While it's not quite reach, what if you used a flying familiar to deliver the spell? Maybe the lunge feat would help? But that's not available until 9th lv, and only gives you another 5 feet.
By "balanced", I just meant that my stats were more balanced and that I would fight in melee until around 7th lv. Sorry for the confusion.
I'll try to explain what I'd like from the character. For spells, I'd like mostly buffs and area control, with a few damage options. The standard action summoning just sounded too good to pass up, but I could drop it if there is a better option. I'd like to keep wild shaping because it sounds like it would be very versatile and useful. So maybe a combat build would be worth considering.
At the higher lvs (10+) which would be better, a combat or a caster druid?
I think I like the bonuses for Milani more than the reroll. As for bless weapon that's not bad but we have a large party. Even with all the extra channels I have from 2 pools of it I don't think I'll have enough for that as well.
As for kitsune, it's not bad.to get those spell like abilities but wouldnt it be better to have an extra feat earlier for going human or custom race?
Another feat is always nice to have, but unless you're going for a feat heavy build, you could always do without it. I think I'd go for the kitsune, better racials, and you get all those sla's.
Yes the HP boost is retroactive. Ankylosaurs really need it.
So, yes to 14 additional hit points with the size increase?
I don't know how many people you need to say yes, but yes.
no one confirmed with a solid yes. just affirmation that con bonus grants retroactive hp. For all i know, it could have been only 7 HP.
BNW answered with a solid yes, so I don't know how we could be any clearer about it. And you said yourself that you got a +4 to con, which is a mod of +2, so you would retroactively gain +2 hp per HD.
I don't think it was ever expanded upon, besides "wizard spends gold". So I'd suggest to ask your GM if you can learn a spell from a scroll out in the field.
"An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist." APG.
If drinking is casting then I would say that their Intelligence at that point (for better or worse) would be what's relevant. If nothing else, remember that Wizards have to prepare their spells in the morning too, but it's their Int at the point of casting that sets tne DC.
I agree. The way I see it is, the alchemist is a prepared caster, just like the wizard. So I'd think it would function just like it does for any other prepared caster.
Why do you want to be a rogue? If it's a flavor/fluff/rp thing, you could get the samething with another class, while generally contributing more to the party. If you want to play a stealthy, assassin like character, might I suggest the slayer class? I believe it will offer you almost everything that the rogue does, and even more.
As secret wizard said, rogues require much more system mastery than any other class. Making them more difficult to build and play than they seem.
I'm going to bed, so I'll keep this short for now.
If extracts don't function like potions, then what do they function as? Unless you have a way of "drinking defensively", it seems clear to me that drinking one, would provoke.
Unless you took an archetype that trades out eschew materials, you don't need a spell component pouch. If a spell requires materials with a listed gold cost, you need to buy those. But this doesn't require a spell component pouch either. And foci are different than material components.
I agree with beopere. I read and understood "this" as referring to the total distance moved with dimensional slide. But otherwise, I agree that it cannot be used in a grapple.
The swashbuckler automatically gets swashbuckler finesse which is a version of weapon finesse.
Yes, and that allows you to use dex to hit. But to use dex for damage, you would need the slashing grace feat, which requires weapon focus in that weapon.
Every class from core, APG, UC, UM, ACG is allowed, as well as most archetypes. You can see what is and isn't allowed here. http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/additionalResources
The bonus feat? It is not required, but is good to have.
Maybe instead of a Fighter as your martial component, what if you went Swashbuckler? You can rely more on your Dexterity that way if you also get Slashing Grace.
Slashing grace requires weapon focus, and I don't think I can get both feats without dropping something. Also with slashing grace, can you use a weapon 2-handed?
Im guessing he meant start with spell caster levels then snag the fighter lv?
I dobt see any big benefit.. maybe if you were starting at lv 1.. but even then id like the nice intial boost..
What arw you gonna do with Armour and spell fail chance?
Ah, then no. Taking fighter at lv 1 would give me a little more hp and something to do when I'm out of spells, as well as a slightly higher bab and a boost to fort saves.
For armor, I was thinking of going armorless, and use spells like mage armor, mirror image, and displacement etc for defense.
I am interested in making an EK for PFS. My original plan was fighter 1/teleportation wizard 1/EK 10 (from early entry via the aasimars daylight). But after reading about the blade adept, I'm curious how this would work out, and if it would be better than my original plan.
My plan for arcanist so far is as follows.
Perikin aasimar
str 15
dex 13
con 14
int 16
wis 12
cha 10
Traits: Blade of Mercy, Bruising Intellect. Take additional traits, get magical knack and something else.
Since the blade adept loses their first 2 exploits at lvs 1 and 3. I am not able to take extra exploit until I've become a 5th lv arcanist, correct?
Some exploits I'm interested in.
Dimensional Slide - Sounds like it could be fun and powerful.
School Understanding - To get teleportation's shift ability, then I would no longer have to worry about being grappled.
Arcane Accuracy - Would help with my lower hit bonus.
Eldritch Blade
With the retraining rules, I could later retrain power attack to get another exploit, since (as far as I'm aware) you just need to qualify for the feat at the time of retraining. Then I could choose power attack as my EK bonus feat. Or maybe go with improved initiative instead of power attack.
Haven't decided on a weapon, but it would have to be a 1 handed slashing weapon, preferably with a high crit range. So probably a scimitar or cutlass.
A few things I will not change, aasimar race, enforcer feat and the blade of mercy/bruising intellect traits. But the rest I am open to suggestions and advice on how to improve this.
I might do 1/20th if the item had to be used like a potion or scroll. So you would have to waste a separate action to get the spell back, and then another action to cast it.
But that is exactly how pearls of power work. They require a command word to active, which is a standard action.
For a one time use pearl, I'd say 10-15% of the cost of a normal pearl would be fine.
As posted in my original post, I'm already aware of the text that was cited several times.
We are not trying to use or make a large longsword. The barbarian in question wants to treat his regular greatsword as a large longsword so that he can use it in a grapple. So really, it wouldn't need to be a longsword. He wants "the best weapon he can use in one hand" from his greatsword. I know this is NOT covered in the section of text that I cited. I'm wondering if a different section of text covers treating a weapon as a different size category.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if this isn't covered in the rules, but, again, what the barbarian wants isn't really what's covered in the cited text.
Sounds like you're looking for a houserule then. You can not use a greatsword in one hand unless you have the titan mauler archetype.
And even if you could wield the weapon in one hand, you still can't use it in a grapple, because it's not a light weapon or natural attack.
When you're grappled, I thought you were only prevented from doing anything that required 2 hands.
As posted in my original post, I'm already aware of the text that was cited several times.
We are not trying to use or make a large longsword. The barbarian in question wants to treat his regular greatsword as a large longsword so that he can use it in a grapple. So really, it wouldn't need to be a longsword. He wants "the best weapon he can use in one hand" from his greatsword. I know this is NOT covered in the section of text that I cited. I'm wondering if a different section of text covers treating a weapon as a different size category.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if this isn't covered in the rules, but, again, what the barbarian wants isn't really what's covered in the cited text.
Sounds like you're looking for a houserule then. You can not use a greatsword in one hand unless you have the titan mauler archetype.
Crafting of any type is not allowed, unless it is specifically stated otherwise. An alchemist is allowed to craft alchemical items and poisons. And you are able to upgrade an arcane bonded item. But as far as I'm aware, that is all that's allowed.
If I'm playing a class that only needs 1-2 good stats (such as an arcane caster), then I'd get their main stat to 17 (after mods). If I'm playing something else, then I won't go above a 15.
Con is always 14, unless I have something specific planned.
If you get toughness at 6th lv, you get 6 hp, plus 1 more for every lv you gain afterwards. At lv20, the feat will give you 20hp, regardless of when you take it.
If it's on your class formula list you can use it without a problem. It's only for spell completion items (such as scrolls), that you would need UMD for.
why? what's the difference between holding a one handed weapon and holding a two handed weapon? He's not needing to wield either while doing the bomb deal.
Because bombs count as ranged attacks, and you can't attack with a second weapon while both hands are occupied. You can take a hand off your 2H weapon to do other things (like cast a spell) but not to whip out a dagger an then continue attacking with the 2H weapon during the same attack routine.
You don't need Multiattack because all of your naturals are primary; as long as you don't take out a manufactured weapon all of them will be hitting at full BAB.
Your horns are a gore attack, which will have to come from Fiend Totem so you want that as your first rage power. You're also going to want the Suspicious rage power to assist your will saves.
would the multi-attack give me, Horn/claw/claw??? vrs just Horns?
No, multi attack doesn't grant amy additional attacks.
If you're making a full attack, you can use all of your natural attacks.
@Some Random Dood i don't understand your build at first level, why unarmed fighter? Why monkey style?
Thanks for your advices!!
Unarmed fighter loses medium and heavy armor and trades their bonus feat for imp unarmed strike and 1 style feat of your choice. Now as an EK, you won't be using anything more than light armor due to spell failure. So losing armor doesn't bother me. Unarmed strike means you're always armed and can make a decent back up weapon. With monkey style, you won't take any penalties while prone. But, I'm open to suggestions if you know of a better style feat that works while wielding a weapon.
Like I said, it may not be the most optimized. But it should work pretty well.
You just need an item called an alchemy crafting kit, it's the alchemist equivalent of the spell component pouch. The kit has all you need for your class features, unless it lists a gold cost.