Tin Golem

TheSideKick's page

Organized Play Member. 1,737 posts (1,739 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


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Shadow Lodge

Trapper is a great option. Favored enemy with player knowledge lol

Shadow Lodge

Orc poly sorcerer. Summon baddies and wade into battle as a giant with a large falcata. It's an awesome build with toughness manditory lol.

Shadow Lodge

They have artifacts that are player accessible , anti magic field? Yeah, always a counter to everything. And if you were referring to wish... Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful gm.

I can't find the item to stop geas, and once he tries the geas and fails it's game over for him.

Shadow Lodge

Anzyr wrote:
Issac Daneil wrote:

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a Martial only character (No Su, SP or Spells) who is skilled at defeating magic users.

That's like asking for someone with no ability to do anything of consequence, to be good against someone who can tell reality to sit down while the adults are talking. In a word, this concept simply is not possible unless "skilled at beating magic users" is reduced to something that doesn't at all suit the concept.

Not true at all!!!

You can make a very powerful caster killer using a solid fighter. Step up line with teleport tactician and ready actions to stop casting can be enough of a lock down to stop just about any caster. I'm a fan of sword and shield for the ability to go shield master and gain shield bonus to touch ac (tower shield spec).

My caster killer feat build ( changed to include no su)
Teleport tactician feat line
Step up feat line
Stand still/pindown if feat retraining is an option
Combat patrol feat line
Improved iron will

Then focus on hit and touch ac.
I've played it and with a few magic items (assuming you will use magic items) you can ruin casters and still be a viable tank for no casting npcs.

Shadow Lodge

No but,...

The wording of the 2 feats have a non specific wording that if you use vital strike on a target and kill it, then you would get to vital strike again for the next me lee attack as well. It's a gm call whether or not it works this way.

Shadow Lodge

Just as a word of advice, as a gm running a fifth man as a healer you might want to play something like a Druid, they can heal, they can buff, they can support but at the same time they arnt so insanely focused or optimized for those roles that they will ruin the challange of the encounters.

Life oracles are a little too good at healing ect...
As with clerics.

Shadow Lodge

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Elderitch knight shooting antimagic fields on everything.

My sensei 16/ ninja 2 that let all the martials get true strike and 3 extra standards every turn. Not to mention all the other crap he could do.

Or my tetori who grappled a colossal red dragon and pinned him from 200ft up in the air. 20d6 falling damage followed by a group curb stomping.

Shadow Lodge

Man in the Iron Mask wrote:

To be fair Achilles is Greek but not Spartan, in fact he is from a different part of Greece.

But yes the spear is held in one hand and is able to reach, use the shield for bashing to knock back and get an AoO from it.

But yeah Tower Shield is interesting, to bad you cannot use it for Shield Bash.

True but I selected those without really planning on throwing my spears much. But I will change those likely. I also want to add Pilums to his equipment to take down shields.

Not being able to bash isn't a big deal, unless you were trying for a Twf build. The "reach" you speak of would be more comparable to the lunge feat, not a "reach weapon".

Shadow Lodge

Spartans used short spear not long so you wouldn't need phalanx fighter, actually a tower shield specialist would be more fitting. Don't forget far throw, dead eye shot and vital strike chain for awesome spear throws.

And your 2 flaws are so bad for this type of character. You would miss just about every ranged attack past dusk.

Shadow Lodge

I think my dwarven invulnerable rager 18/ unbreakable fighter is the toughest I've been able to make. 136 hp and dr 6 at 7th level with no magic effects. Average hp per level and a base 18 con score. It really was a fun character in PDA, but a half Orc with tenacious survivor in a home game is just about the toughest character in the game.

Shadow Lodge

Elderitch knight is a much better Gish then DD. But I will concede that a melee DD is better then a eldritch knight, as a ranged character the ek wins hands down.

Shadow Lodge

My Tetori's CMD topped close to 80 if I remember correctly.
Dwarven tetori
Bab 20
Strength 16 base + 6 + 6(eldritch heritage) +4
Dex 16+6
Turtle style 2
Deflection 5
Ring of ki focus...

This is what I remember off the top of my head. There is a bunch more that eludes me, I'll look for the sheet when I get off work.

Shadow Lodge

Aelryinth wrote:

The Fighter can pick favored class benefit and get +10 or +20 vs Grappled if he wants to. Add in weapon training and he's not going to lose vs a grapple attack.

The Barbarian can strength surge for his level in bonus to any strength check, including Grapple Checks, which is pretty much auto win. And since we're rage cycling and he's tireless...

Not sure what the Brawler has vs Grapple.


ok sure he has a +20 to CMB, but his cmd is trash while the tetori has an amazing CMB and CMD. Not to mention that low cmb the fighter had won't help prevent the tetori from grappling and slamming that fighter into the ground.

Shadow Lodge

Oncoming_Storm wrote:
Insain Dragoon wrote:
Oncoming_Storm wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:
Tetori... /end thread

Combat maneuvers suck.../end thread

Edit: Because you can full attack while grappled now. So all your efforts to grab these other guys just results in you getting hit, when you could have been hitting them.

Full attacking while pinned....... Yeah, about that..... Good luck.
I said grappled. And it's pretty commonly known that combat maneuvers become less and less useful as you level up.

Haha you crack me up, I really don't want to take the time to prove you wrong so if someone could find a link to any number of "tetori are the exception to monks suck" threads I would greatly appreciate it.

Shadow Lodge

Oncoming_Storm wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:
Tetori... /end thread
Combat maneuvers suck.../end thread

Except they dont..

Oncoming_Storm wrote:

Edit: Because you can full attack while grappled now. So all your efforts to grab these other guys just results in you getting hit, when you could have been hitting them.

you have no clue my friend

Shadow Lodge

If you choose a mounted archer I would suggest a halfling sohei. Build it like a fighter and you'll be a wrecking ball. A samurai is a good second choice for a mounted character.

Shadow Lodge

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Tetori... /end thread

Shadow Lodge

I would say lorewarden fighter is my first choice, for obvious reasons, then I would argue that the magus comes in second with spell strike + lunge + spell lunge. That's base 20, 25 with enlarge person. Empowered intensified maxamized acidic shocking grasp anyone? With a spell storing weapon you could land 2 of them in one hit lol.

Shadow Lodge

Ok so fighter 1 wizard 5 eldritch knight 10 arcane archer 4...

I win. Imbue arrow with a 9th level spell, spell storing won't work with a ranged weapon so the best you can do is I think...

Circle of teleportation would be best.

Shadow Lodge

No rule you can't have a level 20 wizard with max hp and and int of ten in full plate fight your party, I mean that a cr ten encounter if I've ever seen one lol.

Shadow Lodge

I know it's nothing spectacular but I love the divine fist healer concept. In pathfinder it's basically the warpriest monk archetype. I've always loved this image of a no armored healer who could blaze across the battlefield and nimbly tumble adjacent and heal players.

Shadow Lodge

A dwarven fighter with crb feats is a great starting point. If they decide in a few levels that they want casting then they have sorcerer and dragon deciple to add casting into their character.

A simple build would be:

Power attack
Precise shot


Iron will

Improved initiative

Improved iron will

Rapid shot

That's all crb, and he will have something to do every round, if they decide that they want to try casting then use feat retraining to remove iron will and go sorcerer. Change uw to rapid shot and improved iron will to arcane armor training, then dragon deciple at 7th or 8th I can't remember all the pre requisites off the top of my head.

Shadow Lodge

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A lorewarden is the best tank I've been able to make. Paladins can self heal, barbarians have hp and dr, but fighters are the only class with the tools to lock down at will teleportation.

You just need to shore up your will save and get a couple staple magic items to be good enough to survive against high level casters

Shadow Lodge

Im not a huge fan of hamatula because as a tetori your to hit will be lower then your cmb. I like snapping turtle style way way more.

Tetori + armor spikes is win in the early levels. Better ac and more damage.

Shadow Lodge

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Gun slinger fits well in the pirates theme. I would do a pistol and sword build for thematic reasons, other wise a normal ranger with a bird animal companion could be really useful as well.

Shadow Lodge

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Trapper ranger 1/wizard 5(conjuration spec, teleportation sub school)/eldritch knight 4/ arcane archer 2/eldritch knight 6/arcane archer 2

You can detect traps and disarm them using disable device, shoot as a competent archer, control the battle field with god spells, and shut down high level casters and magical monsters using the imbued arrow + anti magic field combo.

Shadow Lodge

Another powerful choice for your character that is very "monkish" is a warblade. The divine spell list mixed with the pummeling style is a very potent combination. Add in dragon or snake style and you can't have a very defensive, or offensive version of the same character.

Edit i meant the archatype sacred fist for the warblade

Shadow Lodge

My suggestion would be to play a sorcerer archer and ask your gm to reskin it as a gun slinger. Use the rules for crafting ammo, purchasing firearms but use an archetype like arcane archer, eldritch knight or any other prc that you like to make a functional character.

Shadow Lodge

You need an arcane caster bad in your party. The arcanis is your best bet, as to how to build one I haven't even looked at the class personally.

My personal suggestion would be a god wizard, you need a buffer/debuffer and some utility spells more then anything else.

Shadow Lodge

A fighter without an archetype is much better then an archer fighter.

Going with arcane archer is also a very solid choice, any bow they pick up get enchants automatically. A slew of cool features like imbue arrow, and death arrow. Only down side is it functions better with cha casters.

Shadow Lodge

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Okay so I've narrowed it down to either ranger or slayer. I'm leaning more towards ranger, but I'm not sure.

Not to diminish the slayer, but I don't see them as good archers, or even switch hitters. If you really want to play a ranger they are a solid choice, personally I'd never choose one over a vanilla fighter.

My favorite archers are:
Sohei (see above)
Vanilla fighter
Inquisitor (I've only built one on paper never played one)

Shadow Lodge

The best non caster archer in the game is a sohei. Dex> str>con>wis improved initiative, reactonary trait, and you'll go first almost everytime. Always act in surprise round, and flurry rapid many shot + gloves of dueling.

Best part a sohei doesn't need to be Asian themed since it's more of a marauder style flavor.

Shadow Lodge

@larkspire. I would crush your games, giving a character faster progression wouldn't help to balance anything. A well built martial character can one hit or take a massive chunk out of a cr that's EPL +3 if he's higher level then the NPC.

Shadow Lodge

I'm confused... Is this a "monks suck" thread? I thought we were past these...

Anyway monks are good; martial artist, sohei, tetori, zen archer, maneuver master, master of many styles, sensi, drunken master and monk of the 4 winds are awesome builds for monks. Then add on quinggong for added flexability.

Shadow Lodge

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A slew of powerful fighter only feats that all other classes, even ones that say they can use fighter only feats, can't use. Fests to make the fighter over all more worth while and shore up its defenses.

Shadow Lodge

In play full attacking won't become a viable option until you can dimension door, if you choose to build that way. The katana will be the best option for damage assuming you don't want to stack dex. The claws can be used when placed into a position for a full attack. If you want to max your dps use smoke bomb with moonlit stalker feint to Max your sneak attack damage and to hit.

Shadow Lodge

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Undead bloodrager, all the new fear feats from the acg makes it hands down the best demoralizer in the game.

Shadow Lodge

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Hands down a tetori. No caster can escape a tetori monk, from a wizard to a colossal red dragon. Dimensional agility chain into a grapple and if need be a freedom suppression.

Shadow Lodge

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Lastoth wrote:
mad Trev wrote:

I'm looking to create an effective archer but I don't just want a boring combat character. I've just finished playing a paladin so please don't suggest one, I've looked into a fighter but he's just combat orientated and a little boring.

Any suggestions gratefully appreciated

I would say the most effective overall archer is the 1 fighter/1wizard/10EK/XAA/Xwiz build. It gets you pretty much the most versatility of anyone combined with top notch damage. You don't feel excluded later in the campaign either.

Everyone is focusing on the zen archer here because it's really simple to build and play, but his damage falls off at higher levels a bit and ultimately he faces the same issues all of them do with windwall and magic effects.

Meanwhile, the EK is basically god, dropping anti magic shells with imbue arrow turning high level wizards into severely disgruntled commoners. The most effective archer isn't the most damage, it's the one who is able to do the most stuff.

this guy wins the thread!!

Shadow Lodge

Jeraa wrote:

My monsters make full use of whatever treasure they have. You can bet that the magical sword in the treasure is going to be in the hands of the orc chieftain, the masterwork armor on his second in command. The village shaman will make use of any scrolls they may have.

If the dragon feels it needs armor, then don't be surprised when you see a dragon in full plate.

I'd love I MEAN love to see a dragon on full plate. All that sexy ASF would totally neuter the dragon.

Shadow Lodge

Quite a few builds that let thrown weapons shine, even at really high levels.

Raving dork ( I think) made a rock thrower that is slightly different and better then the above posted rock thrower.

I built a ninja waves oracle that tosses 8 shuriken at level 7 from obscuring mist scoring SA for every landed shuriken. Then clustered shots allow you to ignore the need for dr bypassing materials or enchants. One issue is getting your to hit high enough past level 10, but you make up for it by volume of attacks.


Shadow Lodge

Squiggit wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
what does divine protection do?

+Charsima to all saves. Requires Know:R 5 and access to second level divine spells.

ikarinokami wrote:

ask yourself this question is anyone going to play an oracle because of this feat? the answer is no.

Actually I'm playing a nature oracle in my next game specifically because of this feat. If I can get her turned into a lich I'll get +charisma to everything except physical attacks and skills. Which is pretty cool and silly.

Well s+!+ my life oracle, invulnerable rager, rage prophet just blew the doors off this game with Devine protection lol.

Shadow Lodge

Here is the loophole to the vow of poverty monk in pathfinder. If the monk has an item crafter in the party, you can stack as many magical effects on that one item as you can afford. You can have an amulet of mighty fists, resistance 5, natural. Armor, ect... As long as someone else pays for the upgrades.

Shadow Lodge

My solution to this whole issue is to put the danger back into spell casting. Teleport into a wall? Bam dead! Cast wish for anything loophole screw you hard. Cast a spell and fail possibility of the magic hurting you, fly gets dispelled?? You fall like a rock and go splat.

Paizo babies spell casters now, and that shouldn't be the case.

Shadow Lodge

You need to update this guide to include an armored character. Mithril Brest plate, moms monk archetype with tiger and dragon styles can hurt so bad with tiger claws and smite evil. Str=cha >con>dex>wis>int tiger style adds mobility and a massive "pounce" like slap to the face. 4x str 2x unarmed damage, power attack at 2.5x and 2x smite evil. Easily over 100 dpr at level 12. I can't remember the exact damage against an evil or chaotic target but it hurts.

Shadow Lodge

Vylent wrote:

@Under A Bleeding Sun - Thats awfully crit focused.... I mean unless you can get a bow pass 19-20 crit range those feats dont seem that effective. unless im wrong and in that case please explain to me why its good and whatnot. I see it as... those feats only benefit me 10% of the time and thats if i confirm the crit everytime.

@TheSideKick - Not sure about that sohei. It looked cool at first and i was all in but then i noticed all the cool stuff the monk would get is negated by the things you get as a sohei. i loved the idea of having an awsome mount but seeing as how i spend most of my time in caves/dungeons/castles/tombs/you get the idea i wouldnt get much benefit out of it. i would have also lost fast movement in addition to not having what the fighter would have given me for those levels.

The mount is just icing on the cake, ignore the mount aspect and notice that you get to act in surprise round... Every time, you get weapon training and the ability to flurry while wearing armor. Rapid shot and many shot stack. A 15 sohei/5 weapon master fighter gets 3 more attacks then a normal fighter on a full attack, Then ki pool to make that 4 more.

And half your level to initiative, monk saves, and true strike,bark skin,restoration, or any other qinggong abilities you like.

Not trying to convince you to play a character you don't want to play, I'm just showing you that their is more then 1 or 2 benefits to playing a sohei.

Shadow Lodge

A mother option you could try is a sohei/fighter it doesn't have any spell casting and it's a slightly superior archer, the best non caster archer IMO.

It's sohei 6 fighter 14 (or ranger). You can get. The most attacks per round possible with this build at full bab and dex as your primary stat. A brutally effective character for DPR.

Shadow Lodge

I really like the war priest, they will be my new monk class until the monk gets overhauled in the unchained book (if they are actually coming out).

As for pally versus war priest, my suggestion is this.

Think what you want your character to do, then choose the class that best represents that character. I like duel wielding kukuris so a war priest will be much better for that then a pally, but if I want sword and board a normal pally is much better then a war priest.

Shadow Lodge

Nope, not true. Supernatural (su) is magic, But I'm talking about the actual term supernatural not the descriptor.

Shadow Lodge

Cheapy wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:
A pure mundane anti caster, using anti magic energy to take the place of the Christmas tree effect at mid to high levels.
A pure mundane character that uses mystical anti-magic "energy" (BUT DON'T YOU DARE CALL THAT MAGIC "MAGIC")?

Right because anti magic =\= magic. Supernatural? You bet, but still not magic.

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