False factoids

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Scarab Sages

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Count Reiner Heydrich keeps the original Chef Boyardee employed in his kitchens to this day, reanimated as a death knight.

"Thank Goodness for Chef Boyardee?" Goodness has nothing to do with it....

Nectanebo the Vulture is actually a vulture, he just has REALLY high disguise and bluff checks.

KahnyaGnorc almost married Nectanebo's sister.

Sovereign Court

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Belphegor actually DID get married to Nectanebo's sister. They've been happy ever since.



AM TARDIGRADE has no natural auditory receptors, and [REDACTED POSSESIVE PRONOUN] artificial ones are malfunctioning, thus the continued shouting.

KahynaGnorc whispered a secret into the reeds: I'm Hiding In Your Closet has a little bell on the end of each one

Sovereign Court

Pulg actually appears in a few Power Rangers episodes (just Zeo and Turbo though).

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While The Invenusable Flytrap is in fact venusable, the impracticality of the currently available venusification methods make its name a non-misnomer.

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YawarFiesta was born a Ford Fiesta, but was polymorphed . . . into a Taurus.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc drives an authentic vintage Yugo - an automobile built by Yugoloths!

Sovereign Court

Fun fact about the Yugoloths: they are a race of mechanical halfling barbarians that were created and enslaved by Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis. They are his greatest accomplishment yet.

Dr. Albert W. Wily invented the jep.

Scarab Sages

Pulg is lobbying the CDC to have live starfish officially recognized as a legitimate choice of facial covering.

IHIYC is currently being quarantined in an undisclosed closet.

Sovereign Court

KahnyaGnorc is part of the Power Rangers RPG we play (as the Blue Ranger).

The Exchange

Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier enjoys walking directly into open manholes, confident in his inability to fall all the way through.

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Sirius Sa'luk's middle name is Shirley, and loves it when people tell him "Shirley, you can't be Sirius!"

The Exchange

The above is henceforth canon.

KahnyaGnorc is a direct descendant of renowned amoral/moral-relativist philosopher Immanuel Kahnt, famed for answering a student's moral quandary of "May I?" with the simple reply, "Can 'ya?"

Nemesis Melek takes a different meaning of "Can 'ya?" [Appropriate third person singular pronoun] was the creator of "Prince Albert in a can," when the aforementioned prince responded with "Aye."

KahnyaGnorc has a back scratcher that is shaped like a gingerbread man.

JTD has a back.

Pulg grew from my beard.

Sovereign Court

Vidmaster7's been clean shaven this entire time, the beard is a fake!

Real Velo is actually Real Velo's evil cousin, Veal Relo.

YawarFiesta runs through random towns and villages, making "AOOGA" sounds. Thankfully for the residents, YF does this during the day and not at night.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, because KahnyaGnorc already does that!

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...Because NFA runs behind him, prodding him with an Ahlspeiss.

At least there hasn't been any accidental trampling during my daily strolls since that time Pulg tried to mount me rodeo style.

YawarFiesta is sometimes mounted like a bull.

Quiche Lisp has been both mistaken as a Sontaran AND mistaken as not being a Sontaran, sometimes simultaneously.

Sovereign Court

KahnyaGnorc has been mistaken for both being a creation of mine AND not being a creation of mine, sometimes simultaneously.

Finster the Monster Maker has thousands of unfinished haikus, such as his most famous unfinished work:

I will finish this
Finster the Monster Maker

JTDV has been the creative force behind all the famous haikus and limericks in history. In fact, he posed as a man from Nantucket on many an occasion.

KahnyaGnorc was an eyewitness to the spectacular performances of the young man from Sparta.

Sovereign Court

And Pulg is why there isn't a young man from Sparta anymore.

Dark Archive

Dedrick, The Professor dines in Hell twice a month; Beelzebub even has a table set aside just for him.

.elbat s'kcidreD ta tnemniatretne eht sedivorp inaR laL ajicuL

Partylf Sunev doesn't just speak backwards, [Insert pronoun here] lives backwards.

I-it's not like I like KahnyaGnorc or anything!


GoatToucher has a baklava balaclava.

Scarab Sages

Shine a light in Pulg's ear, and it will come back out of his nostrils and eye-beads and dance around like the 20TH-CENTURY FOX logo searchlights.

Sovereign Court

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Shine a light in the ear of IHIYC, and only the darkest horrors imaginable will greet you.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shine a light in Ripto's ear, and you can wave bye-bye to your hand.

Skiron has an old raygun.


Pulg was there when Berlin Wall fell; met his first wife at BeamtenstippeUndDinkelbrotVerkostungfest (she'd just dropped in!).

Actually, we WERE the Berlin Wall, and he made honest bricks of us.

Thanks to his success in raising nuclear-powered kokoshnik production by 500000%, GftK has been named Hot Hat Hetman of the Byelochiekovodskyodnorsk Autonomous Oblast.

Sovereign Court

*The cheerleaders for the various Blood Bowl teams give evidence about Pulg's Wives being around when the god Nuffle invented the legendary (and [in]famous) game. As the very first thing used as a ball and then as cheerleaders themselves, which is when they first met Pulg.*

Reiner's Blood Bowl Teams never won any ball game before he died. After, he became an unsurpassed quarterback.

Sovereign Court


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