Your favorite Inner Sea nation?

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Liberty's Edge

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Mine is Andoran. It's not just because I'm American, it's just cool that a fantasy setting has a region based on Revolutionary War-era America. You really don't see that in... Well, pretty much any other RPG. Plus, I can see a lot of players making an Andoren shield champion Brawler, and I'll be one of them :P

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Worldwound, but that's because I'm kind of a contrarian and can't imagine it being all-bad precisely because it's supposed to be. Instead I imagine it as a cool land of interesting demons both Evil and Good.

Honorable Mentions:
Rahadoum for casting off gods.
Land of the Linnorm Kings because there's a bit of metal in me.

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My two favorites are Numeria and Nex. Numeria because savage barbarians fighting technological horrors from beyond the stars, and Nex because it's a land ruined by an ancient mage's war where one of the major cities holds researchers who push the bounds of magic research in order to advance magic beyond the knowable (OK, I'll admit, a major reason for liking Nex is because I like Oenopion and would love to see an AP centered around it).

Honorable mention goes to Razmiran because I really like what's going on there, in a story sense. It'd be horrible to live there, but Razmiran is just itching for an AP where either the Living God is deposed or...

the Living God actually gets divinity, possibly having it be thrust upon him by an outside source.

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Cheliax, Brevoy, and the River Kingdoms.

Cheliax, despite being the "evil" nation, has a pretty interesting history and despite their reduced empire and strength, it's implied that if they fully set their mind to it, can kick some serious ass, judging from how paranoid Andoran, Molthune, Sargava, and Rhadoum are. Also they are the Italian/Latin analogue country which is cool. Bonus points for having a cool flag.

Brevoy, because A Song of Ice and Fire is awesome and being able to play it in Golarion is awesome.

River Kingdoms fulfill the chaotic Italian city-states void that every world needs. The sheer potential for adventure and diverse locales in this region make for an amazing place to have a campaign. Also the River Freedoms are a code I like

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Avistan: Isger

Garund: Mediogalti Island (of the Garundi nations so far)

Tian Xia: Forest of Spirits or Wanshou

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The Shackles, probably.

Liberty's Edge

Alleran wrote:
The Shackles, probably.

Pff, I completely forgot about the Shackles! I love that place, mainly because I love pirates. Heck, my Fighter's backstory is that he's the son of a pirate.

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I guess it is because it makes me think of the Dalelands.

Ed Greenwood got old and wonky, and they put way too much detail into Forgotten Realms. But that old grey box set was really good before the splatbook explosions.

They have a built in enemy in Molthune (like the Zhents when they were cool). They have a big lake (a Great Lake really), a forest seating, unexplored wilderness, ruins, history, places that aren't terribly far off for adventure hooks (Lastwall, Worldwound, Isger, Cheliax, Five Kings mountain territories, Ustalav, even the River Kingdoms aren't implausibly far away).

Just seems like a great place for 1-10 level adventures. Then you could go on road trips if you can't think of anything else to set in the Nirmathas area.

Dark Archive

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Irrisen. There's lots of places in the Inner Sea Region that I like (Nex, Geb, Ustalav, Cheliax, Nidal, Osirion, Numeria), but Irrisen in particular stands out as a favorite. I am a fan of Baba Yaga and have used the character in various forms in multiple campaigns/game systems, and I find the white witches, ice fae, and general vibe of the place right up my alley.

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Where it all started: Varisia (yes I know its more of a region, but still)
Close second: Absalom

Have to agree with DaemonAngel: Varisia, Varisia, Varisia. But that's personal bias because I've run RotRT, CotCT, and the beginning of Shattered Star, all in Varisia.

But I love the wandering gypsies (Varisians), the rival-but-not-at-war city states (Korvosa, Magnimar), the ever-present danger from the north from the Shoanti, giants, and other denizens of the Cinderlands, and the ominous threat of Cheliax from the south.

Political intrigue? Check! Colorful locals? Check! Local dangers? Check!

Loves me some Varisia!

Nirmathas. I ran Crypt of the Everflame and loved the fluff for the place. Full of forests. Beset by political rivals to the south. Beset by orcs to the north west. Supported by the Paladins of Lastwall to the northeast. Framed by mountains to the west and a lake to the east. Nice for wilderness games.

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My favorite is probably Absalom due to its level of detail and its importance in the region. I feel like it'd be the best starting place for a non-AP adventure even without the Pathfinder Society being there.

My favorite that hasn't been mentioned as of this post is Brevoy. I know it's GoT-lite but that's what's cool about it. This way I can have battles and intrigue without the pointless darkness and general hopelessness of the aSoI&F series.

Andorian, because that is where the undead Kobold King reigns.

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No particular order: Andoran, Absalom, Brevoy (all of it!), River Kingdoms (fascinating duality of civilization and chaos... and, of course, the Stolen Lands...), Cheliax (sort of - I really like the history), Mwangi (Sargava, but neither the Colonials or the Mzali - the Song-O, Bonuwat, the Zenj, that one ranch, and the half-breeds - basically anyone other than the racists - and, of course, the most awesome man in existence: Old Mage Jtambe), the pre-World Wound Sarkoris (sp?), Irressen (as of Reign of Winter), Hermea (LG Mengkare for life!), Razmiran ('cause he's totally going down), Katapesh (lol, govt.), Nex (because Nex who was riding Nex on a Nex in Nex with a Nex who carried his Nex to Nex from Nex*), Alkenstar (huzzah!), the Shackles (and the Eye of Abendigo), and Tien Xia**.

I'm probably forgetting something. I... really like the Inner Sea**.

* Seriously, though, that guy named everything after himself. EVERYTHING.
** Yes it's cheating. No, I DON'T CAAAAA~RE! :D

Brevoy wih mentions to Absalon,Taldor,Cheliax and Mendev

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If we go by what I've used the most, Andoran (primarily because of the Darkmoon Vale modules and source material as this is great stuff to mine for homebrew worlds.)

Other than that, I'm taking quite a liking to Numeria lately. Ustalav, Azlant, Thassilon, the Mana Wastes, Galt, and Taldor also interest me more than most other lands.

Grand Lodge


Then Varisia a few more times before
The WorldWound,
Land of the Linnorm Kings, and
Realm of the Mammoth Lords. In that order.

Shadow Lodge

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Sarkonis, pre worldwound. All the clans, druidism, lost gods all make me think this was a very cool place.

Andoran, then Irresian, Realm of the Mammoth Lord's and Sargova.

Dark Archive

Osirion, Qadira, Cheliax, Numeria, Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

Also Razmiran, Hermea and Rahadoum, at least partially because I've been told I'm not supposed to like them, and badwrongfun, and I'm contrary that way.

I want to like Taldor, but I'm not really there yet.

Ustalav. My whole campaign is in Ustalav. I wish there were more stuff published about Ustalav, like more random encounter tables for various regions and more write-ups of towns and stuff. Of course Bastardhall needs to be published eventually too.

Following Ustalav, I like Nidal, Irrisen, and Varisia.

Varisia is my favorite region, hands down.

I've run Runelords, and am running a homebrew urban campaign set in Korvosa. I also have another group that meets roughly quarterly-- I run episodic adventures in and around Magnimar for them.

Cheliax is a distant second, followed by Andoran.

Varisia, mainly on virtue of containing Kaer Maga.

Osirion, by far (excluding Varisia for not being a 'nation'). Pyramids, tombs, mummies, reemergence from domination by the east, vast trade, strong customs.

Now is the Osirion Spring!

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River kingdoms, and I'm not saying this because one of my character became the ruler of Pitax ...

Galt and The River Kingdoms are the reason i originally invested in Golarion in the first place:)

Cheliax is my favorite by far. The country has lots of interesting history, and I'm especially fascinated of its relationship with Taldor, and its own former provinces and colonies. Cheliax has a lot influence outside its borders, which is essential in making the world seem dynamic and believable. The whole concept of a decadent infernal empire is so simple, yet inspiring.

I'm also fond of Varisia, mostly because of all the wonderful adventures I've already had there. I like the competing city states, the conflict between the natives and Chelaxian settlers, and the dark secret history behind the whole region. Nothing is never quite what it seems in Varisia, and I love it.

My tastes tend towards the grim and the macabre, and there's a lot of that in Golarion. I like Galt as a dark mirror to the idealism of Andoran. I enjoy horror, so Ustalav is a natural fit for my tastes. Irrisen, with its dark fairytale feel pulls on the same strings, I feel. Really, I could go on for forever. Suffice it to say, there are very few areas of Golarion I dislike.

I enjoy the flavor of Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse.

Hmmm ... I really like Cheliax. I think that with some work, Cheliax could make for an epic kingdom-building adventure.

Silver Crusade

I don't like even one of them. :)

I don't run campaigns in Golarion, LOL! But I appreciate the creativity put into Golarion when faced with an economic decision. I'm glad that they did it that way, its just that, I don't grok it the way you all do. :)

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Going to be trite and say Andoran. Love a good democracy in a fantasy setting.

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Oh, wait... not that setting...

Numeria then.

Overall I'm not a huge fan of Golarion, but there are elements I like.

Varisia I like on its own, but it's harder to understand it when you put it into the Inner Sea. How has this region remained a "frontier" for so long? Why didn't the Linnorm Kings conquer it (at least the fertile lands along the coasts) milennia ago?

I particularly like the nations on the east coast of Garund: Nex, Geb, and Katapesh. These are truly creative nation-concepts that are not simply based off of earth cultures. Rahadoum is a creative idea too. I'm not much of a fan of the map of northern Garund though.

Cheliax is interesting and a good example of an "Evil Empire" that works.


Andoran is my fav as well. While the Darkmoon Vale stuff is good, I really wish they'd develop some of the big cities and interior a bit more, not just the frontier. While I know some folks think it might be dull, I find Andoran a nation WORTH protecting, and it motivates my players and their characters just fine. :) The "Guardians of the Flame" vibe I get from their anti slavery angle means the nation has a much bigger impact than its borders might indicate.

Runner ups:

I find myself intrigued by Isger. The poor country kind of gets it from all sides. Diabolism on the rise, Cheliax's boot on its neck, its few resources going everywhere but home, and goblin hordes as a constant threat! Unlike Cheliax, it's not damned, not yet, but it could end up that way if heroes don't arise (Cue theme music for the PCs)

The Land of the Linnorm Kings's supplement is so diverse (While still holding to the Nordic vibe) and well written that I've really enjoyed it far more than I expected to. And at least one of the kings raids Nidal! Holy ####. Hats off to White Estrid for sheer nerve.

While I wouldn't have originally named it as a favorite, Taldor has become my 'go to' area for more generic fantasy. I don't mean that disparagingly, the whole 'once great empire now crumbling' allows my players a lot of room on putting a mix of concepts all in the same party. Before it was officially rewritten, I quite enjoyed the Sarenrae persecution angle for flavor. I can still use it in MY version, of course, but I am trying to think of a good reason to make the transition.

I eagerly await more glimpses into other nations of the Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Qadira has proven a good 'Arabian knights' area . I tend to down play the mercantile angle some seem to associate with it (I have Kapetesh for that) and bump up the exotic wonders and dangers.

Of course, those are my votes CURRENTLY... all it takes is one good setting focus to make me reconsider my top ten.

Dark Archive

For me, Cheliax is where it's at. I find the whole country inspiring, with Taldor being a close second.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Ridge wrote:
I find myself intrigued by Isger. The poor country kind of gets it from all sides. Diabolism on the rise, Cheliax's boot on its neck, its few resources going everywhere but home, and goblin hordes as a constant threat! Unlike Cheliax, it's not damned, not yet, but it could end up that way if heroes don't arise (Cue theme music for the PCs)

That is exactly why Isger is my favorite Avistan nation. Plus firefoot fennecs are from there.

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and that's because I'm the Hurricane Queen!

I like that part thats South of the Roof of the World down to that part Souuth of Sargava and Geb. I also actually like the Roof of the World too and the Tien parts that are attached to it.

Specifically I like Varisia and I've done a lot of my own fleshing out with the Sellen River locations so Brevoy and Mendev and The River Kingdoms and Iobaria. The isle of Kortos is cool and Katapesh is pretty neat as a setting for fun.

While I like all of them for different reasons, I think if 'forced' to pick a favorite, I'd have to go with Alkenstar (Mana Wastes). Steampunk + Post-Apocalyptic Magical Wasteland? Yes, please!

How does one choose between Ustalav and Numeria? I almost bought the Numeria book was on the shelf and the goodness inside beckoned me...Am I betraying my Golarion-Ravenloft connection by buying that glorious supplement? do I choose?

Dark Archive

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Necromancer wrote:
How does one choose between Ustalav and Numeria? I almost bought the Numeria book was on the shelf and the goodness inside beckoned me...Am I betraying my Golarion-Ravenloft connection by buying that glorious supplement? do I choose?

Ustalav, much like the lands of Ravenloft, is almost like a half-dozen mini-settings, covering different horror themes, so it might have more general utility than Numeria, which is pretty tied into that one 'fallen spaceship' theme.

On the other hand, for me, there is no 'or,' there is only 'the one I'm buying right now and the one I'll buy later...' :)

Set wrote:
Necromancer wrote:
How does one choose between Ustalav and Numeria? I almost bought the Numeria book was on the shelf and the goodness inside beckoned me...Am I betraying my Golarion-Ravenloft connection by buying that glorious supplement? do I choose?

Ustalav, much like the lands of Ravenloft, is almost like a half-dozen mini-settings, covering different horror themes, so it might have more general utility than Numeria, which is pretty tied into that one 'fallen spaceship' theme.

On the other hand, for me, there is no 'or,' there is only 'the one I'm buying right now and the one I'll buy later...' :)

Yeah, I have to wait until next month, but I am soooo going crazy waiting until I can buy the Numeria book.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Hermea (LG Mengkare for life!)


And Nex. And Geb.

Chalk up another vote for Ustalav. There are so many unresolved mysteries that I want to learn more about every time I read Rule of Fear or the appendices in the Carrion Crown AP volumes. What's going on in Bastardhall, and does it have something to do with the legendary true Daughter of Urgathoa? What happened to Haserton Lowls to make him an insane recluse? Who or what is Damita Adler? Who built the Spiral Cromlech of Lepidstadt?

The best thing about GMing Carrion Crown, for me, is that there is enough lore about Ustalav to keep my players busy even if they go off the rails of the AP (which I sometimes hope they'll do just so I can try something funky!). I'd really like to see another product about this region of Golarion, but who knows when or if it will happen?

(I summon Wes Schneider to answer all of my questions!)

Liberty's Edge

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River Kingdoms are too cool. Lots of great wilderness, fey creatures, rapidly changing kingdoms and consisting mostly of jerks and castaways. Great Stuff.

Land of the Linnorm Kings, Numeria, Andoran, Nirmathas, and Ustalav are also great.

Razmiran for me... It's the area that intrigues me most - and is begging for an AP (or at least a reasonably high level module)... So many questions about the area... How did Razmir rise to power? What are his goals / plans? Do Razmirans worship over deities in secret? What do the gods think about Razmir?

Nidal is a close second... Again, some more material would be great.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Zesdead wrote:
Nidal is a close second... Again, some more material would be great.

Nidal is my second on the list for favorite Avistan nations.

Liberty's Edge

Belzken. Everything there is just so rough and tumble, it feels like a place of epic adventure to me.

Liberty's Edge

Favorites: Alkenstar, Andoran, Galt, Hold of Belzken, Mendev, Mwangi Expanse, Osirion, and Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

Least favorites: Druma, Hermea, Cheliax, Hermea, Nidal, and Hermea.

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