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Archaeologists are basically rogues with spells and the ability to give themselves a luck bonus. IMO, they are strictly better than a pure rogue.

Archaeologists gain the trap sense and an ability to detect and disarm magical traps, rogue talents and advanced talents (though slower rate than standard rogue), as well as Evasion and Uncanny Dodge.

Archaeologist's Luck counts as a bardic performance for purposes of feats like Lingering Performance and gives a scaling bonus to everything save AC. Since it is a luck bonus it stacks with everything. Only downside is that it is for the bard only.

If you didn't have the rogue then it would be a perfect fit. Since you already have a rogue a standard bard would probably fit the group the best.

Depending on your group's interpretation of Weird Words the Sound Striker archetype from Ultimate Magic can be a damage beast (Extra Performance is actually better on a Sound Striker than Lingering Performance). Dirge Bard is a solid choice if you are playing in an undead heavy campaign. I see a lot of squishies in your group so an Archivist's ability to hand out insight bonuses to AC could prove very useful.

Lingering Performance is going to be one of her most useful feats. Archaeologist is a great archetype that will really help to round out the group. Magician could also be a powerful addition due to all the spell casters in the group.

A reach weapon would be a good option, IMO. Your group has two front line beaters and 3 ranged characters so a character with a spear or polearm would be a good way for the bard to cover a large portion of the battlefield.

Blistering Invective is one of my favorite 2nd level spells. Being able to intimidate every enemy in 30 ft will more than make up for the loss of Inspire Courage that Archaeologist and Magician deprive the group of. Plus it can set people on fire though it will rarely matter. Dazzling Display can do the same if she has the feats to spare and would prefer a full-round action over using her limited spell slots.

Battle Herald is a great prestige class. The DR inspiration and None Shall Fall are my two favorite commands. That second level of Cavalier really killed your spellcasting since you will never get second level spells if you choose to stick with the Herald. If you do go battle herald you will want to pick up Lingering Performance so you can twist your Inspire Courage and whatever command you choose.

Saving Finale, Weaponwand, Liberating Command, and Silent Image would probably be my spell list. I love the versatility of weaponwand since UMD is a class skill for you. Not an efficient use of the spell but I find it fun to stuff a wand of heroism into my sword and knight people just before battle.

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I broke my own brain a little reading the thread title. I was thinking in terms of a Were-wolf Elf which is an elf that turns into a wolf and saw Were-sperm Whale or a whale that turns into sperm and was confused as to what type of campaign you were playing...

An arcane duelist is NOT a caster bard. They don't need high DCs because they shouldn't be focusing on the crowd control spells. Buffs and no-save debuffs are their forte and should be the entirety of their spell list. A 14 charisma is more than enough for an an arcane duelist which helps to limit the MADness. A 14/14/12/8/10/14 build is a good 15 point buy for an arcane duelist who puts a +2 to Str (you need to buy a +2 cha item by the time you reach 13th level to cast all your spells, easily done).

I am not sure of the official ruling on stat books, but I've always ruled that since each +1 costs 27,500 then there is no difference between reading five +1 books and a single +5 book (or any combination in between).

Weaponwand from Inner Sea Magic is a pretty versatile combat spell. You can put a wand into your weapon and use your katana as either in a turn.

Tap Inner Beauty can help with social skill checks.

Saving Finale (and all the other Finale spells) are always a good choice.

>tfw_no_pf wrote:

How does Eldritch Knight work, exactly? I've considered it for other characters, but I'm not sure how well it would fit here. Like I said, I'm not trying to be a 50/50 swords 'n' spells guy, more a 70/30 sword and board with a few ice puns.

I have seen the awesome effects of skills like Inspire Courage, so I just might go into bard. I hadn't thought of it and since the class has had no prior appeal to me, I don't know much. I'll have to do a little research.

Are you sure lame would be a good curse? I get that it lets me ignore the fatigue induced by raging, but gosh, that's five levels in and a significant blow to my movespeed. Tongues may not give me as awesome a bonus, but it also doesn't give me as big a smack, either. 'Specially if someone else knows Aklo. Legalistic might also work.

I'll have to do some research when I get home from work...

Tongues is thematic, but your curse is determined by your oracle level plus half your non oracle levels so if you take the oracle dip at level 9 you qualify for the fifth level curse ability automatically. This means with lame you rage cycle at 9 instead of 20. You can get plenty of magic items to boost your move speed if you're worried about it.

I am downloading People of the North now, so can give more detailed information once I read through it, but off the top of my head if you want to multiclass then given the options listed I would recommend sorcerer. This gives you the option of entering Eldritch Knight later on.

EDIT: Ok, after reading the People of the North and looking at your character's stats, etc. have you considered going with a few bard levels? The Savage Skald in particular would complement your character very well. You will gain some of the bard's spells and a couple of useful performances in Inspire Courage and Inspiring Blow.

Oracle would be great to dip into at level 9 as well for the lame curse to allow you to rage cycle faster.

Skill Focus (Use Magic Device) so the dragon can reach the wand's DC faster.

You might want to look into the bonded feats from Rite Publishing such as Companion Cache. Or if your familiar is using wands, he could use Wand Casting.

two weapon fighting with two finesse weapons is a huge feat tax, not to mention pointless for a duelist whose special abilities all revolve around a single
weapon with a free hand.

Weapon finesse, weapon focus, and piranha strike with the rapier would be sufficient and allow him to drop his strength, wisdom and charisma to buy a natural sixteen dex.

10/16+2/13/14/10/12 would be a better stat array. Using the human bonus to skills and the favored class bonus to skills that is six skill points per level. Acrobatics, bluff, perception, knowledge local, and two others would cover all his bases. The +2 int mod will come in handy for the duelist. Get an agile rapier into his hands asap.

Two Cr 7 encounters back to back and you wonder what went wrong? Sounds you and your group want two different types of games, you want hack and slash and they want something more along the lines of political intrigue. I would suggest.finding a new group and they find a new Dm.

Edit: slow phone. ninjad by three posts...

When I used to play a malkavian in vtm it was all about pranking. Give him a title that can have two meanings. An example would be Just. When he is on your good side you will introduce him as the Just (character name), but when he annoys you you will introduce your group first then say "ooh and that's just (character name).

Prestidigitation a "Bite Me" sign on the back of his armor then go find goblins.

If he sleeps in his own room at night use Ghost Sound to whisper doubts and blasphemies into his bed while he's falling asleep.

Take the Oracle as your lover.

Yeah, sounds like he house ruled it. Too bad :(

For a melee bard I would pick any race with a +2 bonus to strength.

20 point buy:

Str 16+2 (10 points)
Dex 14 (5 points)
Con 14 (5 points)
Int 10 (0 points)
Wis 8 (-2 points)
Cha 12 (2 points)

Put your level ups in Charisma and you will never run into problems with being unable to cast your spells. You should be focusing on buffs, not charms and control spells. Spells like Heroism, Saving Finale, and (my personal favorite bard spell) Blistering Invective will increase your ability to hit or survive. Spells like Weaponwand and Bladed Dash can increase your combat versatility and maneuverability. If you ever find yourself just taking up a square, use your Aid Another.

With the low charisma you will definitely want to take Lingering Performance to triple your daily use of performances.

Trading two traits for a feat? What rulebook is that in?! Because then with the anti-hero rules you can have 5 feats at level 1...

Truesight wrote:

Using the Aasimar favoured class bonus and Banner of Ancient Kings his Inspire Courage is +4/+4 swift action at level 9 (9 levels +4 Favoured class, +4 Banner of Ancient Kings), as opposed to 17, and the banner adds a further +2/+2.

Neither the Banner of Ancient Kings nor the Aasimar favored bonus applied to Inspire Courage affects the activation of a performance, they only increase the bonus granted by Inspire Courage. At level 9 you still need to spend a move action to activate Inspire Courage, but the bonus is determined as if you were level 17. You could activate it as a swift action at level 13 as normal.

Do what they did in the comics - time remaining is your currency. You can buy and sell time remaining like you would gold pieces. Since the prisoners are sentenced to several life sentences 1g = 1 day.

I am with MiniGM on the skills. 5 skills seems high and with two of the most powerful skills in the game getting the bonus it just seems way over powered. 3-4 skills seems to be the standard for archetypes. Or keep the five skills and limit the usefulness of the Perception and Sense Motive. For example, sense motive might only gain the bonus to discerning hidden messages (Victorian England had lots of secret societies with their own jargons).

Does the sword cane and war razor proficiency replace any of the bard's standard proficiencies such as the whip?

It is not reasonable at all.

While the concept is interesting, it looks like the designers said "Higher level spells are cool, so we don't want to touch those! And we can't swap out bard abilities, because those are awesome too! I know! Delay the spells known for the weaker spells! Brilliant!!!" If an archetype is going to reduce spells known, it should reduce it across all spell levels.

Instead I would propose leaving spells alone and incorporating the following.

Mysterious Stranger would replace Bardic Knowledge. Though since it reads more like an NPC only ability - and as you said, more flavorful than useful - I would probably do away with it all together.

Resist Death's Touch should instead replace Well-Versed. They are roughly equivalent.

Many Lives effectively grants a player immortality. That strikes me as being closer to a capstone ability than a low-mid level PC. The player should get it at level 16 and it replaces Jack of All Trades. I chose 16 because that is when Jack of All Trades upgrades and is about when other classes get Timeless Body (Druids 15, monks 17).

Tongues is a second level spell which bards get at 4th level and does the same thing that the Tongue of Sun and Moon is doing. I would have the bard spend 1 round of performance for each 10 mins he/she wanted it active and have it replace suggestion and mass suggestion.

Order of the Dragon can be a +6 at 20th level. Inspiring commanders can add their int bonus to that as well. So, you're looking at a +7 at least, possibly +10 or higher.

Improved Aid Another
With quick, distracting swipes, you are able to aid multiple allies
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can attempt an Aid Another action to affect all allies in range. Make an attack roll against an AC 10, plus five for each additional ally you wish to aid. If successful you divide the bonus granted by your Aid Another equally (rounding down) among all affected allies.
Normal: Aid Another is a standard action and may only affect one ally.

I made this feat for a Helpful Halfling in my campaign who likes to bring glory to others. Order of the Dragon cavaliers I think would enjoy this too. And Inspiring Commander archetypes. Really, anyone that has a way of getting more than the standard +2 to AA would benefit from this feat.

I also recommend a bard. An Order of the Dragon cavalier is also a good choice given that they too are focused on aiding their allies. I don't know what level PFS goes up to each season, but for a character that likes to aid others and support his allies so that they shine and achieve glory, you really can't do much better than a Battle Herald, IMO.

Guildhall: The Crucible

Crimson Bastards
Fire-Forged Fangs
Righteous Fire
Scarlet Sentinels
Dragon Guard
Society of the Scarlet Swords
Fraternal Order of the Forge (if all PCs are male)

What is the race? If he's already a small race, I would probably say no because tiny characters have always given me a headache. Does he want to do it because he wants a familiar and an animal companion?

His enchantments would be very very powerful, but that isn't all that bad considering how many creatures are immune to mind affecting.

He may have just been drunk because I am not seeing anything too powerful from this combination. But it would make a great adventure, tracking down a powerful sylvan that could warp the sorcerer's very blood and soul to grant the sorcerer the power he desires.

Khrysaor wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Khrysaor wrote:


A level 5 wizard can cast fireball. A wizard4/sorcerer1 cannot. The multiclass has less chance to defeat SR. The multiclass has less spells. The multiclass has less power.

This is not optimal and doesn't maximize the character. It definitely doesn't fit the accepted definition of power gamer.

Defining "power gaming" for a character level 5 wizard/sorcerer as "being able to cast fireball" is not a full picture of the character.

Having a level of sorcerer provides an entire class worth of benefits. Whether those benefits offset losing a level of spellcasting is entirely dependent on what the player is attempting to optimize.

And even if a wizard4/sorcerer1 is somewhat less than a wizard5, a wizard5/sorcerer1 could well be so much better than wizard6 that the player is willing to take a short term hit for a longer term gain.

The definition of power gamer hasn't changed. It's a word that carries a definition based on a player, not the character.

Having one less level of wizard removes a lot too. In this example you're short one feat, 3rd level spells, CL5, the ability required to start making wands or magic arms and armor.

The wizard6 still has more spells at a higher tier, has a better ability to penetrate SR, the higher caster level to make +2 weapons and armor. The power of a straight classed character will forever be out of reach to the class that dipped. You have to sacrifice something in order to dip.

This specific example only applies if said wizard is a Diviner. (I really couldn't find a bloodline that really fit Divination) Also, you aren't short 1 feat as Sorcerer dip gives you Eschew Materials for free. Furthermore, you can take a trait to make your CL +2 with a max CL equal to your HD so a dipped wizard is still CL5. Plus Wiz4/Sor1 has +2 to his will save over a Wiz5 which is like getting Iron Will for free.

A counter example for the Wiz4/Sor1 (Cross-blooded) that would be more powerful than a strait Wiz would be Enchanter Wizard with Fey/Infernal bloodline (my mom was a gnome, my dad was her imp familiar, and I'm super lovable!). I would gladly wait a level for +2 to the DCs of all my charm and compulsion spells that will stack with my Spell Focus feats.

How about an admixture Evoker that dips Orc/Dragon for more damage? This evoker with a fire dragon bloodline using Burning Arc deals 5d6+10 damage to his primary target and 2d6+4 to a secondary target plus two more to your choice of either. Static damage is always better than variable damage and this evoker will likely deal more damage than a Wiz5 shooting off a single fireball (unless the enemies are mindless idiots and are all clumped together with a giant bullseye painted on them), plus this evoker doesn't need to worry about aiming around his friends with Burning Arc. Even if the target resists fire damage your admixture can change it to something else and you will still get the damage bonus from evocation school and orc bloodline.

A transmuter may take a protean/aberrant dip or possibly verdant. Abjurers would like a dreamspun, conjurers really like abyssal (since you are more likely to fight evil characters than good giving your summons DR/good is more valuable than DR/evil), and illusionists might enjoy the shadow bloodline. Even Universalists could get a lot of mileage out of the arcane bloodline.

Some may wait to take the cross-blooded dip as their capstone opting for faster spell progression, others will enjoy slower spell progression to squeeze the maximum use out of the spells they currently enjoy. The bonus feat at level 20 that is the Wizard capstone really isn't all that impressive. You miss out on the chance to gain Immortality, 1 BAB (lol wizard attacks), 1 8th lvl spell, 1 9th level spell. You gain +1 will and the bloodline arcana of up to two schools.

I AM a power-gamer and I will usually dip Sor, though usually just as my capstone at the end of a campaign. Since you don't actually need to cast any of the Sorcerer spells (and why would you at higher levels?) and you don't need a minimum charisma to qualify for the class like in older editions of D&D, you can take a level dip in Sor with your 7 Cha wizard.

If DimDoor simply uses the remaining charges in your staff you don't need to charge it to 10. A single charge would suffice.

Tripping quickly ceases to be a viable maneuver as the enemies begin to fly and get larger and larger or even immune to trips. If you are in a campaign with mostly humanoid creatures it remains viable longer. Grappling is a better maneuver than tripping IMO because it stays viable much longer.

A maneuver master may be better suited to this style of play than a martial artist. If you want to do a maneuver build you don't want archery. Either of the other fighting styles would be better. Natural weapons lend themselves to a grapple style and two-weapon techniques are good for disarm styles.

Why monk/ranger? What does the class combination allow you to do that pure monk or pure ranger doesn't? What do you see your character doing in and out of combat?

One of the best definitions of good and evil (especially as it relates to the alignment system) came from this strip.

Pendagast wrote:
So in the beginning, you rolled stats, and chose a character class that you could pull off with it.

And still I have yet to roll up a 1st edition bard with this method.

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I really wish cure spells and the like had remained necromancy spells. Healing being a subschool of conjuration never made any sense to begin with. Then nobody would think twice about LG necromancers.

This thread reminds me why I always play a character that can cast undetectable alignment.

My last campaign I was a LE battle herald in a party with a paladin, 3 other good characters, and a CN character.

Everyone viewed the CN character as the "clearly evil" one because of his menacing nature and desire to kill first and ask questions later. While my character would resort to intimidation and (if the paladin wasn't looking) torture to get information we needed. I wasn't above using the CN to assist me in my interrogations either. "Look, I want to help you, but you need to help me. I just want some answers to a few simple questions. Do that and you get to go home to your wife and child. If you don't want to answer my questions, you will need to answer the orc's questions, and the last person we let him interrogate went home missing a foot. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of these carpets? So, which is it going to be? My questions or his?"

My buffs made me more desired to the group than mr. smashy-face-orc. And the entire group saw me as more of a team player than the CN orc. The paladin constantly feared that she would fall, not because of adventuring with me, the only evil one, but because of the orc's wanton violence. Everyone in the group at one point or another butted heads with that PC.

Despite my character selling into slavery those we rescued, making deals with devils, making liberal use of the Visions of Hell spell, theft, and murders, it wasn't me that the rest of the group was plotting to get rid of, it was the orc.

The point of all this is to illustrate that just because the necromancer in your group is listed as LE, doesn't mean that you should automatically jump to pulling out your sword and threatening him. The necromancer is using the enemy's resources against them and you wanted to kill him for it? Are you going to chop off somebody's head for drinking a potion of cure light wounds that they looted off a dead foe? Remember, you are a supposed to be a good character; which, in this game, means that you invade people's homes, kill them, and take all their stuff.

You have a great in-character reason to be wary of the necromancer and his undead, but you don't need to jump straight to violence. Hell, be sneaky about your dislike and blow your AoO's on his minions whenever they leave one of your threatened squares. Have your DM make the rolls behind the screen so the necro player doesn't catch on quickly. It will force the player to spend more resources into his animations which will leave him less resources to defend himself with. It would only be a matter of time until he dies because he raised one too many undead. It is passive agressive pvp where you don't actually attack the other player (unless he becomes a lich, then all bets are off).

Pendagast wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Pendagast wrote:

well dipping and multi class are technically different things.

For example: Battle herald, I havent found a sound reason or build that would lead me to having more levels of bard than just one.... requires a dip.

It's entirely valid to take bard to 8 for battle herald. There's only 1 more BAB drop than a dip and you get dirge of doom. Also, you get enough third level castings to Good Hope important battles. You're dipping Cavalier instead, but that's because multiclassing is weak.

Multiclassing's weakness is what leads to dips. If you need some ability from another class to get into a PrC or make your concept work you have to dip because a near equal multiclass will almost invariably suck.

the PrC doesnt do anything or carry bard any further unlike other PrCs. It's cavalier-0-centric once you get into the PrC its battle herald/cavvy.... no bonus to bard stuff, it's just a weasly entry level requirement. With the exception of inspire courage and inspire greatness, there is no carry over the the original bard dip. No stacking no continued advancement, so unlike other PrCs that blend a multiclass character into something else and take select abilities and continue to carry them through leveling.... battle herald doesn't.

I disagree with this statement. While the PrC doesn't do anything to advance bard spellcasting, it does advance the bard's performances.

Battle Herald levels stack with Bard levels to determine Inspire Courage's bonus, so 7 levels of Bard will get you level 3 spells and the maximum of +4 inspire courage. (Exactly like how it progresses Banner and your uses of Tactician)

It lets you use your Inspiring Commands for Inspire Courage and Inspire Greatness, allowing you to use your Bardic Performances for Dirge of Doom or Inspire Competence to further augment your allies' combat abilities. I believe this is more important than gaining a slightly faster use of Tactician.

Since you will most likely want your second level order ability, you gain Inspire Greatness. (Exactly like how the PrC gives Demanding Challenge)

Since you need Perform (Oratory), taking Bard 2 is a no-brainer since you will gain versatile performance Oratory and this synergizes really well with Voice of Authority and your ability to cast tongues. Get your 5 ranks in Diplomacy to qualify for the PrC and then never worry about the skill again.

Lastly, with Inspire Hardiness and None Shall Fall, the various commands you can issue feel a lot more bard-y than cavalier-o-centric.

As a Bard 8/Cavalier 2 you gain a lot more than you give up if you went Cavalier 9/Bard 1. You loose one daily use of Tactician, one teamwork feat, 8th level order ability (really depends on the order, but most are crap or only situationally useful) and cavalier's charge. I am not including expert trainer because how often does mount training happen in game? It usually takes place during downtime. You gain 3rd level spells (Haste, Good hope), more performances and more importantly ROUNDS of performances, versatile performance, lore master, and inspire competence.

What was the baby's name?

If it was Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All then clearly he was chaotic neutral or possibly CE.

If he prefers to be called Alfie probably true neutral or CG.

Try this then: .html

Just scroll down until you find the Eldritch Knight guide.

Take humanoid (shapechanger) as your second favored enemy focusing on hunting down wererats and use silvered vermin bane weapons at all times. Take a cat as your hunter's bond to track and kill said rats. Favored terrain is urban.

Ask your DM if you are able to research cross-class arcane spells. Bladed Dash (from Inner Sea Magic) being verbal only would be a great second level spell.

Some useful feats would be Arcane Armor Training and Arcane Armor Mastery. Both use a swift action and reduce your arcane spell failure chance when casting in armor. Since you are either casting or attacking with your blade Arcane Armor and Arcane Strike won't interfere with each other.

Since the Keen Elven Curve Blade has a wonderful crit range you may want to consider the various critical feats. Bleeding Critical and Exhausting Critical are great.

Arcane Blast and Arcane Shield are other feats to look into. Since you most likely don't want to be focusing on spells that offer a saving throw you can sacrifice spells slots to deal up to 11d6 damage as a ray attack as a standard action or get up to a +9 deflection bonus to AC for a round as an immediate. If a successful knowledge check (or a little metagaming) reveals that the enemy will likely save against your spells you might as well put them to use in a different manner.

Still Spell and Quicken Spell are the best choices for metamagic feats, IMO.

Take a look at this guide too: uZ6Y/edit

magikot wrote:
Bladed dash from inner sea magic and weaponwand from the same book are twerp good low level spells. weapon wand lets you store a wand in your weapon so you can use your klar as either for a few rounds. Bladed dash lets you move and attack. Starting with a high dex you're better off with a finesse weapon like scimitars.

I need to stop posting from my phone it would seem...]

Bladed dash from inner sea magic and weaponwand from the same book are twerp good low level spells. weapon wand lets you store a wand in your weapon so you can use your klar as either for a few rounds. Bladed dash lets you move and attack. Starting with a high dex you're better off with a finesse weapon like scimitars.

Whenever I DM, I allow wizards and sorcerers to research any spell that shows up on the Bard, Summoner, or Witch list with the only rule being that they cannot learn early access spells like a second level Haste. 1,000 gp per level of the spell, 1 week of research per level (8 hr days so they pretty much aren't adventuring at that time), at the end of each week the wizard must succeed on a Knowledge (Aracana) and Spellcraft check each with a DC of 15 + 2x(Spell level). If they fail on a check then they make no progress that week but still loose the 1,000 gp.

This is why I removed the Lawful Good restriction from Paladins and instead gave them the same alignment restrictions as Clerics and Inquisitors in games I DM.

Clerics - The religious heart of a Diety's clergy.
Paladin - The righteous arm of a Diety's clergy.
Inquisitors - The zealous soul of a Diety's clergy.

By removing the LG restriction, the paladin has about as much chance of falling as the other two.

If you are going to have any player that can loose everything with an alignment shift (especially a paladin!) talk to the player before the game starts about how often they would like to face fall scenarios. If they want to face it often once every level or two would be reasonable. If they don't want to face a fall scenario very often, every 4-6 levels they should be tempted to fall. If they NEVER want to face a fall scenario they should roll a new character.

Halfling court bard named Patsworth Yogglebottom. You call him Patsy for short. (pun intended)

I have a couple of builds I will work on in the coming days to share with everyone. They are an update to a battle herald I posted about a year ago, an order of the staff cavalier turned Eldritch knight, an arcane duelist bard who believes herself to be a paladin of shelyn.

An Archivist Bard would be a good cohort since their inspire courage replacement (Naturalist) provides an insight bonus and so stacks with your normal inspire courage.

"Granting benefits for acting under charms and compulsions" so cast Heroism (a compulsion effect) on the Cavalier and watch him charge smash things into itty-bity pieces? That sounds like fun :)

Inspiring Commander Order of the Dragon cavalier, Archivist bard, Wizard/Sorcerer, something that sticks pointy things in the enemies.

Cavalier inspires courage as a bard providing competence bonuses to attack and damage then uses aid another on teammates, archivist bard can easily pass monster knowledge checks providing insight bonuses to attack and ac and has spells to further augment allies (as well as heals). Wizard/Sorcerer controls the battlefield while the last member of the team cuts everything down to size due to massive bonuses.

I am making an Order of the Dragon cavalier and was wondering if taking the Helpful trait would make the level 2 feature a +5 bonus to Aid Another. Thanks :)

My group had me just rolling once for the intimidation check.

Debuff bards have a lot of trouble against mindless creatures.

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