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Organized Play Member. 110 posts (116 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.
The Narration wrote: Jason S wrote: I think Take 10 should be in PF2 and Assurance should be out. Take 10 has done nothing but speed up games on easy non-combat checks and removed nonsense situations like this.
Agreed. The Take 10 rule existed for a reason: to not waste the group's time with tedious stuff.
If there is an Assurance feat, then maybe it should work like Skill Mastery in PF1 and allow you to Take 10 even in combat? That could be worth a skill feat.
As far as I can tell, Assurance already does that...
I'm in the reach x3 camp, but I smashed that FAQ button so hopefully we'll get an answer.
CBR wrote: A mystic theurge can prepare and cast spells from one of his spellcasting classes using the available slots from any of his other spellcasting classes. Spells prepared or cast in this way take up a slot one level higher than they originally occupied. This ability cannot be used to cast a spell at a lower level if that spell exists on both spell lists. At 1st level, a mystic theurge can prepare 1st-level spells from one of his spellcasting classes using the 2nd-level slots of the other spellcasting class. Every two levels thereafter, the level of spells that can be cast in this way increases by one, to a maximum of 5th-level spells at 9th level (these spells would take up 6th-level spell slots). The components of these spells do not change, but they otherwise follow the rules for the spellcasting class used to cast the spell. Most of my question is in the verbiage of the first sentence. Are the two spellcasting classes mentioned restricted to the ones being leveled up by the prestige class? Or would combined spells allow a character that has also dipped a level in a occult casting class to cast one of their level 1 spells using one of their level 2 arcane or divine slots?
I'll just say thank you, my player's a still a few weeks off from starting their kingdom, but I'm sure this will be invaluable.
This is not a setting book, this is a rule book.
The Kineticist falls in line with the nature of the classes, magic like powers that stem from something other than arcane or device sources.
A player's predisposition rash or flashy actions impacts role play far more than the mechanics of the class they are playing. A good player can play a rogue or barbarian with any and every class.
When using windsight in a downdraft
Control Winds wrote: A downdraft blows from the center outward in equal strength in all directions. lets say at 30mph (the highest you could get from 0mph with the CL6 wind manipulator talent)
does it allow you to see as if you were standing 30 feet in all directions of yourself?
Does jagged flesh also work on creatures you are grappling? feels like it should.
Kalvit wrote: You know, I like to point out something about the use of TK Blast to throw small trees at people. Sure, it's the same amount of damage as if you threw a pebble with the power. But you've just put a tree in the way. you might also want to take a look at TK Haul. now at level 6 you can put 600 lbs worth of something between them and you.
side note: can I move willing creatures with TK Haul?
Ventnor wrote: Can a Telekineticist specialist apply an Aetheric Boost to his Telekinetic Blast? RAW yes, but another interesting note is that by RAW it allows the use of simple blasts that you can't typically use, unsure if intended.
does weapon focus/specialization effect attack/damage rolls with kinetic blades of the appropriate weapon type?
The Game Master wrote: The Game Master wrote: Okay, correct me if I'm wrong.
At level 19, if I put Infusion Specialization on Extreme Range twice, then decided to use Quicken Spell-Like Ability for two burn, and then use Ride the Blast on all of my blast (for a total of 4 blasts with a range of 480 a piece), I can essentially move 1920 feet.
Wow! And that is in 6(ish) seconds.
For the attacks, I'm saying you would be "vaulting", or striking objects to ride the blast from point to point. On a regular basis though, you would "vault" 1440 feet.
Or am I missing something?
Actually, lemme correct myself. With Air's Reach, at max, I can go 3840 feet. Albeit in straight lines. Regularly at 2880.
So, aerokineticists: As fast as the wind. Your wind must be very different from mine...
Is kinetic blade supposed to let me make a over-sized weapons?
kestral287 wrote: Cardz5000 wrote: So... A little out there I know, but if I'm able to use opportune perry and riposte unarmed (say from the kata master archetype)can I use it against an AoO while gather energy to reduce burn? (I may be working on a Kinetic blade specialist, and would rather not have to depend on Infusion Specialization) Why would you not want to depend on Infusion Specialization? You get it free, six times. mainly having to wait until level 5
So... A little out there I know, but if I'm able to use opportune perry and riposte unarmed (say from the kata master archetype)can I use it against an AoO while gather energy to reduce burn? (I may be working on a Kinetic blade specialist, and would rather not have to depend on Infusion Specialization)
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Kolokotroni wrote: The kineticist screams for a monk archetype if you ask me. Heck, I want a full on hybrid class to be honet. I've already been working on a character for a gestalt game.
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If not I'll be dipping 2 levels of Kineticist for Searing Flesh
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ryric wrote: My Dark Sun dreams hope we'll see a psychic/arcane combo a la Mystic Theurge, but if we do not it's not hard to whip up a homebrew version. I would be excited for a psychic/divine Theurge as well! (again, not hard to homebrew)
RainyDayNinja wrote: (and since it can be swapped out on a day-to-day basis, it can't be used as a prerequisite). I very well could be wrong, but I don't think that this is true.
I was under the impression that you can take feats/classes with the prerequisite, you would simply stop gaining the benefits of said feats/classes whenever you didn't have the prerequisite (much like using magic items to qualify)
Your other points still stand, most classes would be feat starved as a martial character, but as Malwing said, I would assume archtypes are largly going to fill that gap.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL) Hardcover wrote: Thematic archetypes for appropriate Pathfinder RPG base classes, such as the haunted totem barbarian, the phrenologist bard, the ghost rider cavalier, the psychic detective inquisitor, and more!
I think it's already happening more than you are giving is credit for. Hells Rebels is Chelaxian themed, AND is going to be focused on rebellion, which plays out very differently than Chelaxian and pretty much anything else...
The other thing to consider is the settings in which the APs take place in, very few locations in Golarion are one trick ponies when it comes to their shtick, they are already trying to blend themes even as the backdrop.
I kind of like Master Chymist for this idea.
Can a wizard learn spells from a spellbraker's spellbook? how about the other way around?
Edit: also, can he learn divine spells from scrolls?
Tanoshi wrote: Considering I've already got the bootyshorts aspect covered by my sleeves of many garments, I think I'm okay there.
An extra set of tear-away clothing to put on top might work well though. And ribbons and tassles. Lots of ribbons and tassles.
when it comes to tassels a little can be a lot ;)
Hmm wrote: What I'd love is one that would allow me to sing better. Any ideas for that?
I know this is an old thread, but, just in case anyone else stumbles on it as I have, the new People of the Stars has a trait that allows the people to chose outer dragon types for their bloodlines (and gives draconic as a bonus language.)
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Aelryinth wrote: I feel compelled to point out to the OP that when you roll a 1 on a skill check it is NOT an automatic failure.
It's just a number like any other.
So your fellow with the +11 to climb rolling a 1 gets a 12, like any other skill roll, and easily made it up there.
Also, unless he was being threatened in combat, he could easily take 10 on the roll and get a 22.
It's saving throws and To hit rolls that are auto failures on a 1, not skill checks.
He doesn't rule them as such, they have a -5 house rule (which houses are entitled to), not to mention, that that same character had just rolled a 1 on getting down and didn't fail because even with the -5 he still exceeded the DC.
RumpinRufus wrote: How did getting both go from "wildly unfair" to "dumb and not that big of an advantage" in one hour?
By the way, if you want to do something like this there is a druid archetype for it: Pack Lord. You can get up to 1 animal companion/level if you want lots of 1st-level animals, or you can allocate levels among the companions you have. As mentioned, this is not generally considered a great idea because a single fireball can wipe out your entire pack, but it's an option.
Also the Broodmaster if you want to explore the summoner side more.
Malwing wrote: christos gurd wrote: Insain Dragoon wrote: Umbranus wrote: TheSideKick wrote: A slew of powerful fighter only feats that all other classes, even ones that say they can use fighter only feats, can't use. Fests to make the fighter over all more worth while and shore up its defenses. That would be neat. Examples could be
- Real bravery: prerequisites: Bravery class feature. Benefit: The fighter is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the fighter is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.
- Boot camp training: Prerequisites: Fighter 1, can only be taken at 1st level. Benefit: The fighter gets 1/2 his class level on profession (soldier), Climb, survival, and on checks to stay alert and awake during his watch. (not THAT powerful but helps with the fighter's lack of skills)
- Equipment training: Prerequisites: Weapon training or Armor training class feature. Benefit: The fighter adds his weapon training bonus or his armor training bonus to the hardness of applicable equipment he is wielding or wearing. If the fighter's weapon or armor is targeted by a spell that allows a saving throw he can add his weapon- or armor training bonus to the saving throw as applicable.
There is actually a recent third party supplement that espouses these ideas.
The Genius Guide to Bravery Feats and this is on its way as well. Why is everyone all of a sudden helping Fighters? I mean, its not bad, its just that I have entire hardcover books on spells and caster options and besides Talented Fighter I see almost nothing specifically for fighter. Now there are suddenly new things for Fighters?
(After Bravery Feats and Way of Ki and the Talented stuff I think Rogue and... Have you checked out Rogue Glory? I'm playing a True Professional, you get just as many feats as a fighter, but without the combat restriction (replaces sneak attack)
Any ideas for Milani's Obedience?
when you take the talent, you take the whole thing. when you take the talent a second time (or third) at 6th level or above, you still get that first par that says gains a combat feat, and in addition, you get to add a couple of feats to the list from which you are choosing that feat from.
I would suggest taking a gander at this.
That Crazy Alchemist wrote: DarkPhoenixx wrote: Scope does not matter, we seek RAW no matter how overpowered/underpowered it may be. Silent Image is 1st level spell, cast it over a pit and 20lvl fighter fall into lava to the death. Power is subjective.
And prehencile hair/tail can do it, wich is like 1st level hex or trait.
Just need to point out that by RAW Prehensile Tail nor Prehensile Hair would allow you to do this either. Hair says it cannot manipulate weapons and Tail says it is only capable of carrying or retrieving stowed items.
Just need to put that out there since this thread is entirely based on RAW. You hand the weapon off for your hair/tail to hold it as an item, then use your now free hand to rotate the barrel as a free action, then hadn the item back to your hand.
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My problem with the 'it effects NPCs just as much' argument is that it isn't actually true. It effects each NPC for as long as they are 'on screen' when in truth that NPC had to make a bunch of check to get where he is today. Now you could say that he or she dealt with the same odds the PCs did, but unless you're actually rolling for your NPC's off screen time, it's just words.
PCs on the other-hand have this nasty little camera following them around forcing them to actually make checks 24/7
seems a little skewed...
I also now have an image in my head of a blind wizard perpetually casting detect magic and following around the three bright piles of magic he travels with.
Getting used to being blind in your everyday life is very different from getting used to being blind in battle.
slightly tangential, but if a blind person casts Arcane Eye can they actually perceive anything with it?
A blind person with permanencied arcane sight would also be interesting.
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Just make a talodrian wagon bomb
Tankard of ale with enlarge person as a drop shot
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Ha! Beggars aren't citizens.
pennywit wrote: Magic wouldn't be something you study, but something, poorly understood, that comes from an inborn gift or pacts with otherworldy powers. I'd ban the witch, magus, wizard, and cleric classes, but leave in place the sorcerer, oracle, and alchemist classes. Why would you ban witches? aren't they the definition of pacts with otherworldy powers?
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Aranna wrote: Umbranus wrote: In a city where it is disallowed to give food or money to beggars the LG guy will not feed the starving child because he isn't allowed to. I also disagree with this. Lawful is about following a code not about following laws. A paladin will NOT obey an evil law; he will oppose such a law and certainly never follow it. And a code against giving food or money to others certainly isn't a 'good' code. Doesn't sound at all like the sort of code a LG person would follow.
I disagree, the paladin code states that you must "respect legitimate authority" which would include following the laws of most cities. That's not to say that they cannot strive for the changing of those laws within the bounds of the law.
Paulicus wrote: Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger (Game of Thrones) - I first thought he was an excellent example. He did an excellent monologue on chaos and opportunity. Though I'm starting to think he may be more similar to NE. I'm actually playing a VERY Littlefinger inspired Dhampir right now in a CotCT game (charlatan rogue does wonders) right now playing as true neutral.
I actually really wanted to play a chaotic evil character in WotR who was just very attached to his home in Kanabras
but alas with paladins that auto attack anything evil around every corner it's a little hard. (this guy had no plan or desire for redemption)
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I really want an comic of your monk flurrying at high levels.
High jump is really where it's at, you're always considered to have a running start, so you can just bounce around.
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If you're a Dhampir just start wearing body glitter and act moody, that ought to solve the problem.
CyderGnome wrote: I wonder why nobody hasn't put that forward... 6" dowel + iron vial = end of argument? Or even better, just two iron vials glued together base to base
Now you can have 4 potions!
That Crazy Alchemist wrote: Don't do yet another blind monk, that shtick is so overdone it's ridiculous. Come up with something new and fresh. Like the Quadriplegic Monk! Can totally be pulled off because Unarmed Strike doesn't actually require limbs, making the monk the only class that can pull it off! Improved unarmed strike has been updated to allow you to use any part of your body to attack regardless of class.
Also, there's a reason it's called unarmed strike
Not to mention you could never be disarmed... again...
Bigdaddyjug wrote: I don't allow potions in wrist sheathes when GMing PFS. The description of the wrist sheathe calls out an item that is as long as your forearm. A 1 ounce potion vial is going to be at most the size of a test tube, which is about half as long as your forearm. I take my potions extra long.
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I think the problem is that they're all fighting over who is the 'first mate.'
EsperMagic wrote: Why would anyone be mad about having to take gold back? Are you calculating weight for every coin? This article is not about the physical weight of the loot, but seriously... 100,000 GP ballparks 2000 lbs. that's a little above hand waving
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Hayato Ken wrote: I need no oversized katana swinging underage girls with impossible anatomies, nor their male counterparts. Giant swords hitting people with a little girl (or boy) with impossible anatomies is a wonderful image though.
Arbane the Terrible wrote: For simplicity of math, maybe '3d20, drop highest and lowest'? That should make 1s and 20s much rarer. wow... alarmingly elegant.
here is the curve for anyone who cares.
If you're interested in the dragon disciple option, you might also check out the Eldrich Scion Magus archetype
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This is why I always put points into bluff as a cavalier, most noble folk are pretty understanding if you explain that it's a seeing eye horse.