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![]() Ok throwing in my 2 cents... 1) Anything distant worlds/dark tapestry-ish
![]() Yay! Made the cut. :) As for issue themes, with Starfinder coming out next summer how about an "Into the Void" theme, that is articles about the Golarian solar system from the Pathfinder point of view. It could make a nice bridge between the two systems. Then again, coming off the heals of the Issue #16, another sci-fantasy issue maybe not totally desirable *shrugging shoulders* ![]()
![]() Drakir2010 wrote:
I think the issue here was forgetting that Persuasive grants +4 bonus instead of +2 if the skills have 10 or more ranks. If Diplomacy and Intimidate are class skills (which makes sense for a glabrezu) we have +12 ranks + 5 Cha + 2 feat + 3 class skill = +22 total but it should be +12 ranks + 5 Cha + 4 feat + 3 class skill = +24 total ![]()
![]() Is there an official expanded hierarchy for which version of a spell a spell-like ability uses beyond the standard order of sorcerer/wizard, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger? In other words, a hierarchy that takes into account all of the spellcasting classes including the new occult classes. ![]()
![]() The thing to remember that this is a very tough contest. You might think you have a solid entry, hell you even may have a solid and well designed entry, but the whims of the voters are hard to predict. This year I have seen items that looks to have made it through that I thought were less than stellar as well as items that I thought were really good that got culled. The point is just keep trying and hone your design craft. Take advantage of the forums and 3PP who call for content (especially don't forget about the magazines like Wayfinder). ![]()
![]() Chris Shaeffer wrote:
Much more than in the past. I think that is because the voting public are deciding this time on the final 32 instead of judges. So far it seems like 1/2-3 days. ![]()
![]() Would like opinion/ruling on this. When you give a dragon an inherited template that increases its size would you treat the beast as the larger size and assign damage from its attacks according to the dragon damage table, or first make the dragon then increase the damage from its attack via. the table on increasing damage with size? ![]()
![]() Quick question on the classification of subtypes. Subtypes can be grouped into some large categories, i.e. energy (cold, fire, electricity, etc.), element (air, earth, fire, water), miscellaneous (mythic, incorporeal, extraplanar, native, etc.), but what about racial subtypes? All humanoids get a racial subtype, but what about subtypes like angel, demon, etc. that specific a race (species?) but applied to other types? Are they considered racial subtypes or a different classification? So if a template says a base creature loses all racial subtypes does that include these "species" subtypes? ![]()
![]() Here is the list of the required books. Prologue:
Rise of the Drow:
![]() Hey folks. I am the Hero Lab dev for Rise of the Drow. I just sent updated files to the folks at Adventure a Week. Technotrooper: You need the Adventure's Armory package. Sethvir: I updated the file and sent it to Jonathan for release. In general if you get an error like this in the future when loading a por file try reloading (ctrl+r) or recompiling (ctrl+c) it after you open it. If you cannot do this, make sure you have debugging enabled in the devleop menu. ![]()
![]() Enjoying this one, but is it just me, or there is a bunch of errors in this one. For instance, Melazmera an old umbral dragon should be CL 11 not 15, an abyssal harvester should have 21 HD not 20, there are also a bunch of creatures missing feats, have feats that don't meat prereqs, etc. Don't mean to nit pick, but I am surprised by some of these. There is usually much better quality control on the adventure paths. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the critique of my entry (fleshwarping unguent). Valid points all. I agree, I severely mispriced the item. Given the addiction component and the limited duration of the item I think it should be in the 2,000 - 5,000 gp/dose range. Expensive, but not severely so. I also think I would have reworked it without the addiction component. Maybe an increasing Will or Fortitude save or become sickened or nauseated? Maybe open it up to allow a list of extraordinary universal abilities beyond natural attacks? Though opening it up to a poison or disease abilities is a whole can of worms. Yeah I realize it is treads on "Swiss army knife" territory, but that is kind of what fleshwarping does. :/ The reason I went with the addiction quality is that I was imagining that using the unguent makes the user less and less able to resist the fleshwarper, eventually becoming a living mannequin for the fleshwarper. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the critique of my entry (fleshwarping unguent). I agree, I mispriced the item. Given the addiction component and the limited duration of the item I think it should be in the 2,000 - 5,000 gp/dose range. BTW, I mentioned the drow because fleshwarping is specially a drow art. I also think I would have reworked it without the addiction component. Maybe an increasing Will or Fortitude save or become sickened or nauseated? What I was imagining the using the unguent makes the user less and less able to resist the fleshwarper, eventually becoming a living mannequin for the fleshwarper. Yeah it is nasty, which is also why I chose the word unguent. It is an ugly word. ![]()
![]() Here is mine: Fleshwarping Unguent
Other effects from fleshwarping unguent are possible and left to the GM’s discretion. Creatures immune to polymorph effects, with the construct or undead type, shapechanger subtype, or amorphous special quality are immune to the effects of fleshwarping unguent. Natural attacks granted by the unguent are treated as specified on Table 3-1: Natural Attacks by Size in the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a subject already has a natural attack, the unguent either transforms it into a different kind of natural attack or increases the attack’s damage by one step (as the Improved Natural Attack feat). Fleshwarping unguent has minor addictive qualities that cause the subject to crave the sensation of flesh being molded (see Drugs and Addiction in the Gamemastery Guide. Fleshwarping Addiction: Type drug, contact; Addiction minor; Save Will DC 12 (+1 cumulative per total number of applications of unguent); Effect none; Damage 1d2 Wis damage. Construction
![]() I think there is an error with the Knowledge skills with the Chrestomath. (I am trying to enter it into Hero Lab :) ). Assuming the knowledge skills with +32 are class skills, there is not enough skill points (even with the +10 bonus) to get the skill totals in the stat blocks (currently it looks like it is 18 overspent). Am I missing something? ![]()
![]() The Tiberolith looks to have a few errors in its stat block. 1) It lists has a Huge construct so it should have a hp bonus of 40 not 30 (thus having a total hp of 111)
![]() Many of the 3.0/3.5 monsters specify that they can be summoned via the various summon monster spells. However, it has been said that Pathfinder intentionally limits the creatures that can be called via summon monster. So when I convert a monster to Pathfinder, how do you handle the statement that is can be summoned via summon monster? Do you ignore that text? Make a specialized spell for that creature? |