"The Adventures of Calvin Commoner, and his Amazing Collection of Cans!"
And another psychic item.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wondrous item worth 20 times more than any wondrous item in core rulebook. Cool effects but would bankrupt a kingdom to create.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote: chaoseffect wrote: KingOfAnything wrote: Paragraph breaks greatly aid readability. Shoot for 3 or 4 lines between breaks. 1 is too few, and 20 is too many. Every time I see a block of text, even a well written block of text, I'm tempted to just give it to the other guy who actually pressed enter a couple of times even though his entry has no grasp of the rules (both game and contest) and contains over 200 words of flowery fanfiction for his personal PC. I usually resist that temptation and just end up using the "you both suck" button unless that block of text really was the greatest thing ever conceived. People are really downvoting/voting "both are bad" for items that didn't double-space between paragraphs? The published book descriptions don't double-space, and neither does the submission template.
(And clicking "both are equally good/bad" just wastes your time, doing nothing to improve the rankings.) It was an exaggeration on my part to specify that large chunks of text annoy me (no, I'm not auto-downvoting walls of of text) and clearly one I shouldn't have made. I have been using the "equally good/bad" mostly for pairings that are so poor that I feel bad upvoting one, but perhaps I should just bite the bullet and pick.
Wait... which is worse - stupid or broken?
(I know stupid broken is the worst lol)
Tripp Elliott wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: I found a filigree! Why do we hate filigree, again? Anything is fine in moderation. I'm pretty sure I saw a weapon earlier that grows more filigree depending on something you do with it.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Someone should design a wondrous item that is a filigree that drains the item of all magic.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Quickly developing a peeve to the price not containing a comma if over 1,000 gp.
Wszebor Uriev wrote: Wait... which is worse - stupid or broken?
(I know stupid broken is the worst lol)
Stupid. Broken can still be cool.
Using rules in totally warped way on one item I saw made me go 'cool'.
One had me picturing the armor of bones from order of the stick.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Breaks between paragraphs don't bother me, but wall-o-text items do.
Starting to look harder at what is on the PRD and what is not, 5 more DQs to the list, up to 30.
Someone has the same favorite Pokemon as I do. Too bad that entry violated IP.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wondrous. By all the lords of the infinite Abyss, the word is wondrous, not "wonderous."
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Also, the number of joke items seems to be bigger this year, but so is the percentage of joke items worth voting on.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Scythe vs. scythe! It's about time...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
lawful weapon vs Chaotic weapon
Beast item vs. Beast item, tis a beastly choice
1 person marked this as a favorite.
This "I win diplomacy" item although fairly common today, at least is a break from the stream of "I win combat" items I've seen. Still voting for the other guy.
Got a ranged weapon on the left and the ammunition for it on the right.
I believe that's the equivalent of getting three cherries on a slot machine in an animated cartoon.
Found a keeper!!!
Only took about 400 items to get there.
I'll be interested in seeing what 32 are actually kept in the end.
Properly formatted but awful item vs. kinda ok item with no formatting
Nice job squeezing your item into 300 words. Unfortunately, the method you chose in order to do so was leaving out all formatting.
Is there any point in downvoting a soon-to-be-DQ'd item, or should I just ignore the pairing? Or should I upvote the DQable because the other item is bad? After all, upvoting an item that will soon be removed won't affect anything, and it gives the other item the downvote it deserves.
Botched [b] tags vs. in-character quote.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
I've now seem multiple items in a row where there the names are of the form "Adjective Noun Noun" where it is unclear if it should be an "Adjective-Noun Noun" or an "Adjective Compound Noun" until I read the item description.
And it's annoying me.
Rei wrote: Nice job squeezing your item into 300 words. Unfortunately, the method you chose in order to do so was leaving out all formatting. Bear in mind that tags like [b] don't actually add to the wordcount.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Rei wrote: Nice job squeezing your item into 300 words. Unfortunately, the method you chose in order to do so was leaving out all formatting. Bear in mind that tags like [b] don't actually add to the wordcount. "All formatting" included cost, slot, construction, etc. It was all description.
Ridiculously underpriced item vs. the most expensive item I've seen so far.
I am pretty sure it is that one skill meant to be used to do that thing. The skill you picked is used for other things.
I'm not sure if this is still in the list after last night, but...
The mature content adds nothing to the item. Should I be annoyed or relieved?
A pairing that their names rhyme with each other.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Frothy... really???? Frothy???? I feel like I need a shower.
I think this is a joke item, but it actually sounds useful
Ok, I know Role-playing games tend to fulfill a power-fantasy, a hero-fantasy, or many other psychological niches of personal empowerment and escapism.
However, This item? Really? The Power isn't that "neat", nore is it very original. And in all honesty, if it's not original, I wouldn't count it against you if you were clever, or changed it in an interesting way.
But that name... that name ruined it. Sealed the deal.
didn't know Glad made foil in Golarion.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Do I have to pick one? Cause they are both awful.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wrathgar_The_Warlord wrote: Do I have to pick one? Cause they are both awful. Pick the less awful one.
Finally found something I really like: it's over the top, but it's the cool kind of over the top. :D
My dice also hate me sometimes, but this item won't make it better.
Which ones? (PM me?)
I noticed a couple with names very similar to Season 8 items, but then I saw them myself in voting.
Wonder if I'll become dedicated or see my item first. So far, I have voted on one item 9 times in different pairings.
Aha! A pun! A rather overpriced one, at that.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
this is bad
and should not happen
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pro: I can tell this item was workshopped!
Con: I can tell because the reviewer comments were left in.
RainyDayNinja wrote: Pro: I can tell this item was workshopped!
Con: I can tell because the reviewer comments were left in.
Ahahaha, I just saw something similar!