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Efficient Quiver -- better than a haversack because you can put sharp things in it, and draw ammunition as a free action.
Wand of Scorching Ray -- a mid-level UWD rogue's best back-up intermediate-range archery plan (it's half the cost of a +1/+1d6 ranged weapon and almost twice as destructive, hits versus touch-AC, and doesn't care if your STR is 7).

peterrco |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
For your 10th level fighter, hat of disguise, greater is very nice:
Hat of Disguise, Greater
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight — lbs.
Like a hat of disguise, this garment allows its wearer to alter her appearance. It functions as an alter self spell (as opposed to disguise self). The hat becomes a part of the disguise and can be a hat, a helmet, a headscarf, and so forth.
Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Cost 6,000 gp.
Pathfinder Module: Curse of the Riven Sky
Pathfinder Module: Curse of the Riven Sky. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Monte Cook.
If your a small fighter become a medium fighter, and stop toddling round the battlefield with your toy weapons.
If your a medium fighter become a small fighter when necessary, for those nasty "small" sized tunnels that evil GM's like to put in every so often.
Get Darkvision in certain forms.
Get Scent (V useful for a ranger wanting to track), in certain forms.
Get a Swim speed in certain forms.
Get +2 Strength if medium
Get +2 Dex if small
This has to be the one of the best tactical items in the game.
I hate to think of builds based around a single magic item, but a Gnome Ranger, with the Master Tinker alternative racial feature option can:
1. Have proficiency in any exotic weapon (with Masterwork Transformation these can be crafted quickly and then made magic)
2. Choose when to be medium or small, to suit the tactical situation.
3. Ride either a medium or large creature. With an animal companion this opens up a number of variations for the mounted warrior or infantryman.
4. Has any number of role playing opportunities as a spy or infiltrator.

Ashiel |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I admit it, I'm one of those grumpy players who tries to avoid the most hackneyed and obvious "must have" items in the game. I really, really dislike having my character's build being a carbon copy of the dude across the campfire from me. That includes ubiquitous handy haversacks and rings of sustenance...
However, I do tend to buy pearls of power for my prepared spellcasters, and I do tend to buy lesser metamagic rods, particularly the extend version. So I guess I'm not as pure a role player as I would like to claim to be...
Still, at the very least I'm not going to be wearing/carrying out in the open the same stuff as everyone else in the party... If that means I have to risk an attack of opportunity to grab something in my backpack, oh well, it probably shouldn't have been in my backpack during combat in the first place.
Not using similar gear to others does not make you any more of a good roleplayer than choosing to not use a sword does. You do not roleplay your equipment, you roleplay your character. Equipment is merely a means to an end. It is a tool employed by your character. The only time that equipment may come into a roleplaying consideration is merely if your PC has a preference for certain things, such simply liking the aesthetics of axes over hammers for example.
Ask yourself if it makes you a good roleplayer for your fighter to be naked because the other fighters wear armor. If that question seems as stupid to you as it actually is, then you can quickly realize that investing in a ring of protection has absolutely nothing to do with roleplaying at all.

Ashiel |

Well I never play fighters (except dips) so I am at a lost but I suppose any good weapon / armor and help with S.T's. Also anyway to reach enemies at a distance and in flight.
I do know clerics and here's a MUST HAVE for them...
A Must for all clerics...- Candle of Invocation
** spoiler omitted **- Incense of Meditation
** spoiler omitted **...
Thank you for reminding me of the Incense of Meditation. I will be sure to give my PCs your regards while they are roasting over an open flame while dealing with the local neutral evil druids. (^-^)
Mm, maximized call lightning. (^-^)

Ashiel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A simple one that I started carrying around that really tics off my GM is a mundane item of some kind, (like a necklace or a common ring) with CONTINUAL FLAME cast on it. I play with a GM that likes to mess us over with darkness spells though lol. Nothing special but I've never had a campaign where it didn't come in handy.
Grab some mundane items or some ioun stones, and cast heightened continual flame on them. Crank the level up as high as you can possibly cast. You can do it during your down time. Watch as monsters get super pissed when their darkness spell-like abilities cannot quench your light. ;)

Adamantine Dragon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Adamantine Dragon wrote:Huh, funny. Any time anyone in my party is wearing a ring of mind shielding, I just assume they are evil and act accordingly.So freedom of thoughts and privacy is clearly evil.
Got this.
Its always nice to see how alignment works out it D&D.
Let's see... the comment that led to my response was "I usually am the only evil character in a party of good characters, so the ring of mind shielding is sweet" or something like that.
Another commenter said "that's usually an item used by spies and assassins" or words to that effect.
It's a pretty expensive item.
In my experience Alienfreak, the only characters who use this are evil characters trying to hide their alignment.
Let's say I'm playing a paladin. (I never do, but let's say I am.) I come across a party member wearing one of these rings.
Paladin: "Hey, I notice you have a ring shielding your alignment. Mind taking it off for a minute so I can confirm that I am not adventuring with an evil person?"
Ring wearer: "None of your business. Take off."
Paladin: "Well my friend, I am duty and honor bound to serve only the good, and it has been my experience, and my religious leaders have warned me, that such rings are frequently used to disquise evil alignments. So let's just have that off for a moment and we can go on."
Ring wearer: "I said no."
Paladin: "OK, well, don't mind this, it's just a little love tap with a smite added on. It won't hurt, unless you're evil, and I'll heal you when we're done." *SMITE* "Oh, hey, turns out you were evil after all. Good thing I checked."

Alitan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Let's see... the comment that led to my response was "I usually am the only evil character in a party of good characters, so the ring of mind shielding is sweet" or something like that.Another commenter said "that's usually an item used by spies and assassins" or words to that effect.
It's a pretty expensive item.
In my experience Alienfreak, the only characters who use this are evil characters trying to hide their alignment.
Let's say I'm playing a paladin. (I never do, but let's say I am.) I come across a party member wearing one of these rings.
Paladin: "Hey, I notice you have a ring shielding your alignment. Mind taking it off for a minute so I can confirm that I am not adventuring with an evil person?"
Ring wearer: "None of your business. Take off."
Paladin: "Well my friend, I am duty and honor bound to serve only the good, and it has been my experience, and my religious leaders have warned me, that such rings are frequently used to disquise evil alignments. So let's just have that off for a moment and we can go on."
Ring wearer: "I said no."
Paladin: "OK, well, don't mind this, it's just a little love tap with a smite added on. It won't hurt, unless you're evil, and I'll heal you when we're done." *SMITE* "Oh, hey, turns out you were evil after all. Good thing I checked."
Paladin: "Hey, I notice you have a ring shielding your alignment, ' etc., etc.
Me: "Have I given you cause to believe I am evil in behavior and comportment?" [The honest answer to this is usually 'no' because I'm not Evil/Stupid.]
Paladin: "Um, well, that is--"
Me: "Because unless you can cite some instance of evil actions on my part, I prefer not to be subjected to such spells. It's rude, to say the least, to fail to judge me by my actions. No, I will not submit to a test of this nature due to your baseless suspicions. Isn't there some innocent you could be out protecting, instead of bullying me?"
EDIT: And unless I actually allow you an extensive examination with a Heal check, there is NO WAY for you to tell whether your Smite worked or not.

Alienfreak |

Alienfreak wrote:Adamantine Dragon wrote:Huh, funny. Any time anyone in my party is wearing a ring of mind shielding, I just assume they are evil and act accordingly.So freedom of thoughts and privacy is clearly evil.
Got this.
Its always nice to see how alignment works out it D&D.
Let's see... the comment that led to my response was "I usually am the only evil character in a party of good characters, so the ring of mind shielding is sweet" or something like that.
Another commenter said "that's usually an item used by spies and assassins" or words to that effect.
It's a pretty expensive item.
In my experience Alienfreak, the only characters who use this are evil characters trying to hide their alignment.
Let's say I'm playing a paladin. (I never do, but let's say I am.) I come across a party member wearing one of these rings.
Paladin: "Hey, I notice you have a ring shielding your alignment. Mind taking it off for a minute so I can confirm that I am not adventuring with an evil person?"
Ring wearer: "None of your business. Take off."
Paladin: "Well my friend, I am duty and honor bound to serve only the good, and it has been my experience, and my religious leaders have warned me, that such rings are frequently used to disquise evil alignments. So let's just have that off for a moment and we can go on."
Ring wearer: "I said no."
Paladin: "OK, well, don't mind this, it's just a little love tap with a smite added on. It won't hurt, unless you're evil, and I'll heal you when we're done." *SMITE* "Oh, hey, turns out you were evil after all. Good thing I checked."
Haha nice Metagaming. Do you have spellcraft and did identify each item he has? No? Well...
So another Info for your metagaming: Detect Alignment tells you IF ONE HAS THE ALIGNMENT YOU CHECK. So if you check with EVERY spell you have against someone wearing this item you would conclude that he is True Neutral because he is neither good, nor evil, nor lawful, nor chaotic. How do you tell he has that ring? Because he has that ring? It could be ANY ring unless he stops to wear it and gives it to you for checking it with Spellcraft to know what ring it is.And still. You don't even know if your Smite worked. Or can you cite a RAW that you know when your Smite works and when not?
Plus my case was THE PALADIN WEARING THE RING. Just in case it was so hard to understand.
Oh and another one: Purposely bringing harm upon people is EVIL. So a Paladin smiting a person just to check if it is evil is doing evil and instantly is no Paladin anymore.

master arminas |

You folks are going to laugh, but . . . Gloves of Arrow Snaring. They are just 4,000 gp and I can make two ranged attacks of my choice (physical, not spell) just go away. Oh, mister Orge ranger with that Large composite bow built for Str 24 just rolled a Natural 20? I either automatically catch it or deflect it. So sorry, so sad, would you like a fireball?
Master Arminas

Arbalester |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A magic item that occupies some slot I'm not using that can cast multiple 0th-level spells at will. Even if I'm already an arcane caster. That's one of my favorite magic items, my most fun ones, and one of my most useful. If you don't use 0th level spells often, you either need to work on your creativity/imagination or you haven't read their descriptions...
Assuming that 0th-level spells count as "similar abilities", which makes them cheaper, getting 5 CL 1 0th-level spells at will as use-activated on one item costs... (1 * 1/2 * 2000) * (1 + 3/4 + 3/2) = 3250 gp. Sheesh, that's Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Light, Ghost Sound, and Create Water, all at-will use-activated for less cost than Gloves of Arrow Snaring! I usually make it my "vest of magick", or "Stage Magician's Waistcoat".
This magic item is usually a robe(body), vest(chest), or wrist(bracers/armlet), since the only core-rulebook magic items in those slots are either only useful to one class and/or way too expensive.
Putting 10 0th-level spells on it, even they aren't "similar abilities" (but aren't "different abilities" either; they're not that different) would cost... (1 * 1/2 * 2000) * 10, so 10k. Even if your GM is mean enough to not let these be similar abilities, you're still getting 10 0th-level spells at-will for slightly more than a Decanter of Endless Water, which is easily affordable around 11th level. That's Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Light, Ghost Sound, Mending, Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize, and Summon Instrument, all at-will at CL 1 on one item!
EDIT: Just rummaged through Ultimate Magic and found 2 more spells that caught my eye: Force Hook Charge and Polypurpose Panacea.
Polypurpose Panacea: 2k for this, CL 1 at-will use-activated?! Yes please! Not a great combat spell, but this one is fantastic for roleplaying and general hilarity. The target is you-only, but you could make this as a ring, or bracer, and easily pass it around the party... use it as an analgesic during first-aid, as a sleeping aid/waking aid for taking turns during watch, or Sobriety if you just remembered about the assassination to take place during the royal ball at which you've already downed half a bottle of wine mixed with who-knows-what. Yet another spell that people tend to forget about until it suddenly becomes hilarious or awesome.
Force Hook Charge: I have been waiting for some spell like this since Use Rope disappeared. Finally, a hookshot! Problem is, it's a 3rd-level magus-only spell, so making a magic item for this is gonna be really expensive. Yikes... 8400 for a CL 7 1/day use-activated hookshot bracer. 8400?! Do you know how many 0th-level spells I could load on that bracer instead?! This is one of those spells that I'm debating creating a homebrewed lesser version of. Like, say, "Lesser Hook Charge", that deals no damage but is instead a Magus 2 spell. Or something. Still, if you don't mind breaking the bank on a utility item, for 56k you could get an Enlarged Force Hook Charge at-will on some slot, say... bracers. That costs more than a +5 weapon, but being able to hookshot up to 85 feet away at-will as a standard action, and deal 7 force damage? That's always cool.
Sorry if this got a little rambling. I was thinking it out as I went.

Alienfreak |

You folks are going to laugh, but . . . Gloves of Arrow Snaring. They are just 4,000 gp and I can make two ranged attacks of my choice (physical, not spell) just go away. Oh, mister Orge ranger with that Large composite bow built for Str 24 just rolled a Natural 20? I either automatically catch it or deflect it. So sorry, so sad, would you like a fireball?
Master Arminas
Unless you need that glove slot those gloves are really cheap for what they give you :)

Duna the Explorer of Indol |

I most likely have a magic item that most of you won't ever be able to get. It's my best weapon by the way. I play a evil character and when I had to get a Holy weapon, the Holy Avenger I thought I would burn. Well I did for a second, but it stopped. I apparently corrupted it to be my Shadow Avenger. I have two hits on it, a +16/+11 and it does a 1d10+10 of damage. It's powers are the best part though. If you have Chaotic or Good in your alignment I get 2d6 of extra damage. For example if your alignment is Chaotic Good I get to do 4d6 of extra damage. Plus no matter your alignment I still get a 1d6 of cold damage anyway. So the best I could do if you meet all the requirements I could do at most:70 damage in one turn. The best part is that once per game day I can choose to either use a spell that will Harm you 150 points of damage(on a fortitude save for half) or Heal myself 150 points of HP. That is my best magical weapon.

Ashiel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I most likely have a magic item that most of you won't ever be able to get. It's my best weapon by the way. I play a evil character and when I had to get a Holy weapon, the Holy Avenger I thought I would burn. Well I did for a second, but it stopped. I apparently corrupted it to be my Shadow Avenger. I have two hits on it, a +16/+11 and it does a 1d10+10 of damage. It's powers are the best part though. If you have Chaotic or Good in your alignment I get 2d6 of extra damage. For example if your alignment is Chaotic Good I get to do 4d6 of extra damage. Plus no matter your alignment I still get a 1d6 of cold damage anyway. So the best I could do if you meet all the requirements I could do at most:70 damage in one turn. The best part is that once per game day I can choose to either use a spell that will Harm you 150 points of damage(on a fortitude save for half) or Heal myself 150 points of HP. That is my best magical weapon.
Heh, that's really cute. :3

Mercurial |

Wayfinder + Clear Spindle Ioun Stone provides a Resonant effect that makes you immune to all mental control for only 4750 gp and no slot. It's in Seeker of Secrets and PFS legal. You don't need food or water and also it's a flashlight.
I think this is fascinating - is there any sort of link to it?

rat_ bastard |

Take Boat wrote:I think this is fascinating - is there any sort of link to it?Wayfinder + Clear Spindle Ioun Stone provides a Resonant effect that makes you immune to all mental control for only 4750 gp and no slot. It's in Seeker of Secrets and PFS legal. You don't need food or water and also it's a flashlight.
not sure where the resonant effect comes from.

Ashiel |

Mercurial wrote:Take Boat wrote:I think this is fascinating - is there any sort of link to it?Wayfinder + Clear Spindle Ioun Stone provides a Resonant effect that makes you immune to all mental control for only 4750 gp and no slot. It's in Seeker of Secrets and PFS legal. You don't need food or water and also it's a flashlight.
not sure where the resonant effect comes from.
The wayfinder has special effects not listed as part of the item that occur when you place certain ioun stones in them. I believe the full details are in the corresponding book.

Some Random Dood |

Mercurial wrote:Take Boat wrote:I think this is fascinating - is there any sort of link to it?Wayfinder + Clear Spindle Ioun Stone provides a Resonant effect that makes you immune to all mental control for only 4750 gp and no slot. It's in Seeker of Secrets and PFS legal. You don't need food or water and also it's a flashlight.
not sure where the resonant effect comes from.
The resonant effect happens when you place an ioun stone inside a wayfinder. All of the resonant effects are listed on page 51 and 52 of seekers of secrets.

master arminas |

As a foodie and a sleep enthusiast I cannot understand the fascination with getting rid of the need to eat and sleep. It would be like replacing one's reproductive need with the ability to send up spores passively. Slipping on a piece of jewelry to remove most of your needs is just weird to me.
Wait until some teleportation trap sends you and your party, sans cleric, into the middle of a vast desert with only the food and water you are carrying. I believe in being prepared.
Master Arminas

rat_ bastard |

rat_ bastard wrote:As a foodie and a sleep enthusiast I cannot understand the fascination with getting rid of the need to eat and sleep. It would be like replacing one's reproductive need with the ability to send up spores passively. Slipping on a piece of jewelry to remove most of your needs is just weird to me.Wait until some teleportation trap sends you and your party, sans cleric, into the middle of a vast desert with only the food and water you are carrying. I believe in being prepared.
Master Arminas
The Desert is full of life, one merely needs the right skills to capitalize on it.

Take Boat |

Seekers of Secrets has some really cool resonant effects. The clear spindle acts as protection from good/evil/chaos/law and a bunch of the others are really nice.
The dusty rose prism normally gives +1 insight bonus to AC, but in a Wayfinder it also gives +2 to CMB and CMD which is just amazing any maneuver-focused build, and for only 5000g.
And this one is hilarious:
Dark blue rhomboid: The wearer no longer suffer penalties on Perception checks for being distracted or asleep; during
sleep the wearer may remain open-eyed and fully aware of his
environment, though he is still helpless against undetected
threats until he actually wakes up.

Grizzly the Archer |

For your 10th level fighter, hat of disguise, greater is very nice:
Hat of Disguise, Greater
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight — lbs.DESCRIPTION
Like a hat of disguise, this garment allows its wearer to alter her appearance. It functions as an alter self spell (as opposed to disguise self). The hat becomes a part of the disguise and can be a hat, a helmet, a headscarf, and so forth.
Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Cost 6,000 gp.
Pathfinder Module: Curse of the Riven Sky
Pathfinder Module: Curse of the Riven Sky. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Monte Cook.
If your a small fighter become a medium fighter, and stop toddling round the battlefield with your toy weapons.
If your a medium fighter become a small fighter when necessary, for those nasty "small" sized tunnels that evil GM's like to put in every so often.
Get Darkvision in certain forms.
Get Scent (V useful for a ranger wanting to track), in certain forms.
Get a Swim speed in certain forms.
Get +2 Strength if medium
Get +2 Dex if small
This has to be the one of the best tactical items in the game.
+1 for this. BTW, excellent races to turn into (so far from what I've looked):
small: mite (they get scent, low-light vision, darkvision 120' (though you only get 60')
medium: sasquatch (they get scent, low-light vision, darkvision 60')
^^^ Extremely good for archer builds, who can then use pheromone arrows to mark targets, then lay down dmg after that first pheromone arrow.

![]() |

master arminas wrote:rat_ bastard wrote:As a foodie and a sleep enthusiast I cannot understand the fascination with getting rid of the need to eat and sleep. It would be like replacing one's reproductive need with the ability to send up spores passively. Slipping on a piece of jewelry to remove most of your needs is just weird to me.Wait until some teleportation trap sends you and your party, sans cleric, into the middle of a vast desert with only the food and water you are carrying. I believe in being prepared.
Master Arminas
The Desert is full of life, one merely needs the right skills to capitalize on it.
There's also the role-playing aspect to think of:
Bar Keep: "You there! Buy something or cast your shadow in another tavern."
Suspicious Villager: "He never seems to eat or drink, but I think he does. I think he drinks blood... at night when no one is around. Must be a vampire." Followed later by cries of "burn him at the stake!"
I guess at the end of the day what you use will depend on who you play with, but there are some nasty (clever) GM's out there.
I would take a magical dagger as my one "fits everyone item":
- You can eat with it
- You can stab with it
- You can throw it
- Much easier to conceal/carry/have on you when you need it

Alienfreak |

FuelDrop wrote:Magic Weapons can strike ethereal creatures and thus you suffer only 20% misschance.
This is incorrect.
Unless, of course, your magic weapon is a Sword of the Planes.
Ethereal creatures are incorporeal and thus magic weapons harm them. Its way down in the spell description :P

rat_ bastard |

I guess at the end of the day what you use will depend on who you play with, but there are some nasty (clever) GM's out there.
I would take a magical dagger as my one "fits everyone item":
- You can eat with it
- You can stab with it
- You can throw it
- Much easier to conceal/carry/have on you when you need it
Adamantite saw-back dagger with a hollow pommel (contains a flint), the sheath has a false bottom that contains several fishhooks and a whet stone has been incorporated into the sheath's construction. Its worn on a belt made of braided elven twine.
there, you can hunt, snare game, dig, cut lumber, build shelter, shave and make rudimentary clothing.

FuelDrop |

FuelDrop wrote:Magic Weapons can strike ethereal creatures and thus you suffer only 20% misschance.
This is incorrect.
Unless, of course, your magic weapon is a Sword of the Planes.
you put words in my mouth. this makes me sad. on the messageboards words are all that there is of me, they are my very soul. by misquoting me, deliberately or not, you misrepresent my very soul and essence. this makes me... grumpy.
you won't like me when i'm... grumpy.
Wraithcannon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dream Journal of the Pallid Seer
Buy it, read it, sell it.

Grizzly the Archer |

BTW, its not Mite that you should turn into when small. They are (fey), misread.
The best race to turn into is the Charau-Ka. Found in Inner sea guide, they're Ape-men essentially. You keep your 30ft movement (that's a plus, considering normally small creatures, except goblins, get 20ft movement.) Also, they have all the abilities you would want: scent, low-light vision, dark vision 60'. As for swim speed, its rarely used but their are tons of races that have it. Also, like mentioned before, Sasquatch is the first I saw that had all the abilities, sans swim speed.
Also, for me, my must haves typically fall into the normal must haves that most people get: magic gear, magic primary weapon, +X main stat item, items for each slot, so forth.
But, I always tend to give my characters boots of striding and springing. Their so cheap for what they give you. +10 movement, hell yes please. couple this with boots of speed. monk's, archers, rangers, rogues are as mobile as nascar race cars. Also, I tend to have multiple weapons, but I always have not only a back up weapon, but a third somewhat back p weapon that is different in enhancements. I.e.: +5 composite longbow (mighty +8) w/ seeking, holy, distance ---> primary. 2nd (same, if not, remove holy).. .. 3rd--> +5 comp. longbow (+8) w/ seeking, merciful, huntsman. Now you can either get holy for the last +2, or you can get distance (ehh... rarely need the range) and bane. I know bane arrows are cheaper, however, those are for those moments when you need them. If your going on a specific quest or something, where your gonna use more arrows than you think from bane, your better off getting bane on your weapon. (If your a dragon hunter, or a orc slayer for instance.)

sunbeam |
There's also the role-playing aspect to think of:Bar Keep: "You there! Buy something or cast your shadow in another tavern."
Suspicious Villager: "He never seems to eat or drink, but I think he does. I think he drinks blood... at night when no one is around. Must be a vampire." Followed later by cries of "burn him at the stake!"
I guess at the end of the day what you use will depend on who you play with, but there are some nasty (clever) GM's out there.
In the old days, if a village told a fighter past about 5th level that, he would have laughed and told them if they were feeling froggy, to bring it.
A lot of games had a different idea about the indiscriminate slaughter of villages of peasants then.

sunbeam |
Adamantite saw-back dagger with a hollow pommel (contains a flint), the sheath has a false bottom that contains several fishhooks and a whet stone has been incorporated into the sheath's construction. Its worn on a belt made of braided elven twine.there, you can hunt, snare game, dig, cut lumber, build shelter, shave and make rudimentary clothing.
I really like this one. But what is the whetstone for? Other blades edges? Does Adamantite ever dull? Will a regular whetstone sharpen it?

FallingIcicle |

The ring of sustenance and handy haversack are the two items I buy for nearly every character I play.
For higher levels, I also love the ring of telekinesis. Having one of my favorite spells at-will is nothing short of amazing, and it gives my wizard lots of fun things to do on those many turns that he doesn't want to use one of his prepared spells. There's so many cool things you can do with it, whether it's disarming, tripping, or grappling your foes with your mind, tossing people around like rag dolls, or using the environment as a weapon.

master arminas |

Captain Phoenix wrote:
There's also the role-playing aspect to think of:Bar Keep: "You there! Buy something or cast your shadow in another tavern."
Suspicious Villager: "He never seems to eat or drink, but I think he does. I think he drinks blood... at night when no one is around. Must be a vampire." Followed later by cries of "burn him at the stake!"
I guess at the end of the day what you use will depend on who you play with, but there are some nasty (clever) GM's out there.
In the old days, if a village told a fighter past about 5th level that, he would have laughed and told them if they were feeling froggy, to bring it.
A lot of games had a different idea about the indiscriminate slaughter of villages of peasants then.
Yeah. My 1st edition group would have beaten some respect into that peasant in a heartbeat. And then paid for our fare with fool's gold.
Master Arminas

rat_ bastard |

rat_ bastard wrote:I really like this one. But what is the whetstone for? Other blades edges? Does Adamantite ever dull? Will a regular whetstone sharpen it?
Adamantite saw-back dagger with a hollow pommel (contains a flint), the sheath has a false bottom that contains several fishhooks and a whet stone has been incorporated into the sheath's construction. Its worn on a belt made of braided elven twine.there, you can hunt, snare game, dig, cut lumber, build shelter, shave and make rudimentary clothing.
Adamantite dulls like any other metal, just much slower.

Darkmeer |

My preference, providing the character doesn't have darkvision is a set of Goggles of night along with a Heward's Handy Haversack. Those two items alone make adventuring much easier.
From there, it's usually some form of boot (striding and sprininging), and then things get mundane (magic weapons, masterwork tools, etc.).

Alienfreak |

My preference, providing the character doesn't have darkvision is a set of Goggles of night along with a Heward's Handy Haversack. Those two items alone make adventuring much easier.
From there, it's usually some form of boot (striding and sprininging), and then things get mundane (magic weapons, masterwork tools, etc.).
Right. For every sneaky type the Goggles of the Night are a must.

Franko a |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alienfreak wrote:Adamantine Dragon wrote:Huh, funny. Any time anyone in my party is wearing a ring of mind shielding, I just assume they are evil and act accordingly.So freedom of thoughts and privacy is clearly evil.
Got this.
Its always nice to see how alignment works out it D&D.
Let's see... the comment that led to my response was "I usually am the only evil character in a party of good characters, so the ring of mind shielding is sweet" or something like that.
Another commenter said "that's usually an item used by spies and assassins" or words to that effect.
It's a pretty expensive item.
In my experience Alienfreak, the only characters who use this are evil characters trying to hide their alignment.
Let's say I'm playing a paladin. (I never do, but let's say I am.) I come across a party member wearing one of these rings.
Paladin: "Hey, I notice you have a ring shielding your alignment. Mind taking it off for a minute so I can confirm that I am not adventuring with an evil person?"
Ring wearer: "None of your business. Take off."
Paladin: "Well my friend, I am duty and honor bound to serve only the good, and it has been my experience, and my religious leaders have warned me, that such rings are frequently used to disquise evil alignments. So let's just have that off for a moment and we can go on."
Ring wearer: "I said no."
Paladin: "OK, well, don't mind this, it's just a little love tap with a smite added on. It won't hurt, unless you're evil, and I'll heal you when we're done." *SMITE* "Oh, hey, turns out you were evil after all. Good thing I checked."
Ring wearer: Lets go to the magistrate, I'm charging you with assult with a dealy weapon. You will turn yourself in won't you?

Talon3585 |

Well I never play fighters (except dips) so I am at a lost but I suppose any good weapon / armor and help with S.T's. Also anyway to reach enemies at a distance and in flight.
I do know clerics and here's a MUST HAVE for them...
A Must for all clerics...- Candle of Invocation
** spoiler omitted **- Incense of Meditation
** spoiler omitted **dont forget the Philactry of Positive/Negative Channeling