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Bomanz wrote:As I said recently to someone that argued with me about the "reality" of his dwarf barbarian with a 6 CHA...Were you not aware that fully one-sixth of Golarion dwarves do have 6 CHA? Every NPC stat array includes an 8, so if we assume random distribution, one sixth will have it in CHA, which then gets racially reduced to 6.
In a similar vein, dwarves with a double-digit CHA are in the minority. That's right, more than half the dwarves on the planet have less than 10 CHA.
You should probably do your homework before declaring doing your "are you mad because I'm right?" gloating.
Yeah well, get off my lawn, too.

cmastah |
Personally, most of my prejudices come from gamist/minmaxers who have ruined something about a class/race/combo for me because of munchkinism. I know that I'm prejudiced, but come on.
This also gets into the cross-threaded "why I prefer dice-rolling to point buy" crap, but basically I am tired of seeing 6,7,8 and 9 stats just to get better points in the twink stats.
Hear, hear (or is it here here?), I've seen rolled up characters with only two OP stats and a third one at ten, the rest are all abysmally low. I rolled up a cleric for a campaign and wasn't with a group during their RPing between nobles (my character was being pig-headed about going between nobles who OBVIOUSLY meant them harm without being dressed in his full plate).
DM: Roll diplomacy.
Player 1: *chuckles* it's -2.
DM: Wow.
Short while later....
DM: What's your sense motive?
Player 2: *pokerface* -2.
Also later....
DM: What's your bluff?
Player 2: *pokerface* -2.
Party made up of an alchemist, wizard, cleric (myself), swordsage (small tweaks to make it PF compatible) and monk. Aside from myself, charisma was a dump stat for them, and if wisdom didn't promise AC bonuses, it would've been a dump stat for the monk and the swordsage (needless to say, unless alchemists benefit from wisdom, both the wizard and the alchemist used wisdom as a dump stat).
As for a dwarven barbarian with 6 charisma, I can see that, but what I see is a foul mouthed, drunken ape of a man who's got the social graces of the hulk on a bad day and looks like the creatures from davy jones ship in pirates of the carribean.

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Generally, I dislike playing any race that doesn't have darkvision. Of course I like to play rogues and it is pretty hard to hide with a torch in hand or ioun stone floating around your head.
The one class I do not like to play is ranger. The only promising thing I see for them is that they can track. Other than that I can build a better fighter. BTW - Use an animal that has scent instead of a ranger, it is cheaper. :)
I loved the Whisper Gnome from Race of Stone in D&D3.5. It was a great race for the rogue class.
I will say though I agree that the Gnome stat bump should be for either int or cha, it just makes more sense.
As far as rolling or point buy, I prefer rolling. I would rather roll 3d6 6 times and imagine my character afterwards then try to justify why I have a 6 in some stat just to boost another.

cmastah |
Bards. I've made a number of characters with a couple level dips but never just played a full-on bard. I don't think I could handle 20 levels of mediocre.
In THAT regard, I think 4e did something right, they made the bard flavor out nicely. There was one paragon path that made your bard into something similar to a banshee, with powerful wails, roars and screams, but that was only nice flavor-wise, otherwise gameplay was still 4e.
Speaking of gnomes, I did actually roll up a gnome cleric-beguiler multiclass (intended to hit mystic theurge when I got the chance). She was actually built for lying, disguises and beating the living daylights out of people. The idea was at night she'd pose as a 'special lady' using her disguise spell to look like a human/elf as well, take the target to a room, charm him and take his stuff and then run off. She also would go to dens where criminals hang out and beat the heck out of them for amusement (no killing, just bullying the local gangs), she had the 28 AC to pull it off too (and since she can also heal herself...). She was definitely heavy into illusions and trickery, even telling the party that she was merely a cleric.

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Bards. I've made a number of characters with a couple level dips but never just played a full-on bard. I don't think I could handle 20 levels of mediocre.
Bards are awesome! Seriously, mechanically, 20-level Bards are anything but mediocre in Pathfinder.
On topic:
I hate Full Arcane Casters (Wizard, Witch, and Sorcerer). I want my character to be useful even sans spells and they, well, aren't. I might make an exception for Witch someday (but only because of how cool Hexes are), but I haven't yet.
Druids, Summoners, and other 'pet' or 'minion' based classes don't really appeal to me. I'm willing to have an animal companion, but I don't want the focus to be on it instead of the actual character. Also, I dislike Druid thematics a little.
None of these dislikes translate over to GMing (which I do more than I play, anyway).
I tend to not play Half-Elves or Half-Orcs, as if I want something part-human, I probably want something all Human. I've also never layed a Gnome, but that's just because I've never gotten around to it, not because I dislike them.

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I never play dwarves, gnomes or half-orcs. Usually it is elves, half-elves and humans.
As for classes, I never play barbarians or monks. Usually it is sorceror or wizard for me.
I would like to give the gunslinger and inquisitor a go in my group's next campaign, but my attempts to build characters from these classes always seems a bit lacklustre. The oracle also looks interesting, but I think their needs to be more curse options.

Leo_Negri |

I never play shapeshifting characters, elves, or anything with a naturalistic flavour (unless it's about controlling the raw elements themselves). I like puppies and baby deers as much as the next guy, but for some reason I really dislike the classic "friend of nature" concept.
I'll introduce you to my 3.5 Druid/Ranger, he's a friend to nature, but not to anyone else. Half-Orc and believed in bringing the untamed side of the wild to the forefront to balance out the increasing encroachment of civilization.
In all seriousness though, I cannot recall the last time I played an Elf or Half-Elf. And I have only ever played One (1!) Monk (a Gnome of the fist-to-groin school) and only One Paladin (of Sune, one of the few female
characters I have ever run)

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Hmm, well...
Races: never halflings or half-orcs, only tried one gnone (for one session), and humans are boring; I'd like to try something exotic for a change, such as a tiefling or genasi, but nobody seems to allow them.
Classes: fighters are boring; don't even know why bards are in the game; don't understand what rangers are (wierd cross-breed class); avoid wizards, clerics, and druids (because I hate the spell-slot system); never barbarians.
Weapons: I think polearms are cool, but awkward to carry and use in the game; same goes for most two-handed weapons.

Interzone |

I have played all the core races, and most of the non-core 0hd races... but never ever Drow.
And I will absolutely never ever ever play any form of Bard.
I don't really know why... The only one I ever played I enjoyed playing, but for some reason every single time I see one or an archetype of one when I am flipping through my books I immediately go "Ew, no way".
Never even CONSIDER dipping or anything. I think I just really am not a fan of the bardic performance mechanic....
Also: I often experiment with ideas and builds for Gunslingers... but have never ever actually found one that I wanted to play enough to not play something different.
And as far as weapons go: I never use any double weapons.

Mechalibur |

Really not a fan of lawful good (only done it once I think), and the only class I've never played is a paladin (and maybe druid now that I think about it, but I've always wanted to).
I will probably never play a summoner or inquisitor again. The first just isn't that fun (I hate your biggest class feature being another creature), and I personally think the inquisitor is poorly designed.

Nepherti |

Can't really play evil, and I have trouble playing Lawful. I could potentially go Neutral Evil (very selfish character) if I had to play evil, though.
Races, well I have no desire to play anything orcish. My BF and his buddies are orcy enough without me adding to it. Gnomes are out for me, they just seem kinda meh. Had a few Halfling concepts, but never played one. Love Aasamar, Teifling, Half-Elf, and Elf.
Classes, I tend to shy away from pure combat (unless it's a rogue). Hate Psionics. I also stay away from things that make you want to dump Charisma or Intelligence.

gnomersy |
Don't tend to play half orcs because I just can't imagine intellectual effete wise or handsome half orcs and I don't want to play the dumb thug. I do love gnomes but only if they're tinkerers of some sort. For classes I haven't played a monk at all I think, I also usually shy away from wizards although I'm trying my hand at it this time.

Bladerock |

Hmm, well...
Races: never halflings or half-orcs, only tried one gnone (for one session), and humans are boring; I'd like to try something exotic for a change, such as a tiefling or genasi, but nobody seems to allow them.Classes: fighters are boring; don't even know why bards are in the game; don't understand what rangers are (wierd cross-breed class); avoid wizards, clerics, and druids (because I hate the spell-slot system); never barbarians.
Weapons: I think polearms are cool, but awkward to carry and use in the game; same goes for most two-handed weapons.
Sounds like you should probably be playing D&D 4th edition.
On topic: I rarely play paladins, this is because i tend to stress the self righteous side of lawfulness, usually being a judge and executioner of all things evil. And GMs tend to think it's wrong to cut the heads off of the captured orcs who burned down a village.
Good thing we have cavaliers now.

H.P. Makelovecraft |

Personally I avoid psionics and rangers, only in 3.5 when I wanted to range I ended up playing a factotum or a fighter who used crossbows, and in pathfinder I ended up using inquisitors or,rarely, the gunslinger. I hardly play Druids or Bards but would like to fix that, I have such a great idea for a bard right now that I can't wait to play. I tend to avoid Elves and Gnomes, though one of the most fun tomes I've had playing was a gnome. The three two alignments I never play are Chaotic Good and Evil, I admit to playing Chaotic Neautral so I can worship some evil gods without the paladin in the party smiting me, though I soon am making a Chaotic Good character who wants to bring about the end of the world. The only class I have never played, outside of prestige classes, is the summoner. I've made one once but the edilon construction takes too long for me. Also I've never played an oracle, but that's only because I play clerics when I want to be divine, though I have an oracle planned..who will help bring an end to the world, and heal all the people.

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[troll] I only play psionic-bard gnomes who duplicate roles filled in classic fantasy novels named [redacted drow ranger] but with two handed blunt weapons [/troll]
But in all seriousness, I can't do a "classic" cleric. I just can't play a class whose only role is a defensive/post-combat one. It has a place, and if I can mix the role with something a little more proactive (which luckily 3.5 iterations of the game allow for), but the class generally doesn't appeal to me that much.
Small characters, especially as armored martial characters. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a halfling/gnome hater. But 20' speed? Or even worse, 10' speed? Forget it. What good is a game where you play someone who's one step better than paralyzed all the time?

Thomas Long 175 |
Small characters, especially as armored martial characters. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a halfling/gnome hater. But 20' speed? Or even worse, 10' speed? Forget it. What good is a game where you play someone who's one step better than paralyzed all the time?
It actually only drops to 15'

Brox RedGloves |

Thorkull wrote:I detest gnomes. I refuse to play one and I constantly mock them when I play. Why? There's nothing that gnomes bring to the table that another race doesn't do better.
1. Want to be small and sneaky? Play a halfling.
2. Want to be an underground dweller, perhaps with a penchant for things mechanical? Play a dwarf.
3. Want to be in touch with nature and magic? Play an elf.They're worse than Jawas!
First of Jawas are awesome ;)
The are ironic characters.
1) Bolded for emphasis
2) So are you saying gnomes are hipster d-bags? If so, then I agree :D
I avoid gnomes, and so far have not played summoners, alchemists, or witches. They hold no real interest for me.

Thomas Long 175 |
I don't understand why people prefer halfling to gnomes for casters with charisma. It comes down to a question of which you would rather have.
+ 1 fort
+ 1 hp/level
Small bonus to dc of some of your spells
+1 ref
+1 AC
can trade out for further +1 to saves (admittedly to me a very nice feature and most appealing thing about halflings)
In terms of survivability for casters I'd say Gnomes bring more to the table with that nice con bonus

DMRaven |

I used to be on the gnome bandwagon. I hated gnomes in 3.5 and didn't understand them in AD&D as a kid. Okay, so they can do some mechanical stuff..I always thought dwarves should do that.
But I -adore- the 4e approach to making them the creepy fey tricksters. That blue-skinned gnome with the pointy teeth and Francis the badger minion from the commercial still amuses me today. Even my fiance who doesn't play or like D&D loves that commercial.
As for what I've never played..dwarves. Short, stubby hairy people with a penchant for shuffling around underground? No thanks. I love having them in games though and I've played them as a DM..does that count?
Class wise - anything that is terribly designed mechanically. The original 3.5 monk the (non-houseruled) PF monk, the 4e Vampire and assassin, the 3.5 fighter/swashbuckler/every other weak attempt at making a melee class that wasn't an awkward 5+ combination of classes/PrC's or from tome of battle and the PF/3.5 rogue. If I want to play someone sneaky, I can do it just as well with a Trickery/Darkness domain cleric or a wizard or any other class that has ways of being as sneaky or sneakier than a rogue while having cooler abilities. Obviously traps never showed up much in the games I played in...

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I've never done (nor have any desire to play) an Antipaladin, since the idea does not appeal (seems so cartoony: a class of pure corruptible evilness...). I have no interest playing a Grippli (yet, ARG may change my mind) or a Dhampir or an Undine. I tend not to use exotic weapons, going for the standard sorts of weapons (longsword, spear, mace, crossbow, longbow, etc.), so stuff like nets, polearms, shuriken, and whatnot.

Nimrodii |

I have played every core race and quite a few monstrous ones. I have yet to play a gunslinger and a cavalier, but that doesn't mean I have ruled them out. I have played every alignment but LE. The the only thing I dislike doing with one of my characters is dumping a stat for purely mechanical reasons. I like my stats to be at least 10.

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Matthew Winn wrote:It actually only drops to 15'Small characters, especially as armored martial characters. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a halfling/gnome hater. But 20' speed? Or even worse, 10' speed? Forget it. What good is a game where you play someone who's one step better than paralyzed all the time?
Gorram sleep deprivation got me again!