
Kermah Orletithar's page

53 posts. Alias of Valdast.


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I am interested in the Lovecraft campaign, but I don't think I would have time for it though.

I think he should be paste :)

I rolled max damage :)

Best of luck on your tests!

(Finals are going to be bad for me as well)

I may want to use him at some point. Either make something similar to an AP for him (homebrewed of course) and have the cults of the Great Old Ones (including our lovely King in Yellow) be the "final bosses".

Maybe they'll go mad before then...

As well, there are ranged weapons that are not under the light, one-handed or two-handed categories.

Examples are: Darts, Javelins, Chakrams.

I'm not sure about daggers and such, since the text is somewhat unclear as to what all takes that penalty but the above are exceptions to that rule.

Sorry bout that... spoiler added


So overall this doesn't solve the issue for a blasting sorcerer. It helps, but not to the degree I'd like (unless you have something that can beat out protection from evil...)

Channel Hellfire

At 2nd level, a diabolist can alter spells that deal energy damage to instead deal hellfire damage. She can do this as a free action a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Spells altered to use hellfire gain the lawful and evil descriptors.


So, 2nd level Diabolist gets this lovely power. Does this help mitigate weaknesses of Sorcerer builds that focus on blasting? You don't even lose out on your spell progression, about the only thing missing is that your bloodlines get slowed down.

Any ideas on how good this is? (and if it's resisted?)

EDIT: Found context for what Hellfire damage is: Hellfire Trap

Possibly good? You end up halving your damage against Fire-immune foes (assuming you're using something like Fireball), but you can keep advancing it?

Personally I'd say it's great for a one level dip, but just be especially cautious with your life if you do so. Make sure that they can make the Caster Level check easily to keep them from wasting Raise Dead on you, otherwise a lot of money will have to be spent to get you back.

For me, I think a two-level dip is actually really nice for Blaster wizards or Sorcerers (or anyone that plans on blasting), due to the lovely ability to change elemental damage to Hellfire damage, which (I believe) is unresisted by most everything.

A three level dip, while questionable, allows you to retrain out the annoying Spell Focus (Conjuration) that's required for Augment Summoning, so that's useful if your blaster wants to double as a summoner.

Overall, not much beyond third level is really interesting. Heresy can be used to help recruit specific Devils, and Infernal Charisma and Bargaining is useful to ensure their service. The capstone is especially useful, but overall this class (if used beyond the dip for the Imp companion and Hellfire) requires DM cooperation and downtime to use the Planar Binding assistance. With DM cooperation, this is an incredibly useful class and full of RP opportunity, especially for an Evil campaign. Just make sure that your DM and party members are okay with you damning yourself to Hell.


For Way of the Wicked? Hell yes take this class. Even if it's just a one level dip it still is bloody awesome! Take it with Sorcerer (maybe) if you plan on binding, (since you get better Charisma), or if you are just taking the one level then go with Wizard or Sorcerer as nothing really pushes you one way or the other.

Do you have to spend one use of Dimension Door if you make multiple teleports during the Full-Attack Action?

EDIT: Replace one use with additional uses.

Talk to the group, or try and discover if you can do anything more with your own research.

Make Knowledge checks to try and discover more, and perhaps investigate the NPC as well. It may be that the NPC is a traitor, but that's something else entirely.

At the end of the day, make sure that you do all you can, and if all else fails simply let them live under observation. If they snap, then kill them because they are then Evil. (or try curing them again)

And I was going to look for advice on creating a Gestalt Wizard/Sorc with dips in Diabolist... pity


Seriously, I'd think about getting the hell out of there. Dump the Wyrmling somewhere, maybe kill it out of sight or hand it over to some other people who can take care of it, just save your own hide.

(And as much cash as you can)

Sorry for all those who didn't make it in. I would love to have a game with all of you, but the dice fall as they do...

I can post at least once a day, unless I somehow manage to neglect schoolwork and be terrified by the amount of stuff I need to do.

Also, Cloaked One. I think that we'll end up doubling up for the Intimidate side of things. It'll be fun.

Thanks to those who provided alternate language formats. The only one I'll probably use will be Draconic (since Kermah still only has 6 Int and I had to take a rank in Linguisitics to get Draconic...)

I like to frontload all of my mechanics, so I know what's going to happen. (I'm not as familiar with character building as some, so it takes me a bit longer than most.)

Alright, so I decided on my progression.

Bloodrager/Rogue with dips in Monk of Many Styles and Oracle (Lame).

To bring up another archetype, the Saurian, I'd like to see if that would be accepted instead. The question is whether or not the +2 to Wildshape would give me an advance at how much I can use the wildshape. (X/Day)

Dragon Shaman maybe.

I am planning on having him be somewhat irrational, but still somewhat wise, so I probably won't take Alchemist. Cool idea though, I might end up taking it with another character.

I'll think about Druid though, if only for Wildshape.

EDIT: NE actually sounds like it might fit him better...

I would like to take the Druid levels, as it looks interesting, but I don't think Kermah would work well with that setup. I want him to be LE, which doesn't work with Druid due to alignment restrictions. As well, I'm not going to take full Ranger, instead using a weird combination of levels to get me some sort of Natural Attacker.

However, I might look into the Alchemist style if I'm allowed to reflavour the abilities a bit to avoid the scientist part. No guarantee it'll happen though... (though I might dip for the mutagen?)

And I'll think about the Shapeshifter as well...

I appreciate all the help that you're wanting to give me, and I think that it should turn out interesting (since I wouldn't have even spotted the Shapeshifter archetype.) I will insist on taking the Dragon Disciple levels though. :)

Actually, Rage doesn't stack with Bloodrage... so that line of thought was doomed to failure. Thanks for showing a way to get it.

EDIT: Trapper will probably be taken, but retrained in favour of MoMS when retraining comes around because I'm betting on having the template by then.

6 Int will be fun to RP, but he's not going to be a complete idiot. He has a decent Wis, so he's at least decent at that kind of check. I'm also investing into Sense Motive, so he'll turn out to that guy who looks dumb but is actually quite good at figuring out what could be wrong. Also investing into Intimidate and maaybe Diplomacy.

Kermah Orletithar
LE Medium Outsider (Native)
Age: 17
INIT: +1 | SENSES: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6
AC: 17 | Touch: 11 | Flat-Footed: 16
hp: 12 (1d10+2)
Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +2
Resistance 5 (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid.)
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed +5 (1d4+5 nonlethal)
Lucerne Hammer +7 (1d12+7, x2)
PA Lucerne Hammer +6 (1d12+10, x2)
Space: 5 ft.
STR: 20, DEX: 13, CON: 16, INT: 6, WIS: 14, CHA: 15
BaB: +1; CMB: +6; CMD: 18
Feats: Skill Focus (Kn. Planes), Power Attack.
Skills: Linguistics -1, Sense Motive +3, Perception +6, Intimidate +6, Kn (Planes) +1.
Languages: Common, Ignan, Draconic.
Equipment: Lucerne Hammer, Breastplate, Oil of Magic Weapon, 35 gp.
SQ: Elemental Assault (Su): +1d6 elemental dmg, 1 rd./level, Swift. 1/1
Bloodrage(stats below): 6/6 rds. 2 bonus hp.
Arcane Bloodline:
-Disruptive Bloodrage: +2 Concentration DC when opposing caster is threatened.
Fast Movement (Ex): +10 ft. speed
Favored Enemy(Humanoid [human]): +2 Bluff, Sense Motive, Survival, Perception, Knowledge. +2 dmg and attack rolls.
Track(Ex): +1 to Survival to track.
Wild Empathy(Ex): 1d20+2 to improve attitude of animal.

So here's the stats for my Suli Bloodrager/mix of other stuff. (yes I'm taking a weird combination of stuff in that slot.

Str(Focus): 20 (+2)
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int(Foible): 6 (-2)
Wis: 14
Cha: 15 (+2)

I'll have the rest of the crunch for 1st level up for this evening, as well as a potential background!

EDIT: Slight changes made because Kermah is bad at math.

For the Half-Dragon template, would the Breath Weapon advance with class levels rather than racial HD?

So what I was planning was to take 2 levels of Ranger in order to get permanent Claws, then retrain those levels for one level of Lame Oracle and something else once I obtained the template since the Ranger levels would be meaningless.

It's either that or I just don't take the Ranger levels and focus on manufactured weapons for the first levels until I get the Half-Dragon, and retrain feats to work with those natural attacks.

What would you recommend?

Gimme a bit longer to figure out what I want fully. Sorry for taking a while to figure it out.


Bloodrager+something else will be it, and I'll put up a background before I finish designing it.

EDIT2: Will we allow retraining rules? If so, then that frees me to try out a mostly natural attack focused build with Arcane Bloodrager and Dragon Style to damage. Can I do this? (please?)

Screw it, going to go for the full AM RAGING BARBARIAN.

Gain immunity to fatigue somehow, then combine Rage and Bloodrage for face destruction.

It's going to be good. (maybe dipping Dragon Disciple because I want...)

If I'm not too late to change my concept (Magus is being finicky and I'm not able to mix in my lovely Dragon Disciple the way I would like to [yes, even with the Half-Dragon]).

The point of this character was to gain the highest possible strength and then pummel people with it. Maybe a bit of spellcasting in their as well.

Therefore, I'm thinking about taking Bloodrager from the playtest instead of Magus. Eldritch Heritage will also be taken so that I can level the sorcerer Orc or Abyssal bloodline for up to a +6 Inherent bonus.

If you want to give me the Half-Dragon template later on I'm fine with it, I'll just have to adjust his further planning. (I was planning to take full Dragon Disciple, so Half-Dragon would give me a lot of those abilities.)

If I have approval for that, I'll start editing the character to reflect that change. (Also, how do the Templates work in the leveling? Will our class levels or whatever change because of taking the Template?)

EDIT: Perhaps add more Fighter levels in? not sure how to remake it into a lovely way.

EDIT2: To give a better idea of what I'm building: A Hexcrafter Magus to take advantage of Spellstrike, then combine it with Eldritch Heritage for the Abyssal Bloodline in conjunction with perhaps still 4 levels of DD? and advancing the spellcasting portion of the Magus to max while not taking full Magus. (Not sure what else to add in, perhaps adding Antipaladin to aid saves)

One request: May I use the Aspect of the Beast feat to gain two claws, and also use the Dragon Bite power from my Dragon Disciple from that? It is a bit cheesy, but I'd like to try using it for a pure natural attack build.

Just making sure, am I a part of the group since I expressed interest and planning? (Just wanting to make sure because I worry.)

The thing with Primagus is that it doesn't really aid me. (Besides the fact that I like my standard Magus.) I still get Rage from Urban Barbarian. I'm debating whether or not I want to dip into a Lame Oracle to gain immunity to Fatigue, but that will end up harming my Magus unless I take it later on after I have Dragon Disciple to stop me from losing out on too much HP. (and BaB.)

I think progression will go somewhat like this:

Effectively what I want to end up with is a Magus with effectively full spell progression (at least 13 levels worth when you include DD), and as many Urban Barbarian levels as possible to buff Rage.

As well, I'm going to take advantage of the SLA FAQ to get access to DD without needing to take a spontaneous caster. Not sure which specific race I'm using, but probably one with a Strength bonus. (Half-Elf maybe, if I can figure out how to deal with Light Blindness.)

I'm currently building a gestalt character, looking for a bit of assistance, mostly in trying to help involve a lovely little bit of Dragony goodness with Dragon Disciple.

So, the plan is to take Magus and Barbarian (or some other martial class), and take Dragon Disciple in addition to that.

Stats will probably end up as follows(before race, which also is :
Str: 18
Dex: 12
Con: X (probably decent, 14 or 16?)
Int: X (also high, probably around 14 or 16 as well if possible)
Wis: 8 (not changing this around, I have to take an 8 somewhere due to how ability scores are arranged, and Wis seemed good.)
Cha: 15

The annoying part will be combining Magus and Barbarian, and when to start the DD levels. I have to wait until after level 5, but what to do with them... (thinking about replacing some Magus and some Barbarian levels, but what the mix should be is unclear.)

I'm also taking Improved Eldritch Heritage to get a lovely +6 inherent bonus to Strength and claws from the Abyssal bloodline.

I'm thinking Urban Barbarian/Hexcrafter? Magus, going into Dragon Disciple as well...

I'll come back with the full shenanigans that I plan on using in a bit. Not sure how I'm planning on dealing with the fatigue from Barbarian, since I'm not going to take full levels in either of the classes by mixing in Dragon Disciple. (Unless I do something else weird.)

Stats will be on their way soon. I know my focus will probably be in Strength, Foible in something else, (maybe Wis? despite that seeming really foolish).

EDIT: Do we also get some stuff back when we make our daring (exceedingly Evil) escape? I thought we lost it all and it stayed lost... (not that I'm complaining if that's not the case.)

EDIT2: Cancel the Dragon Disciple. It's going to interfere a lot with my fun as a Magus. Kinda sad that it doesn't work, but that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.

When do you want applications to be finished?

I'll wait on a response from either, but I'm going to start planning out a character for both adventures.

I think I'm going Admixture+something else...

Blasting plus some good melee.

EDIT: I'm also good with playing for either GM.

Hmm... I love the concept!

Not sure what exactly I'd use, but probably some martial/mage mix. (because that's always one of the best.)

I'm good with either gestalt or a regular campaign :) (although I'd need to look at what your gestalt rules are first to understand.)

I'd like to join as well, and I'm fine with playing with either DM.

Congrats to those who made it in.

I'm just wanting to hide behind you guys and not die.

(I do have some plans in case I die before becoming a Lich, but I'm not planning on dying. Just... being so fragile makes it likely, unless you guys would be really nice.)

A heavily cosmic-based magical setting.

All of the PCs aren't lower-level people, but instead all are incredibly strong and interplanar adventures abound.

Basically something with the material plane being too small for their adventures.

As for number four, it exists as the "First World", a prototype for the Material Plane. As far as I know, you can't reach it without something like plane shift or something similar.

So far as I know no APs have gone over there as well, so it's a fairly mysterious place.

Any feedback on Kermah as well? I think I did fairly well in summing up his character, unless there's anything you want me to expand on.

Aye, it'll really be touch and go for the first few levels and even as we advance. I want to become undead in some fashion to at least take advantage of my slightly better Charisma, but he's very much going to be a glass cannon. (Miss chances will be my friend)

Awe... well in that case I'm going to be switching out my initial first-level spells because they'll be almost equivalent to a Ray of Frost at 1st level.

Spells will become Unseen Servant x1, Mount x1, and Grease.

I'm tempted to want to go into a Diabolist now with Kermah now and build on his wants to bring out Devils, but I probably won't due to the required Charisma :(

Oh well, nuking people is still fine.

EDIT: As well, I'm switching out his skill points in Fly (which make no sense for him to have) for skill points in Craft (Calligraphy), in which he now has a +9 bonus :)

Name: Kermah Orletithar
Admixture Wizard 1 (Opposition: Illusion, Necromancy)
LN Medium Humanoid (Elf)
INIT: +2 | SENSES: Low-Light Vision
AC: 12 | Touch: 12 | Flat-Footed: 10
hp: ??
Fort: -2 Ref: +2 Will: +2 (+4 vs. Enchantment)
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed +3
Space: 5 ft.
0-Level: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ray of Frost
1-Level: Mount x1, Unseen Servant x1, Grease x1
STR: 17, DEX: 14, CON: 6, INT: 20, WIS: 11, CHA: 8
BaB: +0; CMB: +3; CMD: 15
Traits: Witchcraft, Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation), Scribe Scroll
Skills: Perception +3(1), Craft (Calligraphy) +9(1), Knowledge (Planes, Arcana) +10(1), Knowledge (Religion) +9(1), Spellcraft +9(1), Sense Motive +1(1), Linguistics +9(1), Appraise +9(1).
Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan
Equipment: You have the clothes on your back.
SQ: Immune to magic sleep.
+2 vs. SR
+2 to identify Magic Items
Versatile Evocation (Su): (8/day)
Intense Spells (Su): +1 to Spell Damage
Familiar: Greensting Scorpion (+4 Initiative) (Currently Missing)