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Sarcasm Dragon wrote: Maneuvermoose wrote: Which version of WotC psionics are we talking about? There's too many of them! Edition bloat! Edition bloat! There are too many editions of WotC Psionics! The only way to solve it is for WotC to release a new edition to reduce the proliferation of...oh..wait a minute.... And now with Pathfinder 2 there will be even MORE edition bloat! That makes it more important than ever for Paizo to release a new edition to reduce the edition bloat!
Sarcasm Dragon wrote: Lady-J wrote: commoner Commoners are only week if you view the game as a competition to see who can do the most damage like an MMO. In a REAL LIFE Pathfinder game, the GM can just arrange things so that the commoner can shine. If you are finding commoners are overshadowed then you're just a bad GM.
Besides, I was playing a commoner the other day and I rolled TWO critical hits in a row! Seriously, that's how awesome commoners are. No one else was that powerful. Now that Pathfinder 2.0 is coming out, I'm worried that a VOCAL MINORITY of Commoner-haters will complain enough that Paizo will buff Commoners in PF2. Some of us like Commoners exactly the way they are now, and if Paizo won't respect the tradition of what a Commoner is in Pathfinder 2e, I wont be playing the new Pathfinder game.
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There will never be a Pathfinder 3.0. Remember, everyone who plays Pathfinder 2.0 is doing so because they hate switching editions. That's why all of them switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, and then from Pathfinder 1 to Pathfinder 2. As we all know, past action is never an indicator of future action. That's why if someone switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, you know they will never switch to Pathfinder 2, because they hate switching so much! Similarly, if anyone switches to Pathfinder 2, you know that those same people would be unwilling ever to switch systems again. Paizo knows this too, which is why they will never release a Pathfinder 3.
10 people marked this as a favorite.
Lady-J wrote: commoner Commoners are only week if you view the game as a competition to see who can do the most damage like an MMO. In a REAL LIFE Pathfinder game, the GM can just arrange things so that the commoner can shine. If you are finding commoners are overshadowed then you're just a bad GM.
Besides, I was playing a commoner the other day and I rolled TWO critical hits in a row! Seriously, that's how awesome commoners are. No one else was that powerful.
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UnArcaneElection wrote: None of the people insisting that only Lawful characters can hold to a code have yet explained why Chaotic Evil gets to have Antipaladins. And according to the official Paizo PRD, Antipaladins do lose class abilities if they violate their Code of Conduct.
Edit: Ninja'd!
Being ninja'd is not allowed. Ninjas must follow a code of honor, and hence must be lawful.
Set wrote:
I always liked to think of Wonder Woman as better balanced, overall, than Superman or Batman.
Does that mean people are going to whine about Wonder Woman being an 'MMO in a Movie'?
HWalsh wrote: Boomerang Nebula wrote: I remember this style of play being very common in the 1980s, back then character abilities like skills were less well defined by the rules. These days hardly any tables play like that in my area. Instead all that matters now is what skills and abilities are recorded on your character sheet. It is that influence of video games. I have X ability, I click X ability, it does Y. I don't need to explain why I have this, how it works, if it even makes sense... It is a power... I want it.
Roleplaying is dying. Yea, when video games were invented in 1947, D&D really went downhill. We all remember how much better RPGs were in the 1930s.
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HWalsh wrote:
WBL is only a suggestion. Not a rule. As such players should never take it for granted.
Yea, WBL is listed in the Core Guidelines Book.
If you don't worship Paizo, you're basically the same as Hitler.
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Skeld wrote: Omfg, this thread is ridiculous. Lol.
No, see, I just invented a made up title for myself: I am the Arbiter of LOLing. With my new made-up title, I decree that anyone who Lols in this thread is a cheater. I'm allowed to lol, though, because it's fun, and I support fun. But only when I do it, because I have a made-up title.
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Sarcasm Elemental wrote: Gorbacz wrote: TOZ, Rysky and Cpt. The Day After Yesterday! My favourite forum bromances! I ship it. I tried shipping it, but Ships of Golarion is totally half-assed. I won't be able to ship anything until Paizo releases a 1366 page hardcover titled Ships, Boats, and Barges of the Inner Sea.
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Larkos wrote: I always thought of Paladins as needing the code because they're not really the good guys. They are hammers of the Faith but that power is too much for many to handle. So the code exists to force them on the straight and narrow because they could be corrupted by it too easily. Must be why wizards and clerics get an even stricter code. They get even more power, so obviously they must have a stricter alignment restriction and a stricter code than paladins!

Orfamay Quest wrote: Sauce987654321 wrote: These type of things used to peeve me, but it's just amusing, now, especially since I see it all the time. Like how Shelob is an epic level encounter despite it doing nothing beyond what an Ogre Spider can do.
I remember that a lot of people couldn't except Drogon and the other dragons from GoT being considered Drakes in Pathfinder instead of True Dragons despite have little relation to True Dragons.
I can't help but imagine someone watching Back to the Future and saying "Biff Tannen must be level 20, because everyone at Hill Valley High School is afraid of him. And so George McFly, who punched out Biff, must be at least level 20, too!"
Same circular reasoning. And no more convincing when applied to Shelob. She must be epic because she beat Frodo? And because a bunch of garrison orcs are afraid of encountering her?
The only time-traveling power in Pathfinder is Time Stop, which requires 17th level. Time travel in Back to the Future is more powerful, hence Doc must be a god.

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HWalsh wrote: PossibleCabbage wrote: HWalsh wrote: As long as they don't have the abilities and mechanics of the Paladin that is fine. What, specifically, in the Paladin's list of class features do you think would be inappropriate to include it (or a variant thereof, i.e. "smite chaos" for the LN flavor) in a non-LG Paladin analogue?
Pathfinder is generally not adverse to giving "signature mechanics" of one class to a different one, after all (there's lots of ways to get Rage that aren't "be a Barbarian".) 1. If they are comparatively powerful to the Paladin they MUST have the same kinds of rigid restrictions that result in loss of class abilities if not followed we are specifically told in the Gray Paladin that is why they are weaker.
2. Smite Evil is fine. Divine Grace? Paladin only. Why? Because that is why people want it to be non-LG so they can Divine Grace on Sorcs, Bards, and Oracles more easily. So that is off the table. That stays with the LGs. The rest is fine.
3. They would need to, in their restrictions list, be prohibited from at least 3 tactics that are otherwise beneficial. The Paladin can't cheat, lie, or use poison. So one of the others would need to have something like will not strike an unarmed for, will not strike a prone enemy, or something like that. Man, I must have missed all those heavy tactical and moral restrictions in the wizard class. Mind pointing out the wizard's alignment restriction?
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Sarcasm Thingamajig wrote: No need to be sarcastic.
puts rare priceless crystalline bird in back pocket, where surely someone as bright as myself won't sit on it. Please.
If you don't like sarcasm then just house-rule it!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the website, because rule 0 exists. If it seems broken to you, then it's your fault for not fixing it yourself and you are a bad GM. If you can't be bothered to maintain every website that you visit yourself, then stop whining and go play an MMO.

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PossibleCabbage wrote: I mean, you're not going to have your RPG vampires be vulnerable to stakes, sunlight, decapitation, drowning, fire, silver, holy symbols, garlic, running water, counting, invitations,, aspen, oak, ash, maple, dogrose, wild rose, holly, juniper, millet, linden, mayflower, roses, lemon, rowan, wolfsbane, charcoal, werewolves, smashing mirrors, blood of dead things, blood of bats or rats or cats or snakes, starvation, the wrong emotions, sardine heads, soybeans, pumpkins, salt, and black dogs.
Even though you can find at least one story for each of those things where the undoing of a vampire is accomplished through those means. If you're setting up a game or a story then you need to pick and choose which aspects from folklore we want to use. So the question is "why have we chosen this one to be so central to this particular aspect of the nereid" or conversely "are there any other stories we can tell about nereids."
Well obviously, ever story about vampires in every culture prior to 2005 had vampires destroyed by all the things you list. Then Twighlight showed up and ruined it, and now people expect there to be differences between vampires in different works of fiction? Bah, everyone knows that before Twighlight, every vampire in every work of fiction functioned in exactly the same way and had exactly the same powers and vulnerabilities.
Thomas Seitz wrote: Goddess of Reboots, but yes. Nah, just a God of Reboots. In the Reboot, "God" is now feminine and "Goddess" is now masculine.
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Kirth Gersen wrote: I'd like to see more size categories above Colossal, and distances like close/short/medium/long/extreme/continental/solar system/transgalactic, and to get the final DC, you'd maybe multiply the size modifier by the distance DC.
So, to notice a Medium batter (x1) from the stands (Medium range; DC 10) would maybe be a DC 10 check, but for him to read the newspaper you're holding (diminutive; x4) from that same distance would be a DC 40 check. We'd have to play with the scaling and so on, but that might be a simpler and better way to go.
But--but-- DC 40? That's too anime! If you add more size categories above colossal, the game automatically becomes indistinguishable from 4e!
PossibleCabbage wrote: That "Weapon Training" doesn't necessarily count as "Weapon Training" because a FAQ says some things that aren't called "Weapon Training" don't count as "Weapon Training" (but some do!) NOTHING counts as weapon training. If something counted as weapon training, it would be too anime for Pathfinder and therefore can't be in the game.
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Odraude wrote: I don't want to see anything fun in Starfinder. No fun allowed here :p The 4e PHB asserts that the game is supposed to be fun. Hence, any game which is in any way fun is automatically the same as 4e. We all know that 4e is a conspiracy by MMO Illuminati to destroy our hobby, thus any game which is fun will be the death of Real Roleplaying games.
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Cyrad wrote: Despite the game doing wonders of giving the fighter more interesting things to do, my 10th level fighter was still doing the exact same thing she did at 1st level. As opposed to the far more dynamic growth of the Pathfinder fighter, where you start at first level indistinguishable from a Commoner with higher numbers and capable of nothing but full attacks, before gaining a variety of unique game-changing capabilities that no other class can get and that are completely different from what you did at 1st level.
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taig wrote: Oh, yeah, one more thing:
Please, please leave a review for any books you receive, even if it's just a couple of lines. Our third-party publishers appreciate honest feedback, which helps them develop future products.
Leaving reviews is too anime!
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Scythia wrote: BigDTBone wrote: Thomas Seitz wrote: Can I buy land on Mars? I hear it's cheap and doesn't need to worry about global warming... There's no reason to buy. Once you get there just claim what you'd like and I doubt you'll get any hassle about it. Just make sure you bring a flag. I just flagged your post as "just wanted to try the flagging system." There, now you have a flag for when you get to Mars.

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CBDunkerson wrote: doc roc wrote: End of the day, finding energy sources won't be the problem since nuclear power does provide a perfectly viable and relatively enviro-friendly back up option.... Nuclear is not cost effective and relies on a fuel source which (with current technology) wouldn't last 50 years if we used it to replace fossil fuels. And yeah... there are those little meltdown, hazardous waste, and weapon of mass destruction issues that go along with it.
Quote: Water shortage will be the big killer... 70% of the planet is covered in water. Given sufficient electricity for desalination and pumping, water shortage will be a non-issue.
Setting aside vast regional variations to focus on overall global trends; natural gas, onshore wind, and utility solar PV are now roughly equal in price. Coal costs roughly twice as much (on par with residential rooftop solar). Nuclear roughly three times as much. Everything else costs more and/or has limited scope of deployment. Natural gas, coal, and nuclear are all slowly increasing in cost due to decreasing fuel supplies and increasingly being held accountable for their environmental and health costs. Wind is slowly, and solar rapidly, decreasing in cost since their supply never decreases and the technology to harness them keeps getting more efficient.
Ten years ago I was saying that it was obvious that solar WILL BE the major energy source going forward. How that can still be in question now that it actually IS the largest source of new electricity generation is a mystery to me. Maybe when it is the cheapest source nearly everywhere (~5 years) we can stop talking about dead end technologies. Bah, just ask the GM to house-rule coal to be cheaper. Environmental science isn't an MMO!
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Vidmaster7 wrote: I don't know how so many players have a problem with alignment it has NEVER been a problem in any game I've ever played in 17 years. You've played Pathfinder for 17 years?
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I'll be fine as long as Pathfinder 2.0 is NOT IN ANY WAY "Fun." In 4e, the PHB asserts that the game is supposed to be Fun, and the DMG encourages you to try to make sure gaming is Fun for everyone playing with you. Everyone knows that 4e was just a conspiracy by the socialist communist capitalist illuminati to destroy our sacred hobby. Therefore, so-called "Fun" must also be a part of the conspiracy, and hence is to be avoided at all cost. In fact, any game which is "Fun" will inevitably be identical to 4e.
As long as Pathfinder 2.0 is not Fun, I'll enj-
...no, hang on, I can't enjoy it if it's not fun, let's try that again.
As long as Pathfinder 2.0 is not Fun, I'll be satisfied.
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Ooh! Ooh! You're forgetting about rule 0. If you think coal is underpowered compared to solar and wind, then the GM should just change it so that coal is better! This isn't an MMO!
Daw wrote: Just one thing, Rule 0 should be printed at the top of every page. Even better, just get rid of every rule except rule 0, and leave the rest of the book blank. And every supplement can be completely blank. It still costs $50 a copy, though, because anyone who deserves to be playing a tabletop game can create a system that's way better than Pathfinder, just because Rule 0 is printed in a Paizo book.
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TOZ wrote: "TOZ, now that you've won fabulous prizes in this historic raffle, what are you going to do next?"
"I'm going to DISNEYLAND!"
Too anime! Too anime!
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Steve Geddes wrote:
Yeah, I disagree with that as well. :)
That means you were playing Devil's Advocate, which is obviously an Evil act. It totally detects as Evil!
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James Jacobs wrote:
This is correct.
In picking the 14 religions, I was pretty limited in my choices, since we have FAR more good religions than 14.
Religion bloat! Religion bloat!
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I don't know ANYONE other than Kalindlara who makes multiple posts in a row with different aliases. I certainly would never do such a thing. It almost becomes painful to read after awhile...
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Kullen wrote: I blame video games! Don't forget about board games! Or sitcoms. Or animated films. D&D was so much better before any of those things were invented.
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Steve Geddes wrote: To me, even leaving aside the negative connotations, saying "I'm a roleplayer, not a rollplayer!" sounds like "I'm left handed, not a redhead!". Ugh, these red-haired players from MMO land are ruining the hobby for blue-eyed players!
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Saethori wrote:
It's a joke.
Jokes are evil, everyone knows that. It's on Unwritten Paizo Rules, page 734.
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Mark Thomas 66 wrote: And yes I did just make godzilla a verb Too anime! Too anime!
Scott Betts wrote: Guy Humual wrote: If someone thinks that Trump is a better choice then "Not Trump" then it's more likely a problem with whoever or whatever is educating them on their choices. The person most responsible for your education is you. There is no eliminating poor sources of information. It's each individual's responsibility to identify and make use of reliable, trustworthy sources of information. But I wanna blame the communist socialist Muslim atheist Nazi teachers' unions for my poor education!
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Dhrakken wrote: Errata all erratas into oblivion. What errata? The rules have always been that way! Paizo has always been at war with East Fightasia.
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johnlocke90 wrote:
IIRC, the original psionics were super overpowered, which turned people off from them. Yea, I once played a totally different game with totally different rules. That game had a subsystem with the same name as a common synonym for supernatural power. I didn't like that subsystem. Therefore, any other game using that word is automatically terrible, even if the only thing it has in common is the name and is in a totally different game system.
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Snowblind wrote: Sissyl wrote: ...their beloved climate apocalypse... I think you might be unfairly attributing motives where none exist, there.
Feel free to correct me with supporting evidence if you disagree. Supporting evidence is just a conspiracy spread by MMO ROLLplayers.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: Treppa wrote: What oogs me out is that it's being promoted as bombastically and as intelligently as a WWE event, not a political debate. I expect to see Richard Dawson as emcee. I kinda expect Vince McMahon to be in the audience, goading Trump to kayfabe it up. Just as long as it's not Vince Foster!
Lorewalker wrote: DM Beckett wrote: Ok? Ok! No.

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Steve Geddes wrote:
I think it's also worth avoiding publicly telling people you've flagged their posts. In my mind there's two likely outcomes of that, neither of them positive:
1. You're right that the post is outside community guidelines and the moderators are going to remove it thanks to your flag. Now they also have to remove your post, so you're just increasing their workload and whatever you wanted to say is hardly going to be up there for long.
2. You're wrong in your opinion - but you're now inviting public dispute with the poster you flagged which could well lead to the thread deteriorating and an eventual need for the moderator to step in and do a whole bunch more work cleaning up the mess you were pretty much responsible for.
I can't see any circumstance where publicly telling people "I've flagged your post" is actually beneficial. Best case scenario it doesn't do any harm, but given the risk of causing dispute and resentment, what's the upside?
I just flagged every post you've ever made as "just wanted to try the flagging system."
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Bwang wrote: But I've only been playing into my fifth decade You've played Pathfinder for five decades?
Tenro wrote: Hah crazy, though not as "Flamey" as I'd imagined It was a lot more Flamey before someone cast a healing spell.
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Maneuvermoose wrote: Which version of WotC psionics are we talking about? There's too many of them! Edition bloat! Edition bloat! There are too many editions of WotC Psionics! The only way to solve it is for WotC to release a new edition to reduce the proliferation of...oh..wait a minute....
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Preparing is for people to don't have the REAL TALENT to succeed without preparation.
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Bandw2 wrote: I think the point is metals in general are generally poisonous to life, Oh, yea, having iron in your body is horrible! It's not like your body uses iron in hemoglobin! Iron deficiency is a totally healthy condition, and not a common cause of dizziness, fatigue, or a weakened immune system!