
Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday's page

36 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.



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Makes plans to harvest pumpkins and possibly do a Supermanesque fly around the globe to reverse time thingy, ends up sorting half the laundry and crashing on the couch watching the Masterchef semifinals.


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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
The best part of waking up is not "Folgers in your cup". It is laying back down after taking a pee.
When I was young I never got those commercials but in college I quickly learned that my only motivation to get up was that cup of coffee. Also really Folgers isn't bad. I've had some questionable brands but Folgers is a good one.
There is no such thing as good coffee.


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Terrinam wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Drejk wrote:
What the heck is tomatillo?

You say ground cherry, I say tomatillo. They're a regular ingredient in many Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes, and quite delicious in fresh salsa and tomatillo marmalade/jam.

captain yesterday wrote:
Coffee acts like an appetite suppressant for me.
Coffee doesn't seem to affect my appetite, but it does tend to work on me like a bran muffin.
NobodysHome wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Coffee doesn't seem to affect my appetite, but it does tend to work on me like a bran muffin.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was weird.

Caffeine is a mild psychoactive diuretic. Keeping you regular is one of the benefits.

The downsides are the withdrawal symptoms. If you are a caffeine addict and feel mentally slower without it, you're not imagining things. Caffeine withdrawal includes lowered brain activity as a symptom.

It's also the most common addiction on Earth.


Sells neighbor's shoes for a bag of gourmet coffee.

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Clutches his favorite towel in one hand, his trusty coffee pot in the other.



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Drejk wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:

I refuse to believe, that time exists before 7:00 a.m
It does not. I am checking regularly since starting the job. Nothing there, except formless chaos of unexistence, a timeless, all-consuming, brain-draining void...


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It turns out a headache tipped the scales to nap.

It was the right decision.

I feel well rested and ready to drink some more coffee.

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As the left eye starts to twitch while the right eye wanders slightly off center, with his legs in a perpetual state of bouncing motion.


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It's International Coffee Day!


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Youjustneedcream! Toreducetheacidity!

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Have you tried coffee, it's like tea, but it doesn't taste like shit. :-)

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Iamacoffeepersonmyself, whatisyourpreference?

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Woe onto anything that f+~*s with my coffee...


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Yay for high quality strong coffee!!!!!!!!

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But seriously, Peet's Coffee is pretty good and doesn't burn easily, I got some fair trade Guatemalan coffee today that smells incredible, but we'll see tomorrow. :-)

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More coffee for me!

Mmm.. antioxidants.

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lynora wrote:
Also, there is a slight chance that I might have possible overdone the caffeine a little bit.

These words, is it possible to use them in a sentence like that.... nope, still doesn't make sense.

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