malcolm667 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

the ring gives a heavy shield with:
+2 AC
no offhand (heavy shield does not allow) -> no casting, no weapon
free action to de-/activate
no armor cheack penalty, no arcane spell failure
8.500 gold
a mithral buckler +1 gives
+2 AC
offhand (but loses AC on use) -> spell casting possible
no armor cheack penalty, no arcane spell failure
upgradeable to +10 (+11 AC)
2.015 gold
in my opinion that ring is useless :D am i right ?

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1. it's not bypassable by incorporeal attacks. and it requires no shield proficiency for casters.
A lot of people judge magic items as if you shopped on a catalog. In a campaign where most items are only obtainable by finding, a ring like this is not trash.
One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.

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and it requires no shield proficiency for casters.
A caster wouldn't actually need proficiency to benefit from a mithral buckler.
The penalty for using armor/shields without proficiency is that you apply the ACP to your attack rolls. But a mithral (or even masterwork) buckler has an ACP of 0, giving you no penalty for nonproficiency whatsoever. You still want the mithral for getting rid of spell failure chance, but my rogue (for example) uses a buckler without proficiency and plans on getting a mithral breastplate ASAP which (combined with the Armor Expert trait) will also have zero ACP so I can use it nonproficiently.

Gilfalas |

One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.
He may have been thinking he could enchant it with the Defendin weapon property, though if memory serves me you cannot shield bash with a buckler so that is out as well.
But you are your 100% correct. Enhancement bonus' are limited to +5 in Pathfinder. Is there even any information on 'Epic' magic items in PF?

malcolm667 |

and it requires no shield proficiency for casters.
the armorcheck penalty of a mithral buckler is 0. so you don't need a shield profiency ;)
A lot of people judge magic items as if you shopped on a catalog. In a campaign where most items are only obtainable by finding, a ring like this is not trash.
that is right. you can sell it. but the question is, why does a caster built it?!
One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.
ok ... my fault :) the buckler can get special qualities instead of none by the ring.

Cardz5000 |

but the question is, why does a caster built it?!
There could be many reasons; the caster needed a shield but didn't have the skill set or a person able to build one, as stated earlier incorporeal creatures might have been an issue, and there's always a chance that the caster is from an area where mithral isn't available.
also it could be like a snuggie... why would anyone ever make one of those?

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The free action activation/deactivation actually could allow for use of a two handed weapon.
Deactivate, double hand and attack, single hand and activate.
Going from one to two hands would be accomplished with Quick Draw as a free action or as part of a move action with a BAB of +1 or better. Going from two to one hand would be akin to dropping a weapon which is a free action. All told you are looking at 3 or 4 free actions, depending on the route taken.
Since the ring's activation is a free action, you do not need to worry about not having your shield on and potentially evoking an AoO by having to retrieve it before readying it.
Additionally, for a caster type weight can play an important role. The ring has a negligible weight compared to 2.5 lbs for the shield. Not a ton of weight, but it can make the difference between light and medium or medium and heavy load.

LoreKeeper |

You can take the ring into a "no armor and weapons" zone.
The ring weighs less. (Can be relevant for those groups that actually account for every half-pound of inventory carried.)
The ring's shield applies to incorporeal attacks.
The ring's force shield is harder to sunder.
The ring's force shield is harder to disarm.
The ring's force shield can be used to shield-bash or/and two-weapon fight.
The ring's force shield is physically bigger, allowing you to use it as a see-through prop to block something, say a window or other narrow opening.
Magic vestment (cleric spell) applies to the ring's force shield.
As does magic weapon (+greater).

Grick |

Going from one to two hands would be accomplished with Quick Draw as a free action or as part of a move action with a BAB of +1 or better. Going from two to one hand would be akin to dropping a weapon which is a free action.
Letting go of your 2H weapon with one hand is a free action. Putting your hand back on is either a free action, or not an action. (I'd rule free, to prevent it from happening outside your turn.)
So, at the start of your turn:
Free action: deactivate shield
Free action: put hand on weapon
Standard/Full: Attack
Free action: let go of weapon
Free action: activate shield
The downside is you don't threaten with the 2H weapon outside of your turn. You would threaten with the shield bash, though, or if you had a one-handed weapon that you were using both hands with on your turn.
Magic vestment (cleric spell) applies to the ring's force shield.
I don't believe so. Even though the Ring of Force Shield is wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield, the effect is still a shield-shaped wall of force. And a wall of force is not a valid target for Magic Vestment which requires Target: armor or shield touched.

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LazarX wrote:One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.He may have been thinking he could enchant it with the Defendin weapon property, though if memory serves me you cannot shield bash with a buckler so that is out as well.
But you are your 100% correct. Enhancement bonus' are limited to +5 in Pathfinder. Is there even any information on 'Epic' magic items in PF?
Not at this time. That's something that would have to wait for whatever they call the "Beyond 20th Level" book.

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The downside is you don't threaten with the 2H weapon outside of your turn. You would threaten with the shield bash, though, or if you had a one-handed weapon that you were using both hands with on your turn.
Unless you run with a bastard sword or the like that can be used one or two handed, or use a one handed melee weapon with two hands (as long as it is not a light one handed melee weapon ... no STR bonus advantage there, so no point to use light one handed weapons two handed), but otherwise, yes you are correct.

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zylphryx wrote:Going from one to two hands would be accomplished with Quick Draw as a free action or as part of a move action with a BAB of +1 or better. Going from two to one hand would be akin to dropping a weapon which is a free action.Letting go of your 2H weapon with one hand is a free action. Putting your hand back on is either a free action, or not an action. (I'd rule free, to prevent it from happening outside your turn.)
So, at the start of your turn:
Free action: deactivate shield
Free action: put hand on weapon
Standard/Full: Attack
Free action: let go of weapon
Free action: activate shieldThe downside is you don't threaten with the 2H weapon outside of your turn. You would threaten with the shield bash, though, or if you had a one-handed weapon that you were using both hands with on your turn.
LoreKeeper wrote:Magic vestment (cleric spell) applies to the ring's force shield.I don't believe so. Even though the Ring of Force Shield is wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield, the effect is still a shield-shaped wall of force. And a wall of force is not a valid target for Magic Vestment which requires Target: armor or shield touched.
That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.

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That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.
And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.
Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?
As to the two handed shield limitation, they are still limited by the fact they are not gaining the ability to use normal or magical shields and any opponent that is acting on the same initiative is making their attacks while the shield is down. Granted it is a little loophole to the standard, but for a two hander to spend 8500gp in order to get a +2 AC boost, it's a pricy trade out.

Khuldar |

It would be nice if it were possible to get a Ring of Forceshield +1 and beyond. That's one area that the Mithral Buckler is better.
I've had GMs house rule this. Just pay for the enchantment normally, treating the ring as a material cost. I really like the concept of the ring of force shield, but mechanically, the buckler is better in most situations.
Another thing in the ring's favor are the shield related feats that depend on the size of the shield. It is a heavy shield after all.

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LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.
Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?
No. Free Actions can only be taken during a turn. The only out of turn actions allowed in the game are Attacks of Opportunity, and Immediate Actions, that last paid for by giving up your next swift action.

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zylphryx wrote:No. Free Actions can only be taken during a turn. The only out of turn actions allowed in the game are Attacks of Opportunity, and Immediate Actions, that last paid for by giving up your next swift action.LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.
Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?
Also talking, if memory serves.

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zylphryx wrote:No. Free Actions can only be taken during a turn. The only out of turn actions allowed in the game are Attacks of Opportunity, and Immediate Actions, that last paid for by giving up your next swift action.LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.
Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?
I figured as much, but the wording you used made me curious. :)

Landa Owner - Deposito de Gnomos |
zylphryx wrote:No. Free Actions can only be taken during a turn. The only out of turn actions allowed in the game are Attacks of Opportunity, and Immediate Actions, that last paid for by giving up your next swift action.LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action. The big compromise of using a two handed weapon is NOT being able to use shields as freely as a one hander.And that's your call. Each turn allows one or more free actions as dictated by GM. That said, the combination is still possible depending on the GM (or how well a player could sell the concept to their GM). Personally, I would allow the combination, as it is a set sequence of events, but would not allow any additional free actions beyond the combination.
Out of curiosity, and not meaning to derail the thread, when you say "can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action" does that include outside a character's turn?
You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally
An immediate action is a type of action. Hence you can take a free action (Like letting 1 hand go from a weapon)

Kalshane |
I wouldn't allow the de-activate/attack/re-activate combo as DM because it's very gamist. During an actual melee there's no turns. The attacking/defending/feinting/maneuvering/spacing/etc is all a constant flow. There's no "I'm attacking now. Okay, I used up all my attacks. Now I'm defending" that activating the shield for between your turns would reflect.

LuxuriantOak |

that is right. you can sell it. but the question is, why does a caster built it?!
Saw this and had to add: there are many social situations where carrying a weapon/armor/shield is not viable. Almost all of those situations allow for wearing a ring.
f.eks: trying to infiltrate a grand ball to stop an assasination attempt on a benevolent ruler, the fighter might equip a force shield ring, a spell-storing ring of flaming sword (or whatever that spell is called) aand of course, a lot of petticoats and lace.
(there is probably someone in the PF-universes whom after getting paranoid about assasination attempts have a rule of "Entering with ones hands bared, to show peaceful intentions" when they host a gala. but the rest probably don't.)

Chengar Qordath |

That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action.
I feel sorry for anyone who tries to play a ranged attacker in your games, then. Drawing ammunition is a free action, as is reloading for a lot of weapons.
Oh, and touch spells would take two turns to use, since you can't prepare your component and touch someone in the same round.

Aratrok |

malcolm667 wrote:
that is right. you can sell it. but the question is, why does a caster built it?!
Saw this and had to add: there are many social situations where carrying a weapon/armor/shield is not viable. Almost all of those situations allow for wearing a ring.
f.eks: trying to infiltrate a grand ball to stop an assasination attempt on a benevolent ruler, the fighter might equip a force shield ring, a spell-storing ring of flaming sword (or whatever that spell is called) aand of course, a lot of petticoats and lace.
(there is probably someone in the PF-universes whom after getting paranoid about assasination attempts have a rule of "Entering with ones hands bared, to show peaceful intentions" when they host a gala. but the rest probably don't.)
"Doesn't allow weapons and also doesn't have any security scanning guests for magic with a can trip or 1st level spell" is a pretty narrow band of events. And probably nonexistent in regards to high society.

LuxuriantOak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

LuxuriantOak wrote:"Doesn't allow weapons and also doesn't have any security scanning guests for magic with a can trip or 1st level spell" is a pretty narrow band of events. And probably nonexistent in regards to high society.malcolm667 wrote:
that is right. you can sell it. but the question is, why does a caster built it?!
Saw this and had to add: there are many social situations where carrying a weapon/armor/shield is not viable. Almost all of those situations allow for wearing a ring.
f.eks: trying to infiltrate a grand ball to stop an assasination attempt on a benevolent ruler, the fighter might equip a force shield ring, a spell-storing ring of flaming sword (or whatever that spell is called) aand of course, a lot of petticoats and lace.
(there is probably someone in the PF-universes whom after getting paranoid about assasination attempts have a rule of "Entering with ones hands bared, to show peaceful intentions" when they host a gala. but the rest probably don't.)
I see what you are getting at and yes, I know that Golarion is a Magic-heavy-setting where everybody and their uncle has magic spoons and there is at least x of class x in any settlement larger than x.
And that is why I wrote "PF-universes" - the plural of the word universe was supposed to convey that table variation and setting variation makes this more or less relevant from group to group.as an example, in the game I'm GM'ing which have been going on for almost a year the party is about lvl 8 (or 9?) and not counting the Bard Archivist in the party they've met ... 5 arcane casters.
1 wizard and his apprentice,
1 sorcerer,
1 machavellian overlord masquerading as someone they trust while hiding his power,
and of course the main BBEG: an ancient Vampire Magus
if you're only counting characters that identify themselves by appearance and word that they are Magicians/Mages, the number is 2.
so in my game being told "no weapons or armor" as part of a dresscode for a formal event is not that out of place. and there are not that many npc that will catch on if they use magic to bring an insurance.
but yes, at another table there would be more safguards and ways to catch on to anybody wearing magical jewellery at a formal event.
But maybe in someones setting magic items are treatet like status symbols for nobles? a bit like rapiers and similiar weapons have been at times in our history. Worn for their status and as a symbol of wealth or prestige, seldom used. They might even be mostly useless trinkets.
"After house Travellian hit on hard times the countessa Melissa had to pawn her family heirlooms and replace them with replicas containing a cheap Light-spell, if any of the other noble houses were to know this her family would be a laughingstock in court"
edit: and also ...
And even in this case, you can still use magic aura to make the rings appear as mundane rings by hiding their auras (non detectable by detect magic)... Going to a grand hall with mundane masterwork jewellery wouldn't be inappropriate.
...is a very good point I had forgotten.

Elicoor |
The only kind of formal event where I obviously see the PCs having their equipment (including weapons/armor) would be for a decoration ceremony (as they could be decorated for their martial prowess or something like that)
But for all other kinds of events, not having your weapon and most of your magic items wouldn't be out of place.
I like your idea of magic items as a symbol of prestige.

Cevah |

gnomersy |
LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action.I feel sorry for anyone who tries to play a ranged attacker in your games, then. Drawing ammunition is a free action, as is reloading for a lot of weapons.
Oh, and touch spells would take two turns to use, since you can't prepare your component and touch someone in the same round.
Well what would we do if we didn't gut half the classes and fighting styles in the game?

_Ozy_ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
LazarX wrote:That's way beyond the pale of what I would allow. I allow ONE Free action per turn that can be taken whenever it's appropriate for said action.I feel sorry for anyone who tries to play a ranged attacker in your games, then. Drawing ammunition is a free action, as is reloading for a lot of weapons.
Oh, and touch spells would take two turns to use, since you can't prepare your component and touch someone in the same round.
Everyone keeps silent as well, because if they use a free action to say anything, well, that's their free action for the round. ;)

boring7 |
It would be nice if it were possible to get a Ring of Forceshield +1 and beyond. That's one area that the Mithral Buckler is better.
I'd be interested in it then.
I mean, it's cool. It's a ring that's a magic force shield, I'd love to have that as an item and have it be a thing. It would be a fun character thing. But it's vastly more expensive, it takes a pretty valuable spell slot (at least compared to shield) and doesn't scale up as far as the buckler. I'd use it if I found one and didn't have a mithral buckler, but it would be an extravagance of such proportion I would consider tossing it for cash even if mithral was somehow stripped from the campaign setting just because of what I could buy with that much gold.
I mean, you can get a ring of sustenance AND a ring of protection +1 for about it's sale price.

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LazarX wrote:One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.He may have been thinking he could enchant it with the Defendin weapon property, though if memory serves me you cannot shield bash with a buckler so that is out as well.
But you are your 100% correct. Enhancement bonus' are limited to +5 in Pathfinder. Is there even any information on 'Epic' magic items in PF?
A buckler is out for the defending weapon property, but a light Mithral Shield is not.

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i'll just add something i don't think i saw in this thred.
you can only use 2 rings. so having a ring of shield instead of carring one leave you with only one more ring slot left.
There are several ways around this, for example, off the top of my head: there is the Meridian Belt that lets you wear more rings (both hands and both feet, IIRC) and decide which two are active; and one that trades part of your neck slot for a third, active, ring slot (Hand of Glory).

Blakmane |

zza ni wrote:There are several ways around this, for example, off the top of my head: there is the Meridian Belt that lets you wear more rings (both hands and both feet, IIRC) and decide which two are active; and one that trades part of your neck slot for a third, active, ring slot (Hand of Glory).i'll just add something i don't think i saw in this thred.
you can only use 2 rings. so having a ring of shield instead of carring one leave you with only one more ring slot left.
Both of which fill essential big 6 slots and so are not viable magic item choices at higher levels, without innate item bonus rules or simila anyway.