Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Magic Butterfly wrote:
Apologies for the necro...but this topic is exactly what I am working on right now. I'm going to be running this soon (currently running the last part of RotR, Jade Regent is next) and like all of your ideas. Though I am thinking on retraining Ameiko after she meets a mysterious patron who is a master/or after a certain 'awakening'...I may go with some kind of Martial adept of some kind. While that may be third-party stuff but I've always had a soft spot for Book of Nine Swords and the Pathfinder conversion of those rules (Path of War). It gives a stronger xianxia/xuanhuan feel and if there was an AP that screams for it, this one certainly qualifies. I'm debating on adding cinematic styles/physics (knockdown/knockback) as well...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
But since it has been a month I decided to start a new thread. Was trying to buy the Shattered Star AP (all 6 PDFs). Exact same symptoms. Advance one page at a time, verify payment method and submit order. See spinning cog and then screen stays the same. Checked card history and no pending payments (other than the one for a subscription) appearing. Not sure if it has to do with maybe a banking change? Software update?
Don't know if this helps but:
2. These are the same payment details that just cleared for several Paizo subscriptions in the past month (one of which was like a couple days ago) so I am think that it is not the card? No big rush but if someone could see where the hiccup is in the next week or so I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
FlurryofBlunders wrote: If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, or other ideas, feel free to use this thread as a discussion thread. Thank you very much for this guide! My friends and I are pretty much beginners to PF2 and this guide helps out tremendously. Keep 'em coming and thanks again!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Will be running modules mostly as is. Starting with beginner box which I think is like playing with training wheels, which is exactly what we want. :) Since we're trying out the new rules (I've play tested and then tried a few short introductions at cons but that was it) our group has made some well, fluffy decisions which are not really optimal. We're not using the pre-gens unless we get some last-minute players dropping in. So I was just wondering for folks who have played and run, if you party basically has mostly PCs in the 14-16 range for their primary stat...are they going to run into major issues? Our group aren't really optimizers and we usually play more DWorld and FATE. Cheers!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
VampByDay wrote:
I ran 1e so I remember. Now granted, even 1e had the “well crap I can’t use that +1 axe because I’m double specialized with the longsword.” as of UA anyway. That said there are many ways of doing this. Probably the easiest (if maintaining efficiency is a concern) is recall that PF has retraining. So that axe-wielding barbarian can switch his specialization to that magical greatclub.Or you could retcon. Or you as the DM simply state the ground rules for the game before you begin so players know what will happen with regards to rewards. Alternatively you can change nothing. Even if Joe’s build is better with a kukri...when Joe as you said, runs into that ghost he will use that ghost touch dagger instead. A bit of this IMO has to do with mindset. And so choose the path of most fun. :)
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hey gamers! I've read through several threads but they are all from last year regarding this inquiry and much has been released since then. I'm considering running a one-shot to introduce my gaming group to 2E. If it goes well, then I'll move to an AP. Most of my group has experience with other systems (including 3.5, PF1, Dungeon World, Fate, etc.) and I was looking for a good intro to the 2E system. Ideally I would prefer something with a good story. And as far as APs, what would you recommend? I hear the basic premise of Extinction Curse is Circus vs. Dinos, which sounds really nifty, but there have been other releases since then so I was wondering if a newer one is preferable. One final thing while I am a Roll20 sub I recently took a gander at Foundry VTT and decided I'm going to give Foundry a spin. So if there's an AP/adventure that runs better via Foundry please let me know. Cheers and happy gaming!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I enjoy playing kineticists and for our current campaign after our TPK (wererat rogues throwing dusts of sneezing and choking at our party from surprise) someone suggested I look at the wood element for something different. I did and have a couple of questions right off the bat. Several of the infusions that are available are from other, older, sources which don't tell you which blasts may be used. For example Deadly Earth is normally used with earth, magma, metal, and mud...which wood blasts work with it? Same goes for say Entangling infusion. We can assume it works with wood (physical)...but what about positive blast? And which composite blasts? It appears if you take wood again as your expanded element (at 7th), the class doesn't have a composite blast? Is that correct? Thanks in advance!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
My very small sampling: out of the 20 groups and approx 200 PF players I know, only one of them has played more than 1 session. The exception is myself. Because I am trying to get sold on the system. That said, if I cannot form a single table...I’ll have to switch around... I tried to get my GF into tabletop play. After several disastrous attempts when she was younger (old ADND) she had sworn them off. So we signed up for PF2E at a convention. Our experience? 3 and a half hours to go through a single combat round. My GF and I spent about 2-3 minutes total, the rest was by the GM and other 3 players. Sadly, it seems my GF won’t be joining any PF games anytime soon after that experience. So I still am giving this a shot, but it is not a big hit in my area...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Not really sure which would be preferred and wanted to see from folks who have used one or the other which one worked better. FYI tentative feat progression (human). 1Human - Spellbane
I don’t like the dead levels since you lose your reaction with Step Up, until you get the follow up Step Up and Strike.
EDIT: if the setting / campaign is a factor, figure for AP play...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Well you could use milestone leveling and start the party at level 2. When then AP says the party should be L2, make them L3. Doesn’t make up for action economy...but usually comes close.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I am running Starfinder for my group. Most of us (including me) are completely new to SF. Now I have been running Traveller/Space Opera/etc... since they came out, and have been GMing PF since beta, so I hope my past experience doesn’t mess me up. I am also trying to bring my gf into the game. She doesn’t like crunch so I would prefer a relatively simple build. And we only have the
So what would you folks recommend for a social face character. My understanding is fighting isn’t at such a variance with SF vs. PF so that would be secondary. That said the less math (single attack vs. iteratives) would be preferred. Any help welcome and thanks! Oh if the campaign setting matters...we’re going with published modules so build for combat frequency based on that (I have no idea what the default for SF is)...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I was just thinking it would be nice for my gnome fighter to have a cantrip to be a bit different. He won’t be MC so his proficiency won’t increase so attack ones are pretty much out. What cantrips would you recommend for a non caster? I suppose I should also open this up if someone did take a MC just to get a cantrip but would not follow up with advancing the proficiency.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
Does heighten still raise the effective spell level for purposes of the ‘Burn it’ Ancestry?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lets say at level 1, and breakthrough levels (weapon specialization comes to mind) of 7th and 15th? Sustained DPR?
*I would expect by the very nature of the inherent limitations of less hp, less armor, and spell slots a caster nova would be higher, but perhaps that is not the devs intent with 2E. Or is it? Got any builds?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
MaxAstro wrote:
Would this not also work with a melee build? With up to 6 attacks?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
I would have adapted a different approach. Simply state: if a spell/item/ability/feat has a ‘U’ the player and GM should be aware that it has to potential to unbalance the core assumptions of the game and they may wish to consider whether it is allowed. If it has the ‘R’ tag we find that said ability/item/spell can easily and frequently overshadows other players or trivializes challenges / encounters even more so than a ‘U’ ability and one should very carefully consider if this is something they want in a campaign.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Well for my part once I tried the playtest and had a subpar experience I canceled all my subs except for Adventure Paths. In exchange I bought the Core PDF and hoped for fixes. Play-wise I am trying to decipher PF2’s “adventuring day” meta. With many abilities being seeming to have durations up to 1 hr...and then with a 24 hour cooldown, it seems they want a 10 minute to 1 hr dungeon raid? Not sure. Once we get through a few adventures we’ll have a better feel. Still hopeful.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
HammerJack wrote: So, a natural 20 increases the level of success by one step. A miss that is a natural 20 becomes a hit. A hit that is a natural 20, bit not 10 over the AC, still becomes a critical hit. With a keen weapon, a hit that is a natural 19 becomes a critical hit. Oooh! That makes sense, thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Just started reading the focus section so I probably missed it.
If the max you can have is 3 (and as far as I can see by the rules, regardless of how many sources of focus, you only have 1 pool so max is 3) how do you use the higher focus abilities? Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ashcroffte wrote: Thanks. Still trying to figure out the shorthands. That makes a lot more sense. Still seems like a great cantrip, and the best daze in any edition. I'll take a saving throw based auto-hit vs. 'make an attack roll' just about any day of the week. I agree this Daze is far superior especially with the scaling. No reason not to keep using this for most of your career. Well that is until the Save and Die anyway spells come online (if there are any in 2E).
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I have been reading various threads. Is this what’s going on?
Tyrant’s Grasp is the final PF1 AP. Or is it something else? Just trying to get up to date... Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
deuxhero wrote: Deliberate. You're meant to get it either via discipline substitution (either via trait or martial tradition), archetype or feats. Aha! Did a global search of the PDF and finally found it. Sheesh...unlike the Book of Nine Swords, Dreamscarred never created a matrix of which class gets what. So you need to be an Empyreal Guardian (Pg. 158, PoW)
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
That's basically it. I'm still new to Path of War so I may have missed it. I know there's Stalker, Warder, Warlord, etc...just wondering if there was a monkish one? I was trying to work with a core or unchained one but then realized he'd be limited by the Martial Training feats. Which are not terrible but a full initiator class would be nice to look at to compare :) Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Okay these are choices by another player so its mostly fixed:
Sacred weapon: Unarmed. Single class, no class dipping please. This is a home game and the GM allowed the player to get ‘agile’ on gloves so she can use her dex to damage.
The game is 75% combat and she feels unfortunately that is unable to keep up. We have a melee optimized melee using 3rd party material (path of war and psionics from dreamscarred). His damage output is around 150 DPR. My gf and I play kineticists so we do a good job as far as being skirmishers, though since we are doing a lot of plane travelling, my gf being all-in fire is also running into issues, but thats will be a separate thread. Personally I am of the ‘power up, not nerf down’ mind so I was looking for some advice to beef the warpriest a bit.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kineticists are actually hybrid skirmishers with some utility.
I would suggest a Earth kineticist. They can throw rocks all day. You do not get a touch attack, but you get some of the best defense (DR/Adamantine) and utility (Earth Glide!) powers available. Viable as an melee (Whip plus Kinetic Form means 20 foot threaten area including adjacent) or pure blasting (metal composite is pretty good). To increase your blasting I strongly suggest Gathlain. Small race, fey, flight, and hands down one of the premier kineticist racial class bonus: 1/6 per level extra burn reduction when you gather power. This means at level 7 when you get your composite you can use it all day if you use your move action to gather power and empower at the same time. Take the alternate race trait to reduce your stat penalties at expense of movement. Likewise a double-fire based gathlain kineticist can composite blue-flame and fan of flames every round. Again is this as good as an optimzed blaster arcane or archer? No. But you are the Energizer bunny. Simce you are 9th level, assuming a 20 point buy:
Earth Kineticist
This leaves a lot open, you can go whip/form for a great area melee build, you can pick up entangling infusion and eventually Wall if you want to be more control focused. Impale, deadly earth(later) for area option. Even opt for a summoned elemental with spark of life. Burn up to your Elemental Overflow in the morning and reap the bonus all day long.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thanks for the advice I am going to present the options to my friend. I agree with the thoughts on Precise Shot. Every time I delay it or not take it all, it's come up and bitten me on the behind. There are many many dungeons where it's choke-points and you always have soft cover in the way. I do think Fan of Flames is underrated. The trick with a cone is to start it at the 5 foot square above the tank that is in front of you. That way the spread hits the foes and not your ally in front. And instead of making attack rolls the GM makes saves, which is something I always prefer. Yes 15 foot cone is a bit close. But it is one of the few at-will AoE options that any class has at start. And it's a long wait till Eruption at level 7. Plus I'm picking Gathlain for the race. The variant without the con penalty. Fly, even clumsy at level 1 is the bomb. It gives the Pyro another escape button. And getting an effective supercharge 5 levels earlier will mean she can throw a composite every round. Which will be great until the devils and fire elementals show up.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Last time I checked. However PFS clerics must pick a deity. So that’s Horus, Ra, Iomedae, or Olheon? I am guessing Dispater is out. None of these deities have both Animal and Plant domains so not sure how the Daze Enlarged Axebeak Cleric build works...but I am a bit fuzzy on all the rules so I am probably missing something.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Magda Luckbender wrote:
Please which diety has Animal, Plant domains and rulership in their portfolio for variant channel?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Well it’s been another year and then some. And the only changes to immunities I am aware off are the ones the game devs took away from player characters (clear spindle I am looking at you) LOL. So anything for the low defense (melee not a good idea) pyro till level 7 (assuming he gives up blue flame)? Is there a new utility he can spam for support? Cheers!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
All we know is that this will be Pathfinder in space.
My friend is 100% new to d20/Pathfinder and she wanted a simple ranged fire-focused damage dealer. Her only experience with fantasy rpgs is WoW. She didn't like vancian spellcasting. I suggested a Kineticist. 20 point buy, 2 traits, paizo official sources allowed.
Looking for some build advice.
So far I've come up with:
Suggestions and thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I like Kineticists a great deal so my opinion is biased. Will you ever be king of damage? No.
Note that this applies to a normal game...if the game is heavy combat then kineticists cannot keep up because of the lack of attack bonuses. His gear upgrade path was pretty simple. Magic was very hard to get in the game and he was basically below low wealth until he hit level 6.
Damage spikes come at L5-free empower and L7-take Expanded Metakinesis (Furious Spell) My build that I used for Dragon's Demand (L1-L7) Hobbes, aka 'Mr. Handy' Kineticist (Aether aka TK): Feats 1-PBS, Precise Shot 3-Iron Will 5-Weapon Finesse (never ended up using) 6-(human bonus feat): Extra Wild Talent Whispers (rabbit for the init) 7-Expanded Metakinesis (Furious Spell)* *A MUST-have. Traits
Talents by level
MW Thieves' Tools
*Used because his primary attack is basically a railgun for flavor.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
stringbeanbuddy wrote:
Okay we just played and had our second wipe. Name: Chef
Adventure: In Hell's Bright Shadow
Lesay Elven Witch (Slumber) Lesuule Half-elven Shaman (Heavens) Ramiel Elven Bard (Court Bard) Reginald Human Vigilante (Avenger) Chef Human Rogue (Unchained Sap Adept) Allowed sourcebooks: Core plus 2 others of player's choice. My character was already suffering from PTSD after a previous attempt to brave an enemy stronghold ended in abject failure. He was just beginning regain his confidence when fate intervened... The Actual Death: Upon deciphering a possible cache of former rebel hideout, the party decided to investigate. After disguising the entire party as homeless hoboes trying to find a shelter for the night, the party broke in. Attempts to bypass the front door were met with failure as all other access points were heavily boarded/bricked over or barricaded. After one close fight with undead apes, the party became aware of sounds from the east. Rested up the party then opened the door and ran into a massive swarm of zombies plus four elite guards armed with bows and blades. In the first round our Vigilante was dropped by a hold spell of some sort. My rogue dashed to cover the front line and gave him cover, knocking out a guard and taking out a zombie. Meanwhile the bard proceeded to denigrate the foes reducing their accuracy and then dropping a timely grease spell which had four of the zombies flailing and attacking from the ground. Our witch worked on putting the guards to sleep and our shaman provided support and healing. The fight appeared to be going well after the first round and then the leader who proved to be a cleric made his appearance. He had cast the hold previously and proceeded to negative channel. Upon advice from the party, my rogue dashed ahead (tumbling) braving AoO's from zombie and guards alike and attempted to take out the boss. Unfortunately fate was again not on the party's side. Chef's attack was a complete miss and then the evil priest responded in kind, only effectively. The evil cleric then also popped a spiritual hammer and then negative channeled several more times, even harming his own side. My rogue rallied and again attempted to strike the cleric, again failing completely and was then dropped by the second channel. (Basically he rolled 2 1's on attacking, made save against a weak channel and rolled another 1 against a channel that the GM rolled almost max on). The vigilante did break the hold and took out several of the mooks, sustaining just enough injuries that a channel dropped him as well. The party did encourage one guard to run. However the party chose foolishly to hold their ground. Even after our biggest healing spells, all that happened was that Chef who was dropped by one channel, was conscious to be taken out by the next one. The bard, heavily wounded himself, upon advice from the rest of the group when we saw how things were doing, wisely withdrew. As for the rest of the party they are all either eaten, captured for sacrifice, or outright killed by the evil priest and his remaining horde of zombies. After action report, Priest of Asmodeus: Title: Acolyte of Asmodeus. Duty Station: Hokum's Phantasmagorium Subject: After action report. During the mid-evening hours of the watch just passed. Our patrol became aware of several would-be infidels openly defying the just and righteous rule of Lord Asmodeus, Long May He Reign. While they first appeared to be typical indigent homeless* they utilized and possessed diverse combat abilities both mundane and magical. However our stout guard proved to be more than a match. After several feeble attempts at ensorcellment to my guard and outright physical attacks, I responded with a modest benediction from Our Lord Asmodeus, long may he reign. We suffered only one casualty, an officer Morris who as you may recall I had already downgraded his last two fitess reports and was recommending re-assignment to the salt mines. The zombies were of no consequence and I anticipate will be quickly replaced, as we now have fresh blood. One individual, wielding a kitchen implement (a large soup spoon!) of all things prove how foolish and incompetent these would-be rebels are. If indeed there even are rebels. In any case their numbers have been reduced considerably and I anticipate any further disruption of law and order to subside, if not outright cease. Your Most Humble and Worshipful Servant of Lord Asmodeus, Long May He Reign. *Please see my other memo on recommendations on dealing with this civil disobedience, titled 'Blood and Souls for Our Lord Asmodeus: a Modest Proposal'
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
This party is definitely optimized on the caster play what you want. If you are dead set on being a blaster...typical builds focus on traits like Wayang Spellhunter, Magical Lineage, feats like Spell Specialization, Varisian Tattoo, usually in conjunction with Burning Hands for the early days and graduating to Fireball. If you are flexible with race...Gnome pyro make good fire casters. Alternatively, a kineticist may be a lot easier to play. No tracking spells per day, all your abilites (barring burn) are available all the time. Aether is chock full of utility. Disable traps from 30+ feet away, all day long. Lift party members across obstacles with TK Haul. Damage is a bit low due to lack of a good composite...but you do eventually get access to force damage, arguably one of the best types in the game...and high tiers you are spamming disintegrate. I played one in Dragon's Demand and he was literally a blast and a half.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Also if you are planning to GM with a GMPC...recommend avoiding that unless you are literally making something like a healbot for the party with no healer or say a non-combat taxi driver type. A Kitsune Enchanter can potentially outshine the party depending on party makeup. Then again ANY GMPC can outshine the party...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lanathar wrote:
I could easily see where a Kineticist would fit. One of tremendous advantages for that class in this kind of AP is you are always armed and always have your abilities (subject to burn limits). Even when stripped and tossed into a jail have your full arsenal at hand. Or about your daily business and don't want to scream "I'm a locked and loaded adventurer look at my gear!" Elements? All of the above and also: Aether. For a city that thrives on trade, having at-will cargo-moving via Telekenetic Haul (100# per level, all day long) would be of immense use. Regarding treasure, Kineticists are among the more self-sufficient (if a bit below power-wise characters who optimize or take a tier 1 class). Aside from stat-boosting (belts of con, etc.) or the basic core items such as save-boosters, static items that enhance ranged attacks are about the only thing they may want. A kineticist who doesn't have an energy blast is a 3/4 BAB ranged attacker...who never gets the benefit of an enchanted weapon to assist with their attack bonus. And that does hurt once you get to mid-levels and beyond. Third party items?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Evards Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion... Uh I mean Black Tentacles works fairly well. Any variety of the wall spells. Conjure a few Air Elementals, have them whirlwind, fly 100 feet per move action (perfect) and drop their passengers as a free action means wide swaths covered each round. Oh and be sure to drop the mooks into the aforementioned walls or tentacles for an extra bit of damage. If you want higher level...Holy Word / Blasphemy cheese also covers large areas...
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I created a group that had 2 rules:
Some dropped but we have had several run for the first time after being players only for literally decades. I would take a step back. If you really want to play try online...pathfinder society online collective or just on roll20. There's usually several games with open invites. Everyone needs to recharge. Good luck whatever you decide!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
We are about start this AP and I was looking for some advice on the campaign specific Noble Scion feat. Our group so far:
I decided to go with an Unchained rogue, human.
We are limited to Core content, plus Ult Equip, traits, alt race traits from ARG, and two other Paizo hard cover sources (example an Unchained, Scout, Sap Master would be 3 sources and is not allowed) and 1 soft cover source (like a People of the X book.) Not looking for in depth spoilers. In general from a story standpoint does Noble Scion give a tie-in through several AP books? If it makes a difference I have it narrowed down to strong supporters of the big bad (Thrune.) Just have not finalized which family. I have played and run several APs and IME the campaign feats are very hit or miss...not terribly concerned from an optimization standpoint I just want the character's story with the feat tie-in to be relevant. I certainly can easily RP w/o the feat if needs be. :) Thanks!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Party is L7.
What we have:
Since I am physical blast best to hit (before bardy buffs) is: +13
There are no magic items available or anywhere we can stock up on say potions of fly. We already know the dragon has some magic I figure he's gonna mage armor/shield and mirror image or so forth.
I am a bit worried. With buffs a dragon could have AC's in the 30's. And if he just plays smart and strafes with his breath weapon, the majority of the party has limited or no range abilities. The witch fires a bow if hexes are not up. We do not know the dragon type we are fighting. Though a reluctant minion' tested' us with entangle so assuming that is one of its SLA's. And no freedom of movement either. One resist energy potion and one resist energy spell. Suggestions? Meta-gaming wise we are an oversized party of L7 on an elite buy so we could be talking a CR10 before adding minions, environment, etc.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Melkiador wrote: The aether utility and the "rogue" utility will overlap in some places. That's not to say you shouldn't do it, but it could cut into your party role. Aha...he went fighter vigilante. Aether it is. I know he won't be a DPR elite...but as long as he fulfills a good role and is viable in this AP, I'm good.. Just was concerned over not having good social options or working undercover.