About Sundakan
Race: Human
Pace: 6 Parry: Toughness:
PP: 10
Attributes: Smarts d6 (1p), Agility d6 (1p), Strength d4 (0p), Spirit d8 (2p), Vigor d8 (2p) (5 points+1 for 2 Hindrances)
Skills: Healing d6 (2p), Intimidation d8 (3p), Notice d6 (2p), Faith d8 (3p)
Gear: See below spoiler
Hindrances: Grim Servant of Death (Major), Old Ways Oath (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Arcane Background: Miracles (Voodoo)
Powers Known:
Screams of the Loa (Fear)
Blessed Poultice (Healing)
Preserve Vitals (Environmental Protection)