[Unchained] The Monk Unchained

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

Duskbreaker wrote:
The problem with flying kick is that it doesn't say you actually fly when you move, so difficult terrain will still half your movement.

Acrobatics solves that for me.

Only if you have 10ft of movement before the difficult terrain. Though I suppose you could always get a Ki Power to bypass that issue.

Scarab Sages

Feather Step Slippers is the easiest way to solve the difficult terrain problem. Cheapest too.

Duskbreaker wrote:
Only if you have 10ft of movement before the difficult terrain. Though I suppose you could always get a Ki Power to bypass that issue.

The Unchained Monk is an optional rule, if you want flying kick to ignore difficult terrain, then let it do so.

RAI pretty much makes it that way, it's not called leaping kick.

IMO, Pathfinder Unchained is about modding (or home-brewing) the Pathfinder game, make flying kick anything you want it to be.

Morzadian wrote:
Duskbreaker wrote:
Only if you have 10ft of movement before the difficult terrain. Though I suppose you could always get a Ki Power to bypass that issue.

The Unchained Monk is an optional rule, if you want flying kick to ignore difficult terrain, then let it do so.

RAI pretty much makes it that way, it's not called leaping kick.

IMO, Pathfinder Unchained is about modding (or home-brewing) the Pathfinder game, make flying kick anything you want it to be.

Except in PFS you can't mod or change anything

Chess Pwn wrote:
Morzadian wrote:
Duskbreaker wrote:
Only if you have 10ft of movement before the difficult terrain. Though I suppose you could always get a Ki Power to bypass that issue.

The Unchained Monk is an optional rule, if you want flying kick to ignore difficult terrain, then let it do so.

RAI pretty much makes it that way, it's not called leaping kick.

IMO, Pathfinder Unchained is about modding (or home-brewing) the Pathfinder game, make flying kick anything you want it to be.

Except in PFS you can't mod or change anything

Absolutely true,

In the case of PFS there should be an errata or guideline to the ability then.

I've stated this before but I really suspect the unchained monk was designed with some of the other systems in the book in mind.

Grand Lodge

Duskbreaker wrote:
Only if you have 10ft of movement before the difficult terrain.

Not having 10ft of movement prior just doubles the DC. Monks typically don't have difficulty making high Acrobatics checks.

Verdant Wheel

...until now!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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Duskbreaker wrote:
The problem with flying kick is that it doesn't say you actually fly when you move, so difficult terrain will still half your movement.

The description of flying kick flat out states that you move through the air when using flying kick. The first sentence reads: "The monk leaps through the air to strike a foe with a kick."

If only that translated into actual rules text though since this is a permisive system.

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If it was enough for Pummeling Style it's enough for Flying Kick.

Wholeness of Body got a slight boost (1d8 + monk level). Can also pick it up as early as 4th level now.

Sovereign Court

Marius Castille wrote:
Wholeness of Body got a slight boost (1d8 + monk level). Can also pick it up as early as 4th level now.

Still pretty worthless. The ONLY way to make it viable before was with a Drunken Master and his infinite ki for free out of combat healing. (probably still not worth a power for) It's never been worth an action for - and now ki is at a premium.

I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).

Scarab Sages

Runelord Apologist wrote:
I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).

It's a cool trick, but I don't think it's worth five feats.

Imbicatus wrote:
Runelord Apologist wrote:
I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).
It's a cool trick, but I don't think it's worth five feats.

Agree to disagree, I guess. You're getting piles of on-demand weapon enhancements for your 3rd level feat, and arcana for your 7th, 15th, and 19th. Ki-powered arcana are worth a good deal more than most feats; Bane Blade is a shoo-in at 15, Lingering Pain combines amazingly with Pummeling Style, Familiar is nice on anyone, Accurate Strike is a wonder to behold when flurrying...

Honestly, I'm tempted to spend more of my feats buying Extra Arcana.

Wholeness of body isn't worth it just for the sake of having to take it INSTEAD of something else. You wait until you finally get a ki power, just one for a few levels, and thats what you would take?

Has anyone checked who actually did more unarmed strike dpr as they leveled, the unchained monk or the brawler?

Scarab Sages

I'm guessing unchained monk. The new flurry is much better than the brawlers TWF flurry.

Imbicatus wrote:
I'm guessing unchained monk. The new flurry is much better than the brawlers TWF flurry.

The Brawler qualifies for using Brawling armor (immediately cancels out the -2 to-hit penalty, and gives a +2 damage advantage, along with an extra attack), as well as Weapon Specialization.

Rynjin wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
I'm guessing unchained monk. The new flurry is much better than the brawlers TWF flurry.
The Brawler qualifies for using Brawling armor (immediately cancels out the -2 to-hit penalty, and gives a +2 damage advantage, along with an extra attack), as well as Weapon Specialization.

Also a brawler could go mutagenic mauler for even more bonuses in class. And a few feats could get you the extra attack as a swift action too

Rynjin wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
I'm guessing unchained monk. The new flurry is much better than the brawlers TWF flurry.
The Brawler qualifies for using Brawling armor (immediately cancels out the -2 to-hit penalty, and gives a +2 damage advantage, along with an extra attack), as well as Weapon Specialization.

I don't have the book, but from the build posted it seems all the extra attacks the UC monk gains are at full BAB.

Both of them are, yes.

It's on the SRD already, by the way.

And the UCmonk can use it while using a two handed weapon for 1.5 of str, UC monk flurry seems better. (I also value more things that don't depend of specific magic items)

We're talking Unarmed, not weapons.

Lance Manstrong wrote:
Wholeness of body isn't worth it just for the sake of having to take it INSTEAD of something else. You wait until you finally get a ki power, just one for a few levels, and thats what you would take?

Wholeness of Body was worthless even when it was free and Monks didn't need Ki to do everything.

Lemmy wrote:
Lance Manstrong wrote:
Wholeness of body isn't worth it just for the sake of having to take it INSTEAD of something else. You wait until you finally get a ki power, just one for a few levels, and thats what you would take?
Wholeness of Body was worthless even when it was free and Monks didn't need Ki to do everything.

I couldn't agree more.

Scarab Sages

Lemmy wrote:
Lance Manstrong wrote:
Wholeness of body isn't worth it just for the sake of having to take it INSTEAD of something else. You wait until you finally get a ki power, just one for a few levels, and thats what you would take?
Wholeness of Body was worthless even when it was free and Monks didn't need Ki to do everything.

Yes, and at that time lay on hands was worthless too, and was almost identical to wholeness of body. Pathfinder fixed that garbage for the paladin in the crb, but five years later it's still trash for the monk.

Since the Unchained Monk has his own set of Powers (like how Barbarians have Powers and Rogues have Talents), would it be safe to asume that a feat called Extra Ki Power exists?

Even if it didn't, it probably wouldn't stop anyone at our table from using the new Monk.

Zenogu wrote:

Since the Unchained Monk has his own set of Powers (like how Barbarians have Powers and Rogues have Talents), would it be safe to asume that a feat called Extra Ki Power exists?

Even if it didn't, it probably wouldn't stop anyone at our table from using the new Monk.

I searched for "Ki Power" in the unchained PDF, and I don't see a new feat there.

A better question though is if you would want to spend a feat even if you could. It's not like you have a lot of spare ki lying around to blow on stuff.

In other new, I would love to say how badass my player's level 3 unchained monk's is with the new flurry, but I have yet to actually see him *use* it.

Seriously, so far in every encounter one of the following happens

1. The party witch slumbers the threat near the monk and the monk just coup de graces a now sleeping target.

2. The target is soft and gets downed by the greatsword wielding inquisitor before the monk can get a full attack in

3. The monk runs away instead of full attacking to avoid dying, because that's what happens when you try to flurry against creatures that use reach AOOs into claw/claw/bite with trip against the monk's god awful 14 AC (Sadly for him the setting is Ravenloft so it's not like he can rock up to a market and just *buy* a wand of mage armor).

I feel like throwing an encounter in that is just a big bag of hitpoints with crappy DPR and a pile of immunities so I can watch the monk actually get to use their signature class feature.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zenogu wrote:

Since the Unchained Monk has his own set of Powers (like how Barbarians have Powers and Rogues have Talents), would it be safe to asume that a feat called Extra Ki Power exists?

Even if it didn't, it probably wouldn't stop anyone at our table from using the new Monk.

Why does this keep coming up? The extra ki feat can be found in the Core Rulebook!


Has Paizo released so much splat that people have forgotten what's in core?

Scarab Sages

Ravingdork wrote:
Zenogu wrote:

Since the Unchained Monk has his own set of Powers (like how Barbarians have Powers and Rogues have Talents), would it be safe to asume that a feat called Extra Ki Power exists?

Even if it didn't, it probably wouldn't stop anyone at our table from using the new Monk.

Why does this keep coming up? The extra ki feat can be found in the Core Rulebook!


Has Paizo released so much splat that people have forgotten what's in core?

They don't want Extra Ki, they want Extra Ki Power.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, my mistake. Got mixed up what with everyone talking about how small the ki pool is these days.

Duskbreaker wrote:
Has anyone checked who actually did more unarmed strike dpr as they leveled, the unchained monk or the brawler?

Neither, the base fighter with no archetype does most damage in hth at level 20. (Ignoring corner cases such as huge monk using strong jaw and just doing it with base damage (2d10) vs (1d3)).

Yeah I suppose weapon training and gloves of the duelist tip unarmed dpr into the Unarmed Fighters favor.

Even without Extra Powers, I am still incredibly anxious to roll with an Unchained Monk. I can definitely see why it wouldn't be a feat though, given that the toll on Ki points is already pretty substantial.

Duskbreaker wrote:
Yeah I suppose weapon training and gloves of the duelist tip unarmed dpr into the Unarmed Fighters favor.

That and the x3 crit at 20.

Runelord Apologist wrote:
I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).

and now you're down half your general feats and now have to juggle FIVE stats on top of equipment/wbl taxes and limitations?

i gotta admit i'm finding it tough to see the bonus here.

Imbicatus wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Zenogu wrote:

Since the Unchained Monk has his own set of Powers (like how Barbarians have Powers and Rogues have Talents), would it be safe to asume that a feat called Extra Ki Power exists?

Even if it didn't, it probably wouldn't stop anyone at our table from using the new Monk.

Why does this keep coming up? The extra ki feat can be found in the Core Rulebook!


Has Paizo released so much splat that people have forgotten what's in core?

They don't want Extra Ki, they want Extra Ki Power.

Safe to say Extra Ki Power should exist, just like Extra Rage Power and Extra Slayer Talent.

Unless you are playing PFS, inclusion of such a feat can be considered fairly mandatory.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Runelord Apologist wrote:
I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).

Monk/Magus was already an underappreciated multiclass, but you're right that this might be even better.

AndIMustMask wrote:
Runelord Apologist wrote:
I find I'm really fond of combining the Unchained Monk with VMC Magus. Taking Ki Arcana at 7th level effectively upgrades your ki pool from (1/2 level + Wis) to (level + Wis + Int - 1), while your 3rd level ability effectively becomes "spend 1 ki for free enhancements on any weapon for a minute". Ki and arcane pool being interchangeable also means you can eventually pick up rings of arcane/ki mastery, allowing a total of 6 ki to be stored day-to-day while giving you minor tricks like spell turning and pool strike (to use with the otherwise useless spellstrike).

and now you're down half your general feats and now have to juggle FIVE stats on top of equipment/wbl taxes and limitations?

i gotta admit i'm finding it tough to see the bonus here.

Raising Int is only going to be a concern if you dumped it into the negatives; even with a 10 in it, you're increasing your ki pool by the same amount as Extra Ki the moment you take the 'feat', and getting better returns every level after. As I mentioned before, the only feat you really 'give up' is the one at 11th level, because arcana are just better than what a simple feat can give you. And as for WBL, half the point of this is to get around the AoMF tax using the magus' weapon enhancement. When your 11th level monk can have +5 fists for 16k and a ki point instead of 100k, blowing 20k on a ring (which gives you more ki) suddenly looks a lot more viable.

I don't suppose anyone noticed that Empty Body can be your 1st Ki Power, allowing you to use Etherealness at level 4?

Seems slightly out of place.

Zenogu wrote:

I don't suppose anyone noticed that Empty Body can be your 1st Ki Power, allowing you to use Etherealness at level 4?

Seems slightly out of place.

As has been stated a few times, this is a typo. Word from on high is the intent is for it to be available at 18th.

Sovereign Court

Rynjin wrote:
Zenogu wrote:

I don't suppose anyone noticed that Empty Body can be your 1st Ki Power, allowing you to use Etherealness at level 4?

Seems slightly out of place.

As has been stated a few times, this is a typo. Word from on high is the intent is for it to be available at 18th.

Kinda weird that they would unlock the ki powers, make them customizable / available at various levels, then lock them back in their good old spot... hmmm...

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Zenogu wrote:

I don't suppose anyone noticed that Empty Body can be your 1st Ki Power, allowing you to use Etherealness at level 4?

Seems slightly out of place.

As has been stated a few times, this is a typo. Word from on high is the intent is for it to be available at 18th.
Kinda weird that they would unlock the ki powers, make them customizable / available at various levels, then lock them back in their good old spot... hmmm...

It's for the Monk. What did you expect?

EDIT: Also, we can't do anything that might let the Monk of all classes be anywhere near comparable to even 4 spell level casters like the Paladin.

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How elementary fury works with elemental style feat(Efreeti style)?

Elemental fury works like elemental fist with with a flavor of elemental fist mythic feat.

So,is right to assume that elemental fury can meet the requisites to elemental style feat like efreeti style?

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Ha. Am I the only one that finds it funny that pathfinder changed flurry, essentially making it two-weapon fighting?

Then there was the whole faq thing.

"It's not two-weapon fighting"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"

Aaand now they've changed it... Into the 3.5 version of flurry. Heh. It's even got the old extra attack on 11th level and everything.

Still, they've fixed the accuracy loss. This is good. It only took what, 7 years?

Seriously though, this version of the monk I can see myself playing, although I will remain annoyed that Brawling is an armor property, that 'Greater' combat maneuver feats require Combat Expertise while not being on the 10th level feat list, and (the new one) poor will saves. But these relatively minor inconveniences I can deal with. The loss of archetypes perhaps less so. They were actually quite interesting.

Well done. Kudos.

Yeah, if it weren't for the lost Will Save, the Ki Power Starvation [many old powers are now ki powers and ki powers only come every other level] and Ki Point starvation [almost everything costs ki points and ki points are in short supply] this would have been an ideal Monk fix.

Oh, and Swift Action starvation- many of these should have been non-actions integrated into some other action, but the old Monk had that problem too.

Ughbash wrote:
Duskbreaker wrote:
Has anyone checked who actually did more unarmed strike dpr as they leveled, the unchained monk or the brawler?
Neither, the base fighter with no archetype does most damage in hth at level 20. (Ignoring corner cases such as huge monk using strong jaw and just doing it with base damage (2d10) vs (1d3)).

Wouldn´t the brawler (fighter archetype) work even better?

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