Targeting Haste

Rules Questions

Haste has a range of Close, but I can selectively target up to 1 creature per caster level in a 30' diameter circle around this center point.

My group is somewhat confused on targeting haste works. How best can I explain it to them?

Liberty's Edge

Endarire wrote:

Haste has a range of Close, but I can selectively target up to 1 creature per caster level in a 30' diameter circle around this center point.

My group is somewhat confused on targeting haste works. How best can I explain it to them?

Think of it like you dropping a haste "bomb" on one person, or maybe chain lightning is a better image. The other people around them (that you select) get the benefit up to your CL. You decide who the spell hits and who it jumps to, the range only matters as far as targeting the first person.

yep, basically like a 30' radius fireball spell, except it doesnt burn and affects only the creatures you want it to affect in that radius, you need to have line of sight / effect to them to target them though.

Remco Sommeling wrote:
yep, basically like a 30' radius fireball spell, except it doesnt burn and affects only the creatures you want it to affect in that radius, you need to have line of sight / effect to them to target them though.

"Targets: one creature/level, no two of which can be more than

30 ft. apart"

Actually it would be more of a 30' diameter area. No two targets can be more than 30' apart. So the total spread would be 30 across. Basically the caster would select which targets in that area are effected up to a number of targets equal to his caster level.

Keep in mind that no one outside of your range can be affected by the spell. The spell's range is close which means 25 feet + 5 feet per two CL. So, a 6th level caster has a range of 40 feet. Regardless of the "no two of which can be further than 30 feet apart" clause in the spell, no target can be further away from the caster than 40 feet.

Endarire wrote:

Haste has a range of Close, but I can selectively target up to 1 creature per caster level in a 30' diameter circle around this center point.

My group is somewhat confused on targeting haste works. How best can I explain it to them?

1. To target a person with a close range spell the caster must be able to see them, have them within close distance to them, have line of effect to them.

Now the special requirement for haste:
2. The distance between any two targets cannot be more than 30', so if this is confusing have the caster pick targets in order and make sure that a new target could 'walk' to each of the prior targets by traveling 30' or less to do so. (Walk is in quotes as it might involve flying, swimming, or even walking through walls of fire, etc).


james maissen wrote:

Now the special requirement for haste:
2. The distance between any two targets cannot be more than 30', so if this is confusing have the caster pick targets in order and make sure that a new target could 'walk' to each of the prior targets by traveling 30' or less to do so. (Walk is in quotes as it might involve flying, swimming, or even walking through walls of fire, etc).


While not specifically stated that it blocks LoS and LoE, it is an opaque sheet of flame. I'm pretty sure opaque would block LoS and LoE. Just pointing that out for the future.

knightofstyx wrote:

While not specifically stated that it blocks LoS and LoE, it is an opaque sheet of flame. I'm pretty sure opaque would block LoS and LoE. Just pointing that out for the future.

A wall of fire blocks line of sight, but not line of effect (you can shoot through it for example).

A wizard flying above the wall could however see targets on BOTH sides of the wall of fire and potentially haste both of them, even though neither target could see the other. But they would still have to be within 30' of each other (and visible & in range for the caster to target them like any other spell).


I agree with your flying example, however, a wizard on the ground would be hosed.

James is right, on both counts. Line of effect is only blocked by solid objects (and only if the object doesn't have any gaps in it smaller than 4" square, if I recall the dimensions correctly), and the only LoS and LoE that matters in the case of haste is the line from the caster to the target(s). The 30' line between targets can be completely obstructed by solid stone, as long as the caster can see and effect both targets.

knightofstyx wrote:
I agree with your flying example, however, a wizard on the ground would be hosed.

Only if the wall was blocking his LoS to one of the targets. It's perfectly possible for that not to be true, or that he could move and make it not true.

Zurai wrote:

Only if the wall was blocking his LoS to one of the targets. It's perfectly possible for that not to be true, or that he could move and make it not true.

My apologies if I was unclear. That was the assumption I was making.

knightofstyx wrote:

My apologies if I was unclear. That was the assumption I was making.

More common is when one of the targets is invisible or hiding, which doesn't work.


In the last time i played, we had a discution about which creatures would be affected by haste. I was playing a summoner lvl 7, and tried to help my allies (only 4 surviving in that moment). The master told us that i cant select the creatures that was going to be affected by the spell. Other 3 enemy creatures in range must be affected too.

Reading the spell, i cant find a real answer, so i tried other action.

Can anyone help me?

Dark Archive

Maradona wrote:

In the last time i played, we had a discution about which creatures would be affected by haste. I was playing a summoner lvl 7, and tried to help my allies (only 4 surviving in that moment). The master told us that i cant select the creatures that was going to be affected by the spell. Other 3 enemy creatures in range must be affected too.

Reading the spell, i cant find a real answer, so i tried other action.

Can anyone help me?

Slap them with the APG for me.

If they are a d-bag and utterly refuse, then tell them you opt to lower your caster level to 5 so you can only target the 4 allies and you.

Liberty's Edge

Kalyth wrote:

"Targets: one creature/level, no two of which can be more than

30 ft. apart"

Actually it would be more of a 30' diameter area. No two targets can be more than 30' apart. So the total spread would be 30 across. Basically the caster would select which targets in that area are effected up to a number of targets equal to his caster level.

This is a common misconception. I used to think this is how haste worked, but since then I have proved myself wrong.

For example, if you target a creature 30 ft. to your right, and another 30 ft. to your left, then you have two targets who are 60 ft. apart from each other. But haste cannot target any two creatures more than 30 ft. from each other. This means that the "haste bomb" area is 30 ft. in DIAMETER not RADIUS.

It's an important distinction.

If the spell says about target AND does not specify limitations upon selection of target then by definition of spell description target's line caster selects targets. It is not area spell - it is targeted spell with multiple targets and comparing it to fireball is misguiding as it works differently.

Lyrax wrote:
Kalyth wrote:

"Targets: one creature/level, no two of which can be more than

30 ft. apart"

Actually it would be more of a 30' diameter area. No two targets can be more than 30' apart. So the total spread would be 30 across. Basically the caster would select which targets in that area are effected up to a number of targets equal to his caster level.

This is a common misconception. I used to think this is how haste worked, but since then I have proved myself wrong.

For example, if you target a creature 30 ft. to your right, and another 30 ft. to your left, then you have two targets who are 60 ft. apart from each other. But haste cannot target any two creatures more than 30 ft. from each other. This means that the "haste bomb" area is 30 ft. in DIAMETER not RADIUS.

It's an important distinction.

Um you just said the exact same thing I said. ???

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