Wishlist for New Classes

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Yeah, I know they have something like that class as an archetype but I would like a full class that focuses on it and does it well. They come up with some interesting ideas for archetypes but a lot of times they fall short of the theme, idea, concept, etc. they were going for.

A class that make one becomes a (Im)Personification of something: Fire, Darkness, Death, Earth, monsters under the bed, Love, Nobility, things hiding in your closet, Nature, Civilisation, etc...

Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
A class that make one becomes a (Im)Personification of something: Fire, Darkness, Death, Earth, monsters under the bed, Love, Nobility, things hiding in your closet, Nature, Civilisation, etc...

The Kineticist got the elemental embodiement pretty good ;)

We just need more elements and wild talents.

JiCi wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
A class that make one becomes a (Im)Personification of something: Fire, Darkness, Death, Earth, monsters under the bed, Love, Nobility, things hiding in your closet, Nature, Civilisation, etc...
The Kineticist got the elemental embodiement pretty good ;)

not just Elements, but concepts as well...

Scarab Sages

Reminds me of Incarnum...also of Pact Magic. Or certain iterations on the Warlock I've seen, like a Sorcerer that gets nothing but lots and lots of Bloodline Powers.

Feel free to consult me further regarding Item #8.

Cruel Illusion wrote:

-An Overlord class, that would create/summon/control monsters and other creatures to do their bidding and use dark magics and/or a monstrous shape to directly engage their enemies.

That's already done, the summoner has all those things except for maybe the "dark" magic, but that can just be RP'd

Dragon78 wrote:

I would still like to see some new classes such as...

Inventor/Engineer- Class that uses bombs, guns, tech, and gadgets. Would have good skill point progression and could make, break, or fix things faster.

Shapeshifter- Class that is a non-spellcaster that focuses on changing into anyone and anything. Maybe gains additional bonuses while using it's shape shifting.

Wildling- Martial class that was raised in the wild, has monk like AC but can use charisma or wisdom(chosen at level 1), favored terrain abilities based on the terrain were it was raised. Can select one path from a list of starting abilities so it could have an animal companion, unarmed strike, natural attacks, animal spirit, etc. Is proficient with primitive weapons like club, bolos, boomerang, sling, spear, etc.

Vivifier- Class that is a conduit of the positive energy plane. Basically a non-spellcasting healer class with abilities like channel, lay on hands, fast healing, negative energy resistance, immunity to disease, death effects, energy drain, positive energy blast, etc.

Bloodsavant- Class that focuses on sorcerer bloodline powers. It would be a d8/cleric BA, 4+int skill point class with lessened(6th) or no spell casting.

Beastmaster- Martial class with a animal or magical beast companion. Maybe a monk like AC bonus based on charisma.

Defender/Protector- Martial class that focuses on defense and protective abilities both for his self and for others. Gets armor training, uncanny dodge, stalwart, all good saves and maybe some abjuration spells as spell like abilities. Can use his shield to deflect attacks and even deflect magical attacks at higher levels. Some other cool gimmicks would be if he is poisoned he gains a haste effect.

Warlock/Hexer- Martial class that uses witch hexes. Maybe has 4th level casting from the witch spell list.

Soulblade/Mindblade/Spiritblade/Mysticblade- Martial class that has the ability to create a magical weapon out of there body, mind or soul. Gains a +1 enhancement bonus at 3rd that...

would you do inventor engineer as a hybrid alchemist/gunslinger?

Well Starfinder is doing a Mechanic class wich sounds close to what I wanted in an Engineer/Inventor class. So hopefully they will be able to use them in Pathfinder with little work.

A base class mystic theurge with options that include several spell lists. Because when I build one I like to use a caster druid as one part of it.

Liberty's Edge

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KenderKin wrote:
A base class mystic theurge with options that include several spell lists.

If you are ok with third party content and are looking for a single class theurge, might I suggest that you check out the New Paths Compendium from Kobold Press.

One of the new base classes within is, you guessed it, The Theurge :)

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The Rouge, most people should know the reasons for that one.

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Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
The Rouge, most people should know the reasons for that one.

Rogue/Bard hybrid in a Burlesque fashion ? I'm all up for it ;)

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9th level bardic-style caster.

A Legend of Dragoon (Playstation 1) style Dragoon class would be legit.

Make them choose a dragon color at level 1, and that will be their only color permanently. Each color could correspond to a weapon in which they're proficient (or class of weapon) and maybe one or two colors would focus on spellcasting over martialing. Overall the class could be a sort of spellsword, a little Magus-like, but with the difference being that they're blessed by the soul (or spirit, or part of a soul, etc.) of a dragon which would push them towards a more specialized play-style. Maybe at level 6 or so they gain the ability to utilize a "Dragoon form". Either it can be a little weaker and be done permanently at will (give alternating bonuses to being in/out of the form sort of like the Vigilante, since being in an armored up Dragoon form might scare off some potential allies), or make it stronger but usable X amount of time/rounds per day. Regardless of which you choose, it would be really cool to allow the Dragoon to customize their Dragoon form with a system similar mechanically to Rogue talents.

I would love for a Dark Knight like class similar in the vain of the Final Fantasy series Dark Knight job. I'm not saying it needs to have the exact same abilities, as some of that would be kind of game breaking, but I would love to see a Fighter job with some medium arcane spellcasting (6th lv), heavy armor prof, martial weapon prof, and fill the strike/tank role with abilities that deal considerable damage while drawing and holding threat against individual enemies. Of course the real feel of the class comes from the flavor and fluff of it, but seeing the Anti-Paladin doesn't really do it for me, as its evil for the sake of evil, where as I see the Dark Knight as neutral or being derived from the Darkness of his/her own personality as opposed to some moral alignment.

I will throw my voice behind the Dark Knight style class, or really any permutation of the classical vampiric weapon. The idea of a martial class that heals/gets stronger the longer they fight is almost the definition of the "Hero" image... At least in my head.

Scarab Sages

Not really a new class, but an investigator update that includes some of the things URogue got.

Silver Crusade

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I'd love to see a Summoner/Alch combo that involves building a companion, either from fleshwarping or going more tech and buliding your own personal servant built from whatever.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
I'd love to see a Summoner/Alch combo that involves building a companion, either from fleshwarping or going more tech and buliding your own personal servant built from whatever.

Making your own personal Ooze would be pretty cool.

Non-martial divine caster that is different from the Cardinal: d6, 1/2 BAB, 9/9 divine caster that uses hybrid prepared/spontaneous casting like an Arcanist, has a Divine Reservoir, and gets Divine Exploits; gets only Simple Weapon and no Armor/Shield proficiency and suffers the Divine equivalent of Arcane Spell Failure chance if casting in armor or with a shield.

Somebody already mentioned a proper Rage Prophet Base Class above.

Arcane Trickster Base Class (this is different from Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue).

Magus alternate class that is spontaneous casting (Charisma-based) and gets a Sorcerer Bloodline (different from the Eldritch Scion archetype).

Sorcerous Witch (Sorcerer-Witch hybrid with Charisma-based spontaneous casting and Witch Hexes, but also gets Bloodline Powers -- different from the Ley Line Guardian archetype . . . Hey, what's up with Paizo not letting us get a Witch who can't spell?

Harrowed Medium: a fleshed-out version of the Occult Adventures Playtest Medium. Probably needs to be an alternate class rather than just an archetype of Medium.

Remixes of Bard, Magus, and Summoner to cover focus on each Arcane School (Summoner has Conjuration covered; Bard and Puppetmaster Magus hav Enchantment covered; Magus other than Puppetmaster has Evocation covered; but even though each of these classes has at least a few spells of the other Arcane Schools, the other Arcane Schools have no associated class that has more than a strong secondary focus on them).

Variant Multiclassing Reloaded -- balance the options (right now they are REALLY uneven), add VMC options for classes that don't have them, and add VMC options for at least hte more commonly used archetypes, with the option to VMC into the same class as your primary class, but with a different archetype or lack thereof, although abilities that could potentially stack have caps on their numeric bonuses based upon your total hit dice or total BAB, as applicable (so for instance, you could go Fighter (Lore Warden) VMC Fighter (no archetype), your total Weapon Training bonus (for each weapon group) is capped at 1/4 your total BAB - 1/4, and your total Bravery bonus is capped at 1/4 your hit dice + 1/2, but you still get extra Weapon Groups or Advanced Weapon Trainingn options; if you multiclassed into something else, you could eventually make use of some of the extra Weapon Training numeric bonus, and meanwhile, your later Weapon Groups would benefit from some of the extra numeric bonus (since they start out lower and thus have some room before they hit the cap).

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3.5 master of masks.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
I'd love to see a Summoner/Alch combo that involves building a companion, either from fleshwarping or going more tech and buliding your own personal servant built from whatever.

This is high on my list as well, although depending on how much class design varies from Starfinder, it might be pretty easy to adapt the Mechanic into Pathfinder, which fits the tech/clockwork side of things pretty well.

Now that an awful lot of new material has come out since Thassilonian Specialist Wizards (which date back to before PFRPG), I'd like to see a reload of these. I posted one here, but this doesn't really cut it -- I want to see Runelords warping reality with their minds, not just being overspecialized Wizards, yet being more than just Psychics with Arcane Schools bolted on.

Even though I like the ACG Shaman I was really hoping for more of a witch/druid hybrid than what we ended up getting so I'll cast my vote for that.

A Priest class- Wizard HD/BA, full 9th level cleric casting, 4+int skill points, good will save, simple weapon prof., light armor prof. only and no shields, channeling and lay on hands(+mercies), starts with two domains but gains 4 plus other class features.

Hybrid classes with the Occult classes would be nice ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Doomed Hero wrote:

I'd like to see a Full Bab Necromancer class. The Bloodrager comes close, but a Necromancer (in my mind) is pretty much defined by whether or not they can cast Animate Dead. A Bloodrager can't do that until 10th level.

I want to see the "lead from the front" Necromancer.

A thought on how to do it would be an Antipaladin Archetype that gives up Fiendish Boon and one of their Auras for the ability to cast Animate Dead a couple times a day, and an Aura of Desecration.

To take up this idea, an antipaladin who gets an undead companion or shadow would be really, really cool and flavorful.

Doesn´t have to be the most powerful thing and could replace some stuff, especially the boon.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, more samurai!
Like a samurai based on swashbuckler!

I suppose i want a magus/soul knife combo where you basically summon weapons of a element, kinda similar to the mages in Guild wars 2 where you summon elemental weapons with different utilities.

And i would love to see a class similar to the Final Fantasy Dragoon class based on jumping and lance usage without a mount.

A "Red mage" kind of class from Final Fantasy, closest we have is mystic Theruge, but i wouldnt mind a double 6th level caster with some melee capabilities. ( Though it feels like the closest spell-list you have to a "black and white" is either the witch list or the shaman list. )

An unchained bard that focuses on bardic music and can choose what type of bardic music they get. So you could have bardic music that uses healing/curative abilities, elemental powers, boosting effects, protective effects, status ailments, and more. It would make the class much more customizable and they could add new bardic music powers in later books.

DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
I would really like a wuxia teleporting around the battlefield martial class. Something akin to the swordmage from 4E, but obviously a huge rewrite on it.

Not to "me too", but me, too! Similar idea, but the one character concept I have wanted to play for years but haven't been able to hobble together satisfactorily is X-Men's Nightcrawler. I have sorta kinda come close, but a class that is designed around the short-range teleporting Dex-based melee fighter/acrobat would be incredible. I seem to recall the 4E Avenger had some of that, but I never got much chance to play 4e.

It would be nice to see a class that can short range teleport as move action with little or no limit to number of uses. Though this could be an ability for a kineticist with aether, void, or a time based element.

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Ken Marable wrote:
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
I would really like a wuxia teleporting around the battlefield martial class. Something akin to the swordmage from 4E, but obviously a huge rewrite on it.

Not to "me too", but me, too! Similar idea, but the one character concept I have wanted to play for years but haven't been able to hobble together satisfactorily is X-Men's Nightcrawler. I have sorta kinda come close, but a class that is designed around the short-range teleporting Dex-based melee fighter/acrobat would be incredible. I seem to recall the 4E Avenger had some of that, but I never got much chance to play 4e.

4E had some design problems, but the classes in that system were so much more flavorful to me personally, than the ones in PF. Some examples of 4E classes I would love to see a PF version of: Warden, Warlord, Battlemind, Swordmage, Invoker, and Runepriest.

For some reason I just can't figure out, I find the PF classes as a whole pretty dull, even though I consider it superior to 4E as a system.

Dracoknight wrote:

I suppose i want a magus/soul knife combo where you basically summon weapons of a element, kinda similar to the mages in Guild wars 2 where you summon elemental weapons with different utilities.

{. . .}

Sounds like Mindblade Magus -- just be sure to add elemental enhancements to your weapon when you can.

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I second the idea for an inventor, but I'd want it to be more of a Tinker, someone who jury-rigs crazy contraptions in the heat of battle that are dangerous and unstable, as much a threat to himself and his allies as his enemies.

A Shapeshifter class would also be great, but paizo hates real shapeshifting so I doubt I'd even like what they came up with.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Outside of a golem/construct companion, i don´t see "inventors" working in Golarion. Please don´t do a turret setting class or something like that. It´s just not a match.

Monks and UC monks with abundant step have some kind of limited battlefield teleportation. Perhaps that could be done with an archetype focussing on it, could be awesome.

And for shapeshifting, the dragon oracle from Legacy of oracles gives you form of the dragon. There´s also several oracles which can become elementals, as well as the Skinwalker race and of course druids.
That doesn´t look like hating shapeshifting to me^^

Hayato Ken wrote:

Outside of a golem/construct companion, i don´t see "inventors" working in Golarion. Please don´t do a turret setting class or something like that. It´s just not a match.

Monks and UC monks with abundant step have some kind of limited battlefield teleportation. Perhaps that could be done with an archetype focussing on it, could be awesome.

And for shapeshifting, the dragon oracle from Legacy of oracles gives you form of the dragon. There´s also several oracles which can become elementals, as well as the Skinwalker race and of course druids.
That doesn´t look like hating shapeshifting to me^^

I get what Frog is saying actually, it's my complaint too. The Dragon Oracle is worthless because most campaigns are over before they get their shapeshifting abilities.

The skinwalker race doesn't really change shape, they just get one or two extra benefits when they're bestial, whatever that means. As for Druids, they're just boring. Animals, Plants and Elementals? That's it? Nothing interesting there.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Maybe get a bit more specific then what you want?

I can see the attraction of morphing into a dragon, but at low levels too much of that is kinda problematic i think.
Bloodrager does something there though, if you take draconic bloodline?

Dragon oracle doesn´t look that bad to me though. Might have been nice with some byte and claws like the sorcerer.

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silverrey wrote:
I will throw my voice behind the Dark Knight style class, or really any permutation of the classical vampiric weapon. The idea of a martial class that heals/gets stronger the longer they fight is almost the definition of the "Hero" image... At least in my head.

TO quote my earlier post in this thread:

I want a Shadowknight class that gives you a heavy armor martial build with the ability to inflict life drain damage through weapons or touch attack, can have an undead minion or two and finally gives the game this iconic type of fantasy character.

I love life drain melee classes and still can't believe we don't have one after all these years in Pathfinder. You deal X damage, you get Y amount back as health or temporary hit points. Such a wonderful way to add some flavor to martial classes.

Marvel verses power level are kinda outside the scope of PF.

and yeah, too many classes only get their awesome stuff too late in the game.

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Hayato Ken wrote:

Maybe get a bit more specific then what you want?

I can see the attraction of morphing into a dragon, but at low levels too much of that is kinda problematic i think.
Bloodrager does something there though, if you take draconic bloodline?

Dragon oracle doesn´t look that bad to me though. Might have been nice with some byte and claws like the sorcerer.

Personally, what I'd like is a shapeshifter that isn't limited to boring "nature forms", I want something monstrous and different. The only interesting shapeshifters to me fluffwise are the Metamorph Alchemist and Mooncursed Barbarian, but those are so gimped mechanically I would never bother playing one.

I don't think the issue is that Paizo hates shapeshifters, I think the issue is that they do a piss poor job of designing them.

HeHateMe wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:

Maybe get a bit more specific then what you want?

I can see the attraction of morphing into a dragon, but at low levels too much of that is kinda problematic i think.
Bloodrager does something there though, if you take draconic bloodline?

Dragon oracle doesn´t look that bad to me though. Might have been nice with some byte and claws like the sorcerer.

Personally, what I'd like is a shapeshifter that isn't limited to boring "nature forms", I want something monstrous and different. The only interesting shapeshifters to me fluffwise are the Metamorph Alchemist and Mooncursed Barbarian, but those are so gimped mechanically I would never bother playing one.

I don't think the issue is that Paizo hates shapeshifters, I think the issue is that they do a piss poor job of designing them.

Lycanthropes, many of us hoped Blood of the Moon would be about making them more playable, years later, we are still waiting.

I would say Paizo hates (the idea of) shapeshifting PCs.

I want a shapeshifting class that will eventually be able to change into any creature type. Maybe if it had abilities you could choose including changing into a specific creature type, improving and adding abilities while polymorphed, etc. that way if Paizo adds new polymorph spells then they could be added to the class without any problem.

Grand Lodge

I would like a new rogue/sorcerer hybrid class which uses arcane power to enhance their stealth, imbue their weapons with mystical poisons or shadowy power, and other shadow related magics.

Kemuri Kunoichi wrote:
I would like a new rogue/sorcerer hybrid class which uses arcane power to enhance their stealth, imbue their weapons with mystical poisons or shadowy power, and other shadow related magics.

Kinda sounds like the Ninja, or a Ninja x Sorcerer hybrid.

HeHateMe wrote:
{. . .} As for Druids, they're just boring. Animals, Plants and Elementals? That's it? Nothing interesting there.

Cave Druid . . . .

UnArcaneElection wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
{. . .} As for Druids, they're just boring. Animals, Plants and Elementals? That's it? Nothing interesting there.

Cave Druid . . . .

Thanks, I knew about the Cave Druid, mechanically it is absolutely horrendous, not worth playing at all, unfortunately. The idea was a good one, but poor execution.

HeHateMe wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
{. . .} As for Druids, they're just boring. Animals, Plants and Elementals? That's it? Nothing interesting there.

Cave Druid . . . .

Thanks, I knew about the Cave Druid, mechanically it is absolutely horrendous, not worth playing at all, unfortunately. The idea was a good one, but poor execution.

uhh all it does is change the theme of some of your less combatative abilities to cave themed and them the wild shape change but turning into an ooze can be really useful. horrendous? exaggeration much? you still have druid spell-casting if your in a lot of caves in your adventure its an almost pure upgrade.....

Vidmaster7 wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
{. . .} As for Druids, they're just boring. Animals, Plants and Elementals? That's it? Nothing interesting there.

Cave Druid . . . .

Thanks, I knew about the Cave Druid, mechanically it is absolutely horrendous, not worth playing at all, unfortunately. The idea was a good one, but poor execution.
uhh all it does is change the theme of some of your less combatative abilities to cave themed and them the wild shape change but turning into an ooze can be really useful. horrendous? exaggeration much? you still have druid spell-casting if your in a lot of caves in your adventure its an almost pure upgrade.....

Wild Shape (Su)

A cave druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for this ability is equal to her druid level –2. She cannot use wild shape to adopt a plant form. At 10th level, the cave druid can assume the form of a Small or Medium ooze as if using beast shape III, and at 12th level that of a Tiny or Large ooze as if using beast shape IV (treating the ooze as if it were a magical beast without a natural armor bonus). When in ooze form, the cave druid has no discernible anatomy and is immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits.


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