
Jeff Harris 982's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. 411 posts (3,622 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.


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As it so happens, I am responsible for the Master Hawserier, and I take that as high praise, thank you Endzie!

I shape shift in a binary super computer, confusion now re-forged into order.

Molten Dragon had a mullet back in dragon high school, cause hey man, work in front, party in back, alas, that last part summoned GoatToucher, MD then shaved his head as you see it now for well...reasons.

Sweet, thanks Liz, as always, you are our favourite Gninja!

Goofus only plays master summoners (pre-nerf), never prepares his summons stats ahead of time, and should anyone complain, he holds up a 5 foot tall sign that reads "server lag suckers!"

Gallant rewards and encourages his players for treating their animal companions and familiars with respect and as valued members of the team.

nummmy, moco loco and the smell of cordite in the morning, must be spammer hunting time!

Time to reload my +5 Barrett 50 cal. of spammer bane. It has been said before, but indeed, such is the price of spammer freedom. Now lets go out and touch some spammer posts from near a mile!

(worth noting, Hawaiian food is delicious)

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Yeah, what Adam said!

Goofus resolves sub plots with...nuclear submarines and their ICBM's.

Gallant prepares tirelessly to run a thrilling and interesting aquatic campaign, doing his best to let the players explore both on and beneath the waves.

Goofus changes all the numbers on his players D20's to 1's, and then institutes the critical fumble rules, only for the PC's however.

Gallant rolls with the punches when he has to draw a critical fumble card, he even RP's the effects of the card.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

@ Jeff Swank Shhhh no is supposed to know that!

But in all seriousness, very well fought and played final four, all of you deserve to be there, so win or lose, know you made this years RPGSS a contest to remember, congrats and good luck!

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Rysky, why oh why is writing archetypes and PrC's focused on the kineticist so bloody hard, I mean, I have been working for three days and completed only two paragraphs in the first piece, a new low. I mean at this rate I will have this product ready for publication via Flying Pincushion games in like, 7 months, WHY!!!!

Ventnor uses that huge nose horn of his to open old ladies canned goods.

(well of course, as there can be ONLY ONE!)

For those who are interested, I wrote a while ago a gun kata style PrC for gunslingers. It is included in The Flying Pincushions Into the Breach: the Gunslinger book, here is a link to it on the paizo store. If you want to be like John Woo, this is the PrC for you.


For those who are interested, I wrote a while ago a gun kata style PrC for gunslingers. It is included in The Flying Pincushions Into the Breach: the Gunslinger book, here is a link to it on the paizo store. If you want to be link John Woo, this is the PrC for you.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Web gremlins, it has to be. I think they make a spray for those, should I send some to Chris?

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Monica does indeed know what she is talking about folks, it's like she has been there or something, crazy huh. :)

PTTFD (post traumatic top four disorder)

Pulg produces a musk that is irresistible to stray cats and republicans, their yowls sound oddly similar when the two are in heat.

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Goofus's cavalier rides an elephant named Stampy, he refuses to play in any adventure where Stampy does not fit in every location, and makes loud trumpeting noises to drown out others when they suggest he leave his mount behind.

Gallant does his best to ensure mounted PC's get to shine in their favoured role.

IHIYC often accompanies Pulg to the hospital when he visits dressed as General Patton, however IHIYC likes to dress as Erwin Rommel "the Desert Fox" and engages Pulg/Patton in a rousing round of fist a cuffs. The children often places bets on the fight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Goofus tells God his breath stinks, makes the word of God into an urban dictionary curse word, and pushes true believers off of the path of God.

Gallant rewards his players for good RP by their religious characters, and works their faiths into the central story elements, even when the PC's have obscure or strange gods.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

MD is banned for often making a realistic looking human butter sculpture and dressing it up in business attire. He does this so he can use the carpool lane, and have buttery toast on his way to the office.

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Arcane tattoo, Cutie Mark: A small rainbow tattoo that always ends up on the PC's arse cheek, no matter where it is inked in the first place. Effect: causes bearer to crap rainbows and accept the power of friendship.

When Goofus's players do genuinely nice things for people, he has those people return every day thereafter with another request for aid, and attack the party if they do not assist on every last request.

Gallant purposefully avoids the "Elminster" effect when introducing important high level NPC's in his home games.

Well, so much for the Super Secret Guild of GoatToucher's Spurned Goat Lovers. Well damn it, there goes my tax shelter.

The next poster travelled back in time and killed Hitler before the outbreak of WWII with hilarious consequences to history.

Goofus enslaves the busty maiden, then forces her to get a breast augmentation, and does "girly pillow swan dives."

Gallant helps a newbie player to retool his very clearly from a famous source TWF ranger elf with a big cat into something more original but still of the "you know who" flavour. Gallant also sends R.A. Salvatore $5, as a form of apology.

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon actually uses all those creepy iron hair spikes to roast marshmallows for orphans. Thing is, after they have their s'mores, he roasts them too, cause hey, an evil god's corporal body has to eat, and no orphan should go to waste.

WHAT??! Gorram IT! I can't hear you with these friggin hands growing out of my ears! When I find that no good two bit crook of an alchemist I am going to feed him a dose of his own hand growing medicine, except it wont be his ears from where his new hand does it's growing!

The next poster has the unfortunate distinction of being the first to run into said alchemist after his "accident."

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Goofus kills the dog, the hawk, and the lobster, then proceeds to make a new holiday feast dish, the hawdoster. Which is a lobster, stuffed inside a hawk, stuffed inside a dog, and roasted until tender. He then demands his GM provide him XP for his brilliant culinary skill.

Gallant often encourages odd or less than optimal Craft and Profession skills by providing PC's who use them often and cleverly with balanced and interesting homebrew boons and fun RP opportunities.

The Plutocat is banned for being from Mars and not actually being a cat, stop confusing people gorram it!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Aura Faint Enchantment and Transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 10,310 gp; Weight 8 lbs.

This +1 Boar Spear's tarnished blade features a blood red sash fastened to its crossguard. Hidesplitter's steel blade is specially attuned to slaying woodland terrors and is considered both silver and cold iron.

Upon striking, the wielder may choose to embed Hidesplitter as a swift action, applying a -5 penalty to damage reduction or natural armor bonus to the target struck. This penalty can never reduce a creature's natural armor bonus or damage reduction below 0. This ability has no effect on creatures whose damage reduction is not overcome by Hidesplitter itself.

While Hidesplitter remains embedded, the target may not take a 5ft step and may only move with a successful drag maneuver against the wielder. Attempting this maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity, though any subsequent movement provokes as normal. Hidesplitter's wielder may release the weapon as an immediate action, avoiding this drag maneuver, though Hidesplitter remains embedded.

Creatures can remove Hidesplitter from themselves by succeeding a DC 10 strength check as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Hidesplitter's wielder may remove it without a strength check as an swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

While embedded, Hidesplitter can not be used to make attacks, but provides a +2 shield bonus to your AC against the effected creature, as if it had been used successfully against a readied charge.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hold person, versatile weapon; Cost 5310 gp


The Good: Great name, it is exactly on point with theme, and does NOT use the items base type or the word OF. Also nice detail with the sash. Lastly, you went very different than most weapons, and that was a great call, I love the concept of this spear.

The Bad: The wielder suffers mobility issues just like the target I would assume, that could get very nasty very fast. Also, bypassing DR rather than reducing it would have been fine as per the required spell.

The Ugly: To gain max benefit, the wielder can't continue to wield the spear actively unless their target is dead, and a reduction of 5 natural armor could render a decent CR creature far weaker than normal if natural armor was its main defence (many monsters work this way).

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Another CMI new request, so here we go yet again.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

I may be mistaken, but I think the video we are referring to is of Hitler and his RPGSS item. Should be easy to find on youtube (funny too)

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Congrats and a fine job to Charlie, Crystal, Jason, and Nick. Best of luck to you all from all of us at Flying Pincushion Games!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

I would gladly share my art skills were they not about 29 levels lower than my other design skills (I am a writer for a reason, reason is, I am not an artist :) )

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Totally, mayhaps it is time to bring being responsible for your horrible choices back BigNorseWolf! (also laughed so loud at work I got funny looks from the room, well done Ser, well done)

That is a fine point Ser BigNorseWolf. Just found that tactic a bit dated, and it stood out very clearly to me anyway, that it was sort of a cop-out. Thankfully the other side provides plenty of valid criticism ammo.

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Is it just me, or did Hilary do allot of Republican blaming in her debate answers. Sure, they have problems they should be accountable for, but her constant attack sounded contrives and forced. "The Republicans did it" seemed to be her go to answer when she lacked a better one. That said I am Bernie all the way! This will be the first time I have decided to vote, because for once a candidate represents much of what I believe.

Grunt Grunt! Crap, now I am a self racist ::hangs head in shame:: FOR SHAME!!

Oh Mistress of all that is digital, sweet lady of the web, I humbly apologize for a certain thread I started, never intended it to be an example of poor discourse. My intent was for good civil discourse, seems I have failed, and now that thread is used as an example of what NOT to do, and for this, I am indeed very sorry (not kidding I really am, that whole deal blew up in my face in all sorts of ways and now my mutton chops are on fire, ouch).

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Congrats to the top 4, you are almost to the mountain summit, keep climbing and good luck from myself and all the staff of Flying Pincushion Games!

Still a hell of allot of reach!

Actually enlarge person does not double reach, but grants 10 ft. reach (as of course med and small creatures have 5 ft. natural reach) If you were size large before the enlarge spell you would end up with 15 ft. reach, 20 ft with a reach weapon, which you then can further enhance with various methods, but enlarge adds to, but does not double reach (if it did that would be scary)

The GM and the player need to be put in their places, by whom you ask, everyone else is the answer.

Best practice, talk it out with the player and the GM, though I get a sinking feeling that may not work. So, my suggestion if adult conversation fails (sad when that happens) is thus;

You and the rest of the players show up to the next game, then refuse to acknowledge anything the bully player does, if the GM does not get the hint and tries to shift blame to you guys (aka, why are you guys not playing, we started the session, etc, etc?) Kindly inform him because he has not dealt with the problem player, the game shall not move one plot inch, not one encounter forward until he does, and in a fair and reasonable manner. If the "game in" fails to have the desired effect, I would look for a new GM and a replacement player, as the rest of the group can simply go with majority rules, and this majority says "get your crud together or get out Mr. GM and Mr. jerk-off samurai!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Tankard of the goblin king
Aura moderate conjuration, enchantment, and transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 39,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Once per day when water is poured into this battered and unremarkable metal tankard, the liquid magically transforms into a thick stout with an ever-changing seasonal berry aftertaste. This stout contains everything necessary to sustain any herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous creature for one day without further food or water. Also, anytime in the next 24 hours if the drinker falls below 0 hit points, he is healed 2d4 hit points as an immediate action. In addition to its nourishing affects, the beverage causes two annoying, catchy pub songs to be stuck in the drinker’s mind until sung. When the first song is sung or spoken, six creatures in a 40 foot radius begin singing the song at the top of their lungs and grab the nearest consumable liquid and drink. This effect last for 6 rounds and on the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw as a full round action to end the effect. The subjects can take only one move action while singing and drinking. The effects are negated with a DC 14 will save but the song annoyingly repeats in their head(s) all day. By singing or speaking the cheerful yet haunting second song, 2d4+1 Burning Goblin Skeletons are summoned to serve the consumer of the stout for 10 rounds. Each song may only be used once per day do create the listed effect but can be sung whenever the mood strikes the owner of the tankard.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster V, hideous laughter, goodberry, creator must have a charisma score of 16 or higher; Cost 19,800 gp

Tankard of the goblin king

The Good: I can honestly say I have not seen anything similar to this tankards powers before.

The Bad: Theme is all over the place, the item does not feel unified. Also, what theme there is (goblins) does not match the Paizo version of goblins. If you are going to reference a race, it is wise to stay withing the bounds of how Paizo presents said race.

The Ugly: There is a level of SiaC in this item that I cannot get past. Also the Charisma requirement could make this a MCD (multiple character dependant) item to create, which can be problematic. Also, the name just does not work with the description, king and plain are words that generally do not mesh.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Baritsu Cane
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 20,345 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This +1 answering inspired sword cane is made of a smooth darkwood, with a simple but elegant metal handle. When the wielder uses the opportune parry and riposte deed and successfully strikes her opponent, she can use throw her opponent off balance. By succeeding at a dirty trick maneuver, she can inflict the confusion condition on her opponent for 1 round.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Dirty Trick, confusion, lesser, good hope, creator must have the opportune parry and riposte deed; Cost 10,173 gp

Baritsu Cane

The Good: Sword canes are super cool base items, good call going with one, we do not seem them very often.

The Bad: With all the word count left over, I feel a more detailed description, and additional non standard abilities almost have to be added because this entry is so short. Simple and elegant give way to spartan and to short here IMO.

The Ugly: Requiring a swashbuckler deed ensures this item must be crafted by teamwork, or a multi-classed character, which can be problematic. Also, to be honest, this item is little more than SiaS (spell in a sword). With the dark wood element very clear, I wanted something that plays with it here. Also, this item relies to heavily on pre-existing magic weapon properties, this is a design contest, show us what YOU can do, not what has been done before.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Two more requests came into the CMI thread, so, here goes...

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

@ Jeff Hazuka,

Learning experiences all round this year, just means you will come back next year stronger and better prepared, I know I will (and will triple check my referenced material!)

GT is banned for being the biggest groupie of my former all orc alt-rock tribute band Tusker Du, they lads really miss him, and his ointment.

KahnyaGnorc though that "tricks are for kids" meant that hookers are good for children, the board of education did not agree.

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