Damocles Guile |
Today what are the top 3 best/most effective classes in Pathfinder? Also, does anyone know where I can find great builds for these classes?
Thanks in advance!
The answer to this obviously depends on what level range you are considering... if you are thinking PFS play where your ceiling is 12th level then I'd probably say Master Summoner and then a well-made Barbarian or Paladin. If you'e talking 12th level and higher only then the Wizard is a no-brainer.
cnetarian |
My estimate is the TWF pistolero cheese monkey is the most powerful damage dealing class, he can do almost as much damage as a wizard and can do it all night long unlike a 30 Seconds of Combat per Day Wizard.
A summoner is also pretty good, but a well cheesed, erg built, TWF pistolero can outperform one. And can do it longer, although both can last much longer than a 30 Second Wizard.
Damocles Guile |
My estimate is the TWF pistolero cheese monkey is the most powerful damage dealing class, he can do almost as much damage as a wizard and can do it all night long unlike a 30 Seconds of Combat per Day Wizard.
A summoner is also pretty good, but a well cheesed, erg built, TWF pistolero can outperform one. And can do it longer, although both can last much longer than a 30 Second Wizard.
Master Summoner would bury him. I've got a Barbarian I suspect would as well. And probably a Paladin for that matter... which is good, I suppose, as guns have never had a place in my fantasy games. More to the point, being able to deal the most damage is far from being 'the best class' - I'd say being the most survivable would be more likely to fit the bill.
notabot |
Eh, I'm not a big fan of the plague of cheese monkey label use I've been seeing so much lately.
Also, I don't get where wizards are being compared to a dedicated damage dealing class. A wizard who builds for damage is a waste of a good class for abilities that other classes can do without jumping through so many hoops that wizards have to do to get the "cheese monkey" levels of damage.
What amount of DPR is the pistolero doing and at what levels? I mean the HP totals that monsters have go up quite a bit as you get higher, and ideally a damage dealing character needs to be able to 1-2 rounds an CR = APL monster. Most of the gunslingers do a bit more than that, but when you calculate the lost shots due to misfires and misses (range, cover, misc). its usually not any better than the more famous melee builds or even the bow paladin or fighter builds.
IMHO the best class shouldn't be as limited as a pure damage dealer. The evangelist cleric of erastil with boon companion and sacred summons might take that further than even I like though! I mean, druid quality animal companion, bard performance, standard action lantern archons and hound archons, if you take protection alt channel you can boost party AC... That and you could say that they qualify for the various moonlight/sunlight summons due to the domain summon natures ally. Oh, the longbow proficiency is a nice little bonus too. Since its a party friend/summoner rather than attack cleric that means you can skimp on the wisdom a bit, letting you buy a decent combat score too (only need good dex due to bow and body guard).
Humphrey Boggard |
Eh, I'm not a big fan of the plague of cheese monkey label use I've been seeing so much lately.
Me too. That's why I've switched over to "min-maxed cheese weasel". There's even a great cheese weasel logo we can use here that suggests we set aside a day (April 3rd) for especially cheese weaselly builds.
mplindustries |
Yeah, the best classes are still any full caster.
I'm not a fan of it, but in any game based on 3rd edition D&D, Magic > No magic, and More Magic > Less Magic.
Paragon Surge, Pages of Spell Knowledge, and similar items propped up the spontaneous casters, so I am pretty sure they're all equal now (and I'd unquestionably prefer to be spontaneous as I find it more fun).
The only class that trumps these general rules is the Summoner.
So, the "three best classes" are actually seven classes tied:
Cleric, Druid, Oracle, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch, and Wizard
andreww |
The Human Racial Heritage (Half Elf) Paragon Surge using Sorcerer or Oracle can certainly eclipse their prepared casting cousins towards the mid and upper levels where level 3 slots cease to matter as a resource.
The Wizard/Cleric/Druid still retain a bit more flexibility from day to day but in a single adventuring day having spontaneous access to your entire spell list cant be beaten.
As a Human you have more than enough spells to deal with any generic situation and the ability to react to new or surprising situations. Prepared casters can do the same with scrolls but that does start to get pricey at the upper levels.
Gnoll Bard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
notabot wrote:Eh, I'm not a big fan of the plague of cheese monkey label use I've been seeing so much lately.Me too. That's why I've switched over to "min-maxed cheese weasel". There's even a great cheese weasel logo we can use here that suggests we set aside a day (April 3rd) for especially cheese weaselly builds.
That... is glorious. It will surely bring me years of joy. Thank you so much!
Also, bards are the best. Lem told me so; he made a very pursuasive argument.
cnetarian |
Master Summoner would bury him. I've got a Barbarian I suspect would as well. And probably a Paladin for that matter... which is good, I suppose, as guns have never had a place in my fantasy games. More to the point, being able to deal the most damage is far from being 'the best class' - I'd say being the most survivable would be more likely to fit the bill.
Nonsense as far as the Barb is concerned, never be able to lay a paw on a gunslinger.
A gunslinger is so SAD that with a 10 point character buy she can still afford an 18 DEX before racial adjustment and not worry. Instead of just having the enchants of weapons a gunslinger can get the effects of enchants on both weapons AND bullets. Twice as many attacks as any other class (two bullets for each attack using double barreled pistols cheese), with bonus ammo enchant effects, attacking touch AC - it adds up to a pretty hefty chunk of damage. On the survival side the AC comes from DEX, but gunslingers get a class based AC bonus as well as uncanny dodge, evasion improved uncanny dodge and re-rolls on missed saving throws - all as part of the class. Oh and they also get an initiative bonus to their massive DEX, so opponents have to survive a hail of lead before the gunslinger can even be attacked.
Damocles Guile |
Damocles Guile wrote:Master Summoner would bury him. I've got a Barbarian I suspect would as well. And probably a Paladin for that matter... which is good, I suppose, as guns have never had a place in my fantasy games. More to the point, being able to deal the most damage is far from being 'the best class' - I'd say being the most survivable would be more likely to fit the bill.
Nonsense as far as the Barb is concerned, never be able to lay a paw on a gunslinger.
A gunslinger is so SAD that with a 10 point character buy she can still afford an 18 DEX before racial adjustment and not worry. Instead of just having the enchants of weapons a gunslinger can get the effects of enchants on both weapons AND bullets. Twice as many attacks as any other class (two bullets for each attack using double barreled pistols cheese), with bonus ammo enchant effects, attacking touch AC - it adds up to a pretty hefty chunk of damage. On the survival side the AC comes from DEX, but gunslingers get a class based AC bonus as well as uncanny dodge, evasion improved uncanny dodge and re-rolls on missed saving throws - all as part of the class. Oh and they also get an initiative bonus to their massive DEX, so opponents have to survive a hail of lead before the gunslinger can even be attacked.
See and here every time one of these discussions comes up I always think the debate is over what the character can do not what the character can buy...
The main point of the post is that being able to deal the most damage is far from 'being the best'... I've seen fair arguments that put Bards in the lead with their ability to make everyone else better as well as fill in for a variety of rolls both in and out of combat.
Having said that, we'll have to agree to disagree. Gunslingers are glass connons, and one-trick ponys tend to have a horrible survival rate, in our games anyway. Like I said, I've posted a Barbarian build I feelpretty comfortable putting up against anything in a variety of in-game comparisons - among other things he features both DR and saving throws in the 20's, and that's before ever picking up a single magic item.
LazarX |
It's a mostly pointless question, because no class can exercise it's strongest strengths by itself. Without frontliners the wizard is toast, without healing and battlefield support, the meleer has a considerably harder job ahead of him.
There isn't a class that you can just stuff a party of that will be the auto-win. And no group will succeed if they don't work together. And most people won't do well in a class that doesn't sing to them.
A personally chosen class played with enthusiasm will generally play better than a class you play because some forum poster told you it was the FOTM. And that contributes to the success or failure of a group.
This isn't Pathfinder, the Solo Play Game after all.
Michael Sayre |
I would say the Inquisitor comes pretty close to being "the best class" if your definition of "best class" is "Able to deal with the largest number of scenarios while being effective in combat and not relying on others overly much to be effective over the widest range of levels of play". Inquisitor and Bard are probably the best balanced classes for skills, survivability, adaptability, and self-sufficiency, plus both classes are inherently good at working as part of a team without any special investment having to be spent to make them so.
After that, probably Cleric, then Druid, then Wizards and Sorcerers. Wizards and Sorcerers will ultimately have the largest breadth of versatility and power, but they'll have the hardest time actually reaching those levels over other classes, upon whom they are very reliant throughout the early tiers of play. Clerics and Druids both have healing capabilities, extending their own usefulness and that of whomever they're traveling with, and a cleric's proficiencies and domains give her a survivability somewhat better than most other casters during levels 1-5 while a druid's Animal Companion and Wildshape similarly grant him a degree of combat effectiveness and durability others lack.
The Summoner probably rates somewhere in the upper reaches of the scale as well, but I hesitate to put the class in since its effectiveness is so dependent on Archetype and system mastery.
DDogwood |
See and here every time one of these discussions comes up I always think the debate is over what the character can do not what the character can buy...
That's an academic distinction in Pathfinder, though - equipment is so critical to a character's effectiveness that it's really not fair to exclude it from a power comparison.
I agree with you that "most damage" is not even close to the same as "best" in this game, though. Another thing that makes "best class" discussions descend into pointlessness is the fact that everything is very context dependent. In the right group, a well-built Bard can be AMAZING, while the same character in a different group could be mediocre. A well-built character will usually be better than a poorly-built one, and different characters require different types of system mastery from players to be effective.
For example, it's easy to build a good Wizard, because all you really need is a high INT score. Poor spell selection is easily corrected if you survive long enough to learn what spells you should and shouldn't take... but a player needs to be willing to read and remember a LOT of different spells to be effective in actual play. The most optimized Wizard in the world is going to suck horribly if it's player thinks that Fireball is the most powerful spell in the game.
On the other hand, it's fairly easy to play a Barbarian, but it takes a fair bit of knowledge to build a good one. You need more than just one high stat, you need to pick good feats and rage powers, and you need to know how to cover your weaknesses. Once you've got that figured out, though, the hardest part about playing is remembering what abilities you gain while raging.
So the only REAL answer to any "what is the best class" question is "it depends on the player, the party, the campaign, and the GM". Full casters are usually a good answer, but beyond that it's not really possible to come up with anything more specific.
LazarX |
LazarX wrote:Without frontliners the wizard is toast*cough* summoning *cough* divination to see what's coming *cough cough*
Being the first to see what's coming isn't worth squat without something to meet it. Besides that Diviner advantage isn't worth squat if someone gets the drop on you.
darkorbit |
chaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
darkorbit |
Thazar wrote:mnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnchaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
Armont Duvall |
One of the best multiclass builts I found, and am having a lot of fun with, is a Gunslinger / Inquisitor build. I created it as I wanted a character in the style of Solomon Kane.
The Character is approaching the point where he can swift action bane on his double barrel pistol. So base damage fully buffed will be 1d8+2d6+2. In another level of gunslinger he can added his dex bonus to damage for a total of +5. With rapid shot that is two shots a round - about to be three with a BAB increase, rapid reload, and alchemical paper charges.
If a creature has DR then I just drop a judgement next round to bypass DR. On another creature I use the Judgement for extra damage. If something gets in close I pull out a Bastard Sword (he is a servant of Ragathiel) and use the judgement for fast healing.
Then the skills that an Inquisitor gets which can be augmented by spells makes him very usefull in role play and skill checks.
It was just a character created on a whim, but now it is turning out to be one of my favorite PFS characters to game with.
gnomersy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Whatever you need to do in a party, a bard can do it.
Skill monkey? Check, best in the game at that.
Combat Damage/Front liner? Check with Dervish Dance a Dex bard with fav class bonus to hp and toughness can stand up front with a respectable AC and Damage numbers alternatively a bard can use the Duelist Archetype for a more armor-y strength build albiet with a less awesome early game payout.
Arcane Spells? Check 6 level with some of the best control and buff spells around some accessed notably earlier than the competition.
Heals? Check all the cure spells on his spell list so free use of a wand for OOC and spontaneous casting means he can drop an emergency heal if he feels like it too.
Buffer? Hmmm best single buff effect in the game plus access to buff spell yeah the Bard has that down.
Ranged combat - Never done it personally but Arcane Strike + Inspire + Archery isn't half bad I hear, not fighter archer levels but still competent.
Tiny Coffee Golem |
I absolutely hate these kinds of posts where people ask "what is the best class." It's really silly, it depends on what you want to play and the role you want to fill. The best class is the one you have the most fun with, just go have fun and stop trying to break the game. The end.
It is silly. WIzards are clearly superior to all other classes. Clearly.
Marthian |
Commoner. Because when you have a brutish warrior, an amazing wizard, an annoying cleric, and a thuggish rogue, you don't have time to go stick something in that guy back there...
That and when you have a thousand or more of them, you can make a railgun. *runs for cover at the suggestion of such stupidity.*
Ecaterina Ducaird |
darkorbit wrote:lololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllThazar wrote:mnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnchaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
I'm curious how many layers of nested quotes you need before the first is just black on black... The middle layers have all just stopped darkening now, haven't they?.... Pitty.
Atarlost |
darkorbit wrote:I'm curious how many layers of nested quotes you need before the first is just black on black... The middle layers have all just stopped darkening now, haven't they?.... Pitty.darkorbit wrote:lololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllThazar wrote:mnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnchaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
'Tis a shame indeed, but for all its flaws this forum has the prettiest quote pyramids I've ever seen.
Lloyd Jackson |
Best class depends on level, type of encounters, style of play, and a multitude of other factors, though I am tempted to go with commoner. We made the world. We were here before the murder-hobos, and when the murder-hobos are gone, we will remain
Also, all magic dependent classes can be nullified by antimagic field, or by dropping the ceiling on them. As a DM, or player, there are few moments that equal seeing a arrogant wizard stripped of his magic and confronted with a plain fighter. Or squished. Or immolated. Or liquefied. Or drowned. Or really anything that makes the character, if NPC or PC, or player, if PC, shout in dismay and sputter nonsense about there always being a saving throw. Grimtooth enjoys third edition characters. Grimtina has never had so many playthings.
Arizhel |
Ecaterina Ducaird wrote:'Tis a shame indeed, but for all its flaws this forum has the prettiest quote pyramids I've ever seen.darkorbit wrote:I'm curious how many layers of nested quotes you need before the first is just black on black... The middle layers have all just stopped darkening now, haven't they?.... Pitty.darkorbit wrote:lololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllThazar wrote:mnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnchaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
I wonder what the limit is on the darkness of the center of said pyramid.
Kios |
My picks would be:
1: Inquisitor - Wisdom = Can use a ton of good spells, Can identify every monster, including weaknesses, resistances, and equipment, can track anything, and increased initiative. Teamwork feats can allow you to reposition allies to set up flanking, never get attacks of opportunity against you, and majorly take advantage of any feint or crit used by an ally. Stacked judgements can leave you with damage and energy resistance plus regen or attack and damage buffs plus smiting and you can switch up on the fly. You then get Bane and Exploit Weakness just to top it off.
2: Magus - While unhasted and without any extras, can attack 3 times AND cast twice, wear heavy armor without spell failure, use the Arcane Pool AND Arcana, and counterattack all on the same round, then can recall spells if needed, or can go the soul forger route and get a bonded weapon and make magical equipment cheaply and quickly for everyone, and have your counterstrike able to sunder magic items.
3: Rogue - Tons of useful skills and skill points, sneak attack, and rogue talents. There are also tons of alternate classes. Once had a Rogue who was at least five times as rich as he should have been for his level and was always hasted with equipment he had purchased. He specialized in combat maneuvers, throwing sand in monsters eyes, kicking to the junk, tripping, etc. This left every creature pretty much defenseless against the rest of the group. The best thing about rogues is that they can fill any empty spot in a group (can use magic items and scrolls, can tank with right talents, can outdamage and outskill most, can be the "face") and are better at adventuring (finding treasure, unlocking chests, disabling traps, finding hidden areas, and disabling monsters) than most other classes.
Rerednaw |
Oooh...it's nice to see this thread *raised from the dead* every few months or so! :)
Um, lessee.
Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard.
To the OP: most powerful in what respect?
At versatility: Schrödinger's Wizard.
At slowing the game down: Master Summoner in the hands of a newbie.
At disabling Magical Traps: Rogue is the only class that starts with Trapfinding.
At hitting single targets with a big stick and being able to take it in return: Tossup between Fighter and Barbarian. Both using single two-hander weapons.
At hitting single targets at range: Archer Fighter.
At hitting single targets at range and still being able to do things other than fight: Zen Archer.
At AoE DFA OMG nuking (hitting lots of targets): Evoker(admixture) Wizard or Sorcerer with Elemental/Orc/Dragon bloodline. Wizard gets edge in feats and versatility, Sorcerer gets slightly more booms per day.
At ending an encounter *without* a fight: Bard.
At healing: Cleric. Oracle(Aasimar channeler) gets honorable mention.
At dishing enough damage to get the enemy's attention without dropping them, and not having enough hp/defenses to handle the retaliatory attack: Magus. Though dang love the flavor of a fighter-magic user. Especially with a black blade.
At killing swarms: Alchemist.
At putting mobs to sleep: Witch.
nategar05 |
If by "best class" you mean most versatile: Inquisitor. Especially if you consider versatile to mean best class to be a one character party. In fact I posted a build as such about two years ago.
Granted the Conversion Inquisition isn't PFS Legal.
Sadly I never found out if I won. lol
Another interesting question that was touched on would be what the best class to comprise a single class party. Four Inquisitors, four Druids, four Wizards, etc...
Owly |
Atarlost wrote:I wonder what the limit is on the darkness of the center of said pyramid.Ecaterina Ducaird wrote:'Tis a shame indeed, but for all its flaws this forum has the prettiest quote pyramids I've ever seen.darkorbit wrote:I'm curious how many layers of nested quotes you need before the first is just black on black... The middle layers have all just stopped darkening now, haven't they?.... Pitty.darkorbit wrote:lololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllThazar wrote:mnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnchaoseffect wrote:Patereye wrote:Indoor voices, brah, indoor voices.Bavin Badgerheart wrote:PLEASE DON'T SOME OF US ARE ENJOYING OURSELVES.Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:please stop going around naked yelling "EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:"Oh, stop you you'll gonna make me blush"....." ON SECOND THOUGH, DO EMPHASIZE IT. IT IS IMPRESSIVE"Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:BECAUSE WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE IT!!!TOZ wrote:"AND NAKED!"karkon wrote:I DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING!SwnyNerdgasm wrote:I WILL EMPHASIZE IT AGAIN!!!TOZ wrote:The one you have the most fun with.THIS CAN NOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH!!!Back the original point and the perfect answer to the original question.
The best class is the one that is the most fun to play. :)
*peers into the abyss with his bullseye lantern* No good. We need someone with darkvision.
Also, we have got some data back, and have discovered that this has been emphasized almost enough. With just a little more emphasis, it will have been emphasized enough to collapse into the next thread.
Serious Answer: a good GM will have a variety of encounters, from social to violence-only!, and every skill-set will have its moments to shine.
Cory Stafford 29 |
What would you say the best class for both surviving combat as well as posing an offensive threat would be? I'm trying to find a good balance of offense and defense for a 5th character in a party with no other full BAB classes.
Paladin. Defintiely paladin. Good hp, saves, and AC. can heal with a swift action and smite teh crap out of evil things.