So, thanks to everyone for the advice; you seemed to echo what my friends I spoke to in person and over the phone said. 90% of the results are "get going while the going is good", and...
1. Found an old credit card over a decade old with a huge limit. Used it to consolidate all of my credit cards. So that helps a lot.
2. Yamaha said they'll assess no fees while I can't pay due to not having a job, so my scooter won't be repo'd. It won't be useful in winter, but in Spring and Summer...well, Athens is a really small town, geographically speaking, so a scooter is real useful. (GF has her car.)
3. We got "Official Job Offer" letters coming in the mail, so...we made our decision. We're moving to Ohio.
lisamarlene wrote:
Any chance your GF's family can offer you a couch or a basement until you can afford to get your own place?
Possibly. Right now she's talking to a family member with property rentals, and seeing if he has any available reasonably. If not, there's lots of affordable rent in Athens cause it's a college town.
The job, BTW, is actually sorta in my BS field (psychology) working with autistic and mentally disabled adults and children. It's everything I liked about teaching and working at the mental hospital (helping people who REALLY need it) with none of the stupid b&**+%&! hoops to jump through because it's privately owned by someone I personally know! Plus, a very wise man I trust once told me, and I take it 100% to heart, that the inwardly focused man will never find true happiness. To get paid to actually do some meaningful stuff and help people? Hell yeah!
F&+! yeah, bro! Fist bump, c'mon! Here have a piece of cake, bro!
* you know the types that insist every class should be categorized like rice fields because math is absolute power! despite the fact that it can't account for real world variances.
On Solar Dragons.
"Arrogant and proud, Solar Dragons see themselves as the originators of light and life in the vastness of space. They treat all living creatures as their own creations."
I for one am absolutely peeved that you, Captain Yesderday, have robbed me of my rightful credit.
Way back on August 11, I suggested a thread called " >>Ask *Captain Yesterday* to make aliases based on ALL your questions here!<<"
You said you didn't like the idea, since you only make aliases spontaneously, so I didn't make the thread.
First of all Thegreenlanterngamer came up with a similar idea awhile ago but, truth be told, he had the format wrong and i get uncomfortable when people do things for me,
You gredit TGTG with the idea, even though it wasn't his idea! He stole it from me!
Moreover, I had the courtesy not to make the thread you said you didn't want, while TGTG had no such courtesy. Therefore, I deserve way, way more credit than TGTG!
Oh sure, everything looks bad, if you remember it.
Except sheet cakes, those are magical moments that should be cherished always bro.
Bro! You're missing so much! I totally zinged Kobold Cleaver! He was all "what!" And I was all like "you know it!. Dude! I'm on fire dude!...... Zzzzz....
pours an Arizona Iced Tea spiked with Southern Comfort on what he assumes is a curb (it wasn't) leaves a well loved sheet cake of some undetermined celebration