Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Looking to trade for just about any race boon.

Kumoricon 2016 Boon #1- Martial Tradition
Kumoricon 2016 Boon #2- Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul) x2

Race Boon (almost any)


The Faerie Dragon boons are all non-transferable, right?

4/5 5/5

Kifaru wrote:
The Faerie Dragon boons are all non-transferable, right?

They're from a scenario, so yes.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Jay Heinrich wrote:

Looking to trade for just about any race boon.

Kumoricon 2016 Boon #1- Martial Tradition
Kumoricon 2016 Boon #2- Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul) x2

Race Boon (almost any)

PM Sent


zauriel56 wrote:

have: vishkanya

want: best offer, would like a dhampir, but will look at other offers.

I have a Grippli


Steve Johnson wrote:




(I will trade both for one if need be! Just PM me!)

I have Grippli for the Aasimar



any other offers for races

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Have: Suli, Dhampir

Looking for: Aasimars, Tieflings, Ratfolk

Silver Crusade 5/5

On a related note, anyone know what the current quarter's GM boon is?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Dhampir. That's why I have one to trade, Mitch.


4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any idea on when the quarter is changing? *eyes prospective dhampir concept nervously*

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess that explains why everyone has Dhampir all of a sudden. Rei, I think the quarters for boon rotation are August-October, Novemeber-January, February-April, May-July. At least, looking back in this thread Dhampir started popping up in November, which makes things fit if the boon rotation starts with the start of the new Season in August.

4/5 5/5

Mitch Mutrux wrote:
I guess that explains why everyone has Dhampir all of a sudden. Rei, I think the quarters for boon rotation are August-October, Novemeber-January, February-April, May-July. At least, looking back in this thread Dhampir started popping up in November, which makes things fit if the boon rotation starts with the start of the new Season in August.

Ah, so I'll be missing out on it then. Cheers.

Is the rotation posted somewhere? I'm curious to know what race boon I may earn at a convention I'm DMing at in March. Hopefully the dice are with me that day!

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

February is when the new quarter GM boon should come into Play. Dhampir started in November.

Looking to trade for just about any race boon.

Kumoricon 2016 Boon #1- Martial Tradition
Kumoricon 2016 Boon #2- Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul)

Race Boon (almost any)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Minna Hiltula wrote:
Any idea on when the quarter is changing? *eyes prospective dhampir concept nervously*

Minna, do you want my Dhampir? I don't want you to miss out. Maybe we can work out some kind of trade.


4/5 5/5

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
Any idea on when the quarter is changing? *eyes prospective dhampir concept nervously*

Minna, do you want my Dhampir? I don't want you to miss out. Maybe we can work out some kind of trade.


Thanks for the offer, but I'll manage - I honestly have too many characters as is, and will likely not get to play the vast majority of them save for maybe a scenario or two in their existence. :P

Grand Lodge 2/5

Have: Dhampir
Want: Ratfolk (Some sort of a dream race to me), other race suggestions are cool.


I'm at work right now so don't have access to my list but I'm interested in dhamphir boon. Please message me if you would be interested in negotiating a trade.

I'm new to pathfinder Society and I love the idea, I just hate these silly race restrictions, Honestly I would like a Dhampire race boon, So I can make a legal standard character, I don't have anything to trade but maybe a Price can be sorted out. Just message me or email me thank you~!

Grand Lodge 2/5

Glythic wrote:
I'm new to pathfinder Society and I love the idea, I just hate these silly race restrictions, Honestly I would like a Dhampire race boon, So I can make a legal standard character, I don't have anything to trade but maybe a Price can be sorted out. Just message me or email me thank you~!

Yeah, this kinda disappointing. But i do understand, why they want to make uncommon races like.. rare? Or all the PC would look like they ran from a zoo. Noone will play hoomans this way.

The Exchange is a key theme in this thread, i think, so.. no, i won't tade it for real cost, sorry.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Glythic wrote:
I'm new to pathfinder Society and I love the idea, I just hate these silly race restrictions, Honestly I would like a Dhampire race boon, So I can make a legal standard character, I don't have anything to trade but maybe a Price can be sorted out. Just message me or email me thank you~!

It's somewhat frowned upon to offer real money for the Paizo boons. However, some people do take books/minis/paizo gift certificates in exchange for boons. You may considering offering that.


Updated list:

Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul)
Martial Tradition
Custom Order
Psychic Awakening
Niche Specialist

Extra Hours

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Nomadical wrote:
KitsuneWarlock wrote:
Fighting off Corruption (Ghost),
I've seen the Lycanthropy Corruption boon, and I have Ghoul (using) and Hellbound (not going to use), but I've not seen Ghost. Could you post the text, please?

I just started using the Posession one last week. It's a blast having a Paladin of Shelyn possessed by an Umbral Shade of Zon Kuthon.

The TL:DR is you get -2 initiative and +10 to your confusion rolls. You have to spend three dayjobs and defeat an incorporeal creature of your CR to get to the final task: Having someone cast Dispel Evil on you. When the spirit is dispelled, you get +1 to your will saves and Protection from Evil as a move action once per session. I can PM the exact text if you want.

Have: Dhampir
Want: Samsaran or Character Rebuild or a combination of things including a Hellbound Fighting Corruption.


Extended Travels
Genie Grudge
Alchemical Versatility
Martial Tradition
Aspis Slayer
Psychic awakening
Expedition Manager
Elemental ancestry (air)

My preference would be to trade the aasimar boon for the dhamphir.


Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Robert Reine wrote:

Extended Travels

Genie Grudge
Alchemical Versatility
Martial Tradition
Aspis Slayer
Psychic awakening
Expedition Manager
Elemental ancestry (air)

My preference would be to trade the aasimar boon for the dhamphir.


PM Sent


Kifaru wrote:
The Faerie Dragon boons are all non-transferable, right?

with a Share the Wealth boon you can transfer Riddywhipple to another one of your characters.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5


wellsmv wrote:

+1 feedback with Viscera


I still the following boons to trade

mounted tradition
custom order
numerian weapon training

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Akeyra de Salazar wrote:

Have: Dhampir

Want: Ratfolk (Some sort of a dream race to me), other race suggestions are cool.

Of course it is!

EVERYBODY wants to be more like Lucius! But Lucius is an ORIGINAL!

Dark Archive *

looking for a vanara boon, I have a 2015 gencon tier 1 (skinwalker/changeling/samsaran/grippli) in trade

also looking for a dhampir, can offer a grippli or a vishkanya

Dark Archive

Have: Suli, Fighting off Corruption(Ghoul), Share the Wealth
Want: Any other race boon (preferably Grippli)

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Francia

Nivia Greenthumb wrote:

Have: Suli, Fighting off Corruption(Ghoul), Share the Wealth

Want: Any other race boon (preferably Grippli)

PM send

The Exchange 1/5


Niche specialist 2
Fighting off corruption: Hellbound
Paizo gift vouchers


Other interesting boons

Grand Lodge 2/5

Where does one find a Dhampir boon?

Dark Archive 5/5

claudekennilol wrote:
Where does one find a Dhampir boon?

You GM at conventions ... and you may be rewarded with a GM boon

Silver Crusade 5/5

Dhampir was the GM boon for GM'ing at a con the past three months, from Nov-Jan. We are moving into a new quarter, so it is going to be changing to something else now.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Dhampir was the GM boon for GM'ing at a con the past three months, from Nov-Jan. We are moving into a new quarter, so it is going to be changing to something else now.

Drat. I'll be GM'ing at a con next month so I guess I missed that chance.

Dark Archive 5/5

claudekennilol wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Dhampir was the GM boon for GM'ing at a con the past three months, from Nov-Jan. We are moving into a new quarter, so it is going to be changing to something else now.
Drat. I'll be GM'ing at a con next month so I guess I missed that chance.

you can always try trading a boon you get for a dhampir boon

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Looking for a Tiefling race boon.

I have the following to offer: Grippli, Oread, Ifrit*, Sylph*, Undine*
*: These three also have the "combine all four to make a Suli" option

Non-race boons:
Against the Consortium : Defeat 4 named Aspis to gain one of three permanent benefits
Custom Order : Purchase a type of magic ammunition in lots of 10
Debt to Society (x2) : Get a Raise Dead on credit and pay back prestige over time
Elemental Blast (x2) : One use kinetic blast
Emotional Aura : One use, pick from list of benefits
Family Tradition : Guaril Karela provides you bribe and expense fund; allows a former Sczarni faction PC to gain retired Sczarni awards
Giantslayer : Giantslayer campaign trait
Mask of Goblin Seeming (x2) : One use alter self into goblin for 5 minutes
Personal Physician : Follower vanity helps with diseases, upgrade to cast higher level spells
Prophetic Dream : Three use, pick from list of benefits
Psychic Awakening : Infuse object with energy over multiple scenarios to gain an upgrade discount
Rebellious Past (x2) : Hell's Rebels campaign trait
Research Specialist : Get stories from other players to gain knowledge skill bonuses
Share the Wealth (companions) : Move a unique familiar or intelligent item boon to another PC
Sinscarred : Gain save bonus vs one school of magic
Taint of the Worldwound : Adventure multiple times in the Worldwound to gain a benefit

4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
claudekennilol wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Dhampir was the GM boon for GM'ing at a con the past three months, from Nov-Jan. We are moving into a new quarter, so it is going to be changing to something else now.
Drat. I'll be GM'ing at a con next month so I guess I missed that chance.

PM sent.

4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tony Lindman wrote:
Looking for a Tiefling race boon.

PM sent.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 *

Fighting Off Corruption (Hellbound)

Pathfinder Apprentice

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Undine
Skinwalker (2015 GenCon Tier 1 GM Boon)
Vanaran (2016 GenCon Tier 1 GM Boon)

Mounted Tradition
Treasure Map
Custom Order

Ratfolk (2014 Tier 1/2 GM Boon
(Willing to trade Multiple)

Grand Lodge

Anyone willing to trade their Damphir boon for my Suli boon?

Dark Archive 4/5

Looking for damphir, not sure what is wanted for it

Dark Archive 4/5

Also looking for the Suli boon as well

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

Thralleon wrote:


Subtle Reputation
Alchemical Efficiency
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
Horror Resistance
Batrachian Hero (Grippli)
Arcane Ammunition
Elemental Ancestry Fire (Ifrit)
Elemental Blast
Explorer's Endurance
Numerian Weapon Training
Numerian Dabbler
Niche Specialist

Elemental Ancestry Water (Undine)
Elemental Ancestry Air (Sylph)
Elemental Ancestry Earth (Oread)

PM sent.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

Tony Lindman wrote:

Looking for a Tiefling race boon.

I have the following to offer: Grippli, Oread, Ifrit*, Sylph*, Undine*
*: These three also have the "combine all four to make a Suli" option

Non-race boons:
Against the Consortium : Defeat 4 named Aspis to gain one of three permanent benefits
Custom Order : Purchase a type of magic ammunition in lots of 10
Debt to Society (x2) : Get a Raise Dead on credit and pay back prestige over time
Elemental Blast (x2) : One use kinetic blast
Emotional Aura : One use, pick from list of benefits
Family Tradition : Guaril Karela provides you bribe and expense fund; allows a former Sczarni faction PC to gain retired Sczarni awards
Giantslayer : Giantslayer campaign trait
Mask of Goblin Seeming (x2) : One use alter self into goblin for 5 minutes
Personal Physician : Follower vanity helps with diseases, upgrade to cast higher level spells
Prophetic Dream : Three use, pick from list of benefits
Psychic Awakening : Infuse object with energy over multiple scenarios to gain an upgrade discount
Rebellious Past (x2) : Hell's Rebels campaign trait
Research Specialist : Get stories from other players to gain knowledge skill bonuses
Share the Wealth (companions) : Move a unique familiar or intelligent item boon to another PC
Sinscarred : Gain save bonus vs one school of magic
Taint of the Worldwound : Adventure multiple times in the Worldwound to gain a benefit

PM sent.

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