Stephen Ross wrote: *repost*...
for reference here's Michael's Boon List of what's mostly out there...
--- NonRace PFS Boons --- (1 removed)
2015 #1 Ley Line Access (Lake Encorthan, Osirion, Varisia, Cheliax & Nidal)
2015 #2 Loci Spirit Ritual
2015 #5 Against the Consortium
2016 ACG Ritual of Wrath
2016 #8 Elemental Voyager
2016 #9 Arcane Ammunition
2016 #12 Expedition Manager
2016 #13 Share the Wealth (Companions)
2016 #14 Hypnotic Therapy
2017 Addt'l #1 Mounted Tradition
2017 #4 Freedom's Champion(LEdge), Argent Knight(SCrusade)
2017 #5 Share the Wealth (Equipment)
2017 #13 Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
2017 #14 Spontaneous Mutation
2017 #15 Alchemical Efficiency
2017 #16 Ley Line Access (Darklands & Taldor, Mwangi Expanse & Sargava, Andoran & Galt & River Kingdoms, DtangMa & Minata & Nagajor & XaHoi)
2017 #16 Master Herbalist
2018 #7 Seasoned Archivist(DArchive), Taldan Courier(SCourt)
2018 #11 Recalled Knowledge
2018 #13 Blakros Agent(Blakros Museum), Elemental Charm(CoElements), Follower of the Way(Way o/t Kirin)
--- Race PFS Boons --- (2 removed)
2014 GM Elemental Ancestry (Air): sylph, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2015 GM Elemental Ancestry (Water): undine, Paragon of the Society, Elemental Dilettante.
2016 GM Character Rebuild, Exotic Heritage: Vanara, Skinwalker, Changeling.
2016 GM #2 Elemental Ancestry (Suli), Paragon of the Society, Elemental Acclimation.
2017 GM #1 Rodent Heritage: ratfolk I have enough ratfolk/vanara to empower the Aquatic Agent below.
2017 GM #2 Simian Heritage: vanara
2017 GM #4 Born to the Sea: aquatic elf, Inheritor of Azlant: gillman (req aasimar or tiefling), Aquatic Agent: merfolk (req 3 of grippli/ratfolk/vanara/dhampir/samsaran race boons).
Want: hmmm... I'm kinda full up now but Samsaran's or Dhampir's welcome.
PM Sent.
Martial Tradition X2
Mounted Tradition X3
Freedom's Champion (Liberty's Edge)/ Argent Champion (Silver Crusade) X2
Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive) / Taldan Courtier (Sovereign Court)
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Subtle Reputation
Seen it Once (Knowledge Checks)
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
Share the Wealth (Companion)
Traveler in an Unstable Time
Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk (GM Race Boon)
Aphorite/ Ratfolk / Vishkanya (GM Race Boon)
Martial Tradition X2
Mounted Tradition X3
Freedom's Champion (Liberty's Edge)/ Argent Champion (Silver Crusae) X2
On-the-Job Training
Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive) / Taldan Courtier (Sovereign Court)
Alchemical Versatility
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Subtle Reputation
Seen it Once (Knowledge Checks)
Kobold GM Race Boon (will trade multiple for this)
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
Share the Wealth (Companion)
Traveler in an Unstable Time
I also have an Aasimar Race Boon. Willing to trade multiple boons for Kobold boon.
Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk (GM Race Boon)
Martial Tradition X2
Mounted Tradition X3
Freedom's Champion (Liberty's Edge)/ Argent Champion (Silver Crusae) X2
On-the-Job Training
Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive) / Taldan Courtier (Sovereign Court)
Alchemical Versatility
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Subtle Reputation
Seen it Once (Knowledge Checks)
Kobold GM Race Boon
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
Share the Wealth (Companion)
Traveler in an Unstable Time
I have a level 3 PFS Shadowdancer (UMonk 4, Fighter 1 lead-in), and I'm looking for suggestions for my rogue talent. He has a ki pool from monk levels, so ninja tricks are open.
He's mainly a high-AC melee unarmed melee combatant with good movement.
I'm considering:
Pressure Points
Shadow Clone
Vanishing Trick
Wall Climber
Trap Spotter
Weapon Training (Unarmed Strike)
Combat Trick (so many options)
Unbalancing Trick
Suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Have :
Suli (standalone race boon)
Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk Race Boon
Samsaran Race Boon
Razmiran Priest (Sorcerer) - So much fun for roleplay. I'd love to see this in 2E, with a slightly lower power level for balance but also not flavored specifically for Razmir.
Urban Ranger (Ranger) - Great combination of flavor and mechanics; a ranger/rogue.
Archaeologist (Bard) - Definitely the "Indiana Jones' of Pathfinder. Great option for those who want the Bard flavor without the "I exist to help everyone else do their job well" obligations.
Bladebound (Magus) - A classic fantasy trope, and it does Eldritch Knight so much better than the prestige class ever did.
Sorcerer (Sylvan) - Powerful but not over the top with so many roleplay opportunities.
Have: Aquatic Elf
Want: Samsaran
My last game of 2017 was last Wednesday. #6-11, Slave Master's Mirror. We had fewer people actually show than signed up, but the table was a lot of fun and the longsuffering GM made sure we had a great time. 2PP.
For those of you who've run this AP for PFS, about how long does each part take in terms of table time? In particular I'm looking at Fires of Creation if anyone's had experience with that one. Thanks!
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Sorry to necro this thread, but has there ever been an official ruling as to the scalability of Dragonheir Scion's Arcane Strike and if not can we please get one? I see nothing in the clarifications document.
Updated list:
Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul)
Martial Tradition
Custom Order
Psychic Awakening
Niche Specialist
Extra Hours
Fighting off Corruption (Ghoul)
Martial Tradition
PM please. Thanks!
So, outside of house rules, can someone take Deific Obedience for a dead god? If so, how would going into a prestige class like Sentinel or Evangelist work? Has there been any official word on these issues?
Custom Order
Psychic Awakening
Niche Specialist
Aasimar boon
PM pls.
Really looking forward to this! Any chance of this heralding some changes in PFS allowed races? ;)
So, my main PFS character is advancing to level 6. He's 1 level of Barbarian, and 4 levels of Urban Ranger. Theme is wild man turned bounty hunter turned Pathfinder (i.e. reformed jerk). I've decided on going Pathfinder Delver when he advances to level 7 and have been advancing his skills accordingly, so I have one more level to play with. Ranger 5 offers a 2nd favored enemy and bumps up my companion a little (boon companion is already on board). Barbarian 2 gives me a rage power.
So, my question is which option to go with? RP-wise, the ranger makes more sense, but power-wise, I'd kinda up in the air. This is the highest level I've reached for any character since I can only play sporadically due to my work schedule, so any thoughts yall might have would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm interested in checking this out if possible.
I have kind of a subtle rules question here and would like an official perspective on it. If I'm playing a magus, and he's using a weapon with the fragile quality (e.g bone rapier), will enhancing it to +1 using arcane pool temporarily negate the fragile quality for certain materials (e.g bone loses fragile when it's a +1 weapon)?
This is an awesome addition! Gnolls (and their bigger cousins, the flinds) have had a place in my heart since way back in 1991 when Dragon magazine published "The Sociology of the Flind." Really looking forward to this!
Thanks! Your guide has been invaluable!
Yep, it still looks like someone's been messing around in the guide. Any chance of someone straightening it back out?
So I have a PFS ranger that's about to qualify for an animal companion. The Additional Resources doc lists dozens of animal companions that are legal in PFS beyond the CRB, but the PFS FAQ document says that rangers can only take the animal companions listed in the CRB. Are any of those legal for PFS rangers, or are we just stuck with the basic list in core unless we get a boon that specifically states that, as a ranger, I can take something else? I've looked around and can't find an official explanation of how this works, so I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me understand exactly what companions and sources I can draw from as a ranger in PFS.
Full Name |
Thornberry Coxen |
Race |
Half-Elf |
Classes/Levels |
Bard 2 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
22 |
Alignment |
Neutral |
Deity |
Callistria, Shelyn |
Location |
Varies |
Languages |
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Varisian, Halfling, Draconic |
Occupation |
Bard |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
18 |