>>Drink Tea with *thegreenteagamer* Here!<< (You can ask questions if you want, too.)

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Don't get hooked on my stuff. It's awesome, but your "worrisome health issues" is a troubling comment. Here's hoping they get resolved!

(I need more time tgtg... mmmmoooooorrrreeeeee time.)

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Sorry, I wasn't clear...

What I meant is that I have no worrisome health issues.

I thought it'd be wise to say it, since I don't know if any kind of common tea is bad for anything. :P

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Lemmy Z wrote:

Sorry, I wasn't clear...

What I meant is that I have no worrisome health issues.

...Other than being too handsome.

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Not Lemmy Z wrote:
Lemmy Z wrote:

Sorry, I wasn't clear...

What I meant is that I have no worrisome health issues.

...Other than being too handsome.

And humble.

Oh, than: sweet tea. Like a boss.

Aren't you afraid TGTG will sue you for offering tea in his thread?


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Have you tried coffee, it's like tea, but it doesn't taste like s%+@. :-)

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Either you don't know where I was born and raised or you don't anything about the place...

Yes. I've had coffee. Lots of coffee. It was offered during and/or after every meal. Every. Single. Meal.

I'm more than slightly tired of the dark sludge... Not so much due to flavor, but because I always despise having to wait everyone drink their cup of coffee after every single meal.

I'd much rather have tea. It tastes better... :)

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If you're drinking sludge then someone's making it wrong. :-)

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Lemmy Z wrote:
What do you recommend for a noob tea-drinker with no specific preference or worrisome health issues?

Plain black tea, lightly sweetened, possibly with a dab of lemon if you're not used to the strong flavor of tea. Green tea is a bit "grassy" for people new to teas. Flavored teas are also nice for a beginner.

(Green tea is often touted for it's physical benefits, but studies in the Scandinavian nations that show black tea is good for your mental health, especially in preventing depression.)

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Lemmy Z wrote:
Aren't you afraid TGTG will sue you for offering tea in his thread?

STG is an old school thread member, and a good guy, but the answers to every question he is asked are more or less "Sweet tea - more sugar, (*shudders*) Lipton" so you know, that'll be the answer to any questions he gives you ;-)

Sovereign Court

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

(Green tea is often touted for it's physical benefits, but studies in the Scandinavian nations that show black tea is good for your mental health, especially in preventing depression.)

Yeap, its odd that green tea is good for some things and black others. Either way you win.

For beginners I recommend finding an actual shop near your home. They should have samples and knowledgeable staff to get you going. Some folks will say try bagged tea, but I find it to generally be garbage. Take that with a grain of salt though im known among friends and family to be a "top shelf" kind of guy.

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I always swear by a good black tea. Bagged tea varies, and loose leaf is USUALLY better, but IMO Twining's is a good all-rounder brand. Try their Irish Breakfast, it's one of my favorite teas to drink hot (the first being the Lapsang Suchong I mentioned early on, of course. Try that if you don't mind the smell.).

Teavana's Indonesian Gold makes an excellent iced tea as well. It's naturally sweet a bit, so not much sugar is needed to make it tasty.






Super-serious series of questions**:

* I am presupposing "Green" as your first name for this purpose, considering "the" just... didn't work, and "the green" was just... nope. Similarly, "Green tea" just took too long.
** Nnnnnnope.

If you could have 1d4 ⇒ 4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?
(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) + 2 = 11 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) + 1 = 6 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you CR: 1d30 ⇒ 28 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels and mythic tiers on top! What are you?! (Other than "awesome" - naturally.)

Equipment is a non-issue (like adjunct super-powers; what you need to do <X> is assumed). Also note that any significant others can be brought with you.

"Official" and "Pre-published" are loose terms, but general expect something that has a solid publishing company and identifiable map/world/conceits behind it (like WotC for Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, etc; or Green Ronin for Blue Rose, but not "True20"; or Paizo for Golarion, or the Maelstrom, or the upcoming Starfinder; but not "the Bestiaries" or "the Planes" or things like that - basically things that people can find and nerd out about with you). Similarly, if it has a solid AP out for it, that, too, is acceptable (like Legendary Planet; or any of Paizo's APs). It should probably be a d20 variant, but it can be whatever you like of those many variants (True20, Blue Rose, Paizo, 3.5, 3rd; etc.). That said, if a Homebrew or otherwise "weak" entry just needs to be there due to compelling reasons... okay. Similarly other systems (as I know you're a convert to 5e, so if there's a 5e-explicit setting you prefer, let us know about that, instead). Let us know why! Computer and video game translations of such (Neverwinter Nights and/or expansions/sequels; PFO; etc) are acceptable as interpretations as well.

Similarly, for comics, it needs to be superheroes that people can reasonably be expected to come across - "that one I made up with my cousin as a kid" is an awesome answer, and worth noting and why, but prrrrooooobabaly isn't the best choice, unless it's just so powerful that you've GOT to. In which case: sure, but bring us along for the ride! Related, the super need not come from one of the "big two" in comics, so long as the people and world is both recognizes me and accessible - choosing The Incredibles world is valid, as is Spawn (blech); you're not just limited to Marvel or DC. Similarly "standard" powers need not apply - so long as it is clearly communicable, it's fine (even if all the field specifics aren't clear, that's okay - knowing you're powered by our yellow star is fine; you don't need to know this, but it's acceptable if you do).

Finally, presume you have the basics necessary for a happy life. Your spouse, best friend, and so on, can all be considered to "come with you" (should they choose to do so) wherever it is that you go.

Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?

Thanks! Enjoy!

thegreenteagamer wrote:
STG is an old school thread member, and a good guy, but the answers to every question he is asked are more or less "Sweet tea - more sugar, (*shudders*) Lipton" so you know, that'll be the answer to any questions he gives you ;-)

In fairness, I will never, ever suggest Lipton pre-made anything.

The stuff they produce for you is somehow inherently terri-bad in my tastes. Further, I don't do their "drop this in ice water and make sweet tea!" stuff - that never works.

It's strictly their, "Do the hot water thing, put the tea bags in and let them steep, then stir sugar into the hot solution, then pour over ice." recipe that I use with them. That's it. None of their other stuff has ever been enjoyable.

Arizona sweet tea for pre-made sweet tea and, at least locally, Chick-fil-A over Publix for fresh store-bought Sweet Tea (though other places have been different). Also, Olive Garden and Red Lobster have had good sweet tea around here. Used to be Wendy's and a few others, but those have unfortunately changed for the worse.



Question time...

Which of:
- Lich
- Zombie
- Vampire
- Mummy
- Skeleton
- Ghoul
... and which of:
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Allip
- Wraith
... and why?

Undead and templates so you can think about all the possible permutations and variants of each kind of each of them before making your final answer. And yes, the questions are that vague. Feel free to interpret what they're actually asking. We shall see how correct you are. Hehehehe...

Also, Psychic or Psionic? Why?

If the former, Paizo or Green Ronin? If the latter, Dream Scarred or Wizards? Either way: why?

(I figure I already know the answer, here, and why, but I'm curious nonetheless how you're going to interpret the questions and why. And different contexts can yield different answers, or not, which, either way, is interesting, too, soooo... firing away!)

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Lemmy Z wrote:
What do you recommend for a noob tea-drinker with no specific preference or worrisome health issues?

Sundakan is right about Lapsang, which is the tops.

I would also recommend Moroccan green tea, i.e. 2/3rds gunpowder green tea and 1/3rd fresh mint leaves (spearmint is probably best, unless you can get Moroccan mint), which is a very nice, refreshing summer drink and a little less like inhaling lawn clippings than regular green tea.

If you want to drink your tea out of little porcelain cups with your pinky finger extended and pretend you're in Downton Abbey, try Darjeeling.

Also, I am a convinced fan of Oolong, especially the more basic sort you can get in Chinese supermarkets. Oolong can get very fancy, but the standard sort is a tasty, warming afternoon/early evening drink which is best on its own.

For standard 'Brickie's Tea', i.e. bagged tea, well stewed, with milk and sugar, Yorkshire Tea is unbeatable, though I think it's pretty hard to find outside the UK.

Incidentally, given that it's halfway between green and black tea, will Oolong have the benefits of both or neither?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
If you're drinking sludge then someone's making it wrong. :-)

Indeed. There's only one right way to make coffee.

Throw it in the trash and go get some tea.

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Sundakan wrote:
...the first being the Lapsang Suchong I mentioned early on, of course...

I don't think everyone else here has made the connection of who you used to be yet.

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Is he Tom Cruise, I've been under the assumption he was Tom Cruise.

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SweetTeaGamer wrote:



Super-serious series of questions**:



If you could have 4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 3 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

Okay, first, telekinesis, because I always loved it, and it comes with flight and super-strength built in if you really know what you're doing with it, because you can telekinetically move yourself and even telekinetically lift heavy stuff...make bullet walls, etc.

It's also really less flashy than other powers, so I could use it subtlely. I would never need a job. I would move to Vegas and when I need cash, walk into a casino, put like $100 bucks on a roulette, make the ball land where I want it, and walk out. Security would never bust me, because I would never break the bank or win enough to cause suspicion; I would simply use the casinos as personal ATMs.

Second, healing factor, because I don't want to die. I believe in heaven and all that, but part of that belief is that the rapture will happen, so that means I'll just hang around and live, not aging out or dying until Jesus comes, so, hey, that's cool. Yes, I'll lose friends and family over time, but I'll just make like elves and dwarves in fantasy books and befriend entire family lines as a benefactor!

Third - shapeshifting. I hate working out and eating right. I HATE working out. Eating right is okay, actually. It's for almost entirely purely horrible and selfish reasons. Well if I live forever and my wife doesn't I have to think beyond the next five or six decades, don't I? Also, another subtle power used for evading problems.

If we're talking a gestalt of heroes, I will go with that, because it comes with bonus powers bundled in - Phoenix (Jean Grey on steroids with bonus powers), Deadpool (even more durable than Wolverine thanks to the curse put on him to never die, and a way WAY better fighter than Wolverine, Dakken, Sabertooth, or any other healer in the Marvel universe), and Mystique (solves that little Deadpool "holy s~@+ I'm ugly" problem).

I would live in our universe, because nobody else in the universe having powers makes me even better by comparison. Plus, I am not so sure the whole immortality would not end up a curse in any comic universe, due to the whole caveat I put in earlier about awaiting the rapture to end my limitless life.

Incidentally, I would fight crime secretly, but I would probably almost definitely cripple people if they committed violent crime. I also would probably commit non-violent crimes myself...specifically I would rob the CEOs of mega-corporations that I feel are screwing people and leave notes in their headquarters that say things like "MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HIKED UP THE PRICE OF EPIPENS SO MUCH YOU DICKS - YOU DON'T SEE ME ROBBING COMPANIES THAT DIDN'T DO THAT, DO YOU?!"


On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 11 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Witch. I feel intelligence is my best attribute, and I like the versatility of both planned spells and hexes. Further, I get a pet my wife CANNOT say no to! All 11 levels (don't want to lower my caster level or the hexes I have...and 11 is enough to get a major hex!)

I would go elf. Long life, pretty, tall and I'll probably lose weight. I can live without facial hair. Unless we stick to our world, in which case I stay human, because I don't want to be experimented on by the government when they find out what I am.

Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 6! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

I am not familiar enough with mythic tiers to answer this in any authority, but I suppose archmage for all of them if I'm already a witch.

Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you CR: 28 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

Great Wyrm Gold Dragon. Yes it's my first choice. Why? Shapeshifting dragon! Wish 4/day! DRRAAAAAAGON!

But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

I don't really know enough about prepublished NPCs. I don't really read through APs or modules too deep.

What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

Any one where I could learn magic. If we're talking about an un-altered me, that is...at least then I could harness this useless intellect.

As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels and mythic tiers on top! What are you?! (Other than "awesome" - naturally.)

I think that the Phoenix/Deadpool/Mystique combo pretty much covered the necessities of everything I could ever really want. I mean, if you want to throw on a bunch of levels of witch and archmage on top for overkill, I suppose then I could feel comfortable enough to survive in an actual comic world. I would then choose DC, because everyone in Marvel has a dick side, but Superman and the Justice League generally feel like they're trying to be good guys. I would probably like hanging out with Batman.

Do you think he'd be mad at me if I crippled the Joker? Not killed him, but...you know...like ripped his limbs off, all four of them, seared the stump with Phoenix fire, and dropped him off at a hospital just in time to be patched up?

I'm pretty sure Superman would be - but if I promised to never do it again, I'd probably get away with it once, right?

Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?

I really am not a huge Zelda fan. It's better than a non-RPG in my opinion, but I don't like the method of gaining power. Also, the stories all kind of seemed...blah...and the timeline ambiguity pisses me off.

So - Smash Brothers.

Are you aware of the split timeline of 'Zelda, and its relationship to the concept of the multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics?

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SweetTeaGamer wrote:
Are you aware of the split timeline of 'Zelda, and its relationship to the concept of the multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics?

I don't think that was on purpose. I'm pretty sure people just wrote one game after another, and then later, some guy at Nintendo was like "uh, yeah, it's all...you know...multiverse theory and...stuff" to cover his ass.

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SweetTeaGamer wrote:



Question time...

Which of:
- Lich
- Zombie
- Vampire
- Mummy
- Skeleton
- Ghoul
... and which of:
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Allip
- Wraith
... and why?

Undead and templates so you can think about all the possible permutations and variants of each kind of each of them before making your final answer. And yes, the questions are that vague. Feel free to interpret what they're actually asking. We shall see how correct you are. Hehehehe...

Also, Psychic or Psionic? Why?

If the former, Paizo or Green Ronin? If the latter, Dream Scarred or Wizards? Either way: why?

(I figure I already know the answer, here, and why, but I'm curious nonetheless how you're going to interpret the questions and why. And different contexts can yield different answers, or not, which, either way, is interesting, too, soooo... firing away!)

Lich - cause as long as you're good at hiding your phylactery, you're set. Also, you get to keep your class levels.

Ghost - cause they can retain their alignment and are the only non-evil undead. Also, you get to keep your class levels.

Psychic. Because I always hated the point-based-casters. Reminds me too much of a dang videogame. Paizo, 'cause I don't know Green Ronin's stuff.

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Advice re Twinings: only drink their product if you live in the UK or maybe Ireland. The company's export teas are dreck. (If you are in Ireland, there are much better teas available, notably by Lyons and Bewley's.)

I also would stay away from anything called "Irish Breakfast" in the beginning. That stuff usually is pretty strong.

I would recommend starting with a Darjeeling. It's the mildest sort of black tea. If you don't like the grassy taste, move on to Ceylon. And don't go for the cheap stuff.

If you could: would you?

But also: if you would: could you?

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I don't always buy bagged tea, but when I do, I buy Twinnings Irish Breakfast.....and sometimes Twinnings Earl Grey.

(Irish Breakfast is a wee bit stronger than English breakfast, so maybe start there like Fabius says)

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MMMMMM love Irish Breakfast Tea.

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Come! Join the Dark side (coffee)!

We have cookies, and we don't call them "crumpets"

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Also if you use International Delights creamer it doesn't matter how s@*+ty your coffee is, you can start every morning with an International Incident!

... might need to work on my slogan there a bit more...

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Personally, I recommend Asian black teas, as I find them much milder and balanced, but they are much harder to find unless you get a place that sells good loose leaf.

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Darth Yesterday wrote:

Come! Join the Dark side (coffee)!

We have cookies, and we don't call them "crumpets"

Neither do we...

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SweetTeaGamer wrote:

If you could: would you?

But also: if you would: could you?

Undead? In this real world? Most - No. Vampire, though? Yes. So much yes.

My wife and I have actually come up with intricate plans as to how we would approach the subject if she or I were turned.

Well, my plan is intricate. Hers is "sit in the sun and die." She doesn't want to be an abomination apparently. She also will divorce me if I get changed, because, you know "until death do us part" and all...but would help me set up the changes to the house, and still be my bestie. Just "I'm not banging a corpse" is one of those things, and that's kind of a deal breaker if I'm a vampire.

You know, the hurricane shutters to keep out every bit of sun, the secret room to hide my coffin, the autodrafts to pay the bills. I can just deposit cash in the bank ATM after hours - I will have SO much when I hang out in the worst parts of town dressed as the most tourist-y douche I can waiting for people to try to rob me so I can drain them like a f+@*ing Capri Sun pouch and rob them - fighting crime, eating dinner, AND earning my pay all at the same time! We'll also register me as a self-employed Life Coach to explain the sudden influx of cash.

Figure I can keep that up for a few months while I save to move to a bigger city where it won't be as hard to hide the evidence of being a vampire. Until then, I can always go Dexter-style and make occasional trips to the Gulf Stream...

Look, it's not murder if 1. You're a vampire and 2. They tried to rob you at gunpoint anyway.

It's justice.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:

Come! Join the Dark side (coffee)!

We have cookies, and we don't call them "crumpets"

Neither do we...

No, but you call them biscuits, and that's awful, because then what do you call those things you eat at breakfast with gravy?

And don't say scones! Those are those delicious dry pastries that are so much thicker than regular pastries!

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A floxey moxey.

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Foolishly Patriotic 'Murican wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:

Come! Join the Dark side (coffee)!

We have cookies, and we don't call them "crumpets"

Neither do we...

No, but you call them biscuits, and that's awful, because then what do you call those things you eat at breakfast with gravy?

And don't say scones! Those are those delicious dry pastries that are so much thicker than regular pastries!

What sort of dashed cad eats gravy for bally breakfast, by George?!

Cliche British Guy Sipping Tea wrote:
A floxey moxey.

... hanging around with a Cyprian, a Dolly-Mop and a Demi-Mondaine, eh? Haw haw!

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Dirty Old Victorian Longears wrote:
What sort of dashed cad eats gravy for bally breakfast, by George?!

Lots of people, apparently.


I like it with cream-of-mushroom based vegetarian gravy, obviously. :-D

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lol vegetarian gravy

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
lol vegetarian gravy

PETA member, here. People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. Bring me my protein complete with animal fats and cholesterol, and I'm good.

Tried the vegetarian thing once. Did NOT take to that well at all.

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...You don't need to be a vegetarian to appreciate mushroom gravy. Goes great on just about anything. Potatoes, pork, beef, chicken, etc.

The main problem is getting it to not taste so HEAVILY of mushrooms. That stuff's overpowering when you saute them and then try to add the milk and flour and such.

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I'm violently opposed to mushrooms to begin with, though. Flavor's fine, mind you, but that texture . . . . hork

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I totally pissed off The Tier Brigade* bro!

It was epic!

* you know the types that insist every class should be categorized like rice fields because math is absolute power! despite the fact that it can't account for real world variances.

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TheRedbulljackandCokegamer wrote:

I totally pissed off The Tier Brigade* bro!

It was epic!

* you know the types that insist every class should be categorized like rice fields because math is absolute power! despite the fact that it can't account for real world variances.

You are to be congratulated. Soon you will have earned your Sith name. :D

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I earned that long ago.

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Even earned it for those I'm not.

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Granted, you have that one . . . . I'm just not sure that "Yesterday" is sufficiently . . . abrasive . . . . lol. You know -- accentuate the annoying; plenty of my own yesterdays have been quite nice.

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Darth Schismid??

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Naturally, Tammy's above the Sith.

They're super adorable though!

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I'm violently opposed to mushrooms to begin with, though. Flavor's fine, mind you, but that texture . . . . hork

Blend 'em. You're making a gravy anyway.

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