
Braniac's page

7 posts. Alias of Cthulhudrew.


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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I am very excited about pants in Pathfinder 2nd edition. For one thing, since item slots are no longer a thing we have the possibility of magic pants which is a thing I have always wanted.

I would settle for a pair of regular pants.

Dear Abadar Customer Service-

I would like to know when you will begin producing full length trousers for androids. Currently, the selection of pantswear available for maleform androids consists solely of briefs in purple and/or black. There are some maleforms that are very self-conscious about the appearance of the make and mold of our factory issued legs, and would appreciate the option to purchase a decent pair of full length pants in order to better blend in with the rest of the galaxy's populace without fear of persecution or judgment.

Thank you for your consideration.

- A concerned android

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Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Can we get stats on socks and underwear please?

And pants while you're at it. Some decent, magical pants. And a pants slot to put them in.

Dotting this thread for interest.

Because I am always on the lookout for a decent pair of pants.

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Can anyone get me a decent pair of pants!?!?!?

Look! I just want some pants!

A decent pair of pants!!!!