Gelrond the Gold |

I am playing a Draconic Sorcerer, who just multi-classed into Dragon Disciple. You end up getting (At 2nd and 4th level of Dragon Disciple), a +2 bonus to strength. Then you get a +2 to constitution. With those, and the d12 hit dice of the Dragon Disciple, it should make a Kick-But Melee Sorcerer! You can go far away and blast with spells when fighting a Melee person, then get up close and attack with your claws and bite attack when against a Spell Caster!

GrenMeera |
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I also made a natural attacking melee Sorcerer going into Dragon Disciple!
I will say that there are builds on this forum that are stronger, however within my group of role-players I outpaced everybody. So yes, it is VERY viable!
You take a bit of time to really come into your own, but you'll never be truly behind if you are happy enough simply being a sorcerer for the first few levels. Your melee attack won't be great for awhile, but it certainly becomes worth it.
One of the things that really made it worth it for me was choosing Blue as the color for my draconic heritage. You could choose black as well for acid (or non-chromatic versions) but the principle remains the same.
Essentially, Shocking Grasp is a held charge with no saving throw. Adding +1 damage to every damage die is nice. Also, you may cast the spell, then full round attack with your natural attacks on a subsequent round, which will discharge when you hit. Being ready to cast and charge prior to a fight will mean a lot in the early levels. Enter dungeons with hands a glowin'!
Magical Lineage + Spell Perfection this combo!
What happens at higher levels is you enter Form of the Dragon II, then cast Quickened Intensified Empowered Shocking Grasp as a third level spell and full attack. The Shocking Grasp will net you an average +67 damage on top of your full round attack. With haste, you will be dishing out over 300 damage easily. Claw +1d6 electric (+1d6 fire if Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal) x2/Bite +1d6 electric (x2 with Haste)/Wing x2/Tail.
If you take Improved Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal, Strength of the Abyss you will have some serious strength and hitting power. My strength was over 40 during Form of the Dragon II and I didn't even optimize my starting stats for Strength (trying to remember if I had Rage cast on me).
Finally, throw in a couple Paladin levels and you'll be amazed at what you do against your smite target.

GrenMeera |

Not 300+ damage for the spell, the spell does approximately 67.
The 300+ damage (which I recall may actually be as high as 400 on average but I haven't looked at the character sheet in awhile) comes from the 7 attacks with 40 strength. :) Against a smite target, it essentially doesn't miss even on a secondary attack unless you roll a 1.
I could try to fish out all the data again, but with a +5 amulet of mighty fists and a crap-load of strength, you are adding 20-30 damage to every attack, 67 damage once, and all the rolled dice.
Dragon's get a bite that does 1 1/2 Strength as well, which certainly starts looking juicy.

Tom S 820 |

This is the feat for my Human Paladin 9 Sorcerer 1 Dragon Disciple 10
Level 1 TW Precise Strike,Human SF(Survival)
Level 3 Eldritch Heritage (Ork Bloodline)(Touch of Rage)
Level 5 Extra Trait Sor Eschew Materials
Level 7 TW Out Flank
Level 8 DD Power Attack, Human SF(Spellcraft)
Level 9 Craft Wondrous Item
Level 11 Improved Eldritch Heritage(Strength of the Beast)
Level 13 Arcane Strike
Level 14 DD Toughness
Level 15 Quicken Spell like ability (Touch of Rage)
Level 16 HumanSF (Perception)
Level 17 Greater Eldritch Heritage(Power of Giants)
Level 18 DD Quicken Spell
Level 19 Improved Initative

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the only problem is that the above build is for a paladin who casts a few sorcerer spells.
you may want to consider playing a paladin 2/sorcerer 4/DS 10/sorcerer 4
wear mithril breast plate, and using arcane armor training for self buffing. then using the natural attacks from the dragon blood line in conjunction with TWF and IUS.
or if you dont care about maxing out your attacks per round, you can always go with a great sword. you can never go wrong with a great sword.

Tom S 820 |

This build BaB of +16 at level 20 witch mean 4 attack per round. With 4th level SOR basicly swaped for PAL spells.
3 Mercy
lay on hands 5d6
Channel positive energy 4/day 5D6
Divine bond 2/day+2
2nd level Pal spell
+14 more HP*
This build it hit with Melee attack and cast spell to make those melee attack better or to still be standing in melee.
The Build you pose is +13 BaB at level 20 witch mean 3 attack per round. Level 7 SOR spell +3 levels of spell. So it basicly a Bard casting with Weaker BaB.
lay on hands 1D6
No Channel Positve engery
No Divine Bond
No PAl Spell
and 14 less HP*
* this assume you take 1/2HD+1 for HP
The Build you pose is more Caster than melee beater.

Ginsu23 |
human sorcerer
high dexterity / high charisma (like always)
feats: weapon finesse, dervish dance. then maybe arcane strike with weapon focus. then you should be good
that's really all you need.
spells like mage armor, and shield (which stack together, btw) will be your basic protection. bracers of armor and rings of protection will boost your AC more. later spells like stoneskin and displacement make you quite tanky. Actual armor isn't necessary. You have spells. At later levels there are many ways to stay protected permanently, or at least get your buffs up quickly. If you're a caster who's not using protective spells on yourself, you're not going to last long anyway.
Get a metamagic rod of quickening or something to protect yourself with swift actions later on.
Enchant your scimitar with straight up enhancement bonus to boost your attack at first, then your to hit bonus and damage will be good enough. You won't be amazing at melee combat. You won't be the most powerful in the world, but you will be really good at both things.
All this class dipping is totally unnecessary. any build that suggests spreading your character levels over three or four classes is dumb.