would like a sense of progression when we sit down and play a few scenarios. I think the loot's for some scenarios is great though some loots, actually a good amount of them, are very underwhelming. I know this could be difficult to change for scaling. As an idea of how it could be different or better? I do not really know. That's why I think maybe side quests, which have been mentioned, or objectives would be a great tie in. And they could be generic or specifically underlined from the scenario. Like for example, "during this scenario if you take 0 damage or kill X amount of monsters, etc. get an addition skill feat." I would think these type of things could be spread out and scaled correctly that way certain players can agree that they would like to do said Side quest because they like the reward or something. I personally do not like how many corrections there are to cards to this game as well. as for someone who owns all sets and half the class decks I am very shocked as to how many times I had to reference the FAQ about mis-printed cards and such. I have never seen so many errors in any other board/card game. Lastly, and this is a small thing from me personally and not the group. But I feel if you are going to print a card called "Flaming Mace +1" it should have the fire trait automatically. I shouldn't have to discard it to add it. Some weapons have this annoyance and others do not. It makes me thinking im lighting my mace on fire though the card already states FLAMING. To me its just a mace weapon with a +1. SO in general, more uniqueness to weapons and items and such. ESPECIALLY ally's. I feel like a lot of them are very generic and are my least favorite boon type. I will say the turn that boons took a turn in the right direction were blessings from wrath and mummy is a great example. They have special conditions and other little tid bit of helpfulness that made them feel unique. I know I am rambling but to wrap this up, Make weapons, or anything else that applies, have the element that it says in its name. "Generic SHocking Spear +1" should always have the electric trait. I should not have to discard to get the trait added. Also it would be cool if a "Flaming mace +1" would say "if used against a bane with the cold trait add 1D6 or 1DX to it." Same for like any other elemental weakness type of stuff. None the less, Fantastic Game. Huge Fan, right now it is mine and my buddies go to game for Co-Op. We meet probably once or twice a week to play then our group tries for once a week or every two weeks. Keep up the great work and thanks for being a developer and such that seeks out fan opinions and such! ![]()
![]() Its damiel from the class deck. He discards a alchemical card or 2 cards, to add intelligence skill. then a power feat to add it to Non combat strength, constitution, or dexterity check. So my character is losing the extra check but get a buffer of +2 since craft is +2. my buddies zadim was pretty nuts since he had a good amount of poison weapons so he was always invoking and such. I just got done playing the magus ahmotep. and I felt her ability recharge a card to add or subtract to the check equal to the adventure deck number of the card recharged was nuts. I agree though that I could just try her out and if it feels a little over powered I can change it. I really want to dive into the roles but I need to get this down first haha. Again thanks for the feedback! ![]()
![]() The discard for craft came from an idea for one of the alchemists already made by paizo, I believe SnS alchemist. He gets his Intelligent Die plus but can also apply it to a third NON- COMBAT "skill ability". So to balance mine I took out the third skill the other alch got and made it craft skill instead rather than intelligent die. So in the end its a buffer of Plus 2 yet I lose the amount of checks it helps. I think I like the alternate third ability myself as well and my friend agreed it was solid and balanced. You get to heal in a way but you have to give up something you just found. And citing you talking about the combat or Non-combat only that is the way the power is. it reads " Add it to combat ([] or Non -combat strength or non combat Constitution check.) So it can only help you in your own fights or your own non str non con check. Something for her her roles later are becoming more battle proficient or helping her friends so maybe a later check box could be to apply it to someone elses check at my location. Also I am not to worried about overpowering combat checks ever since Mummy masks came out with the slayer and allowing him to rechard and discard a card to add buffs to combat checks, mind you if they invoke undead or poison trait. My buddy played him and I thought it was nuts how many extra dice he could add to his check. Thank you longshot for the advice it helped out a lot. Let me know what more you think to my thoughts in this reply! ![]()
![]() His other abilities are recharging alchemical traits instead of banish like other alch, and his other is discarding an item with the alchemical trait to add her craft skill to a combat check or non strength or non constitution check. I mean I first have to acquire the limited amount of booms in the scenarios ![]()
![]() I have made alchemist where her third ability is where if you acquire a weapon item or armor you may banish it to draw a random item with the liquid trait from the box. A friend of mine thinks it may be over powered. Thought? The thought behind it is that she can break down weapons and other things into a potion. Alternate thought would to draw a random item from your discard pile with the liquid trait. ![]()
![]() So a pretty basic question here but I have not seen a clear answer anywhere I do believe but...With the progression that my group has done from the beginning to getting to the end of the hook claw...what will happen to our previous skill and power feats that we have gained once we pick our role card? For example I am harsk and have wisdom, dex, hand size now at 5, and add a d4+2 to someone else location with a recharge effect. Will these buffs go away when I pick a role or stay on to now be checked off on my new role card? If so I feel like I would like to make a house rule to re pick because progression seems pointless a bit up to that point to be reset to just get an additional ability, I.E. harsk now having devine under wisdom, and to wipe out your stat boosts and what not. Thanks for future answers! |