Skinsaw Cultist

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the priest in my campaign tried the elemental body IV spell (fire) but don't hit any monster - to low BAB. in his opinion, he could deliver touch attcks without any dmg by strenth but he wants to deliver the burn ability dmg.

is that right? what with sneak dmg? can he crit with a touch attack?

LazarX wrote:
and it requires no shield proficiency for casters.

the armorcheck penalty of a mithral buckler is 0. so you don't need a shield profiency ;)

LazarX wrote:

A lot of people judge magic items as if you shopped on a catalog. In a campaign where most items are only obtainable by finding, a ring like this is not trash.

that is right. you can sell it. but the question is, why does a caster built it?!

LazarX wrote:

One more thing... you're generally limited to a +5/+5 cap, +5 of enhancement, +5 of special qualities. for non-epic shields, armor, and weapons.

ok ... my fault :) the buckler can get special qualities instead of none by the ring.

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the ring gives a heavy shield with:
+2 AC
no offhand (heavy shield does not allow) -> no casting, no weapon
free action to de-/activate
no armor cheack penalty, no arcane spell failure
8.500 gold

a mithral buckler +1 gives
+2 AC
offhand (but loses AC on use) -> spell casting possible
no armor cheack penalty, no arcane spell failure
upgradeable to +10 (+11 AC)
2.015 gold

in my opinion that ring is useless :D am i right ?

by the way, a mithral buckler +1 does the same and costs only 2.015 instead of 8.500. in addition you can use your offhand (but loose your shield-bonus) and you can upgrade to +10 AC.

that ring is totally useless :D

dazing spell: '...If the spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates the daze effect...'

a fireball is easy -> RE half, so a successful save negates the effect
a magic missle also easy (no save) -> default on WI

what with partial effects? does the partial save negates the effect or does the opponent have to default on WI-saves.

chill touch (no save?) -> partial effect FO -> -1STR
elemental touch (no save?) -> partial effects on FO

as i said above

the only thing i could find is 'i am not hungry' in an AMF *rofl*

outsiders are unaffected ;)

LoreKeeper wrote:
Summoned outsiders will simply vanish (as if banished).

summond outsiders are simply affected.

all other '... outsiders are unaffected ...', but in which way? where is this 'effect' which is 'unaffected'? ... this clause makes no sense. outsiders aren't unaffected in any way. they are affected in all matters :)

outsiders are 'uneffected' by the field. but my DM said, the gear and the items are effected. is he right? and if he's right: the monk is uneffected, but no items, no supernatral abilities ... uneffected against what?

where is the difference:

antimagic field vs. monk lvl19
antimagic field vs. monk lvl20

is there a link to an errata or FAQ with an answer?

i know the pros and contras, but is there a statement from the publishers?

big THX

why should they get immun?!

2 Aboleths and immun to one?

the same Aboleth another day - still immun?

... it would not to be logical to be immun after one success.

i don't get it:

int +2 4.000
int+wis +2 10.000 (4.000+1,5x4.000?)
int+wis+cha +2 16.000 (4.000+1,5x4.00+1,5x4.000?)

am i right? but that are 'Similar Abilities' but 'it takes up space on a character's body'. there are no rules for both of them.

i tried to understand but the rules are tricky.

my goal is a ring with 3 or 4 different abilities: Sustenance(2.500), Protection +1(2.000), Blinking(27.000), Force Shield(8.500)

can anyone help? where is a limit and does the sequence matter?

ah ok, thanks:)

i wonder the formula for it: "AC bonus (other) Bonus squared x 2,500 gp" and the example is the ioun stone. in that case it should cost 2.500 gp instead of 5.000 (1x1x2.500).

what does it cost, to craft an ioun stone +2? the formula: 2x2x2.500 base price -> 10.000 ... is that correct?

ok thanks, then i buy an amulet of mighty fists 'defending' +x. so i can attack with chill touch and get the attackbonus +x (but not the damagebonus)or the AC bonus +x. better than nothing:)

you can apply some melee weapon special abilities on your amulet of mighty fists. for example shocking. my question is, does it stack with a 'chill touch': 1d6 damage from chill + 1d6 shoking damage from the amulet?

I am playing an Arcane Trickster. My favoured attack is an Elemental Touch. My goal was, to take a lesser Rod of Dazing Spell with the Combo Heighten Spell and Spell Perfection on Elemental Touch. So i would get a 2nd Level spell every time on the highest DC and daze all monsters with the Rod.

my problem:

in Elemental Touch: "...Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level or casting time..."

in Heighten Spell "...Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies..."

Does it means, you can combine Heighten Spell or Quicken Spell with Spell Perfection but it is useless?