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Shadow Lodge Contributor

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The item Wismuth salix in Ultimate Equipment states:

If you drink a vial of it while suffering from the nauseated or sickened condition, you may immediately roll another saving throw (with the +2 bonus) against the effect;

Can we take this to imply that it can be imbibed while nauseated, similar to Stillgut?

Thanks very much, and looking forward to seeing you at Gen Con!

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Hi Mark,
In CRB Potions part, it says

The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target.

It seems that oils only work on objects.

But the following
Likewise, it takes a full-round action to apply an oil to an unconscious creature.

refers a situation that oil is applied on creature.

Then, can oil really be applied to creatures?

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Hey Mark, quick questions about kineticist wild talents (specifically with form infusions) that deal with area effects centered on the kineticist.

Back during the playtest you said that the aerokineticist's Cyclone's "All creatures and objects within a 20-foot-radius burst centered on you take half your blast’s normal amount of damage" shouldn't hurt the kineticist itself, but allies should clear out.

Is that still applicable post-playtest? Or is the kineticist considered damaged also now?

What about Detonation from Psychic Anthology? "Flames explode outward from your body, dealing your blast damage to all creatures and objects within a 20-foot radius." Would the pyrokineticist be hurt inside the radius like everyone else? Or because the flames explode away from the body, he doesn't get hurt? Or should it be like the Detonate spell, where it's auto-success on the saving throw for half damage?


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Twas the FAQ Tuesday before Gencon, and all through the scrimmage, not a creature was stirring, not even a mirror image.

FAQ wrote:

Mirror Image and Miss Chance: If I have a miss chance and a mirror image, how do I combine them?

Miss chances generally only apply when an attack hits. For most miss chances, such as blur, there’s no need to roll them if an attack would hit a mirror image because a hit and a miss by 5 or less would both pop the image. The only exception to this rule is blink and similar effects, which already have some other exceptions from normal miss chances due to moving you to another plane (for instance, unlike other miss chances, blink protects you from targeted effects). The 50% chance to be on the Ethereal Plane protects both the caster and the images.

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Yay! FAQ Tuesday!

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Any update about gauntlets?

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A question about bringing back slain gods and demigods. Some sources seem to imply that this is harder than just True Resurrection - for example, Asmodeus and the archdevils mourning Mammon, Baphomet being worried about dying in WotR, dead gods like Curchanus, Acavna, Amaznen and Aroden not being immediately raised. If it was as simple as True Resurrection, divine allies, servants thereof, or independent spellcasters looking for potential allies are rewards would quickly bring any slain god or demigod back. Yet gods can come back - Mammon's revival in a new form, or Tsukiyo's resurrection (which is interesting in that Shizuru had to recruit Qi Zhong instead of doing it herself).

Has the difficulty of bringing back gods or demigods ever been addressed anywhere? Are there rules for it?

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Wait. Did someone say Aroden died?

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kadance wrote:
Wait. Did someone say Aroden died?

Reply hazy, try again.

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I take it GenCon is getting in the way of FAQs?

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Considering that no one is in the office to have the FAQ meeting, I'd say that is a safe assumption.

Dark Archive

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Hello, Mark! Hope you enjoyed GenCon!

Considering the wording of wind walk, do the creature targeted by this spell need to be in gaseous form to fly? Or do they get the 10 ft flight while in solid form and need to change to gaseous form for the 600 ft flight?


Silver Crusade

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Hi Mark,

Currently running into a bit of a discussion with my lodge about archetyped familiars, I know that improved familiars cannot be some archetypes and that familiars that have the change shape ability need all their forms to be capable of taking the archetype.

But what about class archetypes that gain either the improved familiar feat or use the wording 'as if she gained the improved familiar feat' and do not gain the change shape ability.

As a sidenote, this is meant for pathfinder society

The archetypes in question are :
The Asmodean Advocate Cleric from the Dirty tactics toolbox
The Bonded Investigator from Inner Sea Intrigue
The Demon-sworn Witch from Heroes of the Darklands
The Egorian Academy Infernal Binder Wizard from the Inner Sea primer
The Pact Wizard from the Familiar Folio
The Tinkerer Alchemist from Inner Sea Intrigue

And the familiar archetypes in question are :
Figment, Infiltrator, Mascot, Mauler, Pilferer, Protector
and the Valet.

Are these class archetypes forced to retrain/multiclass if they want to keep a archetyped familiar, are they able to keep the new familiar archetyped or can they choose to not have their familiar upgrade into a improved familiar so that they can keep the playstyle they want to use.

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Hi, Mark!

How do you run dominate person in your games? What constitutes a command being sufficiently "against its nature" to provoke another saving throw?

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Hi Mark.

Any chance you'd feel up to wandering into the Starfinder forums and offer some thoughts on "the DC70 issue"? (Or would you be able to share your perspective here?)

I've come up with a way to reconcile RAW in my own mind, but it would be interesting to hear some background from the designers - I appreciate you're not technically part of the Starfinder design team, as such. Nonetheless, you do seem happy to shout into the storms of internet rules debates from time to time.

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I have no questions I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work and creativity in ushering Starfinder out into the world.

And Mediums.

Thank you.

Scarab Sages

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Hey Mark, how does Sacred Weapon interact with size modifying effects?
I believe Hero Labs is calculating the warpriest's Sacred Weapon Damage incorrectly in some instances, but Hero Labs disagrees and will not correct the issue without a developer FAQ or clarification.
Relevant rules text-

"Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is given on the table above; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon's base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this decision must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon's base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn't apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that deal only energy damage."

Relevant points-

1) Sacred Weapon damage is declared at the time of the attack.

2) Sacred Weapon damage is based on the warpriest's size.

The specific instance of the issue is this-

A 20th level Medium-sized Warpriest is wielding a Large-sized bastard sword. Normally this weapon deals 2d8 base damage, so for a Medium-sized warpriest there should be no change in his damage dice. When an enlarge person spell is applied to the warpriest, his bastard sword increases to Huge and deals 3d8 base damage, which should be the same as the Sacred Weapon damage for a Large-sized Warpriest so Sacred Weapon should once again not come into play.

Instead, what Hero Labs is doing is applying the Large-sized Warpriest's Sacred Weapon damage first, and then applying the size increase a second time to the bastard sword so that the Sacred Weapon damage is being calculated as 1 size larger than it should be at 4d8. Since Sacred Weapon damage does not come into play until an attack is declared, and the warpriest's Sacred Weapon damage doesn't increase to 3d8 until after he becomes Large, this seems like a clear error, but I'd like to hear some official input.

Further question-
Do enchantments like impact apply to Sacred Weapon? Relevant wording on impact- "An impact weapon delivers a potent kinetic jolt when it strikes, dealing damage as if the weapon were one size category larger."

Since Warpriest Sacred Weapon damage is based on the Warpriest's size, not the weapon's, would impact further increase the damage at all? Or in the example above where we have a Large-sized Warpriest with a Huge bastard sword (base damage 3d8), would impact apply first, raising the base weapon damage to 4d8 and thus making it clearly higher than the warpriest's Sacred Weapon damage so that Sacred Weapon does not apply, or would it apply to the Sacred Weapon damage increasing it by 1 step?


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This week's FAQ Tuesday is another No FAQ Required:

PDT wrote:

No FAQ Required: This is not a rules FAQ for any Pathfinder RPG product, but rather a question about our publishing practices on pick-ups. When a new book comes out in the RPG line, chances are at this point that there have been Player Companions, Campaign Settings, or other products on a related topic at some time in the past, but these products have smaller print runs than RPG line products. At product launch meetings, staff members including the developers of these previous products suggest other books to reference for pick-ups. A pick-up essentially means that a rules element begs for a broader audience, rather than asking a freelancer to produce something new but almost identical without regard to the essential foundation built from the design and development work on the previous lines. That said, a pick-up is not a reprint: those pick-ups receive multiple additional development passes just like the new material for the book, refining them beyond their original version. Sometimes these development passes won’t yield any change, and sometimes they lead to substantial changes.

The fully refined version will be Paizo's default version for adventures, NPC compilations, and the like moving forward, since it benefited from two development cycles and is available on the PRD, but as always feel free to use the version that your group prefers, or make your own variant. In Pathfinder Society, always check the Additional Resources page to see what versions are legal and the Campaign Clarifications page for the Pathfinder Society team’s updates on how to use those options in the Pathfinder Society campaign.

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Shaman, Nature Spirit wrote:

Friend to Animals (Su): The shaman can spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally spells as a druid. In addition, all animals within 30 feet of the shaman receive a sacred bonus on all saving throws equal to the shaman’s Charisma modifier.

When possessing an animal via a spell like possession, do I gain the benefit of this ability?

Would it be accurate to say that the animal is benefiting from the ability, and I thus benefit from it because I am possessing the animal?

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Mark Seifter wrote:

This week's FAQ Tuesday is another No FAQ Required:

PDT wrote:

No FAQ Required: This is not a rules FAQ for any Pathfinder RPG product, but rather a question about our publishing practices on pick-ups. When a new book comes out in the RPG line, chances are at this point that there have been Player Companions, Campaign Settings, or other products on a related topic at some time in the past, but these products have smaller print runs than RPG line products. At product launch meetings, staff members including the developers of these previous products suggest other books to reference for pick-ups. A pick-up essentially means that a rules element begs for a broader audience, rather than asking a freelancer to produce something new but almost identical without regard to the essential foundation built from the design and development work on the previous lines. That said, a pick-up is not a reprint: those pick-ups receive multiple additional development passes just like the new material for the book, refining them beyond their original version. Sometimes these development passes won’t yield any change, and sometimes they lead to substantial changes.

The fully refined version will be Paizo's default version for adventures, NPC compilations, and the like moving forward, since it benefited from two development cycles and is available on the PRD, but as always feel free to use the version that your group prefers, or make your own variant. In Pathfinder Society, always check the Additional Resources page to see what versions are legal and the Campaign Clarifications page for the Pathfinder Society team’s updates on how to use those options in the Pathfinder Society campaign.

where was this question posed?

Grand Lodge

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Should Reprinted Player Options Be Treated As Errata?

Silver Crusade

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Hi Mark,

Adding to my previous post, what of the situation that the familiar
does not get replaced but is upgraded instead, the same creature gaining
a new shape without being able to change back?

If the familiar had an archetype, would it transform into the improved familiar and automatically retrain all it's replaced 'class' features, or would it remain an archetyped non-improved familiar because because it cannot upgrade due to not having the 'class' feature that it requires to be replaced?

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Good day to you Mark!

A few questions about the Alchemist (I apologize for any redundancy, these are things I have looked for in the message boards and still feel have been unanswered PFS legally) will try to keep them in an easy Yes/No format.

Eldritch Heritage for getting a familiar: "At 1st level, a sorcerer, bloodrager, or any other character with one of the following bloodlines can choose to gain a bloodline familiar." When choosing this feat can the Alchemist (specifically Chirurgeons who auto get Skill Focus Heal) get a familiar from any bloodline (Celestial in this case)in lieu of their 1st level bloodline power?

Does a Homunculus created through the Craft Construct via Promethean Disciple Discovery count as a familiar?

When a 10th level Chirurgeon gains Breath of Life as a 4th level extract which "His infused curative ability applies to this extract." Is it available for use with Healing Bomb?

Thank You

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I take it these past few weeks people have been out of the office?

Dark Archive

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Any new FAQs (or non-FAQs) soon? It's been a few weeks since the players have been fed. Me so hungry! ;)

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Just realized all "Crafts" are not PFS legal...sorry aboot that question

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This came up recently, the rules for acrobatics include:
"In addition, you can move through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity from an enemy by using Acrobatics. When moving in this way, you move at half speed."

I've always interpreted this to mean that you move through *those individual* spaces at half speed (or any spaces you want to be cautious for if you're uncertain about reach). I had a GM who interpreted this to mean *your entire move action* is at half speed. I've been unable to find clarification anywhere else. What say you?

Grand Lodge

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In 3.5, it was just the individual spaces.

All About Movement wrote:
Tumbling is part of movement, so a Tumble check is part of a move action. Any distance you spend tumbling counts against your movement for the turn. You tumble at half speed, as if each square you tumble through costs you 10 feet of movement (15 if you tumble on a diagonal). If you accept a -10 penalty on your check, you tumble at normal speed. You cannot tumble at all if your encumbrance (from armor or load) reduces your speed.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hello Mark,

Has there ever been an official clarification on whether or not using a Kinetic Blast with the Kinetic Blade infusion negates the attack of opportunity for using a spell-like ability inside an enemy's threat range? The wording of the Kinetic Blade talent is unclear since it refers to "additional" attacks of opportunity.

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If a creature that has vulnerability to cold damage (like a red dragon) dies and is turned into a skeleton (which grants immunity to cold damage), what happens with her vulnerability?

Scarab Sages

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Dear Mark,

when a Kineticist attempts to use Kinetic Blade while grappled, is it treated like a melee attack or like using a SLA? In other words, do I need to roll a concentration check to manifest the Blade, or is that unnecessary since this particular SLA is completely subsumed into the melee attack action itself?

This would make a big difference for my Halfling Geokineticist...

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I think Mark might have exploded. There hasn't been an FAQ in over a month.

Grand Lodge

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Mark cannot post FAQs on his own. It's much more likely that he has not gotten together with the rest of the team to discuss new FAQs since GenCon.

Silver Crusade

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I believe Jason is also in the middle of moving houses as well.

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Conventions don't stop with GenCon, I believe end of August and September are also quite busy.

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So my question today is a request!
Would it be possible/feasible to make "FAQs" on the faq page for links to rule clarifying blogs? Like finding the light and darkness blog is annoying, and if you're newer you'd not even know the blog exists, but new people are more likely to scan the FAQ page and a link there saying, "Hey light and darkness was often questioned, here's a blog with our explanation of things."

Silver Crusade

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Mark, I have recently began playing an arcaneist. My first full caster.
I have found what I feel is a incongruance in the rules. Casters scribe
their spells in a spell book but require a separate feat to scribe a scroll. That makes no sense the only difference between the two are, is that a scroll requires a spell trigger. IMO I think that this is a legacy from 3.5 that can be easily corrected by giving all caster classes the scribe scroll feat as a free bonus feat w/o upsetting the balance at all. Scribe scroll is a very weak feat. It is a Feat tax much like Combat Expertise.

Could I get your oppion on a Arcanist Exploit that I have designed,
Meta-Exploit: By Spending one or more points from your Arcane Reservoir to Apply any meta magic feat that you know to one of your Exploits. You would spend one point from your Arcane per sell level increase.
example if the Arcanist were to apply the meta magic feat Burning Spell to his Flame Arc exploit he would spend an additional 2 points from his Arcane Reservoir when he casts flame arc.


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Just a heads up: There's a pending FAQ from yesterday for FAQ Tuesday that we've written and sent out, but it's for a new book (Ultimate Wilderness), so we have to wait for a FAQ page. Getting a FAQ out right away like for Occult is imo the best way to handle early questions from a new book because then it comes out before any entrenched opinions on the topic or people building characters based off one interpretation or the other (it also helps that Occult has been super low on number of errata people found outside those first questions, so we wound up covering most of them right away thanks to all you guys!)


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Still no love on the FAQ, but given the website woes, that's not really surprising. I'm more surprised that none of the threads seem to have brought up the FAQ's topic yet, since it's a feat where the wording got thrown off somehow and it does something way out there without the FAQ. Welp, if any of you guys see something pop up over the weekend, you can tell people if you see it before I do.


1) Starfinder is amazing! Thank you!

2) I've 270 posts to catch up on here?! How did THAT happen?!

3) I'm calling you out! ... sort of, kind of, please if you don't mind!

Basically, starting more or less here (reading the quotes means you don't need the earlier posts) are a series of posts that question the merits of low-light vision and then question how it works. The gist is this, though: to the general and specific lowlight vision entries, only the low light area is doubled; according to the World's Mightiest Blog! (tm) and the Light general rules, low-light vision doubles the effective radius for all light. Am I just reading something wrong? Is there a rules contradiction? What's up?

4) Oh, also, what's up? How are you? :D

Made it here. Now more sleepy time...

I caught up!

Mark: how is your day, whenever you read this?

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Mr. Mark Seifter,

How would you convert the Solarian into PF?

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Hi Mark!

I haven't been browsing these these boards much lately, but Starfinder has really reinvigorated my enthusiasm for TTRPGs! We recently finished our Hell's Rebels campaign (fantastic villain by the way) and have just started Dead Suns.

In that vein, I have a few questions for you:

1. Have you been playing any Starfinder lately? What's some things you really like about the system but might not be obvious?

2. Do you use any house rules or modifications in your Starfinder games?

3. A slightly more technical question - Heavy Armor in Starfinder affects your Speed. Does this only modify base speed (ie ground movement) or does it also affect other kinds of speed, like the one offered by Jump Jets (CRB p. 206-207) or the Flight spell (p. 355)?

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Mark: if you could eat donuts, how many donuts would you eat?

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So I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Many Many MANY style feats and feats that require style feats are written in this manner.

You can do/have X. While using style also do/have Y.

Is X always active because of having the feat and only Y needs the style to be active to work or does X and Y need you to be in the style to work?

style rules:
As a swift action, you can enter the stance employed by the fighting style a style feat embodies. Although you cannot use a style feat before combat begins, the style you are in persists until you spend a swift action to switch to a different combat style. You can use a feat that has a style feat as a prerequisite only while in the stance of the associated style. For example, if you have feats associated with Mantis Style and Tiger Style, you can use a swift action to adopt Tiger Style at the start of one turn, and then can use other feats that have Tiger Style as a prerequisite. By using another swift action at the start of your next turn, you could adopt Mantis Style and use other feats that have Mantis Style as a prerequisite.

The examples I have off-hand are the mobile bulwark style, Monkey Style, Snake Style, Crane Style, Boar Style

If it's the latter I wish you could instead put the "while using" at the beginning to make it clear that the entire feat is "while using" and not only the part after "while using" is while using.

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Any chance to see Aether, Wood, Metal and other typical fantasy elements as Jins for the Sha'ir Occultist?

No "that's up to your GM/depends on your play table/can be a good houserule" admitted

Aaand any chance to see printed in future an archetype for Medium class which makes him more Kineticist related, like maybe Elemental Spirits?

Scarab Sages

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Still no love on the FAQ, but given the website woes, that's not really surprising. I'm more surprised that none of the threads seem to have brought up the FAQ's topic yet, since it's a feat where the wording got thrown off somehow and it does something way out there without the FAQ. Welp, if any of you guys see something pop up over the weekend, you can tell people if you see it before I do.

Is it Animal Ferocity?

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Ssalarn wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Still no love on the FAQ, but given the website woes, that's not really surprising. I'm more surprised that none of the threads seem to have brought up the FAQ's topic yet, since it's a feat where the wording got thrown off somehow and it does something way out there without the FAQ. Welp, if any of you guys see something pop up over the weekend, you can tell people if you see it before I do.
Is it Animal Ferocity?

He said elsewhere it's Shifter's Edge.

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Xenocrat wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Still no love on the FAQ, but given the website woes, that's not really surprising. I'm more surprised that none of the threads seem to have brought up the FAQ's topic yet, since it's a feat where the wording got thrown off somehow and it does something way out there without the FAQ. Welp, if any of you guys see something pop up over the weekend, you can tell people if you see it before I do.
Is it Animal Ferocity?
He said elsewhere it's Shifter's Edge.


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