Succubus in a grapple.

Rules Questions

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The best way is clearly to have as high of a sample size as possible. Preferably from multiple researchers, to help remove bias. Maybe both wild and laboratory conditions. So half of you take scrying (for research, we swear) and the other half take the, uh, hands-on approach. For science!

Now if only we had the old 3.5 grapple rules where you could fit 30 people in a single square by having them all grapple each other (you shared a square instead of moved adjacent). make it easier to observe them, of course.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fluid form is pretty good in this case. If you're into that kind of thing.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Epsilon wrote:
A good scientist wouldn't even be studying this subject since it only exists in the realm of fantasy.

Ever hear of thought experiments? All in the head, nothing on paper, in a lab. The head: same place fantasy lives. If this thread is disturbing you, please feel free to find another thread to read. We're entertaining ourselves.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
We're entertaining ourselves.

No, that would be the "Can You Touch Yourself?"-thread. Here, we are being entertained.

Someone pass the popcorn, please?

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Epsilon wrote:
I can't believe how long this has gotten.






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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Bob Bob Bob wrote:
Now if only we had the old 3.5 grapple rules where you could fit 30 people in a single square by having them all grapple each other (you shared a square instead of moved adjacent). make it easier to observe them, of course.

Let's not do that. I think we really want to grapple the succubus, not each other.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Bob Bob Bob wrote:

Now if only we had the old 3.5 grapple rules where you could fit 30 people in a single square by having them all grapple each other (you shared a square instead of moved adjacent). make it easier to observe them, of course.

Only if the succubus invites some of her sister and/or friends. You know, sort of a double-date kind of thing?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Umbral Reaver wrote:
Fluid form is pretty good in this case. If you're into that kind of thing.

Wait, we're including catfolk now too?:

Lieutenant M'Ress wrote:
Cats are the only liquids that seek out their own containers.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nyan Cat wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:
Fluid form is pretty good in this case. If you're into that kind of thing.

Wait, we're including catfolk now too?:

Lieutenant M'Ress wrote:
Cats are the only liquids that seek out their own containers.

Or the druid is using a thousand faces?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Welp, someone was bound to do it sooner or later.

Wish me luck, I'm going to lure people/bears/catfolks into acts of passions, wherever they want it or not.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adahn_Cielo wrote:

Welp, someone was bound to do it sooner or later.

Wish me luck, I'm going to lure people/bears/catfolks into acts of passions, wherever they want it or not.

Good luck, Adahn. Though taking our thought experiment into the world of theorycrafting seems wrong, somehow :) When you get to play her, keep us posted on the results.

Scarab Sages

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Taking this into games is exactly the experimental exposure this concept needs! Honestly, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.

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Posting just so that I can say that I participated in this thread.

Silver Crusade

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Sitting on the sidelines watching folks attempting to grapple the slippery succubus is not participating, that's just voyeurism man

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Well then one of us upstanding gentlemen should record the grapple...for.....posterity .

How is this thread not locked?

I mean, given some of the stuff that has been deleted and locked by the MODs over the years, this thread seems like a no-brainer candidate.

But then maybe no one's flagged it...

Or, the MODs are already here participating as little-known avatars? :o

Well, given the tacit approval let me just add this.

There's been a lot of debate (some of it serious! - go figure) about the RAW vs the RAI in this situation. Clearly this needs to be worked out and the only proper way to do that is to LARP the whole scenario enough times to get a good feel for the RAI and then modify the RAW as needed with a house rule.


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I'm pretty sure that pictures/video/detailed illustration were requested at the beginning of the thread, and I don't see those as any less relevant now, especially with the ideas more recently introduced. In particular any interactions with the grease spell or the new slick talent for Kineticist, possibly in combination with the touchsight talent for research purposes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just a thought... since we touched on living spells earlier... what would an unnatural lust living spell do? Is that applicable? Or a black tentacles living spell? It sure would grapple the succubus, wouldn't it?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would count the black tentacles data as laying a bit outside the intended data set for this research, but still should be included as a secondary consideration in case follow-up research into corner cases is needed.

Unnatural lust, however, now there's something that belongs right near the top of the list.

Silver Crusade

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What happens if you cast unnatural lust on an already lustful creature? I mean, who can help but lust after a succulent succubus?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
Just a thought... since we touched on living spells earlier... what would an unnatural lust living spell do? Is that applicable? Or a black tentacles living spell? It sure would grapple the succubus, wouldn't it?

I could argue that a Succubus is the result of an unnatural lust living spell...

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
What happens if you cast unnatural lust on an already lustful creature? I mean, who can help but lust after a succulent succubus?

Well if you cast unnatural lust on the succubus designating any humanoid target, I doubt we'd ever get the +4 to our save. If we were the designated being for the target of the spell, I suspect only the most powerful and devout beings could get the +4 save.

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Add in a couple of mesmerist levels, and you can have quite literal come-hither eyes.

Shadow Lodge

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Choon wrote:

I would count the black tentacles data as laying a bit outside the intended data set for this research, but still should be included as a secondary consideration in case follow-up research into corner cases is needed.

Unnatural lust, however, now there's something that belongs right near the top of the list.

I'm pretty sure that lusting after a hot nubile demon counts as unnatural lust; so I'm not sure the effects would stack. But to make sure, we should cast it on several willing targets to make sure that they do not become naturally lustful after that. I mean, that would be terrible right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quark Blast wrote:

How is this thread not locked?

I mean, given some of the stuff that has been deleted and locked by the MODs over the years, this thread seems like a no-brainer candidate.

But then maybe no one's flagged it...

Or, the MODs are already here participating as little-known avatars? :o

Well, given the tacit approval let me just add this.

There's been a lot of debate (some of it serious! - go figure) about the RAW vs the RAI in this situation. Clearly this needs to be worked out and the only proper way to do that is to LARP the whole scenario enough times to get a good feel for the RAI and then modify the RAW as needed with a house rule.


It has been flagged many times. I don't think I have seen any other thread so favorited.

Despite the risqué nature of this thread, there are many contributors to this thread with grapple rules, protective measures, and other rules items. The theme gets people to remember these rules, and use them in their own games. While I have not used the grapple rules much, I do remember them better than other rules I don't use because of this thread.

Now on to the serious stuff.

With a LARP in a suitable adult environment, and with suitable example materials to study*. I believe sufficient evidence could be gathered to generate a baseline for scientific study.


* Two books come to mind: JoS; KS

5 people marked this as a favorite.

PS: 774 posts, 567 marked as a favorite, average 2.5 favorites per post.
[3.4 per favorited post.]


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:

PS: 774 posts, 567 marked as a favorite, average 2.5 favorites per post.

[3.4 per favorited post.]


Posts? It's a 4-poster bed? What happened to the gelatinous cube? Not that I'm complaining, lots of fun with posts....

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
Cevah wrote:

PS: 774 posts, 567 marked as a favorite, average 2.5 favorites per post.

[3.4 per favorited post.]


Posts? It's a 4-poster bed? What happened to the gelatinous cube? Not that I'm complaining, lots of fun with posts....

The story of what happened to the gelatinous cube is not for delicate ears, but it starts with being mistaken for lubricant, and ends with the answer to the question, 'So, where do half-dragon gelatinous cubes come from, daddy?'

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Where else to record the notches of her victims conquests? Don't need to use the bed. Also, posts are great for attaching implements to. She can hang some manacles of compliance from one, a whip from another, and so on. Posts make bondage easier, and probably gives such a grappler a competence bonus on tying up her new friend.


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've got a post for you...

Too obvious?

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:

Where else to record the notches of her victims conquests? Don't need to use the bed. Also, posts are great for attaching implements to. She can hang some manacles of compliance from one, a whip from another, and so on. Posts make bondage easier, and probably gives such a grappler a competence bonus on tying up her new friend.


+4 Poster Canopy Bed

Aura:Strong enchantment, CL:8th, Price:26,000gp, Weight:150 lbs.

Description: An antique wood or metal framed bed with anchor points and sheer curtains on the posts, decorated with luxurious bedding of the finest silks and satins. The bed requires a full 24 hours of continuous sleep without distraction or interruption to attune to the owner. Once attuned, the bed grants the owner a +4 enhancement bonus to any diplomacy or intimidate checks. Additionally it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Grapple checks when wielding rope or other restraints. The owner of the bed gains a +4 bonus to saves against all mind-affecting abilities as well as a +4 to all DCs to resist against the owner's mind-affecting abilities.

Requirements: Craft Wonderous Item, eagle's splendor, charm person, animate rope; Cost: 13,000gp

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My witch cohort can make this. Need to add Overland Flight, so it can be used on adventures. Movie Clip

Of course, it would also work if it could cast Magnificent Mansion around itself. Then it could become an instant pleasant stop no matter where you are.


Sovereign Court

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CrimsonVixen wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:

So the last session of my home game took a new spin on the succubus in a grapple. Our wizard decided to telekenetic charge one of the NPCs into the flying succubus to drag her down to the ground so we could all get a piece of her.

It didn't work and I think he should have just tried to impale on his ranseur instead.

And here is an example of why Sorcerers are better than Wizards. Telekinetic Charge is a 4th level spell, Unnatural Lust is a 2nd level spell. I would be surprised if a 7th level Sorceress couldn't match Charisma with a Succubus in an encounter. Why move towards the Succubus when you can make her come to you? And once you're grappling with her, that's when the Rogue sneak-attacks her in the back.

Ahhh but CrimsonVixen - who comes to whom first?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:
Quark Blast wrote:

How is this thread not locked?

I mean, given some of the stuff that has been deleted and locked by the MODs over the years, this thread seems like a no-brainer candidate.

But then maybe no one's flagged it...

Or, the MODs are already here participating as little-known avatars? :o

Well, given the tacit approval let me just add this.

There's been a lot of debate (some of it serious! - go figure) about the RAW vs the RAI in this situation. Clearly this needs to be worked out and the only proper way to do that is to LARP the whole scenario enough times to get a good feel for the RAI and then modify the RAW as needed with a house rule.


It has been flagged many times. I don't think I have seen any other thread so favorited.

Despite the risqué nature of this thread, there are many contributors to this thread with grapple rules, protective measures, and other rules items. The theme gets people to remember these rules, and use them in their own games. While I have not used the grapple rules much, I do remember them better than other rules I don't use because of this thread.

Now on to the serious stuff.

With a LARP in a suitable adult environment, and with suitable example materials to study*. I believe sufficient evidence could be gathered to generate a baseline for scientific study.


* Two books come to mind: JoS; KS

Oh my! Oh ...My!

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Erosthenes wrote:
Ahhh but CrimsonVixen - who comes to whom first?

It does not matter as long as both come.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:
Erosthenes wrote:
Ahhh but CrimsonVixen - who comes to whom first?

It does not matter as long as both come.


Are they coming to the gelatinous cube, the pudding, the mud pit, the four-poster bed? Details, m'friend, details! For our research, of course.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:
Erosthenes wrote:
Ahhh but CrimsonVixen - who comes to whom first?

It does not matter as long as both come.


I'm a classy girl, she can come first, to me first. I do tend to grab Improved Initiative, usually to go first, but I won't say no to holding my action till the right moment.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:
What makes you think your fists are going to be free to do that?

Having a free fist could be useful in order to--the remainder of this post has been removed for it to comply with Paizo's posting guidelines.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:
CrimsonVixen wrote:
What makes you think your fists are going to be free to do that?
Having a free fist could be useful in order to--

--attempt to tie up the succubus, as that hand might just be holding a rope. Duh!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
CrimsonVixen wrote:
What makes you think your fists are going to be free to do that?
Having a free fist could be useful in order to--
--attempt to tie up the succubus, as that hand might just be holding a rope. Duh!

You are completely welcome to try. Roll your CMB...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tonight my succubus grappled an enlarged oread monk (Good with his hands) and moaned for 4 levels but she just couldn't take the 5th before collapsing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
CrimsonVixen wrote:
What makes you think your fists are going to be free to do that?
Having a free fist could be useful in order to--
--attempt to tie up the succubus, as that hand might just be holding a rope. Duh!
You are completely welcome to try. Roll your CMB...

1d20 + 25 CMB --> 18 +25 =43 -4 (one free hand) =39 Standard succubus CMD is 22. So I guess it depends on her templates and class levels and circumstances, but I'd say success :)

Scarab Sages

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It's situations like this that make me sad that they removed "Use Rope" from the skills.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Choon wrote:
It's situations like this that make me sad that they removed "Use Rope" from the skills.

Let's not be all sad. Now we have the Tetori monk, who can definitely contribute to this discussion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If a PC have a bite attack and bite the the succubus, does that constitutes an act of passion?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nicos wrote:
If a PC have a bite attack and bite the the succubus, does that constitutes an act of passion?

That would entirely depend on where and how forcefully he bit her.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
1d20 + 25 CMB --> 18 +25 =43 -4 (one free hand) =39 Standard succubus CMD is 22. So I guess it depends on her templates and class levels and circumstances, but I'd say success :)

Oh dear, I think I've been tied up. We both have the grappled condition, with you being the grappler, so I um. Level drain you.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Nicos wrote:
If a PC have a bite attack and bite the the succubus, does that constitutes an act of passion?
That would entirely depend on where and how forcefully he bit her.

Are you doing lethal or non-lethal damage with the bite attack?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
1d20 + 25 CMB --> 18 +25 =43 -4 (one free hand) =39 Standard succubus CMD is 22. So I guess it depends on her templates and class levels and circumstances, but I'd say success :)
Oh dear, I think I've been tied up. We both have the grappled condition, with you being the grappler, so I um. Level drain you.

Is that what we call it these days? Euphemisms, I swear.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Nicos wrote:
If a PC have a bite attack and bite the the succubus, does that constitutes an act of passion?
That would entirely depend on where and how forcefully he bit her.
Are you doing lethal or non-lethal damage with the bite attack?

Let's also not forget you've got DR to deal with if there's biting involved.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
CrimsonVixen wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Nicos wrote:
If a PC have a bite attack and bite the the succubus, does that constitutes an act of passion?
That would entirely depend on where and how forcefully he bit her.
Are you doing lethal or non-lethal damage with the bite attack?
Let's also not forget you've got DR to deal with if there's biting involved.

Align Weapon doesn't work on natural weapons, and I would say it would be against the monster's character for an Archon or Angel to tie up and bite a Succubus with the intent to trigger an act of passion. I mean level-drain attack.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:

Align Weapon doesn't work on natural weapons, and I would say it would be against the monster's character for an Archon or Angel to tie up and bite a Succubus with the intent to trigger an act of passion. I mean level-drain attack.

I agree. Though now I wonder: is tickling a succubus an act of passion? Does it also have to bypass DR?

20 people marked this as a favorite.

Ya know, all this talk about a succubus in a grapple really has me wanting to make a succubus barbarian with the following rage powers...

No Escape (cause, ya know, we dont' want them getting away)

Swift Foot (For those with a fetish)

Savage Dirty Trick (Because one can only imagine what kind of trick this would be)

Reckless Abandon (In case she wants to get wild)

Animal Fury (For those REALLY kinky moments, and its also a prerequisite for the next rage power)

Savage Jaw (Because if a succubus isn't grappling with her mouth, she isn't doing it right)

Smasher (Because ignoring an object's 'hardness' is a VERY powerful thing)

Knockdown (Because sometimes position is key, and being on top of a prone target is a VERY dominat--er...I mean advantageous position)

Groundbreaker (Or, as I like to call it: dropping it like its hot)

Come and Get Me (Because who doesn't like a 'tease that aims to please')

Auspicious Mark (Because a tattoo on the lower back is pretty much required)

Body Bludgeon (Because I imagine a succubus would be very skilled with this)

Breathtaker (For all those 'naughty' enemies who think they can resist)

[Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that the 'extra rage powers' feat will definitely be required]

Also, the succubus must have the 'savage barbarian' archetype. After all, we cannot underestimate the benefits of 'naked courage' now can we?

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