Pants don't exist in Pathfinder?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I noticed that there are no listings for leggins in magic items particularly the wondrous items list. ml Does this mean that there are no pants in the game? Or rather are magical pants only armored? Grieves are armored leggins for the shins yet do not show from a search in Paizo. I was looking to increase my Dwarf's speed and noticed no pants/leggins/kilts/nothing. It is too big a slot to remain unused in my opinion.

Grand Lodge

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Pants are too restrictive to the movements an adventurer needs, and it chafes horribly, even if crafted of the finest silks.

As such, no culture in Golarion expects its heroes to wear pants. It's one of the seldom-mentioned benefits.

Liberty's Edge

Adventurers everywhere wish they could use magic pants. Sadly, their lucky underwear already consumes that slot, causing magic pants to cease functioning. And I'll be damned if I'm going to skip out on wearing my lucky underwear!

If you want some theory, I have an idea for you: "Belt" slot and "pants" slot interfere with each other, as do "feet" and "Pants". Using Belt+Feet is one more slot than Pants, and pants can't do anything that feet or belt can't do, so people just wear mundane pants. It's all about that optimization.

I also asked a wizard about it once. He told me it's because "Screw off, kid."

(On a more serious note: There is no pants slot. There may or may not be a reason for this. Perhaps people didn't want magic underwear items to start popping up, or wanted to avoid magic pants jokes. In your home games, do what you want. Adding a pants slot, or having it take over the feet or belt slots, isn't going to change much.)

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Use the belt slot. A skirt is a wide belt (or in Newcastle, not wide at all) and fills essentially the same function as trousers.

This subject came up about a year ago.

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The Pantaloons of Inclusive Celebration. Made by a very unoriginal, very single Wizard.

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The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.
I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".

I signed into my account for the sole reason to "like" Ms. Pleiades and DominusMegadeus's comments.

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Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".

Modeled after this, of course.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:
Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".
Modeled after this, of course.

...why did I click that link... *shudder*

Pants don't exist on me at this present moment. For those who were interested.

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Scythia wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".
Modeled after this, of course.
...why did I click that link... *shudder*

Hey, look, rust monster fishing!

There is though an armored kilt.

Slotless magical item. So wear as many pants as you want.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Kilt of Sarenrae, on the other hand, is a belt slot item.

Shadow Lodge

+5 underwear

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Those who have failed their save from the fear aura of a dragon gain the item "Soiled Trousers" for free

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azten wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".
Modeled after this, of course.
...why did I click that link... *shudder*
Hey, look, rust monster fishing!

Oh how they tickle me so!

Ravingdork wrote:
Azten wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".
Modeled after this, of course.
...why did I click that link... *shudder*
Hey, look, rust monster fishing!
Oh how they tickle me so!

You should probably have that looked at...

Because magic pants are very silly, and RPGs are serious.

Too much, magic pants!

There are magic pants, but their magic complete revolves around ease of coming off. More a "Magic Mike" type pants than adventuring pants.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Didn't the magnificent mage, Elminster, actually possess magical underwear? Are the rest of us not good enough for such novelty?

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Ravingdork wrote:
Didn't the magnificent mage, Elminster, actually possess magical underwear? Are the rest of us not good enough for such novelty?

I think I would give up any number of stat bonuses to be less like Elminster.


There are pants that add to your intelligence.

Li Nezha, a god of war in traditional Chinese mythology, has a garment that burns, boils water, and throws fire.

There are two ways to interpret the word that describes this garment: either Sash (and thus can be worn as either a belt or scarf) or Pants.

The Sash makes a bit more sense, but it's an hilarious mental image to imagine a guy who looks like Li Shang from Mulan whipping off his pants Magic-Mike-style and holding them aloft as fireballs come firing from their crotch-region.

Ravingdork wrote:
Didn't the magnificent mage, Elminster, actually possess magical underwear? Are the rest of us not good enough for such novelty?

A player can only earn magic underwear by meeting a celestial who leads them to ancient disks.

There is clear evidence of pants in Pathfinder. The first two outfits for Artisan's and Cold Weather clearly describe pants. My attention span ended after that, but you can check others.

And play Piecemeal Armor to get your magic leg armor.

i allow magic pants, they are limited to the effects of a belt or foot slot item. taking the Pants slot as a seperate slot.

Rynjin wrote:
Larkspire wrote:

The boots seem to take up the leg's Mojo ,then the belt slot deals with the waist. The Junk is ignored.

I'm currently forging the "Codpiece of Lordly Might".
Modeled after this, of course.

It's like your in my head! lol

Liberty's Edge

Mudfoot wrote:

Use the belt slot. A skirt is a wide belt (or in Newcastle, not wide at all) and fills essentially the same function as trousers.

This subject came up about a year ago.


Pants confine the masculine appendage and a male who regularly confines their private parts winds up with stunted privates. In the RW it is my understanding that the average male size among pants wearers is about 6", which cannot even be a foot long when excited, and what women could be satisfied with such a tiny appendage? No doubt with the long time PF multiverses tend to have been civilized (Golarion has 10,000 years of history after the fall of the Azlanti Empire) people have long ago realized this simple truth and have learned to avoid pants.

Look! I just want some pants!

A decent pair of pants!!!!

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Pants are treason!

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When I'm fuhrer, there will be changes.

That day... all female officers will be required to wear...


*Wears enchanted clothing that physically protects body* Dm:"You are attacked by a dog. The dog bites your sleeved arm and doesn't pierce the material." Me:"Ha you mangy mutt!" *Throws off dog* Dm:"You are attacked by the dog again. The dog makes a called shot aimed at your groin." Me:".... Holy shi-AHHHH!"

Me hero wears a nice coat, chain shirt, a belt, boots...and NO PANTS. have a problem with that. You try fitting tail in a pair of pants. Even if you cut a hole where the tail is, it's a real pain to get them on.

No one else complains about me going around pantless, but then...I am extra furry.

And don't make that smart alec remark...remember the wolf part...I have fangs...

After the pantaloons debacle of Baldur's Gate, it was determined that pants are just too overpowered.

Pants are overrated as well.

Scarab Sages

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Didn't you know? In Pathfinder, we all play anthropomorphic ducks.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Didn't you know? In Pathfinder, we all play anthropomorphic ducks.

Every Pathfinder's favorite game, then.

cbhgraphicarts wrote:

When I'm fuhrer, there will be changes.

That day... all female officers will be required to wear...


Where do we vote for you, oh great one?! We of the Dark Tapestry support your bid for [office/tyranny/awesomeness]!

It is also an intriguing thing to note that we antediluvians have no need for pants either. We have come to abolish the inimitable madness of your kind's need for lower pseudopod coverage! We shall occupy Tian Xia first, for the local female populace seems most welcoming of our embassy, then we shall begin spreading our blessings to your surrounding nations. Do not resist us, people of Golarion, for we shall free you from the squamous evil that is your pantaloons and use the offending garments to build a shrine to mighty Catthulhu! STOW YOUR LASER POINTERS AND KNEEL BEFORE THE MIGHTY CATTHULHU!

Considering the popularity of the "Succubus in a grapple" thread, I'm not surprised that pants aren't used in Pathfinder ...

Noir le Lotus wrote:
Considering the popularity of the "Succubus in a grapple" thread, I'm not surprised that pants aren't used in Pathfinder ...

Would she get a circumstance bonus to the grapple check for the lack of pants? I need to update the thread...

The magic pants are disallowed by GMs because PCs with magical pants cannot be touched! For reference, see Diablo 3 Hammer Jammers!

I hope I'm not the only one who gets that joke!

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It's a little known fact that a Mimic's favorite shape is that of 'Pants' so there is a great fear of wearing 'Pants.'


In Soviet Golarion; Pants wear you.


Pants were invented by Ettercaps and they have been defending their patent rights religiously, the ability of any race other than Ettercaps to produce pants has been tied up in the courts for millennia. There is rumor that Aroden was going to give a decision that would allow other races to produce pants, and was assassinated before his decision was known.

Stick with kilts. They come in an armored variety for the AC bonus.

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