cthulhu, has anyone actually used him in your campaign? Any direct face to face combat?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I eagerly awaited the stat write up for Cthulhu
Now that it is out

Has anyone actually used Cthulhu in your campaign?
Or plan to use him?

Any direct combat with him?

I am curious how other groups have used him (if they have)
How does Cthulhu fit into your overall plot , if you do plan to use him?

Liberty's Edge

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I whipped him out as a random encounter for both my 1st level game and my 9th level game just to see what would happen. Everyone in both groups immediately went insane and died.

I can't really see how he can be anything but the thing the bad guys are trying to bring sbout. They either stop the bad guys or he happens. However don't hold the final encounter anywhere near major shipping lanes...

Totally using Cthulu soon. Definitely going to be direct combat. He's the older, more powerful deity enforcing a plane wide pact that prohibits how many outsiders are allowed on the plane.

Shadow Lodge

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I too would like to hear of any groups that didn't go insane and die instantly.

Scarab Sages

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The Ghostbusters tackled him just fine. http://ghostbusters.wikia.com/wiki/The_Collect_Call_of_Cathulhu - WARNING: Ad with sounds, stupid free wikis.
I statted out a level 18 oracle to represent an aspect of him, but I have not heard of people taking on that diety and living.

No but I am planning on using Hastur as the capstone to my mythic campaign, so very nearly the same thing.

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I'm not planning on using him.
1. Somehow putting stats on an "ultimate cosmic horror" seems to defeat the purpose of having an "ultimate cosmic horror".
2. Cthulhu seems out of place in a game designed so that the players are supposed to be able to win against anything (level appropriate). You're not supposed to win against Cthulhu, at best you can stave off ultimate destrution.
3. There's no sanity stat... the Great Old Ones are supposed to be so alien and incomrehencable (spelling?) that we break inside just being confronted by them.

Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.

Captain Wacky wrote:

I'm not planning on using him.

1. Somehow putting stats on an "ultimate cosmic horror" seems to defeat the purpose of having an "ultimate cosmic horror".
2. Cthulhu seems out of place in a game designed so that the players are supposed to be able to win against anything (level appropriate). You're not supposed to win against Cthulhu, at best you can stave off ultimate destrution.
3. There's no sanity stat... the Great Old Ones are supposed to be so alien and incomrehencable (spelling?) that we break inside just being confronted by them.

Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.

I completely agree.

Personally, I don't see the point. If I really wanted to throw Cthulhu at my players, I would just run a Call of Cthulhu campaign. Anything else just wouldn't feel right.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Captain Wacky wrote:

I'm not planning on using him.

1. Somehow putting stats on an "ultimate cosmic horror" seems to defeat the purpose of having an "ultimate cosmic horror".
2. Cthulhu seems out of place in a game designed so that the players are supposed to be able to win against anything (level appropriate). You're not supposed to win against Cthulhu, at best you can stave off ultimate destrution.
3. There's no sanity stat... the Great Old Ones are supposed to be so alien and incomrehencable (spelling?) that we break inside just being confronted by them.

Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.

1) Cthulhu isn't the 'ultimate cosmic horror' in his own mythology. He's perhaps the most powerful of the Old Ones, but it's the Outer Gods who are the ultimate cosmic horrors, and they will receive no Pathfinder stats.

2a) At CR 30, Cthulhu is beyond the reach of 20th level characters to combat directly, and still 5 levels above the APL of a level 20/tier 10 party.
2b) Beating Cthulhu in combat *is* just 'staving off ultimate destruction'. Included in his stat block:

Immortality (Ex) If Cthulhu is killed, his body immediately
fades away into a noxious cloud of otherworldly vapor
that fills an area out to his reach. This cloud blocks vision
as obscuring mist, but can’t be dispersed by any amount
of wind. Any creature in this area must succeed at a DC 45
Fortitude save or be nauseated for as long as it remains
in the cloud and for an additional 1d10 rounds after it
leaves the area. Cthulhu returns to life after 2d6 rounds,
manifesting from the cloud and restored to life via true
resurrection, but is staggered for 2d6 rounds (nothing
can remove this staggered effect). If slain again while
he is staggered from this effect, Cthulhu reverts to vapor
form again and his essence fades away after 2d6 rounds,
returning to his tomb in R’lyeh until he is released again.

In other words--nothing but nothing can kill Cthulhu but it is theoretically possible to force him back into torpor. Which is pretty much what happened in the original Call of Cthulhu story, as I understand it.

3) There is no sanity stat, but all Great Old Ones specifically have an 'Aura of Insanity' ability--in Cthulhu's case, any round you can see him, and are within 300 feet of him, you need to make a DC 40 Will save or immediately die of fright. Make yourself immune to fear, and you still have to save against being staggered. And unlike many similar abilities, saving against the aura once doesn't mean you're immune for 24 hours, so you need to make that save *every round*.

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Didn't know Cuthulu had been written up.
The closest I've gotten was when the party found this ruined tower on a deserted island in a lake. They were attacked by Will O Wisps and when the Druid summoned a swarm of Wasps the wasps had tentacle and she had to make a DC 15 Will save to retain control of them, with the DC increasing by 1 each rd. She dispelled them and they found a Dagger +1 that if used to Coup de Grace a Human gained Human Bane and the ability to open a planar gate. They also found reliefs on some of the walls indicating a civilisation that worshiped beings on the other side of dimensional gates.

They have never been back to the island and the dagger is kept under lock and key. :-)

Dark Archive

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My 13th lvl dragonlance centaur blackblade Magus got eaten by him.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Lets just say there's nothing sadder then 4 consecutive failed Will saves followed by one lonely Cavalier who can't get through Cthulu's Non-Euclidean ability.....

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He is AN "ultimate cosmic horror" not THE "ultimate cosmic horror". That's reserved for Azathoth.

Cthulhu took a cross continental ocean liner to the head and just whent back to sleep because "the stars weren't right". Which is the only reason the Alert got away.

His physical form is merely a shadow cast on our world from another dimention where he truly resides.

There were storms and nightmares across the entire world just because he was half awake for a few moments.

Also, "The Great Old Ones" and the "Outer Gods" are... cousins, so to speak. Not servants to one or the other. Cthulhu is "High Preist" as best we understand him.

In my book that qualifies him as an "ultimate cosmic horror". Lovecraft and company were a bit vague on a lot of points, so interperate the stories for what makes sense to you. But that is my opinion based on what is written.

I've never been a Lovecraft expert, but my understanding was that Cthulhu is actually pretty low on the power scale of Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Certainly, he is a lot more powerful than many lesser horror, but when compare to true powerhouses, like Azathoth, Cthulhu is actually just an insignificant speck, much like a simple human is to him.

Cthulhu is special in that he is the most famous of Lovecrafts horrors, and a culture has grown up around him, not because he is an especially powerful being.

I haven't used him but I think his stat write-up is brilliant.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DeathBecomesus wrote:


I eagerly awaited the stat write up for Cthulhu
Now that it is out

Has anyone actually used Cthulhu in your campaign?
Or plan to use him?

Any direct combat with him?

I am curious how other groups have used him (if they have)
How does Cthulhu fit into your overall plot , if you do plan to use him?

I generally do not use epic level write ups in my campaigns.

My thought on the matter in any case is that the physical manifestation a party *may* encounter of 'old tentacle face' would only be an avatar or reflection anyway.

To truly defeat him, you'd have to *know* him. And if you truly *know* tHen yOu've aLreaDy losT...mwah ha ha...

But as a lump of stats...well a typical (core+) level 26+ party would defeat him rather easily. Add mythic or epic rules and it'd be ridiculously easy unless you pulled GM fiat.

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I want to stick him in as a boss in a one shot with a tag-along NPC just to have him say:

"Did you just punch Cthulhu?"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Rerednaw wrote:
But as a lump of stats...well a typical (core+) level 26+ party would defeat him rather easily. Add mythic or epic rules and it'd be ridiculously easy unless you pulled GM fiat.

First off... the game as it currently exists doesn't allow a level 26+ party. Level 20 remains the level cap. A level 20, tier 10 character is the equivalent of a CR 24 creature, so a party of level 20/tier 10 heroes should still have their work cut out for them against something like Cthulhu.

I would LOVE to hear how some sample fights against Cthulhu with a level 20/tier 10 group went!

He doesn't seem so bad if you have time to prep. I think a 20th level party with sufficient prep time and extra wealth could take him. Poor bastard just has one wish per day after all.

Oh, did I say group? I meant I think one 20th level Wizard with the right prep and a bit of extra wealth could take him. Hmm, certainly it wouldn't be that hard if he had the wealth of a 20th level party.

Liberty's Edge

I used Cthulhu with stats from D20 Modern against PCs using Monte Cook's World of Darkness (basically D20 Modern with monsters for classes). They fought him (it?) underwater using apparatuses of Kwalish and shield guardians. It was quite a conflict. Not sure if the specifics really matter, since they weren't PF stats.

The Exchange

Captain Wacky wrote:


Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.

This...a thousand times THIS.

Drachasor wrote:
Oh, did I say group? I meant I think one 20th level Wizard with the right prep and a bit of extra wealth could take him. Hmm, certainly it wouldn't be that hard if he had the wealth of a 20th level party.

This is point exactly. He is supposed to be beyond our scope of comprehention. Undifinable within our mortal understanding. Putting stats on him, defines him. Even if Cthulhu is an "insignificant speck" compaired to Azathoth, we are the same to him and even if you're a 20th, or 30th level "insignificant speck" you are still just that.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Captain Wacky wrote:
Putting stats on him, defines him.

Only the part that our characters can interact with.

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Fake Healer wrote:
Captain Wacky wrote:


Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.
This...a thousand times THIS.

This attitude irritates me.

Players with a reasonable shot at killing him are level 20 with 10 mythic tiers (level 17 and 1 tier with really good optimization but i digress). That isn't "gritty realistic" heroes anymore. It isn't even mystical but still managable heroes like Odysseus. They are among the strongest powers to exist and they should be able to in every way shape the world just as much as the campaign settings movers and shakers. They are Hercules, Kratos, Sun Wukong, Moses, etc. If you don't want your players do be mythic in scope don't play mythic and those stats will be high enough that they might as well read "you lose" dont whine at the people who do like them.

Hell given how low the bar on "this thing should never be statted" tends to go you should probably be playing E6.

Alex Smith 908 wrote:

Players with a reasonable shot at killing him are level 20 with 10 mythic tiers (level 17 and 1 tier with really good optimization but i digress). That isn't "gritty realistic" heroes anymore. It isn't even mystical but still managable heroes like Odysseus. They are among the strongest powers to exist and they should be able to in every way shape the world just as much as the campaign settings movers and shakers. They are Hercules, Kratos, Sun Wukong, Moses, etc. If you don't want your players do be mythic in scope don't play mythic and those stats will be high enough that they might as well read "you lose" dont whine at the people who do like them.

Hell given how low the bar on "this thing should never be statted" tends to go you should probably be playing E6.

I understand the point you're trying to make. But a hydra and Cerberus (while still potent) is still hardly within the scope of say, Typhon and Echinda.

But you correct. I am being unfair to those who do like them as is, I apologize. I think we can agree to disagree?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Titania, the Summer Queen wrote:
My 13th lvl dragonlance centaur blackblade Magus got eaten by him.

Cthulhu SAVES!... In case he's hungry later.

Captain Wacky wrote:

I understand the point you're trying to make. But a hydra and Cerberus (while still potent) is still hardly within the scope of say, Typhon and Echinda.

But you correct. I am being unfair to those who do like them as is, I apologize. I think we can agree to disagree?

Depending on the myth Hercules did play a vital role in beating Typhon. He also carried Cerberus like a puppy without knocking him out first.

But thank you for being probably more civil than i deserved. Also E6 is really fun if that's the kind of game you want to run, and it is legitimately worth a look for a more level power level.

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
But thank you for being probably more civil than i deserved. Also E6 is really fun if that's the kind of game you want to run, and it is legitimately worth a look for a more level power level.

You're welcome. I don't see any reason why civility has to go out the door just because of differance of oppinion.

I get a little, anxious I suppose when I feel the Mythos is being represented incorrectly. I guess I got a little carried away with my opinion. I wasn't trying to shove it down everyones gullets.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Rerednaw wrote:
But as a lump of stats...well a typical (core+) level 26+ party would defeat him rather easily. Add mythic or epic rules and it'd be ridiculously easy unless you pulled GM fiat.

First off... the game as it currently exists doesn't allow a level 26+ party. Level 20 remains the level cap. A level 20, tier 10 character is the equivalent of a CR 24 creature, so a party of level 20/tier 10 heroes should still have their work cut out for them against something like Cthulhu.

I would LOVE to hear how some sample fights against Cthulhu with a level 20/tier 10 group went!

Right since you would not normally run epic tier (which doesn't exist in Pathfinder) I was extrapolating the appropriate 'level' that would be considered APL+4 a.k.a. 'epic' in old school 3.5. This of course doesn't change the basic premise of a CR 30 creature being an epic level encounter for an APL 26 (effective level 26 however get to whatever is equivalent in Pathfinder.)

So level 20/tier 10 is CR24? Which makes mess of pods an APL+6 encounter? Granted the APL rating really falls apart at this level. I'm sure if we posted this on the advice thread we'd get a killer party in no time :)

Let's make it a challenge then :)

I am pretty sure the wizard I posted could take cthulu.

He is one of the few enemies that I can't actually wait out with my immortality

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I read about a party that took on Cthulhu once! Most of them went insane when he showed up or died immediately thereafter, the rest escaped and managed to hit him with a boat and ran away when he started to recuperate. Pretty sure a cult killed the survivors soon after.

Well in Lovecrafts story Johansen rams Cthulhu with a ship and busts his head. I think it ok if epic heroes, that can Challenge the gods, can do better than that.
The high levels is about, among other things, facing stuff that is way beyond.
But i dont envision using any of the mythos stuff in my game.

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casts summon boat swarm

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rerednaw wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rerednaw wrote:
But as a lump of stats...well a typical (core+) level 26+ party would defeat him rather easily. Add mythic or epic rules and it'd be ridiculously easy unless you pulled GM fiat.

First off... the game as it currently exists doesn't allow a level 26+ party. Level 20 remains the level cap. A level 20, tier 10 character is the equivalent of a CR 24 creature, so a party of level 20/tier 10 heroes should still have their work cut out for them against something like Cthulhu.

I would LOVE to hear how some sample fights against Cthulhu with a level 20/tier 10 group went!

Right since you would not normally run epic tier (which doesn't exist in Pathfinder) I was extrapolating the appropriate 'level' that would be considered APL+4 a.k.a. 'epic' in old school 3.5. This of course doesn't change the basic premise of a CR 30 creature being an epic level encounter for an APL 26 (effective level 26 however get to whatever is equivalent in Pathfinder.)

So level 20/tier 10 is CR24? Which makes mess of pods an APL+6 encounter? Granted the APL rating really falls apart at this level. I'm sure if we posted this on the advice thread we'd get a killer party in no time :)

Let's make it a challenge then :)

I think James is mixing his rules a little.

A level 20/tier 10 NPC is CR 24. Throw PC wealth and it's CR 25. Essentially, though, a party of 20/10 characters is APL 25, which makes Cthulhu an APL+5 challenge, which translates into "the bad guy should win" (see the thread on a GM's Guide to Challenging Encounters, but APL+4 is basically meant to be a coin toss on which side wins).

The big problem I have with Cthulhu and his mythos in Pathfinder/any Fantasy epic RPG, is that when it is all said and done, the impact of such a horror is less than if they are used in a modern setting. Look at some of the crazy stuff a PC has already dealt with. I understand that Cthulhu is amazingly powerful, but after all the above, a Giant Draconic Mind Flayer with a displacement/blink effect is supposed to drive them crazy? I don't buy it. Take away the impossible horror of such a beast existing, and we just end up with an immortal monster for a party of PC's to fight, which doesn't do Cthulhu justice.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Chemlak wrote:
Rerednaw wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rerednaw wrote:
But as a lump of stats...well a typical (core+) level 26+ party would defeat him rather easily. Add mythic or epic rules and it'd be ridiculously easy unless you pulled GM fiat.

First off... the game as it currently exists doesn't allow a level 26+ party. Level 20 remains the level cap. A level 20, tier 10 character is the equivalent of a CR 24 creature, so a party of level 20/tier 10 heroes should still have their work cut out for them against something like Cthulhu.

I would LOVE to hear how some sample fights against Cthulhu with a level 20/tier 10 group went!

Right since you would not normally run epic tier (which doesn't exist in Pathfinder) I was extrapolating the appropriate 'level' that would be considered APL+4 a.k.a. 'epic' in old school 3.5. This of course doesn't change the basic premise of a CR 30 creature being an epic level encounter for an APL 26 (effective level 26 however get to whatever is equivalent in Pathfinder.)

So level 20/tier 10 is CR24? Which makes mess of pods an APL+6 encounter? Granted the APL rating really falls apart at this level. I'm sure if we posted this on the advice thread we'd get a killer party in no time :)

Let's make it a challenge then :)

I think James is mixing his rules a little.

A level 20/tier 10 NPC is CR 24. Throw PC wealth and it's CR 25. Essentially, though, a party of 20/10 characters is APL 25, which makes Cthulhu an APL+5 challenge, which translates into "the bad guy should win" (see the thread on a GM's Guide to Challenging Encounters, but APL+4 is basically meant to be a coin toss on which side wins).

Ah that makes more sense :)

Actually I took a gander at Cthulhu's stats...he's pretty easy to wipe with a 20/10 group.

Players use Mythic Initiative to go first.
Standard gear bypasses his DR.
Limited wish makes their next attack auto-hit.
A spell buff such as named bullet makes it a threat with a ranged character.
Any number of ways to auto-confirm.
Stacked with Mythic Manyshot, Rapid Shot...
A mythic charge build with blindsight can rock his x6 crit multiplier.
Poor Cthulhu is wiped before he wipes the sleep from his eyes.
And then the party has 2d6 rounds to top off any re-buffs to repeat their attack.
And when the pods head back to R'lyeh...well he finds the adventurers had already conquered the city previously while he slept and replaced his tomb location with an appropriately pre-determined massive damage.

And Mythic is overkill...regular party of level 20 could do it.

I'd add that his 400' aura isn't big enough that you couldn't stand outside of it and fire in. Also, constructs and undead are immune to most of his nastiness beyond straight physical attacks.

I may want to use him at some point. Either make something similar to an AP for him (homebrewed of course) and have the cults of the Great Old Ones (including our lovely King in Yellow) be the "final bosses".

Maybe they'll go mad before then...

I'm thinking about using him in one of those rare cosmological alignments where he moves from world to world just swiping through population centers spreading madness as quickly as possible before the alignment changes and he gets pulled back to his prison. No combat to be had. Just Cthulu rushing through cities making people insane and moving straight away to the next city or another planet entirely.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Chemlak wrote:

I think James is mixing his rules a little.

A level 20/tier 10 NPC is CR 24. Throw PC wealth and it's CR 25. Essentially, though, a party of 20/10 characters is APL 25, which makes Cthulhu an APL+5 challenge, which translates into "the bad guy should win" (see the thread on a GM's Guide to Challenging Encounters, but APL+4 is basically meant to be a coin toss on which side wins).

Well... keep in mind that CR is used to measure the power level of a monster or NPC. It's really not appropriate to use it to measure a PC's power. It's better to use just the PC's level (or the party's average party level) for that measurement, increasing level by +1 for every 2 tiers of mythic power.

And of course, using more than 4 players, using higher than 15 point buy, and running for experienced players further adjusts the expected power curve as well—that's where you the GM have to step in and use your personal knowledge of your players to do the last fine-tuning adjustments to any encounter to make it an appropriate challenge.

Captain Wacky wrote:

I'm not planning on using him.

1. Somehow putting stats on an "ultimate cosmic horror" seems to defeat the purpose of having an "ultimate cosmic horror".
2. Cthulhu seems out of place in a game designed so that the players are supposed to be able to win against anything (level appropriate). You're not supposed to win against Cthulhu, at best you can stave off ultimate destrution.
3. There's no sanity stat... the Great Old Ones are supposed to be so alien and incomrehencable (spelling?) that we break inside just being confronted by them.

Don't mind me I suppose I'm just bitter that Cthulhu has been reduced to "just another monster". And I'll be hearing stories about "my paladin poked out Cthulhu's eye with his +10 sword v Mythos". Somehow seems wrong.

Since those cosmic horrors were supposed to be on par with deities, or so I understood at one point, I am surprised they have stats. I will just say any statted deity is just an avatar, because the actual deities have an agreement to not interfere in such a direct matter. The deity trapped in Golarion that killed a lot of other gods is the one exception, but him being released would be a world ender. The PC's have failed.

Well something like Cthulhu might not have such an agreement, but he might know that showing will gain the attention of deities, and therefore be wise enough to not appear.

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Cthulu isn't meant to be on par with deities, except perhaps demigods. Of the "big bads" in the Cthulu mythos, he's actually on the lower end of the scale.

That said, I'd watch out with the new classes. Cthulu eats 1d4 investigators per round.

Dark Archive

Well apparently we were supposed to stop these ritualists from summoning him. Which was within our scope of ability. But we decided what harm is it to let them think they are succeeding. Well a partially formed cthullu ate me, Ans the rest of the party decided maybe it wasn't a good idea. Was then barely able to stop the ritual. As it turned out, my Magus forgot to tell the rest of the party that I was at -10 hitpoints, and the channel energy didn't reach me as i was in the belly.

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43 replies - 3 posts on topic.

Drachasor wrote:

Cthulu isn't meant to be on par with deities, except perhaps demigods. Of the "big bads" in the Cthulu mythos, he's actually on the lower end of the scale.

That said, I'd watch out with the new classes. Cthulu eats 1d4 investigators per round.

I know one deity went there(the place were his kind live) and the deity came back changed. I assumed they had to be powerful to corrupt him. But I dont know much about the Cthulu mythos either.

Grand Lodge

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This has inspired me..

I think I am going to challenge a friend of mine to a one on one fight. The Whispering Tyrant vs Chtulhu...

I might give the WT a few others to help him...

Is the WT statted up anywhere officially?

wraithstrike wrote:
Drachasor wrote:

Cthulu isn't meant to be on par with deities, except perhaps demigods. Of the "big bads" in the Cthulu mythos, he's actually on the lower end of the scale.

That said, I'd watch out with the new classes. Cthulu eats 1d4 investigators per round.

I know one deity went there(the place were his kind live) and the deity came back changed. I assumed they had to be powerful to corrupt him. But I dont know much about the Cthulu mythos either.

Yeah, but there's all kind of big nasties there. Including things as powerful as gods. So I buy that.

Also, the god might have just had bad luck on rolling a save or something.

wraithstrike wrote:
Is the WT statted up anywhere officially?

mythic realms

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