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Hermione shouldn't have settled for Ron.

Or so i'm told.

I personally can't stand Harry Potter.


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*stops in; looks around; shrugs; leaves*

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Olde Timey Fisticuffs Yesterday wrote:

Hermione shouldn't have settled for Ron.

Or so i'm told.

I personally can't stand Harry Potter.


You don't like Harry Potter because I like Harry Potter, (some irrelevant catchphrase about the interconnectedness of all things)

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Oh! My favorite Starfinder easter egg, Eyeswide Agency, purveyors of holistic investigation services on Absalom Station.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Oh! My favorite Starfinder easter egg, Eyeswide Agency, purveyors of holistic investigation services on Absalom Station.

Oh, it was bound to happen...

now, should I get out of bed, or cut a hole in my sheets to smoke this lovely cigar?
maybe, I'll just smoke it, without either of those things...

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Something, something, shifter.

Pours gasoline over his collection of vintage gasoline.

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So what I gathered from the skimming I did in the comments about the Shifter, I gather most people really don't like it. I don't have the book yet so I can't comment on whether or not it's something I would use in my setting. But is there anything good in the book? I've yet to see much of anything beyond the Shifter hate.

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Runs through thread... kicks over bean curd...

How DARE you try to bring this thread back to life?!?!?!?

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Slurks away with your favorite wooden spoon.

I'm free!!

Time to soak up some flavor!!

Absorbs three bunnies and a patch of garlic.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what I gathered from the skimming I did in the comments about the Shifter, I gather most people really don't like it. I don't have the book yet so I can't comment on whether or not it's something I would use in my setting. But is there anything good in the book? I've yet to see much of anything beyond the Shifter hate.

It's mostly just an over reaction and once it's been out awhile it'll abate somewhat.

It also has a couple of plant races, and magical herbs and spices.

And large f@~#ing bears.

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Bears rock.

People are most vocal about the things they don't like, so there may be a LOT of good opinions on it. Those folks just usually stay out of the negative stuff.

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I have the book, but just haven't had the time to read much of it yet.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Bears rock.

People are most vocal about the things they don't like, so there may be a LOT of good opinions on it. Those folks just usually stay out of the negative stuff.

So true. Because who wants to say "Hey, I liked it" only to get piled on with the nerdhate explaining why they're wrong? Might as well just like the things you like.

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I've found every class is viable.

If you do EXACTLY as I say.

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quibblemuch wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Bears rock.

People are most vocal about the things they don't like, so there may be a LOT of good opinions on it. Those folks just usually stay out of the negative stuff.

So true. Because who wants to say "Hey, I liked it" only to get piled on with the nerdhate explaining why they're wrong? Might as well just like the things you like.


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Oh, gosh, we apologize for him.

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No worries.
Has anyone seen my stress ball, bonsai plant, and herbal tea?

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That wasn't a salad...

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Oblivious Plotholes wrote:

I've found every class is viable.

If you do EXACTLY as I say.

And another thing! What's with the use of the word "viable" to mean "works better than anything else in that slot"?! When people demand that something be "viable" all they're asking for is that you can play it without guaranteed failure. "Viable" is literally the lowest bar there is above "entirely non-functional". IT DOESN'T MEAN AWESOME!!! HRNGH!

Where's Tableflip's meditation app, aromatherapy candle, and inspirational cat poster?!

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ConanTheGrammarian wrote:
Oblivious Plotholes wrote:

I've found every class is viable.

If you do EXACTLY as I say.

And another thing! What's with the use of the word "viable" to mean "works better than anything else in that slot"?! When people demand that something be "viable" all they're asking for is that you can play it without guaranteed failure. "Viable" is literally the lowest bar there is above "entirely non-functional". IT DOESN'T MEAN AWESOME!!! HRNGH!

Where's Tableflip's meditation app, aromatherapy candle, and inspirational cat poster?!

That wasn't a veggie burger...

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Dude... I got bad news and I got worse news...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tableflip McRagequit wrote:

No worries.

Has anyone seen my stress ball, bonsai plant, and herbal tea?

They were delicious.

Dark Archive

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At least with the shifter brouhaha, everyone's forgotten about the great Solarian =/= Soldier debate.

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Wasn't Shifter Brouhaha in 'Little House On The Prairie'?

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Yes, with a Three's Company crossover Christmas special.

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Ok, those two posts made me debeverage. I also want to thank Quibblemuch for teaching me that word.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You’re quite welcome. One does like to be helpful.

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Home of Nuanced Civilities?

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That should be the name of an underwear line...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Admiral Colonel wrote:
That should be the name of an underwear line...

  • Home of Nuanced Civies?
  • Home of Civil Nuancies?
  • Home of Civilized Nuancies?
  • Fruits of Nuanced Civilities?

And hey there Captain Admiral Colonel General Too Much Free Time!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Nuanced Civilities, For When You Want To Put On The Right Airs.

And then the ad campaign will feature whatever British actor is trendiest right now.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Admiral Colonel General Too Much Free Time wrote:

Nuanced Civilities, For When You Want To Put On The Right Airs.

And then the ad campaign will feature whatever British actor is trendiest right now.

+1, made my forever!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Deep Thoughts, By Cap Yesterday wrote:

Nuanced Civilities, For When You Want To Put On The Right Airs.

And then the ad campaign will feature whatever British actor is trendiest right now.

Daniel Craig, walking through explosions and other mayhem unscathed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Deep Thoughts, By Cap Yesterday wrote:

Nuanced Civilities, For When You Want To Put On The Right Airs.

And then the ad campaign will feature whatever British actor is trendiest right now.

Daniel Craig, walking through explosions and other mayhem unscathed.

Kinda want.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Deep Thoughts, By Cap Yesterday wrote:

Nuanced Civilities, For When You Want To Put On The Right Airs.

And then the ad campaign will feature whatever British actor is trendiest right now.

Daniel Craig, walking through explosions and other mayhem unscathed.

The first explosion should rip his exquisitely tailored suit off, but leave his Nuanced Civilities Magnetic Power Boxers intact, as well as his knee-length socks and dayglo Crocs rhyming combo.

Tips over cow.

Eats cow.

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I grew up on a farm. Let me tell you, cow tipping is a myth. MOST of the time the cow walks away before you get to it. If you manage to push on it, it will move out of the way. If you continue to push on it you will either get a cow to move away from you at a higher rate of speed or your butt kicked and butted my an irate bovine.

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Yeah, that's why we propagate the myth, to see someone get their ass kicked by a cow.

It's the country yo, what else are we going to do for fun.

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Well, in my case there were creeks, woods, and caves to explore. Many hours reading in a front porch swing. And as I got older, country girls. Really, really nice country girls.

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I had a lot of stupid town friends, so...

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Well, in my case there were creeks, woods, and caves to explore. Many hours reading in a front porch swing.

This is probably the biggest thing I miss about living in Texas. Our property had a neighbor's land with a small forest behind us. I lost count of how many days my brother and I burned exploring it.

The cats tended to follow us out there too, and that kept the snakes away.

I had a border collie who'd follow me around.

Only near the border, or other places too?

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{angrily eats pint of Cherry Garcia}

Pecan Sandie Duncan wrote:
Only near the border, or other places too?

Yes, he was very good at respecting boundaries!

Ok, enough of this silly getting along. *throws Ming vase at the television*

Aiymi and I have got a gully and woods...several acres of it...behind our house that Zelda's son runs around in when he's over. It's big enough to entertain him but not so large that he's going to get hopelessly lost.

The only thing that crosses my mind when he's out there...beyond the potential animal that the whole thing is over the top of an old coal mine. He's 99% likely not to accidentally end up falling into an abandoned mine. He has been chased by wild turkeys. But for whatever reason it's the coal mine that pops into my head.

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You need to borrow Cal's old Border Collie, in case of emergencies. That always helped on teevee, after all.

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We have a beagle that I self trained to track down both of our kids, so far he's been tested for up to a mile away with perfect results.

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