Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Not much: just tired.
Child vomit + exhaustion (late night + all day with two children, both of which are simultaneously active and demanding) + lack of ability to do anything that I actually want to do (including lack of internet over the weekend [see next entry]) + multiple-hour-cum-multiple-attempt-internet-repair (just in time to do very little posting) + quite a few other similar things.
Just a moment of grump.
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Look. Spirits, haunts, undead, dead, etc.
Here's the deal: I know you're kinda, you know, dead.
And, sure, that sucks.
But, and bear with me, there's no need for all this endless reams of drama. I mean: come-ooonnnn.
Fake chopping heads off? Really? Rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy?
We get it. You're dead. I felt worse for you before you started whining like a sixteen year old who got dumped by their "forever" girlfriend they got together with a month ago because senior strong pants invited her to ice cream. Get yourself together, man. Or woman. Or whatever. It doesn't matter.
Here. Let me play you a song.
Now get over it, and help me raise you from the dead instead of being all mysterious and jerky about it.
Dangit. >:I
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Look. Spirits, haunts, undead, dead, etc.
Here's the deal: I know you're kinda, you know, dead.
And, sure, that sucks.
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Crush that spaghetti into oblivion! Hit it with a spatula like you are striking down a vile human!
You don't use a spatula. It's a sponge or washcloth. Also some sort of non-harmful soap.
Why do I have to tell you this?! You're a fish! You should know the beneficial properties of water when dealing with vile things!
Undyne the Undying |
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Undyne the Undying wrote:Crush that spaghetti into oblivion! Hit it with a spatula like you are striking down a vile human!You don't use a spatula. It's a sponge or washcloth. Also some sort of non-harmful soap.
Why do I have to tell you this?! You're a fish! You should know the beneficial properties of water when dealing with vile things!
You're tellin' me? I fainted after running after that dang human into the Hotland, and it would have been a lot easier for me to recover if someone had poured a glass of water on me. There was even a convenient water dispensary right there! Next time I see a human, I won't let them get away. I'll ERASE THEM FROM REALITY!
Chara, the First Human |
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![Female Human](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A02_Plague_Crowd_HIGHRES1.jpg)
You're tellin' me? I fainted after running after that dang human into the Hotland, and it would have been a lot easier for me to recover if someone had poured a glass of water on me. There was even a convenient water dispensary right there! Next time I see a human, I won't let them get away. I'll ERASE THEM FROM REALITY!
Sounds like you should be on board with my plan of erasing the world, then!
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Finally finished remaking our Kingmaker party!
Took long enough!
Sheesh! I mean, it sounds like building a party of living golem-like versions of ourselves without our most broken abilities but sharing XP so we can all grow in power at the same time would be a simple project, but nooooo... everything just had to be complicated about that. Oh well. At least I finally finished. Now all I have to do is build the Iron Songwork and the Celestial Fleshforge and I'll be able to basically have them self-resurrect with no further investment costs, and about eighteen backups waiting to go, just in case. Also, I really need to reformat Olian pretty badly. I mean, if want him to be a worthy eterna successor/advisor to the rulers of the countr(y/ies) for(ever/ the distant future).
Hm. That'll take some time. Hope I don't doe before I get all of that done! :D
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Thank you!
Maneuvermoose wrote:No. I'm not very good at danging things.AND I'M GOOD AT FLYING!!!
Well done. :D
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
CunningPlanimals and all others that happen to be around here!
Question time...
Which of:
- Lich
- Zombie
- Vampire
- Mummy
- Skeleton
- Ghoul
... and which of:
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Allip
- Wraith
... and why?
Undead and templates so you can think about all the possible permutations and variants of each kind of each of them before making your final answer. And yes, the questions are that vague. Feel free to interpret what they're actually asking. We shall see how correct you are. Hehehehe...
Also, Psychic or Psionic? Why?
If the former, Paizo or Green Ronin? If the latter, Dream Scarred or Wizards? Either way: why?
(I already asked this in FaWtL and in NH's thread - might as well ask here. I might ask this in Jiggy's thread now that I know where that one is. Heh.)
Phalanxphoenix |
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1) If we're talking 3.5/Pathfinder heinousness, lich over vampire. If we're talking as-you-like-it, vampire over all the rest. I'm a fair(pasty)-skinned night owl to begin with, so adding some dark allure, cool powers, and a diet of blood (non-lethal, hopefully) isn't too bad a thing. Decadent lifestyle, and all that.
2) No clue at all. With a roll of the dice, we're gonna go with allip. I'm already crazy and mutter a lot, so I wouldn't notice the difference, at first.
3) Spherecasting. Covers all of it, negating the obligatory conflict.
Phalanxphoenix |
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Skeleton... I dunno if I WANT that, per se, but it's the only one that seems likely.
I have no idea about all those floaty types. And psychic? I have frequent headaches. Is that me being psychic?
I'm sure we can find enough preservative somewhere to keep at least a modicum of fleshly composition about you . . . .
EDIT: . . . 'cause SPAM exists. We have proof-of-concept, at least.
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Vetala vampire because it's amazing.
Especially when I start using unguent of timelessness on the corpses I inhabit, first, and then gentle repose after I "get in" as it were. With a continuous keep watch and similar effects, I'm pretty good to go with no worries whatsoever (undead don't need to sleep, but hypothetically, this way I may be able to get out of the sensory shut down thing; even if not, however, with the appropriate feats, binding, and whatnot, I can still be pretty daggum safe).
I'd prefer an HD of 26, though.
My alt would be a shadow... demon that's lawful good instead (with none of the aligned subtypes) and has double the CL. WHAT?! No, that's not cheating! >.>
Okay, okay, fine: if sticking to the undead theme, it'd be a ghost withe the malevolence, reinvigoration, and vehemence. I'd demand an HD of 26, though.
Why, yes, I'm horrifying in every way in either case. Sorry. If it helps, I target the true monsters.
Psionics, hands down.
If psychic... hm. It depends, really - if Green Ronin, it needs to be Blue Rose, or else I'm going with Paizo psychics. I'm sorry, psychic construct: I heart you, I really do, but no. I just can't do it.
For psionics, my experiences lie in 3.5, so that's my preference by default, though I like everything I've seen of Dreamscarred Press. I'd totally be a gem dragon, if I could be in 3.5's rule set (complete with epic psionic feat). Of course, I'd work on seeing if I could push my caster level to epic as well, by starting at younger levels and taking advantage of the "free" gestalt dragons get. Probably by rather immediately taking wizard levels, popping over into ultimate magus levels as soon as I have a hint of sorcery and just pumping up cerebromancer for "free" arcane goodness. Also, by seguing into three whole levels of cleric (or really whatever divine casting) "early" on, I could be a pretty legitimate mystic theurge later by default, too. That way, once I my natural HD catch up to my leveled HD (which, frankly, with demiplane shenanigans, conjurations "accidentally" freed, and so on, shouldn't take too long), I should qualify for exactly two feats: epic spellcaster and epic manifester. My epic spellcaster feat does triple duty that way - as a wizard, sorcerer, and cleric (though cleric/whatever is a bit trickier to get up there, needing to head through a couple of prestige classes, most likely).
But, regardless, at that point, I'm pretty much free to rewrite reality as I so choose.
(Incidentally - the fact that I'm a gem dragon is completely incidental to this plan, as is the fact that my epic spellcasting feat does triple duty. Frankly, it'd only need to do single duty; double duty is pretty spectacular, and relatively easy to get as any dragon at all, by just nabbing those three CLs of a divine caster, and then mystic theurging my way forward; then relax, as dragon HD overtakes the lousy prestige HD and I skyrocket in power; once I hit both divine and arcane magic, I have literally all the seeds covered anyway, and don't actually need anything else. I just mention gem dragons and psionics because the question poses psionics, gem dragons in particular are psionic dragons, and it's a fun thought exercise.)
EDIT: spoiler fix! :D
Maneuvermoose |
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Hold on, don't all of those undead templates say they can only be applied to living creatures? Which means I couldn't have one of those templates if I'm already undead?
Ah well, assuming that restriction is lifted:
Lich Shadow
I love using ability damage/drain in the game, and as a Lich Shadow I get all the infinite-spawning ability damage fun of the Shadow while still being hard to kill permanently. And since I'm incorporeal, I don't really have to worry about being able to regenerate if a sea serpent eats my phylactery.
Which version of WotC psionics are we talking about? There's too many of them!
Tacticslion |
![Lion Blade](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-lionblade.jpg)
Anyhow, if I get to pick any version if psionics, I'm probably picking 3.5 XPH since it's the one I am most familiar with.
Oh! Yes. That's what I meant, too.
Although, I suppose I could also pick GURPS psionics, right?
Oh! Hm, technically outside the parameters of the follow up question, but within the parameters of the initial one!