
Leo_Negri's page

503 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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David knott 242 wrote:

Paizo just recently announced a bunch of pocket editions for PF2.

I hope that doesn't mean that they are done with the pocket editions for PF1.

As do I. I'm down for the PF2 pocket editions as well (I have the Delux versions, but they are heavy), since 1 of my regular groups has now fully switched over to PF2.

JiCi wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:
No one has mentioned this yet (I'm kinda surprised actually) but how about Pocket Editions of some of the Hard bounds other than the Core Rules. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hard-bound books, and use them in my home games (Special Edition printings too, when they are available), but the Pocket Editions just travel better. At this point I'd like All of the Alien Archives in Pocket Editions, Armory, Pact Worlds, Near Space, basically anything that gets a hardbound, gets a pocket edition a year or two later.

Do... people prefer PDF versions instead of pocket versions these days?

I mean, your smartphone or tablet is the pocket version of every book now :P

First, you don't have to charge a pocket edition. Second, PDF's are fine on a larger screen, but on a smaller one either you can't get the whole page on the screen or the resolution renders it unreadable. Third, PDF's eat a lot of space on the device itself, and if you cloud them, you are at the whim of the local wifi reception (which sucks up here in the mountains).

Print will continue to remain superior to electronic (No matter what Star Trek tries to say).

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No one has mentioned this yet (I'm kinda surprised actually) but how about Pocket Editions of some of the Hard bounds other than the Core Rules. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hard-bound books, and use them in my home games (Special Edition printings too, when they are available), but the Pocket Editions just travel better. At this point I'd like All of the Alien Archives in Pocket Editions, Armory, Pact Worlds, Near Space, basically anything that gets a hardbound, gets a pocket edition a year or two later.

Thank you for the prompt response. I appreciate that the shipping cost was waived. (it wasn't necessary, but I still appreciate the gesture. I am just glad to be getting my comics).

How can I get this order off of Pending? It was submitted on the 12 of July and my initial payment method failed, I changed my payment method, and it hasn't left pending yet.

Thank you for your time.

I wanted to offer my deepest apologies. I had noticed that my payment had been declined, and had naturally assumed it was due to there being no money in my account when you tried to pull it. As it turns out, I never changed my card information when my account got hacked 6 months or so ago. Still my bad, but I put you guys throgh the process of re-submitting it with an invalid card (even if it only takes a couple of minutes). I have since changed my payment method and it has gone through.

John Warren wrote:
Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?

As a dissenting voice, I am going to ask that this please not happen. A) my wallet can't take it and B) my group will not be able to finish more than 1 AP a year.

Ventnor wrote:
According to information compiled on this link here, some of their previous unfulfilled projects include Super Dungeon Explore: Legends, Rail Raiders Infinite, Way of the Fighter: Super, and Relic Knights: Darkspace Calamity.

Thank you. I was unaware of this.

Ventnor wrote:
I dunno. I think that, considering Ninja Division has failed to deliver on four Kickstarter campaigns so for, some skepticism at this point is only natural.

Curiosity, which four?

This is the second campaign of theirs I've backed, and I backed it based on A) I REALLLY want some Starfinder minis, and B) the fact that Ninja Division was so prompt on their fulfillment of the Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King campaign I backed (everything I pledged for came and under estimated date (by about a week)). They were infact a lot quicker on the fulfillment end of things than several of the other Kickstarters I have backed (knock on wood, I have only gotten burned ONCE, the Goblins card game).

Does anyone know if Paizo has any plans to do Pocket editions of Starfinder (and any other hardbound rulebooks that may follow). I am loving the game but the core rulebook feels like it weighs about 3 kilos and as the system grows the books are only going to get heavier. I got to use a mates pocket copies of the Pathfinder Core Rules and Bestiary 1 for a recent game (I borrowed them purely due to the weight factor) and I fell in love with them. I have bad eyes, so I thought I would have trouble reading them, but that wasn't the case. A Starfinder Core Rulebook would be of great use, at least to me.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Interesting that Piers Anthony's literary work 'Total Recall' (movie version directed by... Paul Verhoeven) did not get credit, but the 'newer' movie version did.

I'm totally fine with no Piers Anthony books being on the list, but I am a bit surprised by the total lack of Philip K. Dick.

(I know, I know, there's no way to fit everything on the list, and hindsight grants a +10 on all Knowledge checks only after a product has already gone to the printers.)

What's wrong with Piers Anthony? If you exclude the pun loaded Xanth series (which really is straight up fantasy-comedy), the vast majority of his work is decent Sci-Fi / Science Fantasy.

Battle Circle (Sos the Rope, Var the Stick and Neq the Sword)
the Cluster Series
Chthonn & Phthorr
The Bio of a Space-Tyrant

All of these are appropriate, heck Pazio even reprinted 2 of the in their Planet Stories line.

Much as I dislike him, I am actually surprised at the omission of Orson Scott Card from the list.

Terminalmancer wrote:
I wasn't expecting Mulder to make an appearance, but now that he has, he might be my favorite.

Not Mulder, the Question. And he has managed to displace the Shirren from his perch as my favorite, And push the Vesk and Rat back to 3rd and 4th place, with the Human Operative in 5th and the Android a distant 6th :) I can't wait to see the two(?) remaining Iconics.

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rknop wrote:

I'm realizing that I don't know who the Shobhad are.

Which makes me realize... is anybody doing a Starfinder Wiki that will be as useful a reference as the Pathfinder Wiki is?

Answer: Perhaps.

The Shobhad - Akhiton's resident 4-armed giant nomads armed with Raydium rifles. :) They are an homage to ERB's Green Martians, though culturally distinct.

Mashallah wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:
caps wrote:
I don't understand all the doom and gloom here. How are well rounded ability scores a sign of a "min maxer's dream?" Especially since there won't be many ways to boost a roll, I bet the average character still has lower to-hit or skill check bonuses than a mildly optimized PF character. Remember, magic weapons won't boost attack rolls, magic armor won't boost AC, there won't be any cloaks of resistance, etc etc

How is 18's across the board at level 20 well rounded? In ANY other situation, this would be seen as the worst form of muchkinism.

People have followed up with more uneven stat spreads that look to be a slight break to the "samey"ness at higher levels, which allays some of my issue with this. This is a problem I see with most Sci-fi systems, at high levels, base stats are one of the few differentiating factors, since tech is such a major equalizer. I'll have to see how it all plays out in the end, but boosting 4 stats every 5 levels just strikes me as excessive is all, it eliminates the need to choose whether to boost a weak stat or reinforce a strong one.

Now I am not a designer so I don't have all the insights that they do into how statistics influence things across the board, but I am a veteran player of 35 years, acting as DM/GM/Ref for 34 of them, and I have seen things that are great at lower levels break down at higher ones. Like I said I'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Minmaxing usually implies dumping some aspects of the character to get others stronger. Heck, it's in the very name.

This system promotes the opposite.

You're right this is more like MAX MAXING.

caps wrote:
I don't understand all the doom and gloom here. How are well rounded ability scores a sign of a "min maxer's dream?" Especially since there won't be many ways to boost a roll, I bet the average character still has lower to-hit or skill check bonuses than a mildly optimized PF character. Remember, magic weapons won't boost attack rolls, magic armor won't boost AC, there won't be any cloaks of resistance, etc etc

How is 18's across the board at level 20 well rounded? In ANY other situation, this would be seen as the worst form of muchkinism.

People have followed up with more uneven stat spreads that look to be a slight break to the "samey"ness at higher levels, which allays some of my issue with this. This is a problem I see with most Sci-fi systems, at high levels, base stats are one of the few differentiating factors, since tech is such a major equalizer. I'll have to see how it all plays out in the end, but boosting 4 stats every 5 levels just strikes me as excessive is all, it eliminates the need to choose whether to boost a weak stat or reinforce a strong one.

Now I am not a designer so I don't have all the insights that they do into how statistics influence things across the board, but I am a veteran player of 35 years, acting as DM/GM/Ref for 34 of them, and I have seen things that are great at lower levels break down at higher ones. Like I said I'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Well this is now the first preview for Starfinder that has not left me thrilled. This is a min/maxer's dream, and while fine for organized play, seems like it will be a pain in the rump for more story-driven GMs. I understand that 20th level characters are supposed to be rare (hell, Characters above level six are supposed to be pretty rare), but with these stat bonuses, I get the feeling things are going to feel very "samey" for high level characters.

However I do seem to be the only dissenting opinion here.

I found this and thought some of the gunslinger players would find it interesting. description

Dwarf and Orc gunsfighters (one half orc as well)

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Lone Wolf and Grub!!!!

Edit: I kept picturing Chk Chk in a Samus morph ball, but Freehold's idea is much much better.

Wouldn't that be Lone Bug and Grub?

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What are the chances we can get an Ekkie, Tup and Reepazo in a pre-painted plastic mini? We've gotten Ranzak, Chuffy Lickwound, Reta Bigbad, Poolg of Zargonel, Mogmurch, Vorka, Warchief Ripnugget, Konkrud (Chuffy re-paint) and those are just the ones given proper names. I need more :)

cappadocius wrote:

Outsiders: Oitos Kyton, New Rakshasa, new Asuras, new Manasaputra, the last six Oni to finish out the roster from CR 2-20, Xiuh Couatl, other couatls.

Folklore: Isiququmadevu, Kamakiri (maybe as an Advanced Familiar option?), Bakunawa (it swallows the moon! How's that for high level!?), Huayramama,
The Children of Ana: Poreskoro, Minceskro, Lolmischo, Bitoso, Schilayli, Tçaridyi, Tçulo, Lilyi, and Melalo

Fearsome Critters: Terrashots, Slide-Rock Bolters, Squonks, Whirling Whimpuses, Agropelters

Literature: Uliri (the Martians from War of the Worlds), Aihai/Yorhi (Clark Ashton Smith's Martians), Soraks and Calots (ERB's Martian cats and dogs)

Yes, I do want all the martians I can get. Akiton is just WAITING for a module or AP. I'd be asking for Malacandrans if they were public domain.

Dragons: We haven't had a paired set of dragons since original D&D gave us Metallic vs Chromatic. I know we're only ever gonna get 5 True Dragons at a time, but it'd be nice if B7's set could be paired against the Primal, Outer, Esoteric, or Planar Dragons.

Lastly, I think the last of the closed content D&D Classics without Pathfinder Original or OGL substitutes are the Beholders - I'd love to see that last perceived gap plugged.

Folklore - Any, I love critters from folklore.

Literature - What no Banths, Thoats, Plantmen or Ulisos? How about Theskar and Kanagans from Venus, or the Skeleton men of Jupiter? (Not sure that the last three are in the public domain though, but the 1st 4 are [since books 1 - 3 managed to slip into the public domain])

Dragons - Not sure, I think we have enough; but if they were to do a paired set, how about a set of counterparts to the Imperial Dragons?

Closed Content - Where is there a Pathfinder Original or 3rd party equivalent to the Mind Flayer (I really want to know this, not being sarcastic).

I like her. I didn't want to like her, but I do. She's human, the one race I am unlikely to play, and an Envoy, the class that interested me the least, but her story got me. Not all the tropes that have already been mentioned (reminds me of the Thief Lord), but all the little details in it. I want to know more about Absalom Station now, first of all how freaking big is it? Weydan, a god of Exploration; is he depicted as a young idealist, a dreamer looking to the horizon, or is he the Old Man of the Void, who claims spacers who die aboard a ship as his own? Looking at the guns, one is definitely a personal flamer / heat gun (Northwest Smith-style, thank you Leigh Bracket for the image :) ), but the one on her hip looks like it might be some form of projectile weapon and not a beam gun of any description. Did it come from her late friend / lover? who knows? If the other Iconics do this well at making me want to know more about the setting, I'll probably need a straight-jacket before the release date of the book. :)

:( No Vesk Iconic mini. Sadness.

CorvusMask wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:
Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Who says that the one with the Midriff Armor is female? Who says they have the same cultural gender denominations for apparel? For all we know the midriff baring armor is used as a taunt to weaker opponents "We are so confident, we'll even expose our vitals while fighting weaklings like you." Maybe the Mechanic is female, maybe the obvious warrior-type is male, maybe they're both male.

Point is we won't know until all the fluff hits the shelf and not just a couple of pictures.

Mechanic was confirmed to be female one few posts ago, apparently female vesk have brighter colors

Found James's post after I replied.

Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Who says that the one with the Midriff Armor is female? Who says they have the same cultural gender denominations for apparel? For all we know the midriff baring armor is used as a taunt to weaker opponents "We are so confident, we'll even expose our vitals while fighting weaklings like you." Maybe the Mechanic is female, maybe the obvious warrior-type is male, maybe they're both male.

Point is we won't know until all the fluff hits the shelf and not just a couple of pictures.

Those look perfect for an encounter I ran last week :( (always after I need them, oh well :) ) Some of the best skeletons I have seen to date.

How do I get this order un-suspended? I suspect it was suspended in the first place due to insufficient funds. My card has sufficient funds now.

I am a big fan of Orcs and half-orcs. Great for playing against type with and with a lot of potential. Granted I'm a fan of strong and perceived as savage races (whether they actually are or not) - Wookies in Star Wars, Klingons in Star Trek, Weren in Alternity's Star*Drive.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Isabelle Lee wrote:
Fusing flesh and machine, you say? ^_^
Just saw that. Now that is downright creepy. *shiver* AD&D 2nd Edition had a boxed set campaign that had a similar theme. An alien AI became sentient and killed its creators. Then it became paranoid and began to Borg-ify any other species it came across. The name of the boxed set was called "From the Stars", if I remember correctly.

Tale of the Comet, part of their "Odyssey" line (Along with Jakandor and Savage Coast). It also had a novel associated with it as well (OK, but not Great IMHO).

I wouldn't get my hopes to high. I suspect that this would be a licensing nightmare to try to do. As far as I know, the only reason the comic is able to be done, is because Dynamite has the rights to those characters for comic books (and only comic books). Paizo would have to negotiate with the various properties holders if they wanted the rights to have miniatures made of them (either them or WizKids would, not sure how this would work exactly). John Carter is the only one (as far as I know) who is even partly in the public domain (the first three books made it before ERB inc. managed to get the copyright renewals in place.)

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Bummed I missed out on the limited edition of the collected edition (Got the Rise LE and it is sweet). Here's as good a place as any to make my opinion known. I feel that on collected editions, the Limited Edition Version should be the ONLY version (no LE version, just a normal print run like Pazio normally does, but with the only cover being the Faux leather and foil embossed version), it just looks classier than the main release. There, it's out there, I said it. /End Whinging.

DropBearHunter wrote:

Bigby's expletive digit?

can't find the OotS comic in a hurry, sure enough people will know what I mean ;-)

Right up there with the Audible Curse spell. A favorite of frustrated magi of all stripes.

EltonJ wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:

I just want aliens that recognize how bad-ass humans are.

Seconding (or thirding or however muching) a Mantis-like race (Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 [Had an information broker of this nature during season 1], and classic UFOlogy [one of the classic seven, along with Atlanteans, Nordics, Greys, Hybrids, Reptoids, and Ancients, 3 of which we already have in Pathfinder])

An expansion of the Reptoid race, possibly with a "throw-back" version that has reverted to savagery.

Catfolk in space (In addition to the Anime trope, there is also Red Dwarf, and I am also partial to seeing S.P.A.N.C.s in Starfinder).

Humans with subtle differences (Different skin tones, Egg-laying, reversed secondary gender traits [Males look like women, women look like men])

Otherwise count me as being in the same category as those who want to see originality and not 'Knock offs' of known races.

As for inspirations - Piers Anthony's "Cluster series," Futurama, Alan Dean Foster's "Humanx Collective series," and pretty much any Swords & Planets book.

What about Hienlein's Starship Troopers? The Formics from Ender's Game would be welcome. Don't forget Dune, as well.

Didn't feel the need to mention Starship Troopers or Dune as they had been mentioned numerous times before. As for Ender's Game, I found it as forgettable as the rest of Orson Scott Card's work. However, I did forget one other resource that is cardinal - L. Ron. Hubbard's Battlefield Earth (not that fiasco of a film staring John Travolta) and Mission Earth Decology.

I just want aliens that recognize how bad-ass humans are.

Seconding (or thirding or however muching) a Mantis-like race (Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 [Had an information broker of this nature during season 1], and classic UFOlogy [one of the classic seven, along with Atlanteans, Nordics, Greys, Hybrids, Reptoids, and Ancients, 3 of which we already have in Pathfinder])

An expansion of the Reptoid race, possibly with a "throw-back" version that has reverted to savagery.

Catfolk in space (In addition to the Anime trope, there is also Red Dwarf, and I am also partial to seeing S.P.A.N.C.s in Starfinder).

Humans with subtle differences (Different skin tones, Egg-laying, reversed secondary gender traits [Males look like women, women look like men])

Otherwise count me as being in the same category as those who want to see originality and not 'Knock offs' of known races.

As for inspirations - Piers Anthony's "Cluster series," Futurama, Alan Dean Foster's "Humanx Collective series," and pretty much any Swords & Planets book.

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Ross Byers wrote:
Actually, speaking of the Hitchhiker's guide, what about Babel Fish or whatever Zaphod Beeblebrox is.

He's just this guy, you know?

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Anguish wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Catfolk should be core, but more then likely the last two will be new.

Really, there should only be three core races: human, catfolk, and hologram.

Incidentally, for anyone who cares... Series XI just started up last week. 28 years and still smegging up the universe.

What? No Androids (all made by the Deva-droid corporation)?

No Gelfs?

And will there be a C.A.N.A.R.I.E.S. prestige class in your ideal version?

bmcdaniel wrote:

Yes to riding horse with saddle.

Yes to armored warhorse.
Yes to pack mule or donkey.
Yes to pony or donkey with saddle for small characters.

Yes to multiples of common dumgeon dressing (candelabra, barrels, crates, tables, statues, small fires, bedrolls, etc)

Even though I've been collecting since forever, still don't have enough of these commonly needed items.

No to unicorns, dragons, manticores, chimeras, and other 'prestige' critters that are rarely encountered but have been produced in plastic many times.

Dissenting voice. I for one am a fan of "prestige" monsters - Unicorns (only 2 or 3 different ones in PPM and this one is the best I've seen yet), Dragons (As long as they are different than those we currently have), Manticores (only a couple have been produced in PPM and most aren't very good), Chimerae (As long as they are different), Hydrae, Gryphons, Hippogryffs, etc. Whether they get used often or not, these are "Tent pole" pieces which bring in new collectors and keep PPM lines viable.

I've been collecting PPM since the Alpha release of MageKnight and have watched quality improve by leaps and bounds. However, the only thing that keeps these sets viable is the continual infusion of new blood into the consumer base as older collectors drop off either because they "have more mini's than they can use / have room for," or just don't have the money for them, or they decide to try their hand at painting their own, and new collectors frequently want these prestige monsters, as well as common beasties like orcs, goblins, ghouls, zombies, and various other tribal types that people have complained "We Have enough of these already." Mr. Mona has to walk a delicate tightrope with the set list from each set to make sure he includes enough "prestige monsters," dungeon dressing, unique critters that he wants, PC types, and grunts to keep the vast majority of players happy and he still gets complaints about one or two pieces in every set.

Erik Mona wrote:

Here are the horse-like things I can see us doing, not including actual monsters like nightmares and pegasi and stuff, which is obvious and which we'll get to eventually.

Horse with saddle
Armored warhorse
Donkey laden with gear

That might be it. Am I missing anything?

How about a mule that is unloaded but has a cart/wagon yoke on it as a common? Limited use I know, but every so often you need to run into a dwarven mining caravan with 4 or 6 mule teams pulling carts of ore or tailings, or an 8 mule team pulling a slave wagon (or a caravan of them )

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Eric Hinkle wrote:

Heck I wish some movie directors could read it. Like every single one doing a "horror" film for the SyFy Channel.

I'm sure not EVERY one from SyFy needs it. They've had a couple gems. Not many to be sure, but a couple. Manticore (aka Manticore WMD) Reign of the Gargoyles, and Sasquatch Mountain (aka Devil on the Mountain) were really good. (I can't believe I am defending SyFy :) )

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

1 medium rare Jilia, female vampire?

I though Vampires were medium-rare only after Staking.

I need a half dozen or so of the cockatrice, if for no other reason so that I can paint them up as variants for an underground cockatrice-fighting ring. Doppelganger, I can use, but who knows how frequently. He kind of reminds me of the white martians from the DCU (not the Justice League Cartoon though).

What happened with the Movie Poster Homages no longer being the exclusive cover? I'm glad they haven't been discontinued, since they were (and still are) my favorite variant, but I am a little sad I don't have them coming in my subscription every month any more.

Tixt Proud wrote:

Hi Erik,

I think it would be amazing to do a set of miniatures called "Ironic Heroes" featuring the race/class combinations that are rarely chosen.

Examples :

Half-Orc Druid
Halfling Barbarian
Dwarven Rogue

Any other ideas?

Dwarven rogue is pretty common in groups in my area. Dwarven Sorcerer / Wizard and Half-Orc Wizard, those are rare. Gnome Barbarian is also rare.

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Berselius wrote:

I still hope we get an "Evolution of the Silver / Gold Dragons" as well as gargantuan miniatures for both of them.

Also, where on earth can I find artwork for ancient (or older) versions of either one? I think there's a picture of an ancient silver on the cover of Part 1 of Wrath of the Righteous but it's partially obscured by the female half-orc NPC of the Adventure Path and also there's the little dis-savoring part with the Balor decapitating it. :(

Does Paizo ever plan on giving us ancient (or older) artwork for the metallics? I really wanna know. :(

A gargantuan Silver or Gold Dragon would be nice (heck, ANY, Gargantuan Metallic Dragon would be cool). For that matter a Gargantuan Black (Pathfinder Style :) ) and a Gargantuan Blue (that isn't decked out in gold and magic) would be great. What can I say, I love Dragons.

This is why I'm so sad that the Evolutions only got 2 species of Dragon out before they more or less died :(

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Silver Dragon!! I love how the figure seems very sinuous, almost fluid in its build and posture. It is a nice contrast to the bulkier Red, and Whites we have had in recent memory. Its look also just screams Pathfinder.

The Beast!! From the cover of one of my favorite adventure paths.

The Kirrix !? It's cool looking, I know nothing about it, but I like it. Now all I need to do is figure out where I can use that bad boy.

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Kalindlara wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:
MrVergee wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
Check out the Pathfinder Minis site.

Looks like there are some spoilerish protype previews on the gallery site as well.

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, I really love this set. It's definitely on its way of becoming my favorite so far.

The link in the post took me directly to it.

Apologies, the link kept taking me to a two-week old version of the site from my Cache where there was nothing even remotely spoiler-ish. now that I've tried it again all I can say is WOW.

MrVergee wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
Check out the Pathfinder Minis site.

Looks like there are some spoilerish protype previews on the gallery site as well.

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, I really love this set. It's definitely on its way of becoming my favorite so far.


Swashbucklersdc wrote:
and, a Rabbit Prince mini; or better yet, a whole Harrowed set, =)

Seconding this. Only problem is I'm not sure how well (if at all) the art from the Harrow cards would translate.

Charau-Ka. Ratfolk. Tengu. Kitsune. Catfolk. And Umpteenthing for the Spriggans, Darkfolk, and Duergar (though like the spriggans, I'd like both a medium AND a large version, preferably in both genders).

Also, I get it. Golarion Drow are different than D&D Drow. Fact is that Eberron Drow were different that Forgotten Realms Drow. Neither of these facts changes that Drow were done to death in the 21 sets of DDM. I'm with Yolande and Erik on this one, no Drow (even Golarion-specific), at least for the time being, especially since it looks like WotC's new mini line is heading in that direction.

Not a complaint, but what's with all the Princess Bride quotes this week in the store blog. Every title since Monday.

Kalindlara wrote:
They can't do the dark young, I suspect - unlike the OGL monsters, which are permitted as long as they don't use the names (or reprint the entire OGL in every pack), I suspect that even the image of the Dark Young is Chaosium's copyright. Same goes for Coeurl. :)

The Coeurl is a given, since it was only ever used with the original author's permission and then it was a one time deal. Not sure on the Dark Young however, Reaper's most recent Bones KS has one in one of the expansions, and they are fairly scrupulous about including logos for licensed products (Pathfinder in Bones KS I, II, and III; Savage Worlds in II and III, and Numenera in II, plus one or two others, yet there is no Chaosium of Call of Cthulhu logo to be found on the KS) nor was their a disclaimer on Impact! Miniatures Chibi mythos minis, and in the wake of a couple C&D letters from WoTC, they too are fairly scrupulous about copyrighted material. I suspect that it might just boil down to impracticality and limited utility os such a mini (though I'd totally be down for it, I put in for the Mythos set in the Bones 3 KS, but A) I won't see those until next September, and B) I am lazy and use pre-paints when I can so I don't have to paint my own.