![]() We're about to begin an all-new season of PACG Organized Play in Edmonton, and we're kicking things off with a Demo Day, just for new players! Date: Wednesday, November 14
Dive into the fray with the Season of Tapestry's Tides! Our adventurers find themselves sailing the seas of an unexplored, otherworldly realm. Sharpen your blade and polish your spyglass—mysterious and terrible things await beneath the waves... Any questions, feel free to post here! ![]()
![]() Can I just take a moment to revel in the fact that I'm basically getting CS support from the creator of the game?! In our outsource-everything world, this level of fan engagement is something really special. Thank you, sincerely. I'll check with the local players to see if anyone else's UW deck has this error so we can combo up any necessary replacements into one shipment. Thanks again! ![]()
![]() Thanks, Hawk and Mike! My numbers all match Hawk's, so it looks like I got the duplicates instead of other (correct) items. My items, by AD#: B:
What am I missing? ![]()
![]() In my Ultimate Wilderness Deck, I have 2 copies each of a couple of Item 1 cards: Altitude Fern and Goblinvine. Multiples of low-level items strikes me as unusual for a Class/Ultimate Deck, so I wanted to confirm if this is on purpose or a printing/packaging error. I have 109 cards (plus the "instruction" card) in the deck, so if this is an error, I'm missing a couple of cards. Any insight, anyone? Thanks! ![]()
![]() I had a blast playing Darago (Wizard Class Deck) and Wrathack (Ranger) through Wrath. I wanted to run a "Suicide Squad"-style adventure -- send evil to fight evil -- and this was before the Hell's Vengeance decks came out, so these two were a couple of the baaaaddest muthas on the block. With the Mythic Trickster Path and some useful stuff like Archer's Bracers, Darago became a pretty deadly ranged combatant, so he could focus his spells on support and scouting. Wrathack loved all the powerful two-handed melee weapons and enjoyed punishing Outsiders for their very existence (when they counted as Outsiders, anyways). I absolutely and gleefully mixed in the Wizard and Ranger decks in their entirety. I liked the idea of these bad guys "cheating" by bringing along extra 2-handed weapons, scrying spells, healing sticks, blessings from strange foreign gods and whatnot. At this point, it's probably not too spoilery to note that your duo might get the opportunity to become a trio later on... Have fun storming the Worldwound! ![]()
![]() Keith Richmond wrote:
There's a fella in our group who would be OVER THE MOON happy with this if it comes to pass. He has not. stopped. asking. about an Arushalae unlock since hearing about it, what, two or three years ago now? ![]()
![]() Ranger was a popular choice for brand-new players at the beginning of this season, particularly Harsk. Easy to see why; very strong combat, diverse array of skills, lots of blessings and a built-in combat assist so you're always engaged, even on other players' turns. The Clerics have been total rock stars from the very beginning. All champs in a fight, and the whole table's best friend with all the built-in healing. The Cleric deck on its own might not be "optimized," but it's pretty decent and can support any of the four characters through a campaign. With Kyra's "add-on" powers to her combat checks with swords, I was fine keeping the humble basic Longswords in her deck through pretty much the entirety of Season 0. ![]()
![]() cartmanbeck wrote: Nope, I was wrong, Hawkmoon has the right of it. Apparently it's been too long since I actually played him LOL. Wow, that does seem really strong. Thematically, I kinda liked the idea of triggers catching him off-guard. It's tough to find a phone booth in the dungeon... A question for the designers: How difficult was it to refrain from referring to his "kit" as a "utility belt"? ![]()
![]() Seeing a lot of comments along the lines of "THIS is happening now, and THIS is happening now! That's why they're so busy!" But that begs the question, what was happening back in August 2017 when this thread started? If a Magus Character Sheet was conceived back then, it would have been born by now. Personally, I'm not desperate for the sheets and I'm all for patience. But a human gestational period does seem like an awfully long time to wait for something that — from the outside looking in — shouldn't be too big a job for a decent graphic designer* to kick out in a few hours. From the Organized Play side of things, I do miss having up-to-date sheets for players to peruse, especially new players. That visual can be a real hook for the imagination. I had one person flipping through the sheets, and her eyes went wide when she saw Raz, the blue-haired Gnome Paladin riding an armoured warhound. "I wanna be HER." Boom. Sale made. It feels like letting players down — and costing our store sales — to NOT have some of these characters that are so visually striking "on display." There could be a player out there right now who doesn't even know yet how much they want to play Celeste, or Yoon, or Zelhara, because they haven't had that artwork spark something in their imagination. ("Where are her arms?" "Is that a teddy bear?" "That's a LOT of piercings...") *I'm married to an exceptional graphic designer if you need to outsource. ![]()
![]() A few queries about Adventure 4-3B: Breaking and Entering. (Spoiler alert if you haven’t played it and don’t want to know ahead of time whether or not it’s broken.) 4-3B wrote: When you would close a location, if the number of Evidence henchmen displayed next to the scenario is not equal to the number of characters, instead search the location deck and banish any number of boons from it. What happens if the number of Evidence henchmen displayed is GREATER than the number of characters? Does that render the scenario unwinnable? The folks playing were thinking that they could corner the Villain and temporarily close the remaining locations. But can the Villain’s location be closed with an unequal number of Evidence displayed? If not, the Villain will always have at least one open location to escape to. OR, does a Villain defeat closing the location not count as “you” closing it, so the “When you would close a location…” scenario rule not kick in? Thanks! ![]()
![]() My 2 CP on this, copied pretty much word for word from the last time someone brought this up... I played Heggal in Skull & Shackles without mixing in the Cleric deck because there was plenty of stuff in that box that was already ideally suited to him. When I ran Darago and Wrathack through Wrath of the Righteous, though, I mixed in the Wizard and Ranger decks (in their entirety). I was treating it as a "Suicide Squad"-style adventure -- send evil to fight evil. I liked the idea of these bad guys "cheating" by bringing along extra 2-handed weapons, healing sticks, blessings from strange foreign gods and whatnot. When it comes to mixing in CDs, I figure it's all or nothing. Cherry-picking the "good stuff" you might want grinds against my sense of fairness and balance for some reason. If you want the truffle, you have to dig through some dirt. 8>) That said, adding SIX complete CDs would make for some physically unwieldy stacks of cards to shuffle, no? Maybe just see if people feel they need their CD stuff to succeed (a la the oft-cited Gunslinger outside Skull & Shackles), or if they're fine playing the cards in the box with their CD characters' unique mechanics. As always, though, this falls under the umbrella of "It's your game, do what you like!" ![]()
![]() We're doing a Demo Day for new (or lapsed!) players to give the Mummy's Mask set a whirl (Look, kids, Triggers!) and get geared up for the Season of Factions' Favour! Date: Wednesday, November 15
Any questions or to save your spot, please post here or message me directly. See you across the dunes... Or at least across the table. ![]()
![]() Had posted this in the Card Guild forum, but it's not getting any attention there, so maybe the rules gurus here can offer some insight. This may be a bit spoiler-y for Adv 3-6A, so proceed at own risk... ... ... ... Relevant Scenario Text:
3-6A: A SAGE BESIEGED wrote: Display the Mnesoset role card next to the scenario. On your turn, you may recharge a card to gain the powers on that role card until the end of your turn. Relevant Mnesoset Ability: Mnesoset wrote: When a character at your location defeats and would banish a barrier, you may shuffle it into a location deck. When, precisely, can a character use the scenario power to get that particular Mnesoset ability? The scenario power doesn't state any timing window other than "during your turn," so is there any reason one couldn't do this during an encounter? For example, say I encounter and defeat a barrier as "myself" (so I could make use of all my character's own awesome barrier-busting abilities). Right before I would banish it, can I recharge a card to call upon the Spinel Sage to toss the barrier in, say, the Five-Pointed Sun? Or would I have already had to activate Mnesoset's abilities? If so, at what point can I do that? When I encounter the barrier? Before exploring? Thanks! ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote: As such, you'd re-examine the same top 3 cards if you examined Shrieking Plant, meaning that you'd just encounter Shrieking Plant again assuming it's the first monster. Shrieking Plant's a barrier, so it wouldn't make you encounter itself. skizzerz wrote: For your second post, your option #2 ("Examine all 3 cards, one at a time, resolve the ally's trigger, resolve Monster 2's trigger (and encounter it), then go back and encounter Monster 1?") is correct due to Finish One Thing Before You Start Something Else. Cool, cool. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Longshot11 wrote: It is a pretty ambiguous issue, but since I definitely prefer to adjudicate by K.I.S.S. - I'd go with the first-glance implications of Quote 3, rule examined card 'in limbo', and exclude them from any further Trigger examinations. Yeah, it's weird, right? Are examined cards "put back" immediately, or are they not part of the location deck until you're done examining all the cards you're going to examine? Any insight from the Powers That Be? ![]()
![]() Longshot11 wrote: So, after writing it all down - I definitely agree Number 2 should be the way to go, regardless if encountered or Triggered the Shrieker. Your line of thinking, particularly the "finish one thing before doing another," is what led me to that conclusion as well. Any confirmation from the sages? ![]()
![]() This may be a bit spoiler-y for Adv 3-6A, so proceed at own risk... ... ... ... Relevant Scenario Text:
3-6A: A SAGE BESIEGED wrote: Display the Mnesoset role card next to the scenario. On your turn, you may recharge a card to gain the powers on that role card until the end of your turn. Relevant Mnesoset Ability: Mnesoset wrote: When a character at your location defeats and would banish a barrier, you may shuffle it into a location deck. When, precisely, can a character use the scenario power to get that particular Mnesoset ability? The scenario power doesn't state any timing window other than "during your turn," so there's no reason one couldn't do this during an encounter, is there? For example, say I encounter and defeat a barrier as "myself" (so I could make use of all my character's own awesome barrier-busting abilities). Right before I would banish it, can I recharge a card to call upon the Spinel Sage to toss the barrier in, say, the Five-Pointed Sun? Or would I have already had to activate Mnesoset's abilities? If so, at what point can I do that? When I encounter the barrier? Before exploring? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Relevant text:
Burning Child wrote: If defeated with a combat check, shuffle the Burning Child into a random other open location. If you defeat the Burning Child from the seige deck with a combat check, where does it go? It wouldn't go back into the seige deck, would it? That would make winning a Defensive Stance scenario impossible. I think it should go into a random open location other than the one your character is at when you encounter it. Is that correct? It just seems weird somehow, moving a monster out of the seige deck and into a location, but I think that's right. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Additional question: I encounter or examine the Shrieking Plant and it's undefeated. I examine a monster (no trigger), an ally (with a trigger that makes them easier to acquire, like Kafar), and a monster with a trigger that makes me encounter it. What order do these get resolved in? Do I... 1. Stop examining when I hit Monster 1, encounter it, then keep examining and resolve the other triggers? 2. Examine all 3 cards, one at a time, resolve the ally's trigger, resolve Monster 2's trigger (and encounter it), then go back and encounter Monster 1? 3. Perform some other permutation I haven't thought of? I'm leaning towards #2. Thanks again! ![]()
![]() Say I play a Blessing of Nethys (or use MM Alahazra's ability or some other scouting tech). The first card I examine is a monster (with no trigger). The second is Shrieking Plant, and I fail the triggered check. Shrieking Plant wrote:
Is the monster I already examined (which was on top of the Shrieking Plant) now back among the "top 3 cards"? Or is an examined card sitting in some kind of out-of-deck limbo, so I should look at the NEXT 3 cards? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Of course, you don't have to mix in the CD when you play a CD character through a regular non-Society "box game." I played Heggal in Skull & Shackles without mixing in the Cleric deck because there was plenty of stuff in that box that was already ideally suited to him. When I ran Darago and Wrathack through Wrath of the Righteous, though, I mixed in the Wizard and Ranger decks (in their entirety). I was treating it as a "Suicide Squad"-style adventure -- send evil to fight evil. I liked the idea of these bad guys "cheating" by bringing along extra 2-handed weapons, healing sticks, blessings from strange foreign gods and whatnot. When it comes to mixing in CDs, I figure it's all or nothing. Cherry-picking the "good stuff" you might want grinds against my sense of fairness and balance for some reason. If you want the truffle, you have to dig through some dirt. 8>) As always, though, this falls under the umbrella of "It's your game, do what you like!" ![]()
![]() Very cool! Nice job, on both the mechanical and illustrative design. So, the cards go in those trays? Do they ever get stuck, or are the trays cut a bit wide? The finger notches probably help a lot. I would be concerned about the sides of cards getting dinged by grasping fingernails, but I imagine if you're going to this expense, you're probably already sleeving. 8>) ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks, Vic! Glad to know that intent remains intact. In previous seasons, there has been some confusion about whether or not basic Blessings should be purged along with all the other basics/elites. Would it be possible to get that clarified in the updated/reinstated version of this text? Thanks again! ![]()
![]() A question about this reward from the Cosmic Captive scenario 8-00B1: Cosmic Captive 8-00B1 wrote: Each character chooses a card from the box that has an adventure deck number less than or equal to the scenario’s adventure deck number and notes it on her Chronicle sheet. When she earns her next scenario reward, she may use the chosen card as a bonus deck upgrade. Emphasis added. Here's the situation: That was the last scenario a player successfully completed in that adventure. He's carried that character over to SoPluTo. Does the "next scenario reward" in the emphasized text refer to ANY scenario he completes next? Or is it intended to only kick in after completion of the next scenario of Cosmic Captive? Can he take his bonus upgrade after completing the first SoPluTo scenario? Thanks! ![]()
![]() A couple quick ones (hopefully) about Scenario 2B-2C and the Season reward... 1. 2B-2C's During This Scenario text includes: "When you defeat and would banish a monster that has the Animal trait, shuffle it into a random unoccupied location." That would include the Animal henchmen, Owly Thing and Piggy, correct? (Giving our pint-sized green heroes "extra" chances to close locations?) 2. The Season reward is: "Each player chooses one of his Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild characters. That character may treat the loot Lamashtu’s Bauble as if it is in her Class Deck box." I can't help but notice the Lamashtu's Bauble card printed in the PDF is labelled as a Loot 2. Meaning the future character it's assigned to would have to use a level 2 upgrade to include it in their deck. Is that intentional, or should it be a Loot P, like SotRi's Scales of Remembrance and SotRu's Runewell's Echo? (SotS's Councilor's Ring was eventually edited to be a Loot B-Basic, so that's an option, too.) If a change is made to the We Be Goblins Too! PDF, would it be possible to fill all the blank space on the last proxy page (pg.12) with additional copies of Lamashtu's Bauble (as was done with Scales of Remembrance in SotR Adv 6)? That way one could hand out physical proxies to multiple players without have to print off the same page over and over. Thanks very much! ![]()
![]() Mike Selinker wrote:
<Blush!> Wow, this must be how J-Law felt. ![]()
![]() I've played with and without Class Decks mixed in, mostly for thematic reasons. I played Heggal in Skull & Shackles without mixing in the Cleric deck because there was plenty of stuff in the box that was already ideally suited to him. When I ran Darago and Wrathack through WotR, though, I mixed in the Wizard and Ranger decks. I was treating it as a "Suicide Squad"-style adventure -- send evil to fight evil. I liked the idea of these bad guys "cheating" by bringing along extra 2-handed weapons, healing sticks, blessings from strange, foreign gods and whatnot. However, when playing the "box game" (non-OP), character advancement is totally as per the AP. Helps keep the "feel" of the adventure consistent and the challenge level appropriate. ![]()
![]() Goblins descend on Edmonton! Be a part of the swarm! We're gonna squeeze every drop of green juice out of the Runelords set while we wait for Mummy's Mask to arrive, so let's get our Goblin on! Date: Wednesday, November 23 (and every Wednesday)
New players are always welcome, and the start of this "mini-season" is the perfect opportunity to jump in with two green feet! Any questions, please feel free to post here or message me. |