Tinkergoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Our IT people will happily tell you that whenever there's a computer glitch, jumping immediately to "blame Steve" is generally a time saver.
I'm stealing that for use in my own workplace.
User: "Hey, what's going on with this system"
Me: "Oh man, Steve's at it again..."
User: "Steve?"
Me: "Yeah, he's always causing problems for IT"

Hawkmoon269 |

My September order looks all sorts of screwed up.
It shows the Base S&S game, as well as 2 copies of the add on deck.
Yes. Everyone's is like that. The character add-on deck from your sidecart is real. The base set and the other character add-on deck are a display glitch. You won't be charged or shipped those. Double check your authorization email when you get it to be sure. If by chance it does show up on there, contact customer service to have it fixed before you get your shipping email.
And if by chance they still happen to accidentally ship it to you, they'll make sure you don't have to pay for it or to return it.

Unruly |
I was wondering why my subscriptions has been showing "Authorized Date: Today" for the last 4 or 5 days. At first I was getting worried, because I had to make some sort-of last minute changes to my payment method for a sidecart item and my subscriptions thanks to some jerk trying to use my credit card and making me cancel it last week. I was thinking that they might be having problems authorizing on the new card.
But now I see that it wasn't my fault. Or at least, it isn't my fault yet. I'll find out for sure when I finally get my authorization email.
Thanks for the updates!

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My subscription order disappeared and everything went into my sidecart. Then I hit "ship immediately" or whatever that button says, but then I didn't complete the order (thinking maybe I would lose my spot in the sub order shipping line). Now the add on deck is in my cart but the promos are gone and I have no orders pending and I'm scared.
Thanks Sara and CS team.

Evan Tarlton |

Good news is things look good in our test environment , tech team is rolling the code now! Bad news, its too late in the day to start.
Updating dates and times:
Authorization (Order Spawning) Date:September
11th 15th16th
Begin Shipping Estimate:September15th 16th17th

Unruly |
Nezzmith, that's a common display bug. Happens all the time, which is why they have that disclaimer at the top of the subscription management page.
Just keep an eye out for your authorization email and an eye on this thread. If you don't get an authorization email by the time Sara Marie posts that authorizations are completed, then you might want to contact customer service.

Wraya |
Yesterday it said that Payment method would be authorized "today" - now it's moved my AUGUST subscription shipment from SEPTEMBER to now OCTOBER. I was irritated that I wasn't getting my crap in August, but was okay with end of September. What is going on!!
Payment method authorized: October 2
Should ship by: October 24
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set( in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Owlbeartross~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 2: Raiders of the Fever Sea,
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Pegleg~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 3: Tempest Rising

Hawkmoon269 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Display issues. And a few different ones are combining together to create a perfect storm of confusion.
I'm an example of a typical subscriber (got my Base Set in August, didn't get my Character Add-on Deck due to the delay). Here is what my subscription page says. I'm going to number them so I can use them as examples:
Payment method authorized: October 2
Should ship by: October 241. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak~ (in sidecart)
2. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch~ (in sidecart)
3. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'~ (in sidecart)
4. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling~ (in sidecart)
5. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99 (in sidecart)
6. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, $47.99
7. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99
8. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
9. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Owlbeartross~
10. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 2: Raiders of the Fever Sea, $15.99
11. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
12. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Pegleg~
13. 1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 3: Tempest Rising, $15.99
Ok. So what's happened here? Well, first of all the subscription system knows you were scheduled to have your subscription authorized already (yesterday, like you noticed). And you haven't (no one has). So it is saying "Hmm...You missed your September subscription. I'll reschedule it all for October." But that is just one part of the system. It isn't the part of the system that actually creates the orders. So don't worry, they are hoping to authorize today. That order will not include items 11, 12 or 13, since they really do belong to October. (The Blessing of Zogmugot that belongs in September is item 8.)
Now, what about items 6 and 7? Both are display glitches. I already got my Base Set (item 6) and my character add-on deck is sitting in my sidecart (compare items 5 & 7). So items 6 and 7 won't authorize. Because again, we are seeing the "subscriber side" of the system, not the part of the system that actually creates real orders.
So, if yours looks like mine, honestly, don't worry. Just check your authorization email when you get it. (It takes a few days for the authorization process to run, so even if Sara Marie starts it today yours might not happen today. Just wait for Sara Marie to say "authorization complete.") Make sure it looks good. Contact customer service if anything is wrong on it. And then just wait for your shipping email.
I do note that your Base Set is in your sidecart, which is different than mine. Perhaps you haven't received your Base Set yet? That is the only thing I would have any question about in your order.

Wraya |
Yes, I ordered in August to get the base set, and it wasn't shipped. I called customer service in early September, and they said that it had moved to ship with my September order- and that they could move it up and ship sooner if I wanted (since it was an error). I told them I was okay with it shipping with my September subscription. That's why I was concerned that it now moved to October.
I'll wait a few days to see if I get an authorization email!

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Things look good, I've done a few stops, starts and looked at orders and they appear to be good and working, but I am not comfortable leaving it to run by itself quite yet. I need to eat lunch before my stomach cannibalizes itself so I will get it started as soon as I get back! Hang tight folks we are really close to getting this over month's order generation over with... and then we can begin shipping!

Steve Geddes |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hawkmoon nailed it with his explanation.
I was doing some testing yesterday to ensure the authorization process ran smoothly and quickly for today. For testing purposes I had to set the start date from the 16th to the 15th which triggered the display error.
- Erik Keith
I really think it would cut down on CS queries significantly if you disabled the "my subscriptions" page during authorisation (with an explanatory "Subscription run in progress - please wait until you receive your authorisation email" and a link to Sara's shipping announcements thread).
Every month there's a bunch of queries about subs getting pushed as the authorisation begins. It's hard to see the benefit of the my subscription page during this time - it doesn't help with estimating costs, time of arrival, contents of upcoming subscription shipments or likely shipping method to be used.

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My subscription order disappeared and everything went into my sidecart. Then I hit "ship immediately" or whatever that button says, but then I didn't complete the order (thinking maybe I would lose my spot in the sub order shipping line). Now the add on deck is in my cart but the promos are gone and I have no orders pending and I'm scared.
Thanks Sara and CS team.
Hey TanRu,
I'm gonna shoot you an email in just a second here, so that our correspondence doesn't get tangled up in this thread. Keep an eye on your inbox and we can go from there. Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

Steve Geddes |

No worries, Sara. It does appear to have split itself up into two - I'm not too stressed about that though, I'm pretty sure I've had shipments appear to leave the warehouse in multiple shipments and arrive in one box (and vice versa).
The class decks are all there now, so yay! Hard to know who's going to be happier - us receiving them or you guys getting them out the door. :)

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Ok, things are running smoothly and its time for me to leave. I'm letting it run overnight, though it may time out or get stalled as occasionally happens. I'll be checking in first thing tomorrow to restart if necessary and let you know how things are going.
Warehouse is antsy to get to shipping and will be starting in on what they can ship as soon as they can tomorrow morning. That may include some subscription order, but it looks like the bulk of things will start shipping Thursday morning.
sara marie

Robert_Simpson |
Robert_Simpson wrote:I think mine might be a little crazy. I had a bunch of stuff in my sidecart like card protectors and class decks but they all disapeered yesterday. Sorry!Found it hanging out in Order Limbo. I believe I have sufficiently prodded it into moving on to a better place.
Thanks much!

Steve Geddes |

Steve, I'm actually not sure if your order can be packed the way that it *thinks* its going to pack itself. I'm taking it down to get Will's professional opinion. You may see it "ship" today or get prodded a bit more first. I'm sorry for the confusion.
Hi again, Sara.
I think someone should manually check the shipping calculations on this/these orders. You seem to be undercharging me (possibly) by a fair bit.
According to the authorisation email I got, my shipping discount is way more than $10 (or even ($20, if each order is its own entity). There is some store credit in the mix, so perhaps that is throwing things off.
Having said that, looking at the orders themselves suggests it might just be a display glitch and everything is going to reconcile fine. Order 3289609 is currently looking like shipping a case of minis costs $97.23 but then you've given me a discount of $57.23. Order 3224682 also shows a shipping charge of $128.77 and a discount of $10. The authorisation email shows a combined shipping cost of $184.84 with a $50 discount??
I wouldn't waste any brainpower on it if its just a cosmetic thing and the totals are going to be right. From where I sit though (depending which paperwork i look at) you could be significantly out of pocket.

Ed Reppert |

Got my July(!) and August subs yesterday finally. No sign of an authorization email for September yet.
Did get the S&S Base set yesterday. Haven't opened it yet. Maybe I'll go do that now. :-)

Unruly |
Nezzmith, you have to still wait until they actually ship your stuff before they add the PDFs to your downloads. They authorize the card to make sure the funds are there, but they don't actually push the charge through until they ship your stuff. So even after getting your authorization email, you'll still probably have to wait a couple days to get access to the PDFs.
But then, once you get access to your PDFs, you'll know that your stuff is on its way. I like to think of them as teasers and samples for when the physical copies arrive, because I'd rather thumb through a real book than deal with ebook page rendering times.