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![]() Dennis Baker wrote:
This right here. While it is fun to sit here on the message boards and contemplate our navels and the true nature of goblins, doing so while in game when the other players just want to kill monsters and take their loot is a surefire recipe for a bad night for all involved. TL;DR, change your characters backstory to something more suitable for hack n' slash and save the redeemer dude for a solo session. ![]()
![]() brad2411 wrote:
I do not believe that to be accurate. I called and spoke with a Rep and she was very clear that they could not start with anything other than the current deck and promo. I was specifically told that prior promos were NOT available. At any rate, cost for me through Amazon is $58.27 including tax for the base S&S game + add on deck. I've had prime since it was available, and PACG stuff isn't even in the universe of reasons why I have it, so cost for Prime is irrelevant to me for these purposes. Cost through Paizo is $83.25 for the same stuff. That makes being a subscriber $24.98 more expensive. But I get 4 promo cards, making each card worth $6.25. So it really boils down to the question of do you want the promo cards? If yes, subscribing makes sense because you would be hard pressed to find the cards on Ebay for that price and thats not even taking into account the effort you have to go through hunting for the best deal. If you don't want the cards, then Amazon is the clear winner. (Of course you could subscribe and sell the cards yourself and potentially come out ahead, but lets leave that discussion alone for now). For me, I am a completionist. I hate it, but I acknowledge that weakness. So I will subscribe. I bought all the promo cards I didn't have on Ebay when I found out that they existed. Really my only beef with the subscription is the outrageous shipping charges Paizo has. I hate being ripped off like that, but I tolerate it for the promo cards because even after the gouging, I still get them cheaper than Ebay. ![]()
![]() In the course of a game (happens to NPC etc), it would be situational and based on where the game is (store or convention, probably not appropriate; Jims basement, OK) and the nature of the players themselves. Having a PC (of either sex) raped... my gut says "not cool" but again I suppose it would depend on the players. Some folks might be OK with it. ![]()
![]() Oladon wrote:
Thanks! I figured out that I didn't have PM enabled on my end; that was what was stopping me. :) ![]()
![]() Interested, but I will elaborate on what a previous poster mentioned. How serious are you guys planning to get? If it is anything more than 'not very' you are going to have to pick a faction, at least to start with. I get why you would want to have both, but you split your playerbase that way at the beginning and run the very real risk of neither getting beyond a random handful of people on at any one time. As you know, server transfers get expensive quick. But I am sure quite a few people (myself included) would be willing to pay that cost if there was a clear idea of where the guild would be going and what we could expect. Just my 2 cents. ![]()
![]() The printing of 3.5 was one of the best decisions that WoTC made, second to the OGL. 3.0 was the most major revision the AD&D rules had at the time. There was alot of errata and people figured out what worked and what didn't. Rather than publish everything via errata online, it was all condensed and reworked, and new books published. This is a good thing because it makes life easier for everyone to keep track of the changes. There were only two other options were to 1) publish errata online and force people to cross reference or 2) ignore the feedback and pretend its fine how it is. Pathfinder is to 3.5 what 3.5 is to 3.0. Pathfinder is what D&D 4 should have been. PF is the best iteration of the 3x ruleset to date and you can still use the books you bought a decade ago with it. This is why it is so popular. I don't have a problem with PF 1.5 at some point. I'd rather buy a new rulebook in a few years than print out 100 pages of errata and clarifications to have to cross reference and look up. |