About Sharaya SolistarField Agent 1 Seaborn Sorcerer 1 Gestalt | HP 10/10 | AC 15 / T 13 / FF 12 | Fort +2 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | CMB 2 / CMD 15 | Initiative +3 | Perception +5 | Darkvision 60 feet | 1 Hero Point | Active Effects: None Current cover identity: Elia Sonelle – A Varisian scholar of Thassilon. Her knowledge of Azlant was borne out of its Thassilonian roots. She is a worshipper of Desna and a Wizard. Having heard of the first Expedition, Elia knew she could not miss the second. She booked passage on the Emperor’s Blessing hoping she would arrive on time. Base Stats
Composite Longbow (+2)
11 skill points [6 + 2 int + 1 favored class +2 background] Acrobatics +3 |+3 Dex
Traits, Feats, and Special Abilities:
Traits Expert Explorer [Campaign Trait: +1 Survival and Knowledge (History) and Machete counts as simple weapon] Heirloom Weapon [Grants proficiency in specific weapon] Pathfinder Society Scion: Sheraya Solistar [Knowledge: Nobility +2, Wayfinder grants +2 Dex, +2 Charisma, and she never needs to eat or drink.] Feats
Special Abilities
Zero Level Acid Splash Detect Magic Mage Hand Prestidigitation First Level
Bandolier (2) [1 gold] Bedroll [1 silver] Belt Pouch [1 gold] Blanket (2) [1 gold] Canteen [2 gold] Composite Longbow (+2) [story item so far / 300 gold (or more) when I can afford it, depending on whether I make it some special material] (Heirloom weapon: currently broken, will add the cost when I can pay for and use it. Probably the bow she took to the Mammoth lands, but has a connection to her family (well designed, engraved with something?), and she can't let it go and buy a new one. Needs to be *this* one.) Explorer's Outfit [Free starting outfit] Grooming Kit [1 gold] Ink [18 gold] Inkpen [1 silver] Journal [10 gold] Leather Armor [10 gold] Longsword [15 gold] Machete [10 gold] Signet Ring (Asgavan) [3 gold] (Mostly flavor here--another keepsake/emotional connection to her origins. She still feels that connection, and her house will always be part of who she is. I guess if someone gets close enough to notice it and understands what it means it could have storyline potential as well.) Silk rope (100 feet) [20 gold] Spell Component pouch [5 gold] Zoic Fetish -- Fish [story item, will be 7,500 gold if I ever want to make it real] (Flavor item, not actually functional. A gift from her Kellid husband; to her more valuable than jewels. She believes that it still has power, and it may on some emotional/spiritual level that connects her to her lost love, but not one that affects gameplay. If I can ever afford it, I may upgrade it to something real.) --Wooden Holy Symbol of Desna (haven't looked up cost yet)
Current Wealth: 22.8 Owe the company 300 gold (to "fix" my bow) Starting Wealth: 120 gold
I would have used this picture if it were available: Sharaya, although of course she now dresses like an explorer/traveler. Sharaya is tall and deeply beautiful, and though she doesn't do anything to call attention to herself or flaunt her beauty, it's a stunningly obvious fact. Even if you study her closely, you can find no blemishes or physical imperfections. It's like artwork--the kind of beauty that doesn't knock you over with lust, but which gets into your head, and you can't help comparing others to that ideal. She carries herself unconsciously like a noble, not in an overly snobbish way or anything... she is just supremely confident, and doesn't question whether other people will listen to her or take her seriously. It's assumed. Her speech is grammatically correct, pleasant, and precise. She strikes people as very knowledgeable and well-traveled, although she looks relatively young to actually be as experienced as she seems.
Sharaya Solistar, the last heir to the Chelaxian Imperial House of Asgavan, is still alive... at least technically. Thought lost in a Pathfinder Society expedition to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, which she led, she apparently disappeared in the caverns below Tusk Mountains in 4638 AR. However, the story is more complicated than that. The princess, a very powerful noble, had been working with her wizards to create a Shabti--a being that would take her place in any challenges of the afterlife. The process was explained to her, and she agreed, fearful of mortality and judgement. The decision troubled her however. A Shabti body was created, but before the process was finished of implanting memories and bringing it to life, Sharaya took some time alone with it, considering the implications. As she pondered, she realized that the facsimile that had been created was better and more beautiful than the original... idealized by fawning followers, and built to be effectively immortal. Perhaps because of her vanity and hope for immortality, or perhaps because her conscience could not bring itself to accept the likelihood of another creature so much like her suffering for her choices, she began to wonder why they should only put part of her into this creation... why not all? Her wizards, hoping to deter her, explained that it would involve her original body's death, and a brief trip to the afterlife, which she agreed to, after having them help her understand some of the magical principles involved, and trusting that she would still be herself. (During this process they discovered that she had a knack for magic.) They performed the ritual. Although the wizards almost immediately pulled her back out, Sharaya's glimpse of the afterlife troubled her, and caused her to make some dramatic changes to her life, so much so that her handmaiden wondered if the wizards had cast a mind-control spell on her. Sharaya shared the secret with her rather than allowing rumors to spread, and soon after planned an expedition to the far-away Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Her trip to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords was kind of a cover for what she had done, as well as an escape. She took along everyone who knew of the substitution, they faked a disappearance, then traveled a little bit farther and just stayed, happy and comfortable with the solid financial resources that she had provided them all. Sharaya married a Kellid, had children, and when her husband and everyone who had known her secret had died (except her good elven friend Lothenlieth Brightwater, a fellow Pathfinder, and the man she had allowed to marry her oldest daughter and heir), she left her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live their own lives, and started traveling... everywhere, seeing everything. She heard of this opportunity to discover the new and uncover the old, and it drew her as nothing else had in quite some time, since her roots were Chelaxian, despite everything. She wished to know more of the ancient Azlanti who were her first ancestors, and decided it was time for a new start. It was also well past time for her to start examining her magical talent.
Decemvirate Representatives wrote: 1. What kind of experience do you have studying objects and structures recovered by excavation to identify, date, and authenticate them and to interpret their significance? Sharaya laughs. That is not my expertise, but I have some talent at almost everything. I have participated on many archaeological digs throughout Golarion, and have a lot of support experience in those roles.
Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
I'm an explorer and survival expert, and have many skills in that regard that would help the colony. I can help survive, and becuase of my expertise at diplomacy, I can also convince people to make do with what they have. I am never a burden on a colony's basic resources, because of a particularly useful ioun stone. I personally need no food or water to sustain my life (although I do thank you for your tasty buffet outside. It is still enjoyable to eat, even when it is unnecessary). Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Why just last year when I was traveling near Lake Encarthan, I discovered a group of bandits that was poisoning one of the waterways and then selling a "cure" to many of the downstream villages. Knowling I couldn't handle it alone, I went to the downstream villages, collected volunteers, and we captured the bandits and were able to cure everyone. There were unfortunate deaths on both sides, but the evil was undone, and unlikely to be repeated. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Well, we don't have time to go into the details, but one word: Nagajor. It was especially difficult to survive there, not just because of the climate, but that was definitely a factor. Definitely glad to be back. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Oh, isn't everyone difficult sometimes? The approach will be different depending on the person and the circumstances. If a man approaches you inappropriately once, then you politely decline, and smile so he just thinks that you are taken. If he approaches you again, then you say no, thank you and you don't smile, and you look him in the eye so that he gets the message that you are not just being demure. If he comes back the third time, you either leave, or you confront him depending on how safe your situation is and whether you have backup. I have to deal with that almost daily. Or just now, out there talking to people, a man I was sitting with started talking about chopping limbs and heads off people and how much he enjoyed it. Crazy? Who knows, but a wise move to move away and not encourage psychopathic tendencies. In other circumstances though, a man like that might be useful on the front lines or as a bodyguard, as long as he was under control and on your side. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Well, if one thing is time-sensitive and one thing is not, then of course, you do the time-sensitive thing first, and then do the other so that you can get both done. Conflicts only arise when you cannot actually accomplish all of your tasks and you have noone else assisting you to which you can delegate. Then, you have to look at some main things like which thing is most helpful, which is least harmful, and what might offend the gods. If you are trying to protect a group of people who are being hunted by the Red Mantis for instance, and you are in a town where you have no idea who is or isn't affiliated with them, one answer would be to destroy the entire town. Obviously, that would be not only harmful, but offensive to the gods that I personally revere. So, you have to do something less dramatic and still keep them safe. All choices include risk, but you can never overcome evil by giving in to it. You have to make the good choice, and trust that good will triumph. In my experience, it always does, eventually. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
A few years ago I was working with a mining company that had a conflict with the Munavri. They wanted my advice on how to destroy them in order to continue their mining operations and avoid losing so many miners. I worked the numbers for them about how much it would cost to try to fight the Munavri, and projected a death toll on both sides, talked about the pros and cons of the process, and the likely outcomes. Then I suggested that they find someone to talk to the Munavri instead, find out why they were fighting the miners, and consider alternate solutions. Looking at the bleak numbers, they agreed, and asked me to attempt the diplomatic solution. It was difficult of course, but the primary hurdle was trust and communication. Once we overcame those, the two sides came to an agreement, and now the Munavri deliver gems to the mining company for an agreed upon payment each month, and the miners do not encroach upon what the Munavri see as their territory. It seemed to work out well on both sides. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
In my experience, people who are in some way personally invested in the outcome are the best and most motivated members of a team. If you have someone who is brilliant and skilled, giving that person a personal reason to be there can often get them more involved. And, of course if there are racial or gender tensions, you have to address them up front. If the team can't respect each other, then you have to remove the problem, no matter how talented that individual is. No one person is ever worth losing team unity. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
While I value my membership in the society, my qualifications and value have never had anything to do with the Society. I am qualified because of who I am--who I have chosen to become through my own choices. ...I'm qualified because I know people, how to get them to work together, I know exploration and survival, have exceptional experience in a vast variety of circumstances, and because I am creative and can come up with solutions in almost any circumstances. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
I think the story I already told you about the situation between the miners and the Munavri probably answers this one too. It was an incredibly complex problem, we looked at the options, and we found a solution that didn't start a war or continue butchery on both sides. Decemvirate Representatives wrote:
Sharaya, for the first time, seems for a brief moment as though she is at a loss for words. Instead of having something prepared for this question, you can see she is thinking about it.