Ideas for places you DO NOT want to be as an adventurer.

Homebrew and House Rules

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New Jersey

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Standing in front of the treasure hoard, filled with cursed items.

Scarab Sages

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This situation.

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A maze of twisty little passages. I actually did this once as (1st Edition) DM. Also had an Impossible Cube in the same dungeon.

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A hack 'n' slash dungeon crawl.

Combat is fun when it's relevant to the plot (so maybe once per session), but combat for the sake of combat is boring.

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Demiplane of Kender

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Finding out right at the end of the campaign that it was all for nothing... and you have to go back and do it again.

First level characters in The Cleaves.
They account for most of the dead bodies.
Some parts are lethal.
It's more for characters who finished an adventure path at 15th level.

^Not familiar with The Cleaves. Could you enlighten us?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
squankmuffin wrote:
Finding out right at the end of the campaign that it was all for nothing... and you have to go back and do it again.

"It was all just a dream..."

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At their disappointed parents house. You had so much potential, you could have been a doctor but instead you became a murdering hobo.

Why do you think so many adventurers claim to be orphans.

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Dreaming Psion wrote:
squankmuffin wrote:
Finding out right at the end of the campaign that it was all for nothing... and you have to go back and do it again.
"It was all just a dream..."

Worse yet, some time after realizing this, the adventurers discover that waking up from the dream was itself just a dream (works better if waking up was really hard, and now they have to do THAT again).

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The Mwangi jungle, heavily encumbered and being pursued by ghouls, weeks from safety.

We lost our rogue then.

Dark Archive

what about geting sent to the before the unavers and it is a black place of infinte size and you can do affact any part of your self like rap your self up in your own arms or sing an opra star evern if you cant sing exetera exetera

Dark Archive

lord of rabbits wrote:
what about geting sent to the before the unavers and it is a black place of infinte size and you can do affact any part of your self like rap your self up in your own arms or sing an opra star evern if you cant sing exetera exetera

sorry meant universe

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
squankmuffin wrote:
Finding out right at the end of the campaign that it was all for nothing... and you have to go back and do it again.
"It was all just a dream..."

Worse yet, some time after realizing this, the adventurers discover that waking up from the dream was itself just a dream (works better if waking up was really hard, and now they have to do THAT again).

Worse yet, the entire adventure takes place a week before earthfall. Oh good you solved this petty problem, aaaaand you're all dead.

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Barathos wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
squankmuffin wrote:
Finding out right at the end of the campaign that it was all for nothing... and you have to go back and do it again.
"It was all just a dream..."

Worse yet, some time after realizing this, the adventurers discover that waking up from the dream was itself just a dream (works better if waking up was really hard, and now they have to do THAT again).

Worse yet, the entire adventure takes place a week before earthfall. Oh good you solved this petty problem, aaaaand you're all dead.

Wow. Thanks for depressing me, everyone... :op

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Shrunk to 4" tall, and dropped into a picture of Kool-Aid in the middle of a room filled with thirsty toddlers (1 year old).

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
New Jersey

Then they must all be pretty pathetic adventurers, as I've lived there my whole life, and I am certain that there are far worse places.

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New Jersey has great conventions. A real adventurer trying to figure out who the real monsters are is not that fun.

Go to Here's The Cleaves..

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Fighting a dragon that's training for class levels

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A perfectly peaceful field of flowers with plentiful pools of clear, clean water and goodberry bushes. The weather is always pleasant and there is no way to die.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fighting a dragon that's training for class levels

Very entertaining!

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fighting a dragon that's training for class levels

I think that one knight was some kind of warforged.

Liberty's Edge

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You finally kill the last of the BBEG group and find a note on them: "We are you, you will be we. You must fix <problem> before sun forsakes moon. If you fail, try to ensure the next we is as prepared as possible. Good luck. PS: Spider, angel, death, truth, ?. You'll know what that means when you need to know."

On the back it says: "When you find this note, add one mark to the tally below." There are 237 tally marks.

That place you don't want to be? Standing under a lunar eclipse.

StabbittyDoom wrote:

You finally kill the last of the BBEG group and find a note on them: "We are you, you will be we. You must fix <problem> before sun forsakes moon. If you fail, try to ensure the next we is as prepared as possible. Good luck. PS: Spider, angel, death, truth, ?. You'll know what that means when you need to know."

On the back it says: "When you find this note, add one mark to the tally below." There are 237 tally marks.

That place you don't want to be? Standing under a lunar eclipse.

Sounds like the perfect place for Ebon Dark to appear.

Someone was describing a goddess of the moon who had 3 personalities, new, half and full. I suggested a fourth personality for eclipses that she removed from herself and banished. Ebon Dark absorbed demonic essence from the abyss and returned, in the underdark, where she champions the Drow and tries to bring about a permanent eclipse. She's known for turning her foes into Driders, Were spiders, or other spider based monsters.

Liberty's Edge

A gods nightmare. Normally a nightmare is okay, since it's usually just a dream. When its a god(or a sufficiently powerful mystic), it kind of forms it's own plane, quickly filling up with the kind of horrors only a god dreads. And what happens when the plain gets too full? Well the dread abominations start to flow into the physical world, messing with the dreams of mortals, driving them mad with night terrors, or taking physical form to torment the beings that do exist, risking the destruction of the world unless you go into the source(the original gods nightmare), and help combat it. Good luck out there and remember, these are a gods nightmares. They will kill you, so be ready...

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I've been told my septic tank is a fairly dangerous thing. The water treatment guy said somethin' about a Fort save in the triple digits or some such. Guess that would explain why my homestead's safe from otuygh varmints while everybody else is plagued by 'em!

In a car in a car crusher. No one, especially The Penguin, want's to be there.

Shadow Lodge

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Someplace boring.

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(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)

-Magic here is dead or lost.

-We have advance weaponry compared to what most Pathfinder characters can get.

-Any race besides humans would find themselves either hunted, captured and studied, or have the label of freak placed upon them very quickly.

-All the "normal" clothing and armor they wear, not to mention the blatant use and carrying of medieval weapons, would quickly label them as odd, fantasy geeks, and/or get them in trouble with law enforcement.

-Also, vigilante justice is illegal here, not to mention the fact that most justice that a common adventurer exacts is a swift death to those criminals.

-And lastly, if magic does indeed work here, we have many scenarios of what would happen if a wizard (or any other arcane or divine spellcaster) cast magic openly here:
Religious movements, capture and study of said spellcaster, witch trials, redefining of modern science, Spellcraft is reintroduced to the populace (if it does work for them), and the restructuring of modern society (if they can use it).

Scarab Sages

(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)

- lethal cold
- lightning out the wazoo
- flesh-flensing wind
- mostly toxic atmosphere
- lethal gravity
- no ground
- Magic presumably doesn't work here, either.

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Sitting at a table, sharing it with the players that created them...meeting your creators like that....such a disappointment.

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Arcanic Drake wrote:


(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)

-Magic here is dead or lost.

-We have advance weaponry compared to what most Pathfinder characters can get.

-Any race besides humans would find themselves either hunted, captured and studied, or have the label of freak placed upon them very quickly.

-All the "normal" clothing and armor they wear, not to mention the blatant use and carrying of medieval weapons, would quickly label them as odd, fantasy geeks, and/or get them in trouble with law enforcement.

-Also, vigilante justice is illegal here, not to mention the fact that most justice that a common adventurer exacts is a swift death to those criminals.

-And lastly, if magic does indeed work here, we have many scenarios of what would happen if a wizard (or any other arcane or divine spellcaster) cast magic openly here:
Religious movements, capture and study of said spellcaster, witch trials, redefining of modern science, Spellcraft is reintroduced to the populace (if it does work for them), and the restructuring of modern society (if they can use it).

if they happened to be a higher level caster I don't think they would be captured any time soon.

I would feel bad for the police if they tried to arrest or even attacked the pathfinder adventurers. There would be tons of law enforcers missing if the adventures had even a few levels.

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Ashtathlon wrote:
Sitting at a table, sharing it with the players that created them...meeting your creators like that....such a disappointment.

I wouldn't mind meeting SOME of my characters... others would be in the "nuke the site from orbit" category.

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Ashtathlon wrote:
Sitting at a table, sharing it with the players that created them...meeting your creators like that....such a disappointment.

This almost happened(*) in a riotously funny pair of stories that was on the internet in years before the web (unfortunately doesn't seem to have made it onto the web), that featured every possible abuse of AD&D 1st Edition rules (including alignment) that the author could fit in. Search for "Sick Kids" -- I didn't come up with anything, but maybe you'll have better luck. A recurring line was "How many experience points do we get?!"

(*)Instead of meeting the players, it was one of the player characters meeting the DM who was such a Charisma-dumped antisocial type that he had no players, and had to make his own player characters to have a game.

I like the one where an NPC Private Eye managed to grab an Amulet of the Planes from a bunch of munchkin PCs. He met the players and DM, then cut a deal concerning NPC rights.

You don't want to be an NPC when munchkin players of any age are having a kill race. A kill race is when the winner has the most kills before being killed.

Liberty's Edge

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
Ashtathlon wrote:
Sitting at a table, sharing it with the players that created them...meeting your creators like that....such a disappointment.

This almost happened(*) in a riotously funny pair of stories that was on the internet in years before the web (unfortunately doesn't seem to have made it onto the web), that featured every possible abuse of AD&D 1st Edition rules (including alignment) that the author could fit in. Search for "Sick Kids" -- I didn't come up with anything, but maybe you'll have better luck. A recurring line was "How many experience points do we get?!"

(*)Instead of meeting the players, it was one of the player characters meeting the DM who was such a Charisma-dumped antisocial type that he had no players, and had to make his own player characters to have a game.

There's also "The Gamers" which has the characters meeting their players (and murdering them). The sequel (The Gamers - Dorkness Rising) doesn't do this, but is IMO a better movie overall, with its own share of D&D tropes.

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^Sounds like these are movies I've GOT to see. Links:

The Gamers

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

Supposedly a 3rd film is out, but I don't have a link for it.

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The In-Laws.

Sauce987654321 wrote:
Arcanic Drake wrote:


(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)

-Magic here is dead or lost.

-We have advance weaponry compared to what most Pathfinder characters can get.

-Any race besides humans would find themselves either hunted, captured and studied, or have the label of freak placed upon them very quickly.

-All the "normal" clothing and armor they wear, not to mention the blatant use and carrying of medieval weapons, would quickly label them as odd, fantasy geeks, and/or get them in trouble with law enforcement.

-Also, vigilante justice is illegal here, not to mention the fact that most justice that a common adventurer exacts is a swift death to those criminals.

-And lastly, if magic does indeed work here, we have many scenarios of what would happen if a wizard (or any other arcane or divine spellcaster) cast magic openly here:
Religious movements, capture and study of said spellcaster, witch trials, redefining of modern science, Spellcraft is reintroduced to the populace (if it does work for them), and the restructuring of modern society (if they can use it).

if they happened to be a higher level caster I don't think they would be captured any time soon.

I would feel bad for the police if they tried to arrest or even attacked the pathfinder adventurers. There would be tons of law enforcers missing if the adventures had even a few levels.

Hm... I was thinking maybe lower level adventurers and the world finding out about the spellcaster, but I see what you mean.

Bandw2 wrote:
Makeitstop wrote:

My all time favorite: The boat.

The party is on a ship. It's big, and needs a larger number of people than the party to be operated, even if they were all sailors. They are at sea, surrounded by nothing but certain death in all directions. And someone, or something is on board, working against them.

Anyone could be the enemy. Everyone is suspicious. Things are going wrong, people are dying or disappearing. Rumors and paranoia are turning people against each other. The party doesn't know who to trust, and yet it has to trust someone. And if they aren't careful, the others might just suspect them.

For added fun, make sure they don't trust each other either. Note passing mixed with illusions, shapeshifters and mind control can make them rethink their assumptions.

now i really wand to gm this.

Skulls and Shackles AP - first adventure "The Wormwood Mutiny". Lots of fun.

Arcanic Drake wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
Arcanic Drake wrote:


(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)

-Magic here is dead or lost.

-We have advance weaponry compared to what most Pathfinder characters can get.

-Any race besides humans would find themselves either hunted, captured and studied, or have the label of freak placed upon them very quickly.

-All the "normal" clothing and armor they wear, not to mention the blatant use and carrying of medieval weapons, would quickly label them as odd, fantasy geeks, and/or get them in trouble with law enforcement.

-Also, vigilante justice is illegal here, not to mention the fact that most justice that a common adventurer exacts is a swift death to those criminals.

-And lastly, if magic does indeed work here, we have many scenarios of what would happen if a wizard (or any other arcane or divine spellcaster) cast magic openly here:
Religious movements, capture and study of said spellcaster, witch trials, redefining of modern science, Spellcraft is reintroduced to the populace (if it does work for them), and the restructuring of modern society (if they can use it).

if they happened to be a higher level caster I don't think they would be captured any time soon.

I would feel bad for the police if they tried to arrest or even attacked the pathfinder adventurers. There would be tons of law enforcers missing if the adventures had even a few levels.

Hm... I was thinking maybe lower level adventurers and the world finding out about the spellcaster, but I see what you mean.

I don't think even a high-level Pathfinder group would win in a straight-up fight against police or military of our world, but if they had enough advance notice of what they were getting into to prepare for it, they could be amazing covert operatives.

Seriously? I have a hard time seeing them lose in any but a complete surprise attack. They only need to get some loot to get started, then all bets are off. They have charm magic, buffs, oodles of hit points, unbelievable combat training, and now they will have armored vehicles and full combat gear. It is a scary thought.

^Modern weapons matter. Numbers matter a lot. Numbers also ensure that if they aren't really careful, they will get surprised attacked if they have too much fun . . . and maybe even if not.

Now if you sent a whole army of Pathfinder characters that were properly prepared, and they managed to establish a foothold in a more dysfunctional part of Earth, that might be another matter. But even then, Hellfire nuclear weapons matter.

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Someone would have to really sell high level characters very short if they were to think a high level group would lose against local police. The police, for the most part, would just be single level NPCs proficient with a 1d8 ranged weapon that targets touch.

If the group fighting the police were Game of Thrones characters, then I can easily see them losing. Higher level pathfinder characters are more akin to the avengers, really.

^Probably depends upon which local police you're talking about. Small town police, probably right. Major City police: That's basically an army you're talking about.

Also remember that modern rifles (which at least the bigger city police will have) have LONG range.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Probably depends upon which local police you're talking about. Small town police, probably right. Major City police: That's basically an army you're talking about.

Also remember that modern rifles (which at least the bigger city police will have) have LONG range.

Their weapons aren't going to save them. Any high level character has access to DR especially with a caster around, which 10 is enough to reduce even automatic gun fire to 0 damage.

Even a party of mid level Monks would devastate them. They have great touch AC for dodging bullets, can catch bullets mid-air, can teleport, and have good reflex saves and evasion to evade any explosive they have.

An AC 130 can lay down a withering barrage of DR-beating fire from well outside the spellcasting range of a 20th level wizard.

Plus, it runs into the same problem that villains run into. 1 character is a lot easier to kill than a squad.

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