Zanbabe |
And, for people who are still preparing, here is a Scion guide for you:
- Adolphus [Diplomacy +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 Bluff & Diplomacy, Proficiency: Bastard Sword]
- Ling Yayao [Ride +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 Ride & Grant Mount Fleet Feat, Proficiency: Spiked Chain]
- Zarta Dralneen [Bluff +2/class skill | Wayfinder Alertness Feat, +2 Strength]
==== Unsubmitted ====
- Gojan the Sharp [Knowledge Engineering +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Con, +2 Wisdom]
- Kreighton Shaine [Use Magic Device +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Int & +3 Knowledge History, +2 Charisma]
- Marcos Farabellus [Sleight of Hand +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 ALL Combat Maneuvers]
- Sheila Heidmarch [Knowledge Geography +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Any 1 ability score (can change that ability daily)]
==== Submitted Once ====
- Ailson Kindler [Perform +2/class skill | Wayfinder Hide from Undead, Alertness Feat]
- Ambrus Valsin [Intimidate +2/class skill | Wayfinder Endurance Feat, +2 Strength]
- Colm Safan [Knowledge History +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 any 1 Knowledge Skill, Anti Aging]
- Dalania Pontius [Bluff +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 Bluff & Diplomacy, +1 All Saves]
- Drendle Dreng [Knowledge Local +2/class skill | Wayfinder Comprehend Languages, +2 Charisma]
- Durvin Gest [Escape Artist, OR Handle Animal, OR Survival +2/class skill | Wayfinder Understand, Speak Read, and Write Azlanti, Discern Location (above or below sea level), +5 Stealth]
- Eando Kline [Disable Device +2/class skill | Wayfinder Detect Poison At Will, +5 Stealth]
- Gilray Jandivan [Knowledge Planes +2/class skill | Wayfinder Regen 1 pt per 10 Minutes]
- Grandmaster Torch [Sense Motive +2/class skill | Wayfinder Detect Poison At Will, +5 Bluff & Diplomacy]
- Gregaro Voth [Perception +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Any 1 ability score (can change that ability daily)]
- Ilnerik Sivanshin [Disguise OR Stealth +2/class skill | Wayfinder Anti Aging, +2 Dexterity]
- Janira Gavix [Knowledge Religion +2/class skill | Wayfinder +1 Insight bonus AC, +5 any 1 Knowledge Skill, +2 Int & +3 Know History]
- Old Mage Jatambe [Knowledge Arcana OR Spellcraft +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Int & +3 Knowledge History, No food or water, +2 Con]
- Seeker Osprey [Knowledge Nature +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Wisdom, +5 any 1 Knowledge Skill]
- Selmius Foster [Climb OR Linguistics +2/class skill | Wayfinder Comprehend Languages, +1 Insight bonus AC, +5 Bluff & Diplomacy]
==== Submitted Twice ====
- Escobar Vellian [Swim +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 Acrobatics & Swim, Hide from Undead]
- Koriah Azmeren [Knowledge Dungeoneering +2/class skill | Wayfinder +5 Stealth, +1 All Saves]
- Sheraya Solistar [Heal OR Knowledge Nobility +2/class skill | Wayfinder +2 Dexterity, No food or water, +2 Charisma]
==== Unclaimed ====
Zanbabe |
I'll look.
Edits for what I find:
On Adolphus:
PCScipio mentioned him, but only in the context of his background for Foster (I think).
Also Vitaliano da Riva had claimed him earlier, but then switched to Azmeren.
Also TheAlicornSage/DarkLightHitomi had mentioned him, but decided to go with Gilray.
On Torch: Yep. I just messed up my list. Retconning. :)
Dodekatheon |
I couldn't do what I initially wanted to so I went in an entirely different direction.
Here's Lorik Brightwater, Aquatic Elf Swashbuckler/Field Agent. His Scion trait is tied to Sheraya Solistar. I think I tied it pretty well to the backstory, which I apologize about as it's a bit of a novel. Please let me know of any queries or corrections you might have for me, Shadow! Good luck to all, I hope I get picked and get to game with some of these excellent characters!
JDPhipps |
That he wants Shielded Gauntlet Style (purely for flavour, yes, because it sucks) or cheaper weapon enhancements than Amulet of Mighty Fists.
Shield Gauntlet Style certainly does not suck, thank you very much. It's certainly sub-optimal if you're playing a character that could just... use a shield, but other characters can get plenty of use out of it. I didn't really ask for your opinion on my build, but thanks for giving it anyway. That is the reason, although my character wouldn't be starting with it.
Vitaliano da Riva |
I see, fair advantages for AC boon. Agreed that it might be sub-optimal but most of my favorite builds end up using sub optimal styling as it invites curiosity and out of the box tactics and styling.
Though if it weren't allowed the use of the Flurry, I could see why it's typically a non choice. (Brawler/Monks pretty much bread and butter is their ability to flurry after all.) I could see a two weapon fighter possibly going up the SGS tree as they would probably be the only ones to be able to take the feat tax and the money spent on a normal off hand would be equally spent to add AC in the long run.
~scratches chin~ Very niche but interesting thought now in my brain.
Jereru |
Jereru wrote:That he wants Shielded Gauntlet Style (purely for flavour, yes, because it sucks) or cheaper weapon enhancements than Amulet of Mighty Fists.Shield Gauntlet Style certainly does not suck, thank you very much. It's certainly sub-optimal if you're playing a character that could just... use a shield, but other characters can get plenty of use out of it. I didn't really ask for your opinion on my build, but thanks for giving it anyway. That is the reason, although my character wouldn't be starting with it.
I'm sorry that you took it personally; I was talking about the feat, not about your build (which I haven't had a look at). I've also taken feats that suck sometimes, just because they fitted the concept or because they were tax feats, but that doesn't really make them better feats. I wish all feats were balanced, but sadly they aren't. Once more, my apologies, but notice my opinion wasn't even expressed to you.
JDPhipps |
JDPhipps wrote:I'm sorry that you took it personally; I was talking about the feat, not about your build (which I haven't had a look at). I've also taken feats that suck sometimes, just because they fitted the concept or because they were tax feats, but that doesn't really make them better feats. I wish all feats were balanced, but sadly they aren't. Once more, my apologies, but notice my opinion wasn't even expressed to you.Jereru wrote:That he wants Shielded Gauntlet Style (purely for flavour, yes, because it sucks) or cheaper weapon enhancements than Amulet of Mighty Fists.Shield Gauntlet Style certainly does not suck, thank you very much. It's certainly sub-optimal if you're playing a character that could just... use a shield, but other characters can get plenty of use out of it. I didn't really ask for your opinion on my build, but thanks for giving it anyway. That is the reason, although my character wouldn't be starting with it.
The first feat in the chain is admittedly lack luster, but Shield Gauntlet Attack and Master can be pretty good. The benefits of Shield Gauntlet Style are also dependent on whether or not a GM allows it to be enchanted as a shield; since shields can also be enchanted as weapons, if you can do this is becomes an (admittedly sort of feat intensive) amazing boost to your AC. If not though, the first feat is kinda... less than stellar, but the other two can be pretty good.
Viscount K |
Viscount K wrote:Wow. I just stumbled across this thread, and it sounds awesome. Only have a few days to refine one of the characters who live in my head to fit this one, but damn if I'm not gonna try.I'm submitting a Golarion version of Spectrum.
There's a few Arch folks you could dust off that would suit this game well.
Sounds like a plan to me. Gimme a few minutes and I'll have somebody ready to roll out.
PCScipio |
Here is my completed* submission: Kesari - a Vanara Sacred Fist Warpriest of Irori / Pathfinder Delver.
Scion: Selmius Foster
*I haven't added the Exotic Weapon Proficiency from Pathfinder Delver yet. Can I select a martial weapon (composite longbow) instead? If not, I'd probably take Repeating Crossbow.
Male vanara gestalt warpriest (sacred fist) of Irori 1/ Pathfinder Delver (Storyteller Shadow) (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 60, 130, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 280) /
LN Medium humanoid (vanara)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +1 insight, +4 untyped bonus)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d6) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows (1d6)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks blessings 3/day (Knowledge: lore keeper, Law: axiomatic strike)
Warpriest (Sacred Fist) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—bless, cure light wounds
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 19
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse
Traits Selmius Foster scion (linguistics), expert explorer, wisdom in the flesh
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +4, Climb +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +10, Survival +5 (+7 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Vanaran, Vudrani
SQ flurry of blows, prehensile tail
Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, wayfinder[ISWG], bedroll, belt pouch, blanket[APG], chaturanga game set (worth 5 gp, 2 lb), flint and steel, ink (2), inkpen (2), journal[UE] (2), masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, measuring cord (10 ft.) (2), paper (10), pot, powder[APG] (2), scroll case, silk rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol of Irori, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (2), 24 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Blessings (3/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Flurry of Blows (Su) You can make a flurry of blows, as the monk.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Prehensile Tail (Ex) Can retrieve small stowed objects as a swift action.
Some 400 years later, Angada's descendant Kesari was born in a Vanaran village, in the Bandarom Jungle in Vudra. He has always been a very inquisitive Vanara, and would sometimes wander off and get lost, as he looked at one exciting new thing after another. His mother said he took after his famous ancestor, Angada, and his grandfather Nala, who was a member of the Niswan Pathfinder Lodge in Jalmeray.
When Kesari was a teenager, his grandfather returned to his village, having retired from the Pathfinders. None of Nala's children had showed either the interest in or the aptitude for following in his footsteps. Nala recognized his grandson's potential and encouraged him, instructing him in basic martial arts, acrobatics and stealth techniques. When Nala felt Kesari was ready, he encouraged him to travel to Jalmeray, to be trained at one of the monasteries there. As a parting gift, he gave him his wayfinder, which originally belonged to Selmius Foster, and had been passed down over the generations.
Kesari applied to be admitted to the prestigious Monastery of Unfolding Wind, one of the Houses of Perfection. He failed the entrance test, but showed enough aptitude to gain entrance the Monastery of the White Crane, a lesser but respected institution. Upon completion of his training, he traveled to Absolom, to follow in his grandfather's footsteps, and become a Pathfinder. Before presenting himself for examination, he paid a visit to the Wounded Wisp, a storied tavern where Selmius Foster himself once met with the other early Pathfinders.
He wants to explore new lands and recover forgotten knowledge, making him well suited to be a Pathfinder. He also wants to progress towards enlightenment through rigorous physical and mental training.
Kesari keeps to a daily routine, even when exploring. After he awakes in the morning, he meditates on the mysteries of the multiverse and practices martial arts and acrobatics. In the evening, he studies the Vudran game of chaturanga, as he finds the mental exercise keeps his mind sharp. He carries a set of chaturanga game pieces and a cloth game board with him wherever he goes.
hustonj |
Hmmmm . . ..
Gestalt Student of War/Fighter (Will still want more Feats, honestly - Spiked Chain battlefield control and Mounted Combat mastery are both very Feat hungry).
Scion of Ling Yayao
Basically, a mounted, Mongolian, spike chain wielding combatant.
Territory I've played in before, but the Feat tax to do it right is so high . . ..
Ayse |
Alrighty then, just under the wire - Viscount K here, submitting Aysalith "Ayse" Iandain; Amateur Archaeologist, Apprentice Arcanist, and Assistant...uh...Pathfinder Chronicler.
He's a knowledge monster and general skill savant, with a sideline in trapfinding/disabling. I've probably mislabeled a few numbers and whatnot here and there (sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry!) and his equipment isn't yet done, but the core of the character is ready to rock, with most of his numbers solidly in place. You may notice some references to Doomed Hero's character Spectrum here - we've been chatting about how the two might interact, and anything that doesn't quite fit between their backgrounds at the moment we're finessing out. On the battlefield, we figure I'll shape the battlefield into a design more pleasing to his waves of death.
Xarann Imbros |
Not QUITE finished, but this is JDPhipps's submission. I... ended up going with the Unchained Monk instead of Brawler. I made it work. He's not quite done, mostly on the backstory end, but I'll write that out tomorrow (since recruitment doesn't until the 5th, right?) and get it to you.
I did take the Kung Fu Genius feat, which was in a Dragon Magazine issue for 3.5, I assumed that fell under 3rd party. It just swaps Wisdom for Intelligence for Monk abilities; I can ditch it if you want, but Intelligence felt more fitting for a Pathfinder.
hustonj |
Tsaong Cho
An unexceptional-looking example of the human steppe riders from the Hongal region of Tian Xia, he stands about 5' 3" and seems more wiry than powerful. Beady dark eyes peer from a weather-worn face, partially covered by a mustache and goatee in the same dark hair as the long braided pony tail riding down his back. The faded green shirt fits loosely over his frame, giving a peak at his nearly hairless chest. The bright yellow sash around his waist accentuates how much thinner his frame is than you expect. The ballooning maroon corduroy pants are tucked into simple brown leather boots, with a slight upturn pointed toe. It is almost surprising when you realize the chain he has draped over his shoulders is a weapon and not simply ornamentation.
You quickly think of him as either boisterous and enthusiastic, or loud and annoying. His interactions seem driven mostly by emotion. Cho is focused on feeling the moment he is in to the best of his ability, avoiding regrets of his yesterdays and worries about his tomorrows.
D16 (14 @5) +3
C14 (14 @5) +2
I14 (14 @5) +2
W13 (13 @3) +1
H10 (!0 @0) +0
300 GP max starting wealth
HD D10
4 Skill Ranks per level (Plus bonuses)
Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (All), Linguistics, Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim
+1/+2/+0/+0/Bonus Feat/Know Your Enemy
+2/+3/+0/+0/Bonus Feat/Bravery/Additional Skill
+3/+3/+1/+1/Armor Training/Combat Feat
+4/+4/+1/+1/Bonus Feat/Mind Over Metal
+5/+4/+1/+1/Weapon Training/Know Your Enemy/Additional Skill
+6/+5/+2/+2/Bonus Feat/Bravery/Combat Feat
+7/+5/+2/+2/Armor Training/Anticipate
+8/+6/+2/+2/Bonus Feat/Additional Skill
+9/+6/+3/+3/Weapon Training/Combat Feat
10/+7/+3/+3/Bonus Feat/Bravery/Know Your Enemy/Telling Blow
Etc. Can be finished if/when needed.
AC 16, T13, FF13, CMD16 (3 Armor, 2 Str, 3 Dex, 1 BAB)
Fort +4
Ref +3
Will +1
Melee +3
Ranged/Finesse +4
CMB +4 (Combat Expertise options)
CMB +3 (Everything else)
+4 Spiked Chain for 2D4+2 P w/ +2 to disarm, drop on bad trip
+4 Longbow for 1D8 @ 100' increment - 40 rounds
1 Ride check per Round to replace mount's AC for that attack.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
Mounted Combat
Weapon Finesse
Athletic: Reduce AC penalty by 1 for Acrobtics, Climb & Swim; +1 Swim
Muscle of the Society: +2 to break doors/lift portcullises/Str+2 for encumbrance
Scion of Lling Yayao: +2 Legacy to Ride; +5 to Ride & Fleet to Mount
Bonus Skill Att Rank Class Other
+6 Climb 2 1 3
+4 Handle Animal 0 1 3
+6 Know (Engineer) 2 1 3
+6 Know (Nature) 2 1 3
+5 Perception 1 1 3
+13 Ride 3 1 3 2+5-1
+5 Survival 1 1 3
+7 Swim 2 1 3 1
25... Spiked Chain 10#
25... Studded Leather Armor 20#
75... Longbow 3#
.4... 30 Arrows 6#
171 GP left to spend, 39# of gear
I'll worry about more if it matters.
Zanbabe |
Updated Submissions:
- Peet submitting Weyve Murkwater Gillman (Slimehunter) Oracle/Chronicler Scion: Koriah Azmeren
- Jereru submitting Makanaky Human Conscript/Field Agent Scion: Gregaro Voth
- YoricksRequiem submitting Illena Merriweather Halfling Aasimar Medic/Chronicler Scion: Ailson Kindler
- RobL8675309 submitting Diomedes Wayfair Human Oracle/Field Agent Scion: Drandle Dreng
- FangDragon submitting Aria Gest Demon-spawn Tiefling Magus/Student of War Scion: Durvin Gest
- Zanbabe submitting Sharaya Solistar Shabti Sorcerer/Field Agent Scion: Sharaya Solistar
- OmniChaos submitting Tosen Sonsho Plumekith Aasimar Unchained Monk/Savant Scion: Seeker Osprey
- Doomed Hero submitting Spectrum Aquatic Elf Admixture Evoker Wizard/Savant Scion: Old-Mage Jatembe
- He'sDeadJim submitting Varloo Grimtide Seascarred Skinwalker Archaeologist Bard/Delver Scion: Grandmaster Torch
- Michelle AJ submitting Jora "Penn" Pontius Undine Adept/Field Agent Scion: Dalania Pontius
- Phntm888 submitting Harul Safan Osiriani Human Fighter (Lore Warden)/Delver Scion: Colm Safan
- Vitaliano da Riva submitting Jeanuel Azmeren Rakshasa Spawn Tiefling Kapenia Dancer Magus/Student of War Scion: Koriah Azmeren
- Madcaster submitting Arken Wazyr Plumekith Aasimar Soulknife/Delver Scion: Escobar Vellian
- Fatmanspencer submitting Aleasia Aquatic Elf Unchained Rogue/Field Agent Scion: Eando Kline
- CariMac submitting Signi Stensen Human (Ulfen) Fighter/Student of War Scion: Ambrus Valsin
- Dino Lord submitting Bann Drarks Half-Elf Stalker/Delver Scion: Escobar Vellian
- Ben submitting Tempus Proavus XLII Samsaran Speaker for the Past Shaman/Savant Scion: Janira Gavix
- DarkLightHitomi submitting Zizi the Masterless Cat Familiar Spellcaster?/? Scion: Gilray Jandivan
- PCScipio submitting Kesari Vanara Sacred Fist Warpriest of Iori/Delver Scion: Selmius Foster
- JDPhipps submitting Xarann Imbros Hungerseed Tiefling Unchained Monk/Student of War Scion: Ilnerik Sivanshin
- Dodekatheon submitting Lorik Brightwater Aquatic Elf Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/Field Agent Scion: Sharaya Solistar
- Viscount K submitting Ayse Elf Arcanist/Chronicler Scion: Kreighton Shane
- Hustonj submitting Tsaong Cho Human Fighter/Student of War Scion: Ling Yayao
Storyteller Shadow |
Alright, took a good 2 1/2 hours to get through all submissions.
A few are a bit light on Background, I can work with a bit light but I cannot work with non-existent.
As I originally listed the 5th as the due date, I'll give an extension for those who need Backgrounds, those who need them, I'll send PMs to right now.
Storyteller Shadow |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Good news.
Table Assignments:
Table I
1. Sharaya Solistar (Zanbabe) - Sharaya Solistar
2. Lorik Brightwater (Dodekatheon) - Sharaya Solistar
3. Diomedes Wayfair (RobL8675309) - Drendle Dreng
4. Tosen Sonsho (OmniChaos) - Seeker Osprey
5. Varloo Grimtide (Jeremy Clements) - Grandmaster Torch
6. Harul Safan (Phttm888) - Colm Safan
7. Bann Drarks (DinosaursOnIce) Escobar Vellian
Table II
1. Illena Merriweather (YoricksRequiem) - Ailson Kindler
2. Jora Penn (Michelle A.J.) - Dalania Pontius
3. Jeanuel Azmeren (Jing the Bandit) - Koriah Azmeren
4. Arken Wazyr (Madcaster) - Escobar Vellian
5. Aleasia (Fatmanspencer) Eando Kline
6. Kesari (PCScipio) Selmius Foster
Table III
1. Weyve Murkwater (Peet) - Koriah Azmeren
2. Spectrum (Doomed Hero) - Old Mage Jatembe
3. Ayse (Viscount K) - Kreighton Shane
4. Makanaky (Jereru) - Gregaro Voth
5. Aria Gest (FangDragon) - Durvin Gest
6. Tempus Proavus XLII (ben1535) Janira Gavix
7. Tsaong Cho (Hustonj) - Ling Yayao
Each Table will run through the Ruins of Azlant, each with a slightly different tweak here or there. From there, each group will face different challenges from levels 17-20 and quite possibly a few Mythic Tiers.
If you have no spoiler listed above not to worry, the submission happened to be what I was looking for on all points and your submission is set.
Bad news.
I'm beat due to the red eye flight from last night, as I am extending the submission for a few PCs to tomorrow, the Tables will roll out as the week unfolds.
Note, you will ALL start separately in Prologues where you will be brought to Absolom. From there, you will all head to Taldor to infiltrate the trip to the Ruins.
Storyteller Shadow |
Working on my background now, I had to get that first post up for Kingmaker tonight like I promised! I have it all in my head, just need to take the hour or so to get the whole thing typed up and on the alias.
Seeing as I am a PC in that game I'll forgive you for mad Loot for Donkor.... :-)
Great, looking forward to seeing it.
Ayse |
Ayse turned the box over in his hands one more time, his eyes narrowed in concentration. It was a simple thing, a cube of smooth wood a foot across, carved with rustic scenes from children's stories. Venture-Captain Shaine had handed the apparent toy off to him with the muttered comment about uses hiding in the simplest things, then wandered off to pursue one of his many projects.
Over the last few months, Ayse had come to respect the Master of Scrolls's apparently off-hand comments, understanding that Kreighton Shaine very rarely spoke without intent, although the meaning might not be clear to lesser minds. With the expedition to Azlant looming ever closer, he assumed there was some bit of knowledge or clue that Shaine wanted him to find hiding somewhere in the box's designs. True, he had been examining the piece for the better part of two hours with no success, but when it came to unraveling a puzzle, Ayse had the patience of a stone.
He ran his fingers over one of the carven figures, one that held up a pitifully small blade against a great and terrible beast. Examining the box's six scenes had only taken Ayse a few minutes, of course, but as he explored each of them more closely, more interesting details continued to reveal themselves to him. For instance, at this moment, he found that the little hero's blade had a symbol worn into it; just the faintest depression in the wood, nothing that an ordinary gaze would detect. He closed his eyes and traced the edges of it with sensitive fingers...yes, definitely an Iomedaean sunburst. That would certainly explain how the hero could be expected to stand up to the charging beast; apparently, he was some sort of paladin.
Ayse paused a moment, something about this last discovery hitting a chord in his memory. He flipped the box over to the opposite scene, wherein a figure was opening a chest filled with treasure. He leaned in, examining the tiny rivets on the box's lid, and smiled to himself as he noted an irregularity to the pattern that he recognized as one of Master Shaine's simplest ciphers. Retrieving a small wire from his belt, he pressed the little rivets in a particular order and was rewarded by the chest's lid swinging wide as if it were more than a mere carving, but it kept going, spiraling out like an iris until the entire side of the little box was open.
Inside, there was a small stone circle set with two gemstones. Ayse's eyes went wide as he recognized the unmistakable gleam of true ioun stones, and he took the Wayfinder (as it clearly must be) reverently from the box, speeding off to find the Master of Scrolls.
So yeah, something like that? Glad to alter it however you think best fits, but there's my initial thought.
Bann Drarks |
@ST Shadow
I later came to suspect this was the case but figured I'd way to see whether I got in or not before getting worked up over the matter. I have an idea that I considered for how it might work out, I didn't realize he was quite that dead though.
Perhaps then the following modifications, Bann's parents left him with one thing, a diary detailing the adventures and personal life of Escoban. But the diary was magically sealed until some sort of trigger. With only the basics visible to Bann, ie: stories of Escobar. These stories were the sort of thing that kept Bann going as a child.
Let's say the betrayal and escape from the Chelaxian slavers caused the seal to fade and allowed Bann full access to the diary.
At this point, the diary would have become readable and Bann would have learned that he was descendent of Escobar (not a strict Bastard after all!). The diary would have further detail Escobar's involvement in the Pathfinder Society along with details concerning the location of his Wayfinder.
Bann having nothing left at this point, would follow in his ancestor's footsteps, collecting the Wayfinder (presumably from some sort of Tomb) and then becoming a Pathfinder Society recruit.
How does something like this sound, Savvy?
Thanks for the selection, I am looking forward to the campaign!
Dodekatheon |
*heavy breathing*
My body is ready.
I want you to know that I spent five hours on a fantasy football draft, and I am going to spend the rest of my time until I fall asleep on my character, that is how stoked I am to play this game.
My submission has a reason for having the Solistar wayfinder, I will look int the other ones and see what makes sense.
Xarann Imbros |
Well, I wrote up the background, and it was doozy. It's up on the profile now. I'll update his purchases ASAP, but as a monk there's not really anything he needs to purchase that he can afford right now.
PS: Donkor will get the maddest loot. Just don't tell the others. It's not like another one of them in this thread could see it or anything.
Storyteller Shadow |
Well, I wrote up the background, and it was doozy. It's up on the profile now. I'll update his purchases ASAP, but as a monk there's not really anything he needs to purchase that he can afford right now.
PS: Donkor will get the maddest loot. Just don't tell the others. It's not like another one of them in this thread could see it or anything.
It will be our secret! ;-)
Sharaya Solistar |
So, I'm obviously still alive (we can't change that part of the story, since I'm in the group as well), and in my background, the attack in the land of the Mammoth Lords was faked, and I didn't give my wayfinder away... so how do you want to resolve our backgrounds?
My suggestion is that you were told that exact story, but your brother exaggerated the truth. Perhaps he was deeply in love with me, and I played with him (I may have been crueler way, way back then) but we did not have a relationship or a child, and the story was to get someone to take care of whatever child that actually is, perhaps tied to the other wayfinder which you did get that you *thought* was mine.
That allows almost all of your story, and if you are that long-lived, you could recognize me. (I thought that she had been rumored dead for much more than 29 years however, but admittedly I am bad with Golarian dates.)
On the other hand, if you need to go with the heir of the Solistar thing, maybe the child is one of my descendents, taken from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in hopes that they would be able to restore someone to the throne. The Pathfinders have been wanting to do that.
I'm disinclined to say it is actually my direct child. Women can't have children without knowing about them, and I had a happy marriage with a Kellid and many descendants that are still alive, and I don't want my character to be a woman that would abandon a child like that.